Please show some respect


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The goal of the bbq administration’s presidential vote survey was to share information about why people are choosing their presidential candidate WITHOUT trashing anyone.

If you disagree with a poster, PLEASE DO NOT attack them with an email.

We have already had one poster request their post to be deleted because they were stressed out from emails they received.


Thank you,
Barbara and Chuck


City of Manzanita Water Rates – Business As Usual?

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The City will hold a workshop on September 11 at 2 pm to discuss what new quarterly water rates will be should voters approve the November Referendum to return to quarterly billing. A quick review of why the City is reexamining water rates and billing is in order.

After 10 years of past Councils talking about the need to raise water rates but not acting, the City conducts a rate review and passes a Resolution in July 2023 increasing water rates and cutting in half our base allotment of water from 4,000 gallons per month to 2,000 gallons.

In March 2024 it was discovered that the City Manager failed to have the Council amend the quarterly meter reading and billing requirements of the existing Ordinance to allow for the new monthly meter read and billing schedule. The existing Ordinance only allowed meters to be read at intervals “90 days apart ” and “water service shall be billed on a quarterly basis “.

Passage of an amended City Ordinances in this instance to allow for monthly meter reading and billing is required before the July 2023 Resolution could be implemented.

For approximately 7 months until the Council finally passed the required Ordinance to remedy this oversight, the City without any authority to do so, billed monthly late fees and collected monthly surcharges from customers for using more than their new base allotment. The Mayor and Councilors in taking their oath of office swear to obey City Ordinances but in this instance have failed to acknowledge or take steps to remedy this mistake. Customers are entitled to credits on their water bills for those late fees and surcharges collected during this 7 month time period.

The eventual passage of the amending Ordinance in May 2024 by the Council to allow for monthly billing provided the opportunity for citizens to review and challenge these Council decisions through the Referendum process as guaranteed by the Oregon Constitution.

Citizens by now had experienced 7 months of monthly billings and the associated late charges and surcharges. 115 registered Manzanita voters were offered the opportunity to sign the Referendum petition to allow a vote to be taken on the Council’s decision. 114 signed with 1 declining because of the preference for monthly billing.

A closer review of the initial rate study revealed a flawed analysis of how the City came up with the new 2,000 gallon base water allotment that the City continues to rely upon. City staff admits that they have no way to distinguish monthly household water usage between full time residents and the majority part time homes that are not used for short term rentals in Manzanita that are vacant for weeks or months at a time. Staff simply combined all full and part time households and came up with the winter and summer average usage that they continue to cite for the “general homeowner”.

Additionally, questions as to why the visitors who are driving up demand for water especially during the summer are not paying their share towards the cost of that demand have simply been ignored. Rather than address these factual issues, the City and its Council supporters become indignant when citizens exercised their right to the Referendum process and decry the costs and time to reexamine the initial rate study.

How ironic it is that if only the City Manager had prepared and the Council had approved the necessary Ordinance changes when the rate change Resolution was passed in July 2023, there would not be the outcry and hand wringing by the City and its Council supporters because there would have been no opportunity for citizens to place this Referendum on the ballot. The City’s reluctance to provide citizens the opportunity to vote on major community issues is well established. It now appears that when citizens exercise their rights to have a vote, their motives apparently deserve to be questioned and criticized.

A solution that is in the best interests of the residents of Manzanita is:

1. Restore a reasonable residential household base water allotment of 12,000 gallons per quarter consistent with recognized national studies.
2. Do not increase the base residential water charge to more than $142.68 per quarter which is the current monthly charge of $47.56 times three. A tiered rate for usage in excess of the 12,000 gallon quarterly base is reasonable.
3. Require visitors to pay their share of any additional needed Water Utility Fund revenue for costs for the operation and production of our water through transfers of Transient Lodging Tax revenue to the Water Utility Fund. The City tells us that visitors through TLT taxes are paying to support our water infrastructure then fails to budget a single dollar of those taxes to the Water Utility Fund to back up this claim.

A reasonable request by residents would be to ask the Council to transfer a modest 7 – 10% of the annually collected TLT revenue to the Water Utility Fund as compensation from those visitors who are creating the demand and increased costs for the single most important infrastructure system in our community.

The City wants to present a water study on Wednesday of a typical small Oregon City where most if not all single family residential homes are occupied by full time residents. Not a single mention will be made of the impact of the now year round visitor customers who the City agrees drive up both water demand and costs.

The study conveniently omits any analysis of how TLT funds from visitors could be used to fund infrastructure improvements and keep rates lower for full time residents. Instead the study concludes that there are no other funding options available to the City other than rate increases combined with the continued present unrealistic base water allotment.

Conclusion. The City is content to have the relatively small number of actual full time residential households continue to subsidize visitor water usage and costs.

This Council believes compliance with City Ordinances is an option not a requirement.

Faulty analysis of water usage by full time residents doesn’t need further explanation.

Conservation is good, collecting monthly surcharges from full time residents is even better.

When the City claims that TLT revenue helps pay for water infrastructure, we shouldn’t expect to believe that this Council would really take the necessary steps to make this happen.

A relatively routine City business matter of adopting new water rates has now become a political embarrassment for the Council. The Council can take the opportunity to fix the problem it created and get on with other pressing matters or show us it is just business as usual when it comes to ignoring the interests of residents.

Randy Kugler

What I like about Kamala Harris


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Hi everyone on BBQ,

I am responding to BBQ invitation to make a positive statement about: for whom you are going to vote and why you have chosen that candidate.

I am voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Here is why I have made that decision:

In their careers Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have worked to better the lives of ordinary citizens, the common people–you know, like you and me. Together they are an effective team that will work to build a more hopeful future for each of us. As a senior citizen, my dollar will go farther to buy food and medicine, as well as the expenses of owning or renting a home.

Vice President Kamala Harris has shown herself through her various roles in the California justice system and state and federal government to be a fighter for the people. From her days as a prosecutor in California to her work as Vice President, she has defended the rights of the American people by standing up to predators, scammers, and big corporations. Thank you, Kamala Harris, for standing on principle and not being swayed by big money interests.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris helped deliver economic progress across the country. In Governor Tim Walz she chose a running mate who shares her vision. Together they will work to better the lives of working families. That’s you and me.

Until a couple of weeks before Kamala Harris had picked her Vice Presidential running mate, I had never heard of Tim Walz. Honestly, I don’t know much about politics in other states. Since then I have googled information to learn that he is a lifelong Midwesterner who has delivered for the middle class in his state of Minnesota. As Governor he signed the single-largest investment in public education in state history. He established reproductive freedom as a fundamental right in Minnesota. He cut taxes in every state budget; he lowered the cost of prescription drugs. I urge you to google “Signature Accomplishments of Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Kate Flanagan.” As I was, you will be amazed at the broad spectrum of what he accomplished to help families, working people, and seniors have a better life. Like Vice President Kamala Harris, he will never stop fighting for working families.

I want a President and Vice President that will promote the welfare and well-being of the common man, of people like you and me.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will get my vote on day 1 of our Oregon voting period.

Lucy Brook
Nehalem resident


I also Conclude

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Diwax, I also conclude the GOP and the Red party voters don’t give a crap about winning in Oregon (for the top candidate of the Red Party), because The Don will never, ever win in Oregon, which is likely why the party declined, again, to submit a statement to Oregon’s state-issued voters’ pamphlet.

Some things I found on the Veeps:

Walz bribed poor Minnesotans to inject their children with new mRNA tech the kiddos surely didn’t need:

Bill Gates explains the process:

Then Walz created a tattle-tale line for adults:

Then Walz oversaw this:

And Vance: Whitney doesn’t like him, and not because he wears eyeliner:

But Vance sure looks good in drag, eyeliner and all, don’t he???

Nehalem Bay

Scam Alert

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BE AWARE of pop ups on your computer screen with RED FLAG alert. This 80 year old Wheeler woman just almost lost my life’s savings. I called the alert # on my screen and was channeled through various authorities who swore me to secrecy as my SSN was connected to crimes of 8.1 million $. I was kept on my phone for 4 to 5 hours a day for 4 days. The threat was I was to tell no one or I would be arrested for money laundering, guns and drugs. Even took out thousands of dollars from my bank in cash and almost sent it via UPS. My stock portfolio was going to be next. The “agent” was with the ATF. I called the ATF in Washington on Saturday morning and learned I had been had. I will contact the FBI on Monday. Our Manzanita police officer told me he has heard this story over 30 times. Be SAFE, and don’t keep secrets from your family.

Water Rates, more and less

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Having read the discussions about water rates in Manzanita, I was curious about how we, as a town, compare to our neighbors. Until 2024, Manzanita hadn’t raised its rates in about nine years, so the recent rise in rates was noticeable. I made the assumption that all residents want a safe and ready water supply on which we can depend. But are we paying a lot? A little? Or amount that is just right?

The data is available, so I compared a sample monthly bill for 4000 gallons in the 4 neighboring systems. In Manzanita, the bill would include the base rate and two additional 1000 gallon charges from Tier 1 pricing. In Nehalem, it is one additional charge above base; in Wheeler it is part of the base rate, and in Neakahnie, it is the base rate plus the mandatory debt charge.

The results of the comparison? You might be surprised! Manzanita, the lowest, is $67 (for a resident), Nehalem is $68 (for a resident), Wheeler is $73, and Neahkahie is $126. Feel free to do your own calculations, and also check out: City Water Usage presentation and Manzanita Today June 2024.

BBQ Presidential Vote Survey

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BBQ Presidential Vote Survey

Are you planning on voting in the Presidential election? If you know for whom you are going to vote we are interested in understanding why you chose that candidate.

And we wonder if you would be willing to share that info on the BBQ by answering the following question:

What do you like about your candidate?

Those willing to answer that question must follow a couple of rules we, as administrators of the BBQ, created to have their thoughts posted on the BBQ.

Those rules are:

Describe what you like about your candidate—values, priorities, attitude towards issues, etc.

DO NOT respond with ANY language about the other candidate. Post must ONLY be about the candidate of your choice.

Title must be “What I like about (name of candidate)

Must use General Interest category

Must respond before 5pm on Sept 20th

ALL posts that follow these rules will be posted on the BBQ website.

ANY post that does not follow these rules will not be posted.

Barbara and Chuck
BBQ Administrators

Leaky Logic

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Leaky Logic

posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

It seems that some folks have been promised that the water referendum on this November’s ballot will return us to quarterly billing and the old water allotment. This information isn’t true but it’s consistent with the narrative and general mistrust of city government that some folks feel regardless of who’s on council.

First off, the only thing we’ll be voting on is monthly versus quarterly billing. That’s it. We’ll know what the rates will be when the new water study is complete.

In a June 30, 2024, post on the Pioneer’s website the referendum’s author, Randy Kugler, suggests that the base residential charge be capped at $142.68 per quarter reflecting the current monthly rate and that the water allotment per quarter be 12,000 gallons of water irrespective of use. That’s not on the ballot and it’s not what we’re voting on no matter what you’ve heard.

When we switched from quarterly to monthly billing, the base water allotment changed from 4,000 to 2,000 gallons per month. In the post Kugler writes, “The result is large numbers of full time resident households now paying monthly surcharges for exceeding, 2000 gallons.”
The data from the August Council meeting shows that an overwhelming majority of water users—about 75% of us—use 2,000 gallons monthly except during the summer months. A tiered rate schedule was adopted so, if you use more, you pay more. In our house we’ve used about 3,000 gallons of water monthly during the summer. We’re a full time 2 person one puppy family, we garden, we have bird baths and I like to do laundry. So, in our house we’re paying a little more.

But why should a full time resident expect to pay less for water? Does a full time resident get a better deal on electricity? Does a full time resident get a better deal from Recology? Does a full time resident pay less for any utility or service?

We pay for what we use and if we want to pay less, we can choose to use less. We can conserve.

You know who uses a lot of water? Second homes used as short term rentals. They’d be the ones to benefit from a 12,000 gallon water allotment.

In addition to water that guests use while visiting for bathing, dishwashing, cooking and toilet flushing—every time there’s a check out, sheets and towels, bathmats, kitchen towels, sometimes bedspreads and mattress covers are washed. Some vacation houses are booked almost every night in the summer and early fall. That’s a whole lot more water use than what full time folks use, and it makes sense that everyone pays their fair share of what the water actually costs. We all should.

The tiered rate system charges according to use and billing monthly allows consumers to keep track of their use and pay accordingly.

Why would we give such a large water allotment and charge the same rate to folks using less? It doesn’t make sense to me.

If the TLT money is used to pay for a shortfall in water rates, as was suggested in recent posts, the General Fund will be shorted instead. I think you call it robbing Peter to pay Paul.

I plan to tune in and watch the Council Work Session on September 11 when they’ll be discussing the new water study. I hope you do too!

Here’s a link to the water usage information.

Kim Rosenberg

Leaky Logic

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Leaky Logic

It seems that some folks have been promised that the water referendum on this November’s ballot will return us to quarterly billing and the old water allotment. This information isn’t true but it’s consistent with the narrative and general mistrust of city government that some folks feel regardless of who’s on council.

First off, the only thing we’ll be voting on is monthly versus quarterly billing. That’s it. We’ll know what the rates will be when the new water study is complete.

In a June 30, 2024, post on the Pioneer’s website the referendum’s author, Randy Kugler, suggests that the base residential charge be capped at $142.68 per quarter reflecting the current monthly rate and that the water allotment per quarter be 12,000 gallons of water irrespective of use. That’s not on the ballot and it’s not what we’re voting on no matter what you’ve heard.

When we switched from quarterly to monthly billing, the base water allotment changed from 4,000 to 2,000 gallons per month. In the post Kugler writes, “The result is large numbers of full time resident households now paying monthly surcharges for exceeding, 2000 gallons.”

The data from the August Council meeting shows that an overwhelming majority of water users—about 75% of us—use 2,000 gallons monthly except during the summer months. A tiered rate schedule was adopted so, if you use more, you pay more. In our house we’ve used about 3,000 gallons of water monthly during the summer. We’re a full time 2 person one puppy family, we garden, we have bird baths and I like to do laundry. So, in our house we’re paying a little more.

But why should a full time resident expect to pay less for water? Does a full time resident get a better deal on electricity? Does a full time resident get a better deal from Recology? Does a full time resident pay less for any utility or service?

We pay for what we use and if we want to pay less, we can choose to use less. We can conserve.

You know who uses a lot of water? Second homes used as short term rentals. They’d be the ones to benefit from a 12,000 gallon water allotment.

In addition to water that guests use while visiting for bathing, dishwashing, cooking and toilet flushing—every time there’s a check out, sheets and towels, bathmats, kitchen towels, sometimes bedspreads and mattress covers are washed. Some vacation houses are booked almost every night in the summer and early fall. That’s a whole lot more water use than what full time folks use, and it makes sense that everyone pays their fair share of what the water actually costs. We all should. The tiered rate system charges according to use and billing monthly allows consumers to keep track of their use and pay accordingly.

Why would we give such a large water allotment and charge the same rate to folks using less? It doesn’t make sense to me.

If the TLT money is used to pay for a shortfall in water rates, as was suggested in recent posts, the General Fund will be shorted instead. I think you call it robbing Peter to pay Paul.

I plan to tune in and watch the Council Work Session on September 11 when they’ll be discussing the new water study. I hope you do too!

Here’s a link to the water usage information.

Kim Rosenberg

Townsend Mobile Car Detailing Service LLC

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**EXTERIOR DETAIL**:Water Beading Ceramic Hand Wash,Clay Bar,spray Wax,Hand Polish,Clean Tires & Rims Including degreasing tire, applying tire shine,Trim Restoration

**INTERIOR DETAIL**: Vacuum interior including clean trunk, carpet stain remover,floor mats, seats , leather , windows, mirrors, air vents, consoles, glove box, Dash, Door Seals and Panels. **NO SHAMPOOING**. Anything excessive like sand,mud or pet hair will be extra charge.

According to the size and how much work needs to be done will determine Price$$$

Mobile service for Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler, Rockaway Beach, Garibaldi and Tillamook Area.
Will travel farther for an extra fee.

PLEASE PROVIDE WATER and ELECTRIC ONLY everything else I can provide.

Hours: Monday to Sunday 9am-5pm

Also Depending on the Weather Conditions.

Please when inquiring about price. Let me know WHAT YEAR,MAKE & MODEL so can give accurate information.

Lack of vision results in growing exodus of the Democratic Party

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Lack of vision results in growing exodus of the Democratic party

Headlines have been covered with the high-profile decision of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to drop out of the presidential race and endorse Trump. A reminder, this move is after a long history of identifying as a Democrat and even throwing his name into be the Democratic nominee. 
This endorsement was quickly followed by retired Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat who rose to fame by scorching then-Senator Kamala Harris in a 2020 debate. These two were both pushed out of the Democratic party due to their criticism — showing that the party who boasts of “diversity” is working overtime to silence any opposing opinions to the party’s elite leadership. 
If you take the time to listen to these two individuals, they are highly relatable to everyday Americans. They talk about the importance of health in a country where it is on the decline, they discuss the lack of honesty and transparency in our government, and growing concerns of world wars. They both eloquently and relatably talk about how the Democratic party has left residents behind. 


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Having been a Democrat most of my life, and now belonging to no party. I can see and think more clearly. I almost feel like I am observing both parties as if I were from another country and have no ties to either. Both of the main political parties in this country have attributes that I admire and both have attributes that I think are ridiculous.

In Oregon apparently independent voters outnumber voters from either party.

I left the Democratic Party in 2016 when the DNC “picked” who they wanted to run for president after the primary showed that Democratic citizens picked Bernie Sanders. The DNC picked Hilary Clinton to run instead. Thats when I left. I like to remind Democrats who have Trump Derangement Syndrome, that it was their party that put Trump in the white house.

YES Democrats -.your party put Trump in the White House! And ever since the DNC has ignored what their members want and the DNC continues to tell you who you are going to vote for. Like now!! Biden, who was going to run again dropped out and the DNC picked the vice president to run. You as a voter did not have a say in it.
How is it that Democrats don’t realize that their party is not Democratic?

The 1% – the billionaire class who own 99% of everything including 99% of the media, use the media to stir up hatred for Trump. That is because President Trump will not be a puppet for them. Biden and Harris are both puppets for those who reward them for opening the borders, causing massive inflation, putting “woke “ in the schools and turning parents who object into terrorists. Since both Biden and Harris “work” for these billionaires who are the ones actually running the country, It is really important for them to keep the people who do their bidding in office.
They make sure the media puts out tons of negative stuff about Trump to cause Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Monthly Water Billing, thanks Manzanita!

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With all the hullabaloo about Manzanita’s water billing, you’d think we would be paying closer attention to how much water we’re using. In July we watered the garden as usual, and of course washed dishes, clothes and ourselves (and our Chihuahua, Malcom too).

When the July water bill arrived (online), the amount was like a splash of cold water.
We had been profligate water users! Something had to change.

For August, we resolved to be better. Outside we continued to water plants in the ground, in planters, hanging baskets, etc. as well as filling our bird/bee/butterfly baths daily.
But we paid attention to how many minutes the hose was running at any one time.
Inside, we didn’t run the dishwasher as often, or the washer–trying to wait for a “full” load before pushing the buttons. And we didn’t let the kitchen faucet run wild either.

With this (admittedly modest) attention paid to our daily water use I am glad to report that we cut our water use in August (compared to July) by over 36%.
The garden looks great, our clothes, dishes and bodies got cleaned well. (and, much to his on-going dismay, so did our Chihuahua).

A firm thumbs-up from our house to Manzanita’s change to monthly water billing. We were able to adjust our water habits quickly and save big bucks as a result. In the “old days” of quarterly billing, we’d have learned of our wicked ways much too late to react promptly.

Thank you to our City Council.
Mark and Linda Kuestner

News from Friends of North County Recreation District

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Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) Flower Sales

Friends of NCRD will continue to sell dahlia bouquets in September. If the weather holds and Friends has flowers, Friends will continue their bouquet project next to the Little Apple in downtown Manzanita. Price points will continue to be $5-$10, 7 days a week. Gardens located in Wheeler, Nehalem, Neah-Kah-Nie and Manzanita are sharing their flowers with Friends. Over thirty volunteers have been involved in picking, arranging, and transporting bouquets for Friends. Selling bouquets is one of several fundraising activities Friends is involved in. Friends Mission is to support NCRD’s programs and projects through promotion, fundraising, and providing scholarships to encourage inclusion for all.

On track to make nearly $5,000 from this summer fundraiser, Friends has already started getting ready for their Fall/Winter fundraiser. This would be Friends Fall planted Spring blooming bulbs sale plus amaryllis and iris sale. Friends will be asking the community for help with this sale in about three weeks.

No Slip of the tongue!

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No slip of the tongue friend: The Don, Orange Man, Drumf – I use them all very much intentionally!



I wonder how many of the vegans below were in the streets screaming the 2020 Democrat mantra “De-Fund The Police!”

The look on her face says it all…’oops, maybe we shouldn’ta done that…’

So sad losing that world-class city to the Democrat-supported orgs antifa and BLM:

and a headline:

“More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump”

Maybe take a moment and realize that America’s mega-war pigs Bush/Romney/McCain(daughter) are voting for Harris, NOT The Don?

(headline only)


Actual progressive, anti-war Democrat Tulsi Gabbard also endorses The Don:


RFK explains America’s most recent political realignment:


A fun music video!

Nehalem Bay

Recommendation for Chimney Doctor

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I’ve had excellent service from Chimney Doctor, LLC. Nathan O’Neil goes way beyond expectations in meticulously cleaning chimneys, and is very considerate of protecting property and cleaning up after. He’s restored my rusty wood-burning stove to like-new condition. Plus his rates are reasonable. You won’t be disappointed in this local, small business.


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The heart of Friends of NCRD’s FUNDRAISING is FLOWERS, and The Flower Committee is on track to bring in a Summer Season record-breaking $5,000 for scholarships.

“It takes a village” – and in this case, it takes three villages! More than thirty dedicated volunteers from Nehalem, Wheeler, Manzanita have given their time, talent and flowers to make this fundraising effort a success.

Volunteers gather at the garden of Flower Committee Chair, Patty Rinehart, every morning to make arrangements for sale at the Little Apple and for Special Orders. Some volunteers bring flowers and greens from their own gardens; some make flower arrangements; some transport orders. Everyone enjoys coming together to benefit families in our community.


Friends of NCRD is always looking for New Volunteers. WOULD THAT BE YOU?

If so, call Linda Makohon @ 503-504-6224

FRIENDS MISSION: To support NCRD programs and projects through promotion, fundraising, and providing scholarships to encourage inclusion for all.

Bouquets to Scholarships

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The heart of Friends of North County Recreation District FUNDRAISING is FLOWERS, and The Flower Committee is on track to bring in a Summer Season record-breaking $5,000 for scholarships.

“It takes a village” – and in this case, it takes three villages! More than thirty dedicated volunteers from Nehalem, Wheeler, Manzanita have given their time, talent, and flowers to make this fundraising effort a success.

Volunteers gather at the garden of Flower Committee Chair, Patty Rinehart, every morning to make arrangements for sale at the Little Apple and for Special Orders. Some volunteers bring flowers and greens from their own gardens; some make flower arrangements; some transport orders. Everyone enjoys coming together to benefit families in our community.


Friends of NCRD is always looking for New Volunteers. WOULD THAT BE YOU?

If so, call Linda Makohon @ 503-504-6224

And don’t forget the Friends of North County Recreation District will be soon beginning to sell Spring blooming bulbs and Amaryllis. Call Linda.

FRIENDS MISSION: To support NCRD programs and projects through promotion, fundraising, and providing scholarships to encourage inclusion for all.

Friends is currently selling flowers next to the Little Apple seven days a week. Fresh picked every morning you will find these bouquets calling your name. Many from $5-$10. Help us provide scholarships locally to people using NCRD.


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Recently someone referred to THE DON
“The Don (also known as Overboss, Crime Boss or Godfather) (literally meaning Sir) is the leader of a crime family. The Don receives a cut of every operation taken on by every member of his family. Depending on the family, the Don may be chosen by a vote from the caporegimes of the family.”
How apropos!