Cabinet above toilet
Counter with sink and faucet
Shower stall
You dismantle

Email if you’re interested.
Pick up in Pine Ridge (Manzanita). E-mail for more info.
This couch is big and comfy, and deep. It seats 5-6 and can sleep 2 adults on the seats comfortably. It has extra cushioning in the back pillows, and comes with 1 unused seat cover. We kept the seats covered, so they are in pretty good condition.
I also have a clean, not smelly, no stains full size mattress and box spring. No frame any more, unfortunately. I may still have mattress pads for it – also free. It’s fairly firm. Bounce on it, then you decide. Let me know if you need pictures.
Come take a look. You haul. Golden retriever not included.
Text ONLY to Karen @ 503-four seven five-0975
or email
Free u take away
Call me 503-780-4010
Thnx. Bill
I have lots and lots of planting pots of all sizes.
A large stack of 120 hole seedling trays
Lots of 4″ pots
Lots of 1 gallon pots
A good selection of large pots – including tree sized planters with bottom pans.
If you are interested please come and get them.
Text me for pick up info
503-341- 9803
Free grow/shop lights!
I have a bunch of fluorescent lights that need a new home.
They all have been cleaned, tested and they work.
I primarily used them for seedling lights so most have full spectrum tubes in them.
Free to new home.
Text me to come and pick them up