Free Recliner chair

I also have clean packing material for shipping your holiday parcels. It is clean, recycled fiber. Free for your pickup in Manzanita.
Please email above.
Free 7.5 foot square Navy Patio Umbrella with base, used once.
Free two Styrofoam 28 qt. coolers.
Contact Kay: 916-747-2374.
TEEN NIGHT is next Friday, December 15th, 6-8PM, at North Coast Pinball. FREE PINBALL and Games for ALL TEENS! Spread the word, and send those teens down for some free fun! Thank you!!
This is a HUGGS (501c3) sponsored event. Please contact Christy (503)800-1092 for more info or to donate.
Text or leave message at,
On Thursday, December 7 at 6:00 pm, Herb Hammond, a forest ecologist and retired professional forester with over 45 years of experience in the fields of forest research, ecologically sustainable forest plans, consultation, and public education, will give a Zoom talk entitled “Forests for Water or Timber: A Clearcut Problem.” Mr. Hammond and his spouse, Susan, co-founded the Silva Forest Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to research and guidance in ecosystem-based conservation planning. He has helped Indigenous and rural communities across several continents create over 25 ecosystem-based conservation plans. Mr. Hammond has been the recipient of Canada’s Gold Award for Sustainable Living and has authored several award-winning books, including “Seeing the Forest Among the Trees: The Case for Wholistic Forest Use.”
The presentation is being coordinated by the North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection, in collaboration with the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, the Lower Nehalem Community Trust, and the Peachland Watershed Protection Alliance (Peachland, BC). In his presentation, Mr. Hammond will address what comprises a healthy watershed, how watersheds provide high quality water in moderate flows, and how water may be degraded by inappropriate human activities. He will also discuss the current health of watersheds, both forested and clearcut, ranging from coastal Oregon to British Columbia. This will provide insight into the direct interactions between deforestation, extreme weather events, and climate change. Mr. Hammond will address what needs to be done to restore and safeguard forested drinking water sources. He will include his personal insights based on his review of reports and images on the current condition of Jetty Creek Watershed, which is the primary source of drinking water for Rockaway Beach. Mr. Hammond’s talk will conclude with a question-and-answer period.
Register here: secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/VPHvQ4TcXM3dGGdiF8OAAQ?t=1699485596.
This event is hosted by the North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (formerly known as Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection), a 13-year-old grassroots organization located on the North Coast of Oregon. While NCCWP opposes logging and spraying in all drinking watersheds, we continue to focus on Jetty Creek in Rockaway Beach because it offers the best example of how logging activities were allowed to compromise, and possibly destroy, a town’s drinking water. Our goal is to prevent logging and spraying in our drinking watersheds. Our mission is to raise awareness to accomplish this goal.
The web – healthywatershed.org
Facebook – www.facebook.com/NCCwatershedprotection/
Instagram – www.instagram.com/nccwatershedprotection/?hl=en
Email – rockawaycitizen.water@gmail.com
DECEMBER 15TH (last day school – Christmas break begins)
5:00-6:30 Christmas Caroling on Laneda, Manzanita (weather: drizzle=sing; hard rain=cancel)
》》4:45 meet at Visitor Center
》》6:00 end with hot cocoa
DECEMBER 17TH (RSVP Only – Must attend Dec 12th Practice)
1:00-2:00 Christmas Carols before Matinee Show of A Christmas Story @ NCRD Performing Arts Center
DECEMBER 24TH (Christmas Eve)
3:30-4:00 Christmas Carols before Candlelight Service @ St. Catherine’s Church (meet at 3:15)
If you would like a text reminder, text “Christmas Caroling” to 503-440-7861
Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.
For more information:
Email: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com
Text/call: 503-440-7861
We currently gather (in person) once per month on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm to practice giving/receiving healing through song, learning from the Threshold Choir Repertoire (in both English and Spanish).
For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm, and all are welcome.
Let us Sing!
2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon
5-6 Christmas Carols Practice
@ St. Catherine’s Church (Dec 17th RSVP = Free Tix to Show!)
DECEMBER 15TH (last day school – Christmas break begins)
5:00-6:30 Christmas Caroling on Laneda, Manzanita (weather: drizzle=sing; hard rain=cancel)
》》4:45 meet at Visitor Center
》》6:00 end with hot cocoa
DECEMBER 17TH (RSVP Only – Must attend Dec 12th Practice)
1:00-2:00 Christmas Carols before Matinee Show of A Christmas Story @ NCRD Performing Arts Center
DECEMBER 24TH (Christmas Eve)
3:30-4:00 Christmas Carols before Candlelight Service @ St. Catherine’s Church (meet at 3:15)
If you would like a text reminder, text “Christmas Caroling” to 503-440-7861
Tomorrow is first Friday, which means Music on the Porch- community open jam is at 6PM, at Rising Hearts Studio.
This is a Free, Fun event open to ALL. Bring your instruments, your voice, yourself and let’s play music together! Hope to see you there
Contact Christy (50.) 800-1092, christy@cosmichealingnw.com for questions or more info
Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St
Hwy 101, downtown Nehalem
Nehalem, OR 97131
(503) 800-1092
‘lifting the community with education and services that promote healing on all levels’
This Friday, December 1st, is open jam at Rising Hearts Studio, starts at 6PM – bring your instruments, your voice, yourself – and let’s make music together. This is a free community event open to ALL. Hope to see you there!
Call/text Christy for questions or info
(503) 800-1092, Christy@cosmichealingnw.com
Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St,
hwy 101, downtown Nehalem
Nehalem, OR 97131
(503) 800-1092
‘lifting the community with education and services that promote healing on all levels’
They are in decent shape and are comfortable. We just don’t need them anymore. Located in Neahkahnie.
Please contact merrycyclist@gmail.com