Where’s Club Manzanita and Who’s a Member?

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Where’s Club Manzanita and Who’s a Member?

Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Since we moved here I’ve heard different stories about this “Club Manzanita”.

I worry more about the exclusionary language and the hateful rhetoric this creates than I worry about our water bill or city hall.

Some people call for civility but only extend that civility to the people who agree with them, not to the people who work here or volunteer for Council or are city staff or play golf or once worked at Nike or own a vacation home or live here full time and have a different opinion. There are so many ways to be excluded.

Civility doesn’t mean being quiet about the things we don’t agree on. Civility means remembering that the people with whom you disagree are…people and deserve the same respect we all want. Exclusionary rhetoric that splits communities into US and THEM doesn’t belong here. It doesn’t belong anywhere and it’s a tool used by angry people who didn’t get what they wanted but can’t let it go. That’s where we are in Manzanita and where we are in the United States.

When a public figure—a politician, a community leader—uses the rhetoric of US and THEM to divide a community they aren’t acting in the interest of the community. They’re acting to divide. They’re acting to sow fear, hate and division and it’s a tool used by people with grudges who are angry about the past. And when someone in a position of power or public trust abuses that trust and breaks the rules, I believe that the public has a right and an obligation to know the facts.

We don’t live in the past. The past is over. The address of life is the present moment, and we create our future in the now. Every time we gossip about things we don’t know are true, we create our future. Every time we lie, we create our future.

You can be civil and stand up for what you believe in—think the late greats John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginzburg.

If Manzanita is a club, who are the members?

If you pick up trash on the beach and around town, are you a member?

If you deliver Meals on Wheels in the community, are you a member?

Are you a member if you make sandwiches for kids in the community during the summer break?

Are you a member if you sit on a board or volunteer at the Pine Grove, the Hoffman or EVCNB?

Clubs are exclusive and you have to be a member. Teams are inclusive and anyone can join. I say we create a TEAM Manzanita and a new future together.

Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Club Manzanita How Did You Get Those Numbers?

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
When the City reduced our base water allotment last year from 4,000 gallons to 2,000 gallons per month we were told that this was necessary to bring into alignment water production costs with revenue and to encourage conservation. In order to accomplish these goals, households that exceeded their monthly base allotment would pay a surcharge each and every month because you were now considered a “heavy user”.
City staff claimed that they analyzed residential household water usage to get winter and summer averages. They took out those homes that were Short Term Rentals because of the high water usage associated with visitors using those homes and came up with the remaining residential usage averages for the “general homeowner” of 3,900 gallons of water per month in the summer and 1,600 gallons in the winter months.
Almost as an aside, City staff in explaining who these remaining “general homeowners” were and how they arrived at these averages stated ” I will clarify that it is people that live here full time and second homeowners, I don’t have a way in our water system to distinguish between the two”.
There are approximately three second homeowners for every one full time household in Manzanita. If you take the water usage of a full time resident household and combine it with the household water usage of three part time homeowners whose homes are largely empty for weeks or months at a time during the year, you will undoubtedly get the skewed residential averages that the City has presented. The result is large numbers of full time resident households now paying monthly surcharges for exceeding 2,000 gallons per month.
Numerous public organizations track community domestic water usage including the US Environmental Protection Agency and estimate full time household usage at 60 -100 gallons per person per day. In order to avoid paying a water surcharge every month, each member of a two person household in Manzanita would have to use less than 35 gallons of water each day or about half of the low end of the EPA estimate. Instead of considering this readily available information to establish a realistic base allotment, the City conducts a flawed analysis that includes the admission that it lacks the ability to evaluate the actual water usage of full time Manzanita water customers.
If water revenue needs to be increased to cover production costs especially in the summer when visitors create the need for more water production, have those visitors pay for their usage. We are constantly reminded of the benefits of turning our community into a visitor destination and that residents should be grateful for the financial largesse that comes from this transformation. The City claims that visitors, through their Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) contributions fund the majority of City services including infrastructure funding. Our water system is our most important community infrastructure yet the City has never allowed a single dollar of visitor generated TLT revenue to be transferred from the General Fund to the Water Operating Fund to assist in the operation and maintenance of the system. An additional benefit of visitors contributing to the operation of our water system is that we would receive a reasonable base allotment of water and a stream of revenue that would keep downward pressure on future water rate increases for full time homeowners.
Be prepared to hear that the Water Utility Fund as an Enterprise Fund, should establish rates from its users to cover all of its costs of operation and maintenance. Manzanita has a large class of water users in the form of visitors who are creating these service demands. The City has the ability to use revenue collected from these visitors for the water demand that they create but it chooses not to and once again visitors are at the root of a community livability issue. In light of this fact, creation of an equitable allotment of water and rates for full time residents requires a more creative policy solution by our Council.
There is nothing prohibiting the Council from transferring a portion of the estimated $1.3 million in Transient Lodging Tax in their FY 24-25 Budget back to the Water Utility Fund as recognition of the increasing water demand of these visitors and paying their share of that increased production cost. After many years of Council neglect to keep water rates at adequate levels and failing to keep System Development Charges updated so developers paid for their share of water infrastructure improvements for their new developments, the Council seems to have found a way for full time residents to now bear the cost burden of this past neglect.
Fortunately for residents, a consequence of the November referendum is that the City has the opportunity to answer questions raised in its initial study and adopt new funding policies that require visitors to contribute to the operation and maintenance of our water system.
The Council is currently developing new water rates including appropriate base allotments and tier surcharges per quarter should citizens vote to retain quarterly billing at the November election. They have asked citizens to contact them with questions and concerns at citycouncil@ci.manzanita.or.us
Consider sharing what you would have them do as a full time resident.
1. Restore a reasonable residential household base water allotment of 12,000 gallons per quarter consistent with recognized national studies.
2. Do not increase the base residential water charge to more than $142.68 per quarter.
3. Require visitors to pay their share of any additional needed Water Utility Fund revenue for costs for the operation and production of our water through transfers of TLT revenue to the Water Utility Fund.
How the Council responds in this matter will go a long way to confirm just whose interests they are prioritizing.
To receive these updates directly, send your email address to rkinor@gmail.com.
Randy Kugler

News from Sammy’s Place

Submitted By: juliechickxo@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
Accessibility is important to everyone. Whether it be accessing a beach or park, a tourist attraction or coastal eatery; or joining a committee, class, council, or board, access to participate matters to every one of us. For many, there are barriers to being an active community member that can be overcome with attention and consideration, and the right connections.
This is the work Sammy’s Place and its COAAST (Communities of All Abilities Succeeding Together) Network programs having been doing for several years. The network is part of the Oregon Consortium of Family Networks (OCFN) whose goal is to connect families with each other and to their local communities where they live. These relationships become the supports needed to gain genuine access to our communities. When we know each other, we care — when we care, we support.
Sammy’s Place works to fund programs that increase access for all individuals, that provide more choices to be part of the community, such as:
Self Advocacy Discovery Tours and Summit with the Arc of Lincoln County. New exciting networking opportunities in our coastal communities. Person-Centered Planning and why it works. Disability 101 Education: How do I talk to my neighbor? Video production highlighting independence, universal design, and housing access. Affordable housing that highlights the principles of universal design and community. Community Service Equity: Who are we missing? Universal Access for our hard-of-hearing friends.
AND much more!
“We are interested in growing as many opportunities as possible for our coastal neurodiverse families and friends including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD),” said Leah Halstead, Board Chair for Sammy’s Place. “This is our time to share the simple ways thinking about universal access opens the choices, for everyone. It’s really exciting work”.
The Sammy’s Place Board invites community friends and organizations to partner where our work intersects to increase reach and support for these valuable, necessary programs and services.
Funding comes from a variety of sources including the Emil W. and Lois E. Brammert Fund of Oregon Community Foundation, The Fairview Trust, the Collins Foundation, the State of Oregon, and private donations [see more here: https://sammysplace.info/about/partners-supporters/]. “The Sammy’s Place Board of Director is very grateful for those that continue to support the innovative ideas and new services,” added Halstead.
As Sammy’s Place works to create opportunities, they invite you to think about ways your family or organization can expand the reach by supporting every person for who they are, and to be an active participant in our communities.
Upcoming Activities & Events:
Community Picnic, Rockaway Beach, June 27
Discovery Boat Tour, Newport, OR Yaquina Bay – Registration coming soon.
Tillamook County Fair – Meetup
Healthier Oregon Community Exploration
Self-Advocacy Discovery Events
Universal Design Housing Tours
Fall Community Unified Sports
For more information, go to www.sammysplace.info
Photos by Travis Williams of Broken Banjo Photography
(housing update to come)

Conspiracy, Andy?

Submitted By: bryan.miller@outlook.com – Click to email about this post
Are you are using a new email address, Andy? It’s been a while since you last posted and I was starting to believe you had signed off for good.
We may need a few new posting categories on BBQ such as “conspiracy rant”, “let off steam”, “freedom of speech opinion”. I may not agree with you most of the time, but I support your right to free speech.

Michelle Obama for Prez?

Submitted By: runnawaytrain1@gmx.com – Click to email about this post
One more post,

I didn’t watch the debate last night, but woke up to these headlines on Drudge:




I had been telling folks that the debate wouldn’t happen cuz Joe is too far gone. I figured they had some sort of plan to avert the debate, then replace him. Then I realized that throwing Joe to the dogs was exactly how the Clinton/Obama war-with-Russia psychopaths were going to get rid of Sleepy Joe – who can’t beat Trump – let Joe crash and burn on the world stage! And I was right.

What a bunch of nice folks the Dems are!

So kind and compassionate. The sad event you witnessed on the world stage was the Michelle Obama crowd “taking the high road”. I’m not sure how she knows so much about roads anyway, as there aren’t many roads near her 18-million dollar mansion on the tiny Massachusetts island Martha’s Vineyard.

That said, I actually don’t feel bad at all for Joe Biden, or his son Hunter, and I am happy to see the racist sociopath war-whore getting ever closer to the hell he deserves.

The question we all have is, who will the Psychopath War-Pig Vax-Pig No-Border Dem-Whores currently running our country pick next?

I’m thinking Michelle Obama can convince millions of Democrats to inject ‘bird flu’ mRNA-tech into their bodies, accept CBDCs, and get into a hot war with Russia.

But before the worst administration in American history is over, and Trump takes office, can we please, PLEASE!!!!! Have Kamala Harris use her pronouns while addressing the nation from the Oval Office? It would pair well with Slick Willy and Monica’s misadventures in that oddly-shaped room.

“Hello America and the world. My name is Kamala Harris, I am a woman sitting at the table, my pronouns are she/her, I am wearing a purple blouse, and I am the President of the United States.”






Submitted By: runnawaytrain1@gmx.com – Click to email about this post
“…cuz my money is spent, on that god-damned rent, neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant.” – Public Enemy, ‘When I get to Arizona”, (circa 1991)

BBQers of the last 15-20 years may remember “Source To Sea: The Columbia River Swim”, a documentary film I made dealing with salmon, natives, and the once clean water of Che’Wanna, aka The Columbia River. The film won several awards on the environmental film festival circuit that year.

In that film I interviewed Yakama elder Russel Jim, a round-faced full-blooded Yakama scientist who dealt with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for the tribe (he has died). His significant physical stature was that of Jeff Trenary, also genetically native, and familiar to many who use this forum. Russel used words like “pyrophoric” and he had a hatchet hanging on his office wall that I’m sure he would have loved to bury into the forehead of the CEO of Bechtel. My producing partner, Ralph, told Russel as much, and Russel just smiled.

Russell also fished Celilo Falls as a child before The Dalles dam was built. That dam produces very little electricity, and in my opinion, should be removed so We the People of Oregon can have our sacred, Niagara Falls-rivaling Celilo Falls back. Those falls, sacred fishing grounds for several area tribes since time immemorial, should never have been flooded by The Greedy Ones.

And part of that flooding provides great insight into ‘conspiracy theory’, a term non-thinkers like to use so they don’t have to pay attention to and/or look at ugly stuff, such as threats to their health and livelihoods, our open southern border, their complicity in war, etc.

Today – and you may have seen it – there is a railroad bridge connecting Oregon and Washington, just west of the now buried Celilo Falls, east of The Dalles. That bridge was built, according to Russel who lived there and fished the falls as a kid (mega-huge salmon caught on hand-made scaffolds via hand-held hoop net. Um…hell yeah! I want in!), and, check this out, but it isn’t fun – that bridge was built – with a DECK THAT CAN LIFT TO ACCOMMODATE CONTAINER SHIPS – and check it out – IT WAS BUILT 20 YEARS (TWENTY YEARS) BEFORE there was ANY TALK OF DEEP-WATER CONTAINER SHIP TRAFFIC ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER!!!

“They”, the conspirators in this case, built a bridge-lift on a bridge that could accommodate container ships, 20-years BEFORE there was any talk of container ships on The Columbia (!), (they certainly didn’t tell the Indians) because they were confident that 20-years in the future, ‘they’ were going to successfully flood-out the Celilo People and destroy their lives and culture so their buddies (co-conspirators) could make money via container ship and barge traffic pressing into the grain-growing country of The Palouse.

That’s what happened.

The events described above constitute a conspiracy in my view, and I have just outlined a ‘conspiracy theory’.

That wasn’t so bad now, was it?

Anyway, can you imagine being part of building a bridge and looking upstream and seeing this entire Native Village of Salmon People fishing and living and laughing and loving-their-lives and their children, as they had been doing since time immemorial – and knowing that you are complicit in destroying their town and homes and lives and THIER CHILDREN’S HOPE so a bunch of greedy grain growers in the Palouse – who cut your measly paycheck – can make an extra buck? There were/are roads and railroad tracks. Celilo did not need to be flooded. The People Of Oregon’s destruction of The Celilo People is, inarguably, so, so sad.

The Greedy Ones, The Conspirators, “The Sparrow Sisters”, as they have been remembered in Celilo lore, exist in myriad form.

Like the flooding of Celilo, the mass deaths from ‘the vax’, the mRNA tech, from The Greedy Ones, was known well in advance:


When The Greedy Ones are clearly planning World War Three:


…and in advance of that, are using lawfare (warfare with words) to anticipate a legal justification for murdering our daughters, that is CONSPIRACY to commit future murder:


The Greedy Ones are planning World War Three, and they have started building a damn across the Columbia River, and for some sick/strange reason, they are hell-bent on using our daughters as cement.

Is there a border CONSPIRACY? Looks like it, but this is example doesn’t speak to that, but to common sense.

This guy from Iran is more worried about America than any Democrat I have EVER HEARD FROM, and that is so incredibly shameful. Look how logical and smart this Iranian is. Then think about how stupid every open-border democrat is:


Is there a bird flu CONSPIRACY?

Get ready to don your masks and line up for bird flu shots! Oh the nostalgia!

(If this new excites you, you are what is called a masochist)


I’m done writing. Ya’ll are stupid and boring. I wish I had some Celilo Indians to hang out with.


ISO bicycling friend

Submitted By: jamesvlambert@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
ISO bicycling partner

I have a new touring bike and would like to meet a person or persons to join me for 20-50 mile rides in the northern Oregon region, perhaps Washington.
Me: 63 yo retired chef and spinning instructor. I moved to MZ five years ago, and am quite active in the community. I identify gay, liberal, and somewhat hippy. I ride at a moderate pace, taking time to stop and enjoy side trails and beauty.

You: experienced road and trail rider, male or female, any age. You have a vehicle with rack to transport bikes (my Prius only fits 1 bike in the back). And have a flexible schedule, weekday rides!

Notes: I am not looking for dates, only a buddy or friends to ride with. My new ride is a gazelle class 1 ebike, no throttle, and I ride it like a road bike, often no motor or minimal assist. I’ll adapt to my friends riding style and speed.

Let’s meet up in town and then go for ride.

Presidential Debate

Submitted By: Tevisdiii@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Tonight at 6pm, there is a link where if you want to observe 3 presidential candidates debating ( the independent candidate was not invited to participate, however he has created a link to respond simultaneously along with the republican and democrat.)
I favor inclusivity over cancelling a candidate with very favorable poll ratings.
The link to hear all three speak is:

Drake Association Observes Nehalem Bay Anchorage

Submitted By: ggitzen@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
On Thursday June 27th, at the Wheeler Waterfront Park, the Sir Francis Drake Association of Oregon and California board members observed the 450th anniversary of Francis Drake’s anchorage in Nehalem Bay during his 1577-1580 circumnavigation. Garry Gitzen, President of the Oregon chapter, read from the voyage journal describing Drake’s encounter with the Natives and flora & fauna as: We fell with a convenient and fit harbor ¾ mile across and came to anchor therein, until we continued until the 23rd day of July [old Julian calendar] (August 2nd new Gregorian calendar). During all that time, so near the sun during the Summer we were continually cold…and although the cold was second nature the Natives came shivering and often shroud themselves under [fur] garments to keep them warm….” The journal went on to describe the Snowy Plover as: “The poor bird’s souls not daring to so much as once to arise from their nests, of which we had plenty of observances, until the eggs have hatched.” The journal went on to: “showing trees without leaves [PNW fir, spruce, cedar, noble, redwood, hemlock and yew].
Afterwards, members gathered in Wheeler at 125 First St to erect a 12 ft. by 8 ft. banner. Additionally, various flags were raised of: a symbol of St. George, patron saint of all English Navigators and would have been displayed on Drake’s sails; a flag describing the four corners of the globe sailed during the circumnavigation; a British flag; and a flag recognizing Drake’s anchorage in Oregon.
Everyone in the tri-cities is welcome to drive by and read the banner of Drake’s land claim he called Nova Albion, an old name for England so-called by the Romans. Please do not trespass on the property.

Drake’s ship Golden Hind off the coast of Tillamook circa 1979

Who knew that water bills would be so controversial?

Submitted By: judysugg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Who knew that water bills would be so controversial? The complaints were just complaints in the beginning. Now that a referendum is going forward, it will cost us time and money. And really, for what purpose?

The City of Manzanita approved a new rate structure in July to catch up on nine years of inflation. The plan also rewarded water conservation, and we went to monthly billing.

Complaints about this needed adjustment seem oddly centered on monthly vs. quarterly billing without focusing on the required catch-up from nine years of no increases. And very little has been mentioned about water conservation.

The city, with the help of numerous experts and the active participation of the community, meticulously crafted a new rate structure. This was not a hasty decision. It was a well-researched and considered change. However, due to the referendum, the water rate study now has to be redone, incurring a cost of $8500, not to mention the additional time and more attorney fees. The city has already spent $4500 on attorney fees.

Should the November ballot referendum pass, it will not restore what we had before. If it passes and we go to quarterly billing, rates have to cover the higher costs and account for the difference in averaging, and thus the base will very likely be higher. If it doesn’t pass, we go back to monthly billing, reverting to the current rate.

All of this confusion—for what? We needed a rate that covers the costs and a rate structure that encourages water conservation. This is what the city did.

Ultimately, the genuine cost is wasted time and dissension. We have a limited city staff and an unpaid city council. Their time is finite – and significant projects like the comprehensive plan are waiting.

Dr. Jonathan Allan Speaker, Friday, June 28, 2 – 4 PM

Submitted By: info@evcnb.org – Click to email about this post
Don’t forget to join us to hear Dr. Jonathan Allan, a registered geologist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries speak. He currently leads the Tsunami modeling and mapping program for the State of Oregon.

Friday, June 28, 2024
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Pine Grove Community House
225 Laneda Avenue
Manzanita, OR, 97130

You could win a fully stocked GoBag at the event!

Click the link at the top for more details.

News from the Nehalem Bay Health District

Submitted By: marc@nehalembayhd.org – Click to email about this post
Health Center Groundbreaking Planned for July 20 in Wheeler

Community Room to be Named for North Coast Health Care Advocate

(Wheeler) – Formal groundbreaking for the new Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy will take place on Saturday, July 20 in Wheeler. The public is invited to mark this auspicious milestone in the community effort to improve health and senior care in north Tillamook County and beyond.

The groundbreaking events will take place at the site of the new Health Center: the corner of U.S. Highway 101 and Hospital Road in Wheeler, across the street from Wheeler City Hall. Events will begin at 11:00 am.

The new 16,000 square foot Health Center is being developed by the Nehalem Bay Health District and will replace the current facility which is too small to accommodate expanded and new services able to reach more patients. The project represents a major upgrade in local health care delivery, featuring 15 exam and treatment rooms, a dental suite, behavioral health, x-ray and a modern retail pharmacy.

The new Health Center will also feature a community room equipped with a teaching kitchen that will accommodate classes and demonstrations. The room will serve Health Center staff, as well as the community.

During a community celebration and fundraising event on June 23 the Health District announced that the room will be named the Leila Salmon Community Room in honor of the long-time north coast community and health care advocate.

Leila Salmon has volunteered for a range of community causes, including serving as president of the Manzanita City Council, as a member of the Tillamook County budget committee and chair of the former Rinehart Clinic board, the precursor to the new Health Center.

The idea of honoring Mrs. Salmon originated with the generosity of the Samuel S. Johnson Foundation (the family foundation of former north coast state Senator Betsy Johnson).

The foundation made an unrestricted $15,000 donation to the Health District earlier this year with the suggestion, as Senator Johnson wrote, “that our contribution be associated in some fashion with the years of dedicated service provide by Mrs. Leila Salmon. For years. Mrs. Salmon was one of the Rinehart Clinic’s champions, She was a ferocious advocate, fundraiser, political ‘arm twister’ and ‘volunteer extraordinaire.’ Her influence on the availability of medical services in the region cannot be overstated.”

“The Health District board of directors wholeheartedly agreed,” said Marc C. Johnson, president of the board, “and enthusiastically endorsed the naming of the new community room in honor of Leila.” Johnson noted that Mrs. Salmon is still mentoring and advising local officials and remains deeply involved in the community.

Mrs. Salmon’s advocacy for health care extends far beyond the north coast of Oregon. Before her “retirement” and relocation to Oregon she served as chair of the New York State Mental Health Planning Council, advising the governor on the use of mental health funding. She later trained mental health professionals for the federal Department of Health and Human Services and also served as executive director of a national organization of mental health professionals.

The Health District board expresses it heartfelt thanks to the Samuel S. Johnson Foundation for its generous support to improve health and senior care on the north coast.

For updates on the progress of the new Health Center project visit: www.nehalembayhd.org

Under the Apple Tree with Miz Honey Crisp

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Under the Apple Tree with Miz Honey Crisp

Sunday afternoon at NCRD Rick Estrin and the Nightcats took us to church. Virtuoso of the mouth organ, tin sandwich, or harmonica, Estrin took the stage in a lavender suit with more moves than the Solid Gold Dancers. From the opening number, Estrin and the wildly talented Nightcats brought the house to their feet playing a wide ranging mix of musical styles from old school Blues and R&B to Surf Rock.

Drummer, Derrick ‘D Mar’ Martin played drums for 15 years with Little Richard and has the chops to prove it. He worked the room with an amazing extended solo that had the audience begging for more.

Keyboardist Lorenzo Farrell has played with musicians like Elvin Bishop, Wee Willie Walker and others. A highly sought after instrumentalist, Farrell has been with the Nightcats since 2003.

Norway born guitarist, Kid Anderson, played with legend Charlie Musselwhite from 2004 until joining the Nightcats. His work as an engineer and producer at Greaseland Studio won him the 2017 Keeping the Blues Alive award.

These cats are the real deal and it was clear through the sets at NCRD that these musicians enjoy each other and what they do.

The show produced by our local good eggs—the North Coast Music Project was a fundraiser for the new health center and pharmacy in Wheeler. Once again NCMP brought great live music from world class performers to our corner of the world.

Miz Honey had an engagement with local gal pal Nina Kahnie and missed what she heard was a smoking after party at The Lighthouse with more great live music by Johnny Wheels and the Swamp Donkeys who performed with a special appearance on drums by Tony TC Coleman. Estrin and the Nightcats played a final set to close out evening.

Miz Honey heard that the dance floor was packed with sweaty bodies, and the wine and Bacardi’s flowed like the mighty Nehalem River.

Until next time, stay sweet and juicy!

Miz Honey Crisp

I am posting on behalf of Miz Honey Crisp

ISO property rental between Astoria and Rockaway

Submitted By: Tylersimpson295@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hi there!

I’m Tyler, a lead marine wildlife interpreter, educator, and environmentalist working (mostly remotely) in Canon beach with city hall (HRAP). I have been fortunate to have spent several years working remotely + volunteering abroad, living in more than ten countries to date. I am currently residing in Seaside, but the three-month lease will be up come July 16. So, I am searching for housing. In addition to myself, my friend, Cori, would be joining me. She lead a team of pharmacists (via remote work) in terms of occupation.

If you have a property available to rent between Astoria and Rockaway I’d love to chat! We are looking to move into somewhere July 16 of this year. We are open to a 2-6 month lease depending on location (amongst other factors such as availability and price).

We are looking for a furnished two or three bedroom property with strong wifi as we both will be working remotely. Our budget is between $1,800 – 3,000 depending on the location and amenities. Utilities included would be ideal (similar to the function of Furnished Finder, the platform for Travel nurses of which Cori introduced me to last year).

***Alternatively, we do not need to room together. We are open to two separate 1-bedroom studios or small homes, only one of which we would ask to be pet friendly. Our budget for these would be around the same above (split); $900 – 1,500 per person / property.

We have a number of fantastic long-stay reviews on AirBnB, as well as two positive reviews here on Furnished Finder. My current landlord (in Seaside) expressed willingness on also attesting, as have my colleagues within Cannon Beach city-hall. As an environmentalist, I can assure you that we aim to utilize as little energy as possible during our stay. We are also usually gone during the weekends on hiking trips, saving costs of energy even further. Cori will be traveling with her cat of which is most positively behaved (and fixed + declawed). Both Cori and I are beyond clean individuals, so we can assure that the property will look the same upon our departure as it did our arrival. As an environmentalist scientist, I can also assure that we do everything to minimize power usage.

We are willing to place a refundable deposit (including pet deposit) as soon as possible depending on the length of stay that you are comfortable with.

All the best,

Tyler W. Simpson

– Lead wildlife Interpreter (Haystack Rock Awareness Program), City of Cannon Beach –
-Educator / Global Volunteer / Student of life –
+1 (682) 717-4171

“Failure is success in progress”— Albert Einstein

Charge President Trump with Treason, not hush money!

Submitted By: runnawaytrain1@gmx.com – Click to email about this post
Microsoft News Network (Bill Gates’ rag that is presently mostly run by the intel agencies), reports that WW3 is imminent. That network is mostly run by the intel agencies these days, at the very least they are very often a primary source for info.

And the American intel agencies should know that World War Three is imminent as they are the ones feverishly trying to start a BIG WAR for the military-industrial-complex and big tech and big banks and the war-pig Americans who support the corrupt Biden regime.

And the Democrats are ready to KILL YOUR DAUGHTERS after the BIG WAR they are starting GETS REALLY BIG:


(Or is drafting American girls to die for Raytheon actually feminism, like the thousands of dead ‘feminist’ Ukrainian girls Lynsie Graham and Vlad Zelensky have murdered for the American military-industrial-complex?).


And this is the headline (below) we get after four years of the war criminals from the Obama and Clinton Admins that are presently and illegally running our federal government.

FOUR MORE YEARS OF BIDEN (the Clintons and Obama) and most of this world is gonna go down in nuclear flames. You think I’m joking? I ain’t going for clicks. DEMOCRATS, PLEASE LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. This headline won’t happen after four more years of Biden because we will be living in a Democrat-nuked hell-scape.

Your headline Democrats, after four years of your party’s sick, anti-American, anti-life rule:


But if you really want to understand World War Three, we are already in it, and this part of the war isn’t about tanks and bombs.

This interview with the world’s TOP BIO-WEAPONS EXPERT, who just testified in front of the EU, and other govt’s across the world, is one of the most important interviews in the history of humanity.

Articles for the impeachment of Senator Jeff Merkley can be found at 41:00.

Hey Trump supporters! Treason charges against President Trump can be found at 01:00:00 and 01:25:00

This is easily the most important interview I have ever heard, and that speaks to the guest Dr. Martin, not Alex.

Disregard at your own peril:


Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs

Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Tillamook County Housing Commission
Is an ADU right for you?
People are talking about ADUs as a potential solution to our housing crisis. What are ADUs and how can they help? ADU stands for “accessory dwelling unit,” which is a smaller, independent residence or rental located on the same lot as a single-family home. ADUs are sometimes referred to as apartments, secondary dwellings and granny flats. These can be a converted space or addition in an existing home (a garage or bonus room, for example). They can also be a separate structure like a converted detached garage, shed or tiny home somewhere on the property.
The Tillamook County Housing Commission is recommending ADUs as a housing production solution. Tillamook County does not have a lot of buildable land, so adding ADUs on lots that already have a home on them can reduce the time and expense of adding new housing.
ADUs can be a great solution for older adults seeking to downsize and for anyone trying to find affordable rentals. Homeowners can also create additional income streams by renting out an ADU. ADUs must meet certain requirements and it is important to note that, where these are being allowed, they must be for long-term and not as vacation rentals.

GENERAL INTEREST, science is real

Submitted By: tevisdiii@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
In response to those who have been following our excellent community discussion, ‘science is real’, I will preface my remarks buy relating to a recent, fairly long term dialog via email with a member of our community.

I was invited to join an in person discussion group to “bring the blues and the reds together”, that followed a proscribed protocol to participate. Everyone got equal time to speak and to be civil. Being more inclined to share in writing the individual agreed and what followed over a few months were numerous emails presenting our views on everything from gardening and music to history and pressing world events. The per tenant point in relating this exchange is that in my very first introduction expressing who I was, I pointed out that the over riding influence in our communications, besides of course any personal history, would be our sources for information that guide our judgement and beliefs.

Throughout our exchanges, we shared mutual love of musicians, authors, family, food, the good things, but regarding more serious issues, I leaned heavily into the arc of history that brought us to the present, hoping to show a coherent pattern to support my perspectives but from the very beginning to the last email, my versions of events were discounted out of hand 90% of the time, because the publication or medium was considered an unacceptable source. Examples would be podcasts, blogs, you tube interviews, alternative news sites. This pen pal was much more inclined to look forward, find common ground and move toward the common good. Fair enough, that’s what most of us want but we all know what’s said about not studying history and eventually there were too many disagreements about where we are, so choosing directions for positive forward movement became agreeing to disagree. It all came down to who and what we each believed to be true, faith in our sources. If my referrals were not published, in print, in the NYT, POST, WALL STREET JOURNAL, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, TIME and the like, they were suspect. I would point out that considering most of said outlets are owned by a few individuals very heavily invested in shaping narratives to protect their heavy investments, thinking they carry weight because they once wore the robes of truth and respect, made them suspect. The idea that history can and is often revised as it happens, depending on who gets to write or report it, can be difficult to understand let alone accept but it is true. This is the theme I would not set aside while trying to describe our common ground. It’s not unusual for two people to experience the same thing and tell very different stories, but directing policy without consensus can be disastrous on a large scale.

Pivotal events involving our nation, both internally and internationally have increased exponentially over the past 150 years, driven by industry and electricity, until now, well, how to describe; it’s horrendous? ( note the list of wars and coups above). One thing is certain, it takes way more time and energy than most folks have to keep up with and filter events for truth and that’s across the boards; science, policies, creative advances, nations working and not working together, understanding climate, keeping up with AI and surveillance, on and on, and the whole parade of personalities that present their part of the show.

Sources are important. None of us are so qualified that we don’t rely on others for their expertise. Below is a raft of sources which the curious student of science, politics, history etc, can explore and decide for themselves if they are credible, and believe me, I know someone else might comprise a list to refute each and every one of the offerings below. Go for it. Such is the nature of the tools and depth of information we have in our hands, but I think dispensing with the term “conspiracy” and just saying theory would encourage education. And, as mentioned before, the impact of the speed and momentum carrying the whole world forward presently should be part of any conversation: ubiquitous devices, overwhelming messaging.

Regarding ones love of country and how they express it I would remind folks that vehemently disagreeing with policies is a right and obligation, especially if you feel the leaders you did, or did not choose, go off the rails. Maybe we should slow down so we can hear the message the guy on the side of the road waving red flags is trying to say, even if we don’t like the distraction, because he’s trying to warn us the bridge around the curve has collapsed.


Unlike the news shorts we were inundated with from the start, these links take some time. (My apologies for my poor PC skills if you have to copy and paste each link).

Within weeks of covid appearing on the world scene, Dr. Francis Boyle determined it was lab altered.
This link is just his resume, which should lend weight to his conclusion. It will be almost impossible to find anyone in the whole world who has worked as tirelessly for human rights and justice.

Work your way through this one and you may pass the class; probably don’t have to do the rest of the homework.

Work through it.

Dr David Martin address the European Assembly; patents for cov-2 filed years ago.

We were warned about this from the beginning.

Want to know what’s in the “vaccine”?

Why was it not used immediately?

Dr. Robert Malone, one of the pioneers in mRNA research. This interview like many shedding light on this three year event is long but then it’s a complicated story. He has been involved since the beginning.

Dr. Peter Mccullugh testifies before congress.

He’s one of the many medical doctors who the whole world listened to and quoted before COVID, and being the first to raise red flags about the mRNA treatment in writing, was one of the first to be censored and slandered. No one is any more qualified than he is to educate us on this landslide of poor choices.

This is dated. New data does nothing but reinforce the concerns.

Math science

And you can cut to the kill and just read the book; not for the weak spirited. The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

More science than most want to absorb.

Dated but the numbers even then don’t lie.

Were they necessary or worth it?

Another leading expert the world looked to until covid.

I could easily add a hundred more links. Experts, really smart people have not been silent, just silenced.


History is important and there is a lot of it that the citizens of this nation are either ignorant of or in denial of, and it is especially impactful since the beginning of the twentieth century. After WWII, the combination of complacency and accelerating event cycles leave us finding it hard to believe that our trusted leaders lie to us on a scale we now know to be true. In that vein, here’s two books that will help clarify:
The Devils Chess Board, by David Talbot, and expanding upon and updating is, One Nation Under Blackmail; Volume 1 and 2, by Whitney Webb. Our nations past is not the history we were taught in school.

The CIA and our military have been busy in our name and as the business of war has grown, so has its bonds with our congress.

I love the USofA as the idea it is intended to be. I am learning how elevated the framers of our republic were, how complete their vision was and how when the documents were completed and signed, we the people were admonished to be vigilant and participate, to not become lax. I think those framers would now agree with me that we allowed or nation to become a bloody empire.

It’s not that our nation hasn’t done nobel things or hasn’t shared it’s advancments with other nations but if we peel back the Norman Rockwell, Father Knows Best veneers and ‘how we won the world war’ narrative, there’s alot to atone for, and there is a lag time for repercussions from brutal past aggressions. It takes generations for injustices done to other nations to boomerang back on the agressor. Think about imigrants from failed states.

Take a break from your latest Netflix detective series and try this one. It’s All a Richmans Trick.

A lesson from Professor Stephen Cohen about Russia.

Corlnel Douglas MacGreagor, a Russian proagandist? Boulder Dash! Might be the clearest, most concise, experienced and educated advisor for our nation on not only foriegn policy but domestic as well.

Pepe Escobar has become what Naom Chomsky used to be, a world repected geo-political analyst. US and it’s Western European vasals keep trying to duct tape the empire together while shooting themselves in their feet, their legs and it looks like the’re going for the head now. Stupidity or intentional destruction I don’t know but we are perilously close to finding out.

One of many interviews with Whitney Webb, this will introduce you to a remarkable person who holds more information at the ready and can connect the dots maybe better than anyone else, and I mean anywhere.

John Pilger left us with a legacy of truthful reporting about war.

Understanding the Ukraine

Title says it all.

If you thought there were no more articulate and passionate voices left in Europe then listen to Clare Daly.

Again I could add a hundred more links.

Ending thoughts

School’s Out! Lunches Available for Kids at these Locations!

Submitted By: Tinnindeb@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Nehalem Bay Community Services

MUNCH a LUNCH and GRAB & GO (kids summer lunch program)

South Route Pick up spots and times are:
Monday & Wednesday — June 17 – Aug 21

​11:00 – 11:10 Wheeler (across from Post Office)
​11:20 –11:30 Mohler Market Lot
​11:40 — 11:50 Miami/Foley and Foss Rd
​12:00 — 12:10 White Clover Grange
​12:20 – 12:30 McDonald Rd/Island Drive

​11:30 – 12:00 Pick up available at Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church.

North Route Pick up spots and times are:
Monday & Wednesday — June 17 – Aug 21

​11:00 — 11:10 Nehalem Bay Elementary
​11:20 — 11:30 Manzanita Library Lot
​11:40 – 11:50 Nehalem Cemetery Lot
​12:00 — 12:10 Bayside Garden & Evergreen
​12:20 – 12:30 Tohl & Echanie Ct.

​11:30 – 12:00 Pick up available at Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church.

Please TEXT 425-785-1057 with the location of pick up and number of children if your child/children will be picking up lunches. This will help ensure we have an adequate number of lunches at that pick up point.

Each child will receive lunches for 2 days on Monday and 3 days on Wednesday. First day is June 17th and last day is August 21st.

NBCS is an equal opportunity provider.

Splish, Splash

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Splish, Splash

At the recent Budget Adoption meeting and the June City Council Meeting, Councilor Tom Campbell addressed the referendum filed by Randy Kugler regarding water billing. Campbell also remarked on a conversation the two had about the water fund and indirect allocations. Once Campbell did his own research, he learned that the facts were a little different from how Randy presented them.

Someone who signed the petition for the referendum had a similar experience with the canvasser who came to their home. The canvasser said the petition was to restore quarterly billing and the old base rate. Again, not quite true.

Let’s start with the question this referendum will place on the ballot.

“Shall the City of Manzanita read water meters and bill for water service on a monthly basis rather than a quarterly?”

A yes vote would mean we pay monthly while a no vote would mean we’d revert to quarterly. It doesn’t increase the base rate allowance from 2,000 to 4,000 gallons and it doesn’t mean we will or can revert to the old water rates.

Why was the tiered system adopted in the first place and why did the rates go up?

To understand more I read the most recent executive summary of the October 2023 Water Rate Study prepared for Manzanita by the Oregon Association of Water Utilities (OAWU). I’ve included a link to the study so you can read it yourself.

There are a lot of numbers, but the Executive Summary is surprisingly easy to read. It was written by water and utility professionals who know the subject and don’t have a horse in this race. They looked into the math.

In 2023 when they did the most recent study the consumption charge per 1,000 gallon unit of water was $2.50 for residential customers in the city and $3.25 outside the city with 4 units allowed in the base rate (4,000 gallons). The study averaged both full-time and part-time residences because whether they’re in town or not, part-time homeowners still pay the base rate.

The last increase in water rates was $5 a month to Single Family Residences (SFR) in October of 2014. We all know the price of everything has gone up over the last nine years, but our water charges haven’t.

Okay, here comes the math! We annually produce and sell about 81,011,365 million gallons of water and the cost of producing that water is $1,687,953.76.

One unit of water is 1,000 gallons and costs $20.84. So, the actual cost of 4,000 gallons of water per month would be $83.36.

At the end of the day (and the budget cycle) we’re short $575,504.38. (OAWU Executive Summary p. ii and iv).

The report looked at simply splitting the costs equally between all types of users—households inside and outside town, regardless of how much of the 4,000 gallons they use, and the commercial businesses. Under that method it would be $76.36 monthly for everyone, but it wouldn’t be fair. Kind of like when you decide to split a check equally at a restaurant and you got a salad and water but everybody else had drinks, wine, apps, mains, and desserts—oof!

One of the goals of the study was to make any changes as fair and equitable as possible. People would pay their fair share based on water usage. Those who use less water would pay less and people or businesses that use more would pay more. One of the advantages of the tiered system is that most households use less than 2,000 gallons monthly except in summer so most would only see a $7 increase in their bill for much of the year.

In the summer, many of us use more water. We have gardens and bird baths and wading pools and sprinklers.

During the summer months, let’s add to that. Vacation rentals are mostly occupied, as are second homes and the campground. All those people use water too. Vacation rentals and motels do laundry. A lot of laundry. Depending on occupancy and turnover some do loads and loads of laundry every day. Some have hot tubs. Plus, visitors take showers, do the dishes, and flush the toilet. At least we hope they do.

“The discrepancies are only exacerbated as higher volumes of water are consumed. When the unit production cost (currently $20.84) is more than the unit sold price, an adjustment in the rates is necessary.” (OAWU Executive Summary p.iv)

Why shouldn’t people using more water pay for it, including those of us who live here full-time?

In Oregon, at least Western Oregon, we’re used to thinking of water as a free or close to free thing. That doesn’t reflect reality because getting the water we have from its source to our homes isn’t free. Safe, clean water is not the limitless resource we used to think it was. Just ask the folks who live in California, Colorado, Nevada and Flint, Michigan.

Paying for what we use isn’t a punishment, it’s just a fact of life. We’re used to not having to think about water, but our neighbors in Nehalem and Neahkahnie struggle with water use every summer. Conserving what we have and mindfully using less is the way we make sure there’s water in the future and that we have a reasonable water bill.

According to a records request I submitted, legal fees for the referendum as of June 7 are $4200. There will be more legal fees in the next billing cycle. I assume it will be a similar amount. In addition, we have a second water study underway which will cost another $8500.

I have to wonder how many people signing the referendum actually read the water study for themselves or watched the water presentation or the council work session when the information was presented and discussed? Use your own noggins and school yourselves, kids.


Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Science Is Real 4.2

Submitted By: runnawaytrain1@gmx.com – Click to email about this post
Some response to OkieDokie

OkieDokie wrote:

“I do get tired of our local conspiracist (Andy) and his addiction to silly pseudo science and seeing his distorted views in print.”

Okie, Democrats have figured out a solution for dealing with folks whose views they disagree with. Cancel them! Remove their ‘free’ speech! Throw them in jail! That’s what fascistic communism is okiedokie, and that’s what the Democrat Party has become, arrogant fascistic anti-science communists-for-the-billionaires, taking that torch from the Bush Crime Family and running further and wider with it.

“Re his latest rant against wearing masks, he has little sensitivity toward others who use them for a variety of reasons other than “fear” instilled by “big pharma”. Gene Dierkin politely explained the many other reasons and was slammed in return. Immunocompromised with cancer, I appreciate Gene’s support.”

Gene didn’t explain one reason for wearing a mask, at all. The science part, not the ‘because I say I wear it for this so it works’ part. Can you explain to me how wearing a mask helps anyone with cancer or other immunocompromised health issues? Just explain it, in simple terms. You say a KN95 mask has a benefit for folks with cancer. What is that benefit? It’s an easy question.

“As for the King of Conspiracy”

Thank you for the tittle! LOVE IT!!!

“…what a silly and trivial thing to obsess over.”

Nope, not trivial. Anti-science neurotic freaks contributed to one of the most disgusting things our society has ever DONE TO OUR CHILDREN. The teacher’s unions’ masked our children at school ALL DAY LONG FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS TO APPEASE YOU NEUROTIC ANTI-SCIENCE FREAKS. Those children suffered because you mask/vax freaks don’t understand science. And I have a daughter, so you will not see the end of my rage toward Covidiots about that one, ever. THE CHILDREN WON’T FORGET WHAT YOU DID TO THEM AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU.

“It’s sad to see someone so caught up in hate and vitriol, who is so quick to direct it toward others in our community.”

Yeah, I get pretty fuck*ing angry at injustice and stupidity, always have. Only the unashamed fascistic communists get vitriol though, love the rest of ya!

“Btw, didn’t he vow to stop posting his rants on bbq just a few months ago??”

Yup! And then I post three more! 🙂

Also, who are you okie dokie? Are you brave enough to share your name with the rest of us on the north coast? Or do you prefer cowardice, the shadows, etc.


Few Tickets Remain for Health Center Benefit

Submitted By: marc@manythingsconsidered.com – Click to email about this post
There are but a handful of VIP tickets remaining for the Sunday June 23 NCRD concert benefiting the new Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy.

Pre-concert reception at 2:00 pm … show at 3:00 pm.

It promises to be a terrific show with Rich Estrin and the Nightcats, a sassy blues band on a national album release tour.

KOIN TV’s Ken Boddie will MC.

There will be previews of the new Health Center, one really great silent auction item, some very special announcements … and a bonus appearance by Neahkahnie High School music students.

Tickets at Ticket Tomato: www.tickettomato.com/event/8701/rick-estrin-amp-the-nightcats

Judges on the Ballot – a Silent Weapon

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
In this years primary election, you may have noticed all the judges on the ballot running unopposed. You might ask yourself – Why always unopposed? Surely there must be other qualified people that desire a position as a judge.

I wrote a piece about this awhile ago explaining how the governor can legally pick a qualified person to fill a vacancy that happens when a judge steps down before their term is up, so the person the governor picks is on the ballot for the next term unopposed, and wether you vote for them or not they will be elected to that position for a number of years, when due to a prior agreement with the governor they will step down before their term is up so the governor can now legally pick another person to fill that position. What the governor is doing is legal but goes against the spirit of the Oregon Constitution which states that Oregon citizens get the opportunity to fill judicial positions by voting.
The agreement between the governor and the person she selects: that they step down before their term is up so that the governor can select another person, is called collusion. Collusion is when two or more parties secretly agree to defraud a third-party (Oregon citizens) of their rights or to accomplish an illegal purpose. Some types of collusion are against the law. And this one, as it denies a right given to us by a constitution, I believe violates the law.
This affects you in more ways than you know. It locks in one party forever. A party that pushes the globalist agenda.
*Is gerrymandering a problem in Oregon?
Only twice in the last hundred years has the Oregon legislature successfully completed redistricting without intervention by the secretary of state or the courts. For decades, the legislature failed to redistrict at all, so that the party in power could maintain its advantage, resulting in growing distortions in the ratio of voters-to-representatives from one legislative district to the next as population sizes shifted throughout the state.
Oregon law requires that district lines are not to be drawn for partisan advantage, so partisan data is not analyzed publicly. But in reality, legislators share this data behind closed doors, and are well aware of how various options will affect party advantage. Oregon needs to end the “wink and a nod” sharing of partisan data behind closed doors and make this information available for public scrutiny.

I believe that if we had a non-political or “balanced Supreme Court”** – A person or group could challenge this “redistricting” and probably win as what Oregon has been doing has been heavily criticized by others.
Democrat party control has basically cemented itself in perpetuity in Oregon, they control all of the courts. What happens after that is corruption with a capital C. I would like to say that I have been a Democrat for most of my life, ending just recently in the last several years, as I have noticed that the things I stood for as a Democrat do not exist in either the state or national Democratic Party.
Our country, the United States of America, has had the best constitution of all the countries on this beautiful planet. Guaranteeing
the most freedoms to all its citizens – but no more. We are in “a quiet war with silent weapons” We now ban free speech, we arrest peaceful demonstrators, not violent ones. Parental rights are going out the window, (see HB 2002.Your minor child’s reproductive organs are controlled by the state of Oregon. That bill gives the state the right to determine what sex your child is).
Our agencies and court systems are weaponized against us. We have corrupt voting systems, and the constitutional right to have a gun is constantly being attacked. Crime and property destruction are a constant in many towns and cities in Oregon, and the perpetrators if arrested are put right back on the streets where they repeat their behavior. The media cleverly turns us against each other, even families, and divided we fall!!! And we are falling. Let’s try uniting!! Let’s try watching our state legislature in action!! There ARE a few, very good legislators in both parties who really care about their constituents. You need to know who they are.
**I did have a suggestion to remedy the “judges running unopposed” and I asked a Senator and a journalist what they thought of my suggestion. I was told that any one running against the governors “pick” if they lost – would not be able to do business in Oregon. A high price to pay for running for a judicial position!!

Chess on MONDAY, June 17th @ Pine Grove

Submitted By: lesleyanctil@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
After a brief hiatus, Pacific Pawns and Knights Chess Club will be meeting tomorrow, on June 17th, between 4pm and 6pm at the Pine Grove. (Note: we usually meet on Sundays, but this month we are meeting on a Monday).

All are welcome (kids, adults, beginners, advanced). If you enjoy chess and have never been, please join us! This is a casual meet-up, where you find a partner and play a game or two! Boards provided.

We have also started a chess ladder, for those who want a little more competition. Anyone can join-in and challenge others to be on top of the ladder and claim the trophy until the next meet-up!

See you there!