With school out, many of our kids do without lunch each day. Munch a Lunch is a free program for kids Wheeler to Manzanita. All they need to do is show up and get their sack lunch to take home and eat every Monday and Wednesday through August 21st. They will get 2 lunches each Monday and 3 lunches on Wednesdays. The lunches are shelf stable.
There are several “grab & go” sites in the area.
South Route:
11:00 to 11:10 in Wheeler (across from the PO)
11:20 to 11:30 Mohler Market Parking Lot
11:40 to 11:50 Miami/Foley & Foss Rd
12:00 to 12:10 White Clover Grange Parking Lot
12:20 to 12:30 McDonald Rd/Island Drive
North Route:
11:00 to 11:10 Nehalem Bay Elementary School
11:20 to 11:30 Manzanita Library Parking Lot
11:40 to 11:50 Nehalem Cemetery Parking Lot
12:00 to 12:10 Bayside Garden & Evergreen
12:20 to 12:30 Tohl & Echanie Ct
Lunch pick up is also available at Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church on 10th Street 11:20 to noon.