Call Ken
Cannon Beach
Category: Free
Free Christmas Tree
Free Recliner
It’s heavy so bring two people and a truck! Located on manzanita golf course.
Call, text, or email with questions. (503)330-0633
Free Pallets
FREE Christmas Trees & Bonfire for LEE BLACKMON
It feels like Lee has been gone for longer than a year. Lee had such big love, life and heart for any spirit that crossed his path the loss of him is huge and truly been felt by everyone who knew him. I welcome you to come gather in his honor on the lot at the corner of manzanita & division tomorrow, Wednesday Dec.18th @3:30pm for a bonfire to remember Lee Blackmon who left us exactly one year ago. (the rain is showing to be on pause at this time). We’ll be burning some special Yule Logs that have many cleansing herbs attached and are sealed with dried roses from Lee & Malia’s wedding bouquet. You are encouraged to bring letters of love, sadness, grief, anger etc. to burn and send up to him. You know he is watching down on us. RIP
FREE twin bed
Bow Flex
FREE Queen & Full Size Mattress
1.Queen Mattress soft, very pillowy
2. Full Mattress pillow top medium firm
Neither have box springs. Mattresses Only. Very clean, non smoker.
Free Leather Loveseat-
Dark green heavy duty leather. Non-smoker, No scratches, stains or marring. This is made with really tough leather! It doesn’t show any wear. Seriously!
It has a steel frame and is very sturdy and comfortable
You’ll have to move and transport it … I can’t help you, sorry. You’ll need at least a couple of really strong people because this thing is HEAVY.
Free Free Free!
I’m moving soon.
Text me at 971-344-3454
TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball Friday December 20th, 6-8PM
TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball is Friday December 20th, 6-8PM. FREE PINBALL and Games for ALL TEENS!! ALL TEENS WELCOME!
Please spread the word!! Thank you!
Contact Christy (503) 800-1092, for info/concerns/questions, or to DONATE to this event run solely on donations by volunteers.
Upper 56″w x 24t x 12d
Lower 56w x 36.5t x 25d
You haul but I can help load (and unload if nearby)
Free Appliances
Free Lights
Bayside Gardens
Located in Nehalem
Indoor plants
FREE Wing-Back Reading Chair
Come and get it in Pine Ridge (Manzanita). E-mail for more info.
Shuffle board table
Text or email
FREE 42inch Visio TV
Community Open Music Jam Friday Dec 6th 6PM
Rising Hearts Studio will continue to host our Community Open Music Jam every First Friday of the Month indefinitely – next one is Friday December 6th – 6PM – Bring your Instruments, Your Voice, Yourself – and let’s have fun playing together – OPEN TO ALL
Contact Christy for info/questions (503) 800-1092,
Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th ST
Hwy 101, Downtown Nehalem
(503) 800-1092
“Lifting the Community with education and services that promote healing on all levels….”
Electric Range
FREE Coffee Table and Sofa
The sofa is bonded leather, and structurally in excellent condition. The cushions are firm and comfortable, but not removable. Most of the bonded leather is in very good condition. Unfortunately, in areas where the material is squished frequently, some of the thin leather has separated from the underlying fabric. A sofa cover would probably be best, but we kept a throw blanket over the back when we did not have the sofa backed against a wall. Size is 82x36x36
Come and get them in Pine Ridge (Manzanita). E-mail for more info.
FREE Coffee Table and Sofa
The sofa is bonded leather, and structurally in excellent condition. The cushions are firm and comfortable, but not removable. Most of the bonded leather is in very good condition. Unfortunately, in areas where the material is squished frequently, some of the thin leather has separated from the underlying fabric. A sofa cover would probably be best, but we kept a throw blanket over the back when we did not have the sofa backed against a wall. Size is 82x36x36
Come and get them in Pine Ridge (Manzanita). E-mail for more info.
Ensure Nutrition Shake
Uhaul small moving boxes FREE
Sweet cat needs a new home
— 2 year old female Russian grey
— spayed and up to date on vaccines
— Indoor only up until now
— total lap cap, loves to cuddle and be close to her person. Would love to have another cat to hang out with.
— Can send her off with her cat bed, litter box, carrier, and food/ water dispensers if needed
— will be asking for a small rehoming fee to make sure she goes to a good home
Contact me for details! / 6193098889
Armchair and chair for free
Bayside Garden area.
Text 503-706-0972
Free Appliances
Stainless steel refrigerator and gas stove. The stove is a 30″ 4-burner in good condition.
The Refrigerator is a top-freezer model, 26.0 Cubic Ft. 69.5″ high including the hinge, 29.5″ Wide, and
31.5″ Deep, + about 2″ for the handles, also in good condition.
Photos and more data upon request.
Call or text Ken @ 503-729-9540
Leaky Fish Tank for FREE! 45 Gallon (tall)
The tank’s dimensions should be about 36”L x 12”W x 24”H.
Free 60
The feet are missing, so better to hang on a wall.
Text: 503-568-5632