Clean, non-working electric blankets/pillow

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FREE clean, older, non-working electric blankets (two), plus thin pillow. I feel like these can have a use even though the heating part doesn’t work. Moving blanket? Animal blanket?
From a pet-free/smoke-free household.
You pick up in Nehalem.
Please email if interested.
Thank you.

Valentine’s Day Movie Night at NCRD

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NCRD will host a FREE movie night at the Performing Arts Center this Valentine’s Day!
Family-friendly movies will play from 3 to 7 p.m. (rated G & PG), followed by romantic films (rated PG-13 and R) from 7 to midnight. Popcorn and soda will be available for purchase.
Come to one movie or all! Have a friend’s night out, or bring that special someone. The more, the merrier!
For more information, please call 855-444-6273 or email
We hope to see you there!
Note: Due to film licensing, we cannot publicly post the film titles.

FREE Red Bonded Leather Sofa

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The sofa is bonded leather, and structurally in excellent condition. The cushions are firm and comfortable, but not removable. Most of the bonded leather is in very good condition. Unfortunately, in areas where the material is squished frequently, some of the thin leather has separated from the underlying fabric. A sofa cover would probably be best, but we kept a throw blanket over the back when we did not have the sofa backed against a wall. Size is 82x36x36

Pick up in Pine Ridge (Manzanita). E-mail for more info.

Free birdhouse etc

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Cleaning out the greenhouse, various items free:
-Metal birdhouse: 16″ tall, a little rusty but with lots of life left in it.
-Two containers of thistle seed: one full, one 1/4 full
-Galvanized metal decorative container: great for plants.
4″ tall, 11″ long, 4″ wide.
Take some or all. Pick up in Nehalem.
Email if interested.
Thank you.

Free Epson XP-410 Printer

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I have updated my printer, so this one is available to pick up in Manzanita. I have some ink cartridges, but others will need to be ordered. It has been a good printer, however not the friendliest for people with limited knowledge on the technical aspects of its capabilities and maintenance needs. Email address above if interested.

Free Couch and full-size box bring and mattress

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We are downsizing, and have a large Pottery Barn sectional that needs a new home. It’s 9’6″ x 9’6″ x 3’6″; seats air 16″ from the floor. It comes in 2 pieces.

This couch is big and comfy, and deep. It seats 5-6 and can sleep 2 adults on the seats comfortably. It has extra cushioning in the back pillows, and comes with 1 unused seat cover. We kept the seats covered, so they are in pretty good condition.

I also have a clean, not smelly, no stains full size mattress and box spring. No frame any more, unfortunately. I may still have mattress pads for it – also free. It’s fairly firm. Bounce on it, then you decide. Let me know if you need pictures.

Come take a look. You haul. Golden retriever not included.

Text ONLY to Karen @ 503-four seven five-0975
or email

Free planting supplies for spring!

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Free planting pots and trays for spring!

I have lots and lots of planting pots of all sizes.

A large stack of 120 hole seedling trays
Lots of 4″ pots
Lots of 1 gallon pots
A good selection of large pots – including tree sized planters with bottom pans.

If you are interested please come and get them.

Text me for pick up info
503-341- 9803


Free grow or shop lights for spring

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Get ready for spring planting!

Free grow/shop lights!

I have a bunch of fluorescent lights that need a new home.

They all have been cleaned, tested and they work.

I primarily used them for seedling lights so most have full spectrum tubes in them.

Free to new home.

Text me to come and pick them up
