Lessons From the Lot

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com
Lessons From the Lot

If you’d have told me when we moved here fulltime in 2020 that I’d be supporting Heron’s Rest, a planned unit development on the 3rd Street lot that neighbors and I opposed in 2017, I would’ve wondered what you were smoking.

In the four years since I started writing these posts, I’ve learned something about Oregon land use goals and laws, city and county ordinances, and the rules and processes of municipal government. As I’ve learned, my perspective has changed as perspectives will do when wishful thinking runs into reality.

What I’ve learned is that the rules are the rules and if we don’t like how they work, we can change them but it’s going to take more people than just us and it’s going to take time—a lot of time—to get it done. And because we live in communities with other people it’s also going to take discussions with folks who hold different opinions and have different perspectives, ideas, and agendas. Some of those discussions will be difficult but ultimately worthwhile. None of us are going to get everything we want and that’s where compromise comes in.

In the summer of 2020, I discovered the new owner of the 3rd Street lot, Nate Palmer, had an application for a wetland delineation with the Department of State Lands. The first iteration of a plan for development had been denied in 2017. Neighbors who were in opposition to that plan (including my husband and I) believed that since it was denied, it was over, but when people buy property they have a right to use that property for whatever is allowed in the zone where it’s located, as long as they follow the ordinances.

I was angry about the clearcutting that happened back in December of 2016 before the lot was sold. It was designated Open Space land. There were supposed to be permits, an arborists report, a tree replanting plan and a wetland delineation before the previous owner could clearcut but none of those documents existed because none of those things happened. Nothing is easier to blame than the government or developers when you’re mad and what was supposed to happen just didn’t.

Scott Imholt, the builder for the 3rd Street project, responded to a misguided post I’d written. I replied. We met up at the lot on a freezing cold day and he listened to my frustrations, my conspiracy theories and how genuinely sad I was. I listened to him explain the stuff I didn’t understand about land use and ordinances.

What I remember from that first conversation was him saying, things change and change is hard.

Of course, I know the truth of that but like most people I don’t want what I love to end. I loved that piece of forest in the center of town. It felt like someone I loved died.

My first conversation with Scott led to more conversations about the lot and their proposed development and how to make it not suck for me and my neighbors.

Well, it doesn’t suck.
Scott and Nate met with us more than once and have communicated with us throughout the process. We’ve seen numerous iterations of their plan as they worked through the design to get to where it is now. They’ve been responsive to our concerns. They’ve addressed stuff like blowing sand in the summer and standing water in the winter. Their development has changed shape and their architect, Jim Fanjoy has designed a development with treed green space and wildlife pass throughs in the fencing. All the houses are small at 650 square feet with one or two bedrooms. Only 11 of them are two-level garage units. Fifteen of the units are single level with shared parking which will attract people who want to be in walking distance to town and the beach. The single level homes will back the existing single level homes, so my neighbors will maintain their privacy. A one way punch through from 3rd to Hallie will contain the parking within the development. They’ve listened and responded to us. And they’ve followed the ordinances we have to a T.

People buying these homes will be choosing a small home with shared parking in a walkable neighborhood. Maybe, like Classic Cottages more fulltime people will choose to relocate here. The traffic study that was done over the summer supports fewer parking spaces which will allow more trees, more permeable surface area and more green space. The homes will fit in with the existing surrounding neighborhood. We’ll still see Neahkahnie and not a skyline of big houses looming over Laneda.

We’re all responsible for the world we’ve created. The “government” that we seem to love to hate are just a bunch of regular people doing the jobs that keep things running. If we want to change things, we’re going to have to follow the rules we have and collaborate and compromise with other people to do it.

And developers? They’re the people who create jobs and build homes and businesses in communities. Palmer and Imholt have developed work force housing in Bay City, and now they want to build a neighborhood of small homes in the center of Manzanita. I believe they love this place and want to make something good happen.

It’s easy to blame other people when things don’t go the way I want them to. It’s easy to have an agenda when I’m angry about something and holding on tight to that anger. And creating a conspiracy when I don’t know all the facts about something or don’t want to accept them is crazy easy.

In a recent email to me, Nate wrote, “Great things happen when people from different backgrounds work together with good intentions!”

Yes, they can, and they do!

To see the application and materials check out the Planning Commission webpage.

To submit a written comment as part of the public record please reference application number 24001 Heron’s Rest.

Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Wheeler Water Customers Helping Build New Manzanita City Hall?

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Wheeler Water Customers Helping Build New Manzanita City Hall?
Shared from the March 29 Headlight Herald Opinion page.

The new 2024-2025 budget process is now being assembled for proposal to Wheeler citizens. With that in mind, The Voice wants to bring up a couple of points about the water.
“U.S. Municipal Water & Sewer: Annual Utility Rate Index, 2023. Across 50 of the largest U.S. metropolitan areas, average monthly household water bills increased to US $50.61. Two cities demonstrating the largest rate increases from 2022–2023 were El Paso, Texas and San Jose, California. El Paso residents recorded a 17% increase in their water. ”Wheeler’s water rate increased an unreasonable and absurd 108% . The Wheeler tap charge alone of $58 is higher than the entire average U.S. water rates. Add Wheeler’s average water usage to the water bill, more than doubles the average U.S water bill. And we live in Oregon with 100 inches of rain a year, not the Mojave desert. Why is this happening when Wheeler owns the well on Foley Creek Road that Wheeler shares with Manzanita. The original agreement was to SHARE the water. Wheeler continues to pay exactly half of the costs to run the water system with Manzanita. While Manzanita uses more than 110 million gallons a year, Wheeler uses only 21 million gallons. Manzanita not only makes more than $1,000,000 a year of Wheeler well water, they pocket enough money from the 5,000 summertime State Park’s flush toilets and hot showers to buy cars and trucks. The original Manzanita agreement was to use the same shared amount with Wheeler. However, they have taken advantage of Wheeler’s lack of asking for what is owed. The water plant alongside the Big Wave at the corner of Laneda and Hwy 101 was supposed to make up the rest of their water system by tapping from Alder Creek, Anderson Creek and Necarney Creek. None of those Manzanita creeks are being utilized. The Manzanita water plant is used as an office to park their car and truck for the Manzanita Public Works for Wheeler water purchased. Have you seen the large cleared lot across from Manzanita Fresh Foods for the new Manzanita City Hall; Wheeler water is purchasing. Wheeler is entitled to SHARE more than $1,000,000 Manzanita is collecting for 89,000,000 gallons of Wheeler water above the 21 million gallons Wheeler uses. Gary Gitzen Wheeler

Golden Key Wellness Reflexology intro sessions Qigong Health Coach

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
at R&R in Nehalem private studio.
Sessions typically run 2 or 1.5 hours and include a thalassotherapy or terra therapy foot bath, near-infrared warming light, reflexology to ears, hands and feet plus acuaromatherapy with plant oils and reflexology finishing balm.

2hr/ $225
1.5hr/ $175
NOW OFFERING 1hr/introduction $125!
Intro sessions include all above but choose between hands or feet. Whichever feels most needed.

Contact me (info below) to get on my limited schedule:
Mon – Wed April 15-17th
Fri April 19th
day and evening appointments

Thursday’s at 11am in the NCRD gym
Mindful Movement
This class focuses on 5 elements/seasonal qigong and the 8 jewels (8 brocades) for strengthening and tonification. There is a Tuesday Mindful Movement class that is led by Julie Stratton and consists of flowing tai chi.

Health Coach
I’m offering new rates of $60 per session. Most people schedule between 3 -12 sessions depending on their needs.

I specialize in helping people live aligned with the seasons, making general health improvements that your Dr. is recommending or you’re simply ready to make. I provide support for anticancer and longevity lifestyles as well as maternity and well child care. Having health coach support improves success and satisfaction with your goals.

Call/text for consultations and bookings: 971.977.0166

Thank you!
In kindness and wellness,
~ Libby
Elizabeth Golden Seaver


Submitted By: codger817@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
A wonderful quote from Carl Sagan’s “Demon-Haunted World”

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Singing to heal and open the way

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
April 9th & 23rd

We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.
Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.

Threshold singers gather (in person) twice per month on 2nd&4th Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm @ St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon. We encourage singers to come as early as 5:30 for self-guided social & warm-up.

2nd Tuesdays: Intro & Healing Space (Practice giving/receiving healing through song – hosted by Ann & Ali)

4th Tuesdays: Core Songs Practice (Nuts & Bolts – hosted by Kim & Jennifer)

For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm (also both 2nd&4th Tuesdays), and all are welcome.

Let us Sing!
2nd&4th Tuesdays *6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon

*Come as early as 5:30 for self-guided social & warm-up

For more information:
Email: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com
Text/call: 503-440-7861

Threshold Choir International:

May you be well…

Responding to Tevis’ recommendation of: “Climate: The Movie”

Submitted By: genedieken@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Right up front: I believe in government responding in big, bold ways to an undeniable climate catastrophe.
The notion from this movie that what we are seeing is just some kind of cyclic variation over millennia or millions of years is essentially don’t-believe-your-lyin’-eyes gaslighting. You don’t have to believe in any science, you can simply look at your homeowners’ insurance. Actuaries are paid to see trends as they happen and assess risk. Florida, California, and other states are becoming homeowners’ policy reinsurers of reinsurers of insurers due to climate-based disasters previously unimagined in scope and cost.
I’ve previously pointed out that PGE in Portland upped its electricity rates by 18% in January to pay for undergrounding an electric transmission line to protect it from catastrophic, unimagined wildfires. That rate is likely to go up another 7% soon. portlandgeneral.com/news/2023-10-30-customer-price-changes-to-take-effect-january-2024
Do a Google search of the methane leakage disaster caused by producer neglect in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico, the most productive natural gas region in the world. Methane is 90 times more heat-absorbing than CO2. www.nrdc.org/stories/new-mexico-has-methane-cloud-visible-satellite-it-also-has-bold-climate-plans
NPR just featured a segment about sinking towns in Alaska due to the (once again unimagined) wide-scale thawing of permafrost. One of the components of permafrost is methane. What would you think if your family graveyard sank five feet in the last 20 years? The summer-long boreal forest fires in northern Canada last year were likely intensified by the presence of thawed-out methane. Unimaginable! www.npr.org/2024/04/03/1242451927/permafrost-underlying-many-remote-villages-in-alaska-is-thawing-and-thats-a-prob
Oil/gas is a much better-financed propaganda producer than big tobacco ever was, and it’s too bad that conservatives are so willing to inhale big drags of the smokescreen they are producing.
Gene Dieken

Vote for Laity

Submitted By: codger817@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The daffodils are blooming at the same time as “Re-elect Cyrus Javadi are appearing all over town.
Cyrus and I have drunk coffee together. I found him to be a friendly, personable man. But I do not wish to see him re-elected.
Two things he did while in office turned me against him.
The first was the letter of solidarity with Texas’ rabid anti-immigration policy. Sure, there are problems with the border, but if our do-nothing Congress appropriate money for more immigration judges a great deal of the flow and congestion would be eased.
The over-hyped hysteria of a supposed immigration crisis very closely resembles the “red scare” era in the 1950’s. It is shameless political theater and dog-whistle racism.
I suppose next he’ll declare solidarity with Texas and their restrictive vote by mail regulations.
The second thing was being a sponsor to SB1536 which is an attempt to cut off a woman’s freedom of choice after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
I suppose it makes him a hero to certain religious groups, but I really think it ignores our 1st. Amendments rights of not having others practice their religion on us.
Perhaps it’s another step toward solidarity with Texas where abortion is effectively forbidden.
I like Oregon just as it is, the last thing we need is solidarity with Texas.

Manzanita Day Raffle WINNERS!

Submitted By: Ketzel.levine@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
We received so many entries to the Hoffman Center’s Manzanita Day raffle, we decided to pull two names.

And the winning tickets are….

That star of stage, screen and Story Time, LIZ COLE!


The munificent mayor of the town NOT called Arctostaphylos, KATHRYN STOCK!

Thx to all you plant and community lovers for your support of the Wonder Garden. We embrace you with our sinewy, bronzed manzanita arms.

See you on April 21st for the first WG sale of the season featuring – what else? – The Plant That Spells Home!

Wasted $4

Submitted By: codger817@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Because several sang the praises of Epoch Times, I decided to risk $4 and see for myself. I regret it now, the $4 would have been far better spent on ice cream. I would have enjoyed the ice cream.
Example 1, Headline 9,000 lost ballots. Alarming! How can we trust our elections?
Well, dig into the bottom of the story, turns out ballots were lost for a week and were found because tally of ballots received did not match number of votes cast. What the story doesn’t tell is that 308,000 votes were cast in the election (think having $3 in dimes and losing one). Good journalism?? No!
Example 2. Feature story on Ron Johnson, noble crusading Senator investigating every government miss-step he can find. Any mention of him being Putin-puppet who is convinced Ukraine aid should be withheld because Ukraine will lose. I see that as giving up on Democracy too soon.
Epoch Times says it’s deeply opposed to CCP (Chinese Communist Party), but I think it’s a fake. I think Epoch Times is really working for the CCP and the goal is to weaken America. It’s chock-full of false and misleading stories carefully crafted to undermine America unity and patriotism. Unity and patriotism are the foundation of our country’s might. Anything that undermines them serves the CCP.
It doesn’t hurt that they’re making tons of money in the process.
But what do I know, I could be wrong. I do know I wish I had bought the ice cream instead.

Bees HouseCleaning N House-Dog Sitting Services

Submitted By: tapuro0787@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hi! @everyone looking for housekeeping/house-sit and pet sitting services. I have 13+yrs of experience housecleaning and have references. Please let me know. Also have my own equipment and supplies.

My availability is now open is subject to change.

Areas I’ll be serving in Manzanita,Nehalem,Wheeler,Rockaway Beach, Garibaldi and Bay City. Any further will be extra for gas.

I can do move out, deep cleaning and many more. Just message me and I’ll communicate with you and if you’re on a budget.

Txt: 1-808-264-2629

Townsend Mobile Car Detailing Service

Submitted By: rednstrawberry@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
If EVERYONE needs a detailing please don’t hesitate to reach out I’m available.

If you want more info just get ahold of me.

**EXTERIOR DETAIL**: Hand Wash & Hand Dry, Clay Bar,Wax,Polish,Clean Tires & Rims Including degreasing tire, applying tire shine,wash and Rain-X windows.

**INTERIOR DETAIL**: Vacuum interior including clean trunk, carpet stain remover if needed mats, seats , leather cleaner if needed, windows, mirrors, air vents, consoles, glove box, Dash, Door Seals and Panels. **NO SHAMPOOING**

According to the size and how much work needs to be done will determine Price$$$

“CAR DETAILING” business and if anyone is wanting there vehicle detailed pls LET ME KNOW..

Mobile service for Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler, Rockaway Beach, Garibaldi and Tillamook Area.
Will travel farther for an extra fee.

PLEASE PROVIDE WATER and ELECTRIC ONLY everything else I can provide.

Hours: Monday to Sunday 9am-5pm
email: rednstrawberry@gmail.com

Please when inquiring about price. Let me know WHAT YEAR,MAKE & MODEL so can give accurate information.

Digitize and preserve your precious photographs

Submitted By: nehalembayexperience@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
My name is Drew and I am a local videographer. Part of my fun involves saving old film (video and image). Photographs decay over time and we lose the clarity in those wonderful reminders of family, friends and adventures.
I can scan and transfer your photos (up to 4″x6″) into hi-resolution digital files. Also, photos suffering from dust/dirt or contrast issues can be improved. These .jpg files can be copied to a flash drive or uploaded to your cloud platform.
Cost depends on how many images you wish transferred and their size.
Preserve those precious photographs by contacting: Drew at nehalembayexperience@gmail.com

Get Vaccinated

Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
A sad reminder that vaccinations save millions and millions and millions of lives, but can’t save all.

Parents of two friends of mine were exposed to COVID and died over the last month.

Diseases don’t go away because we stop thinking about them.

Ever since the vaccine against Smallpox successfully saved the life of a child in 1796, humans have had an extremely effective tool against diseases.

Measles, polio, you name them.

Get vaccinated, get your family vaccinated.

Be part of the solution, not the problem.


Submitted By: Ketzel.levine@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
By Mayoral Proclamation, March 31st is Manzanita Day, the day 97130 celebrates the plant that spells home.

The Hoffman Center is celebrating, too, offering $5 raffle tickets worth $50 in Arctostaphylos swag!

The winning ticket holder takes home two $25 prizes:

*A healthy, happy manzanita of the species and size that’s right for your garden.

*A coveted manzanita-inspired Hoffman t-shirt in the style and size right for you.

Don’t know how to grow a manzanita? Our resident expert will tell you all you need to know!

If you win, we’ll notify you April 1st by e-mail, so be sure to write your correct address when you purchase your raffle tickets.

PS All runner-ups are invited to the MANZANITA PLANT SALE APR 21ST at the Hoffman Center for the Arts (& Plants!)

Buy your raffle tickets here:

Junk Removal and Hauling

Submitted By: junk@coastaljunkers.com – Click to email about this post
Hello! We are Junk Removal and Hauling company located on the Oregon Coast! We are licensed to service areas from Astoria to Tillamook, OR. Our junkers will pickup just about anything, except hazardous material! On our hauling side we specialize in landscaping material, furniture and appliances. We are Nehalem based and are open from Monday to Friday (9am-5pm). Whether you are a contractor, resident or business owner, we can help you! Visit our website for pricing (coastaljunkers.info) or give us a call! (503-739-3434)


Submitted By: jettkeyser@gmail.com – Click to email about this post


Stop and behold

The flying swallow,

Rising and releasing,

Joyfully soaring upwards

To stream back down

To the earth, gravity’s

Grateful companion.

Like the breath

Entering and leaving,

A joy to stop,

And simply witness

Rising and releasing,

The in and out

Of what we know

As a gift or blessing.

Community Member seeking honest work

Submitted By: Xmiller1324@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hi North Coast Community!

My name is Bill Miller and I’m still fairly new to the area. I am currently working as a vet technician at Nehalem Animal Healing Center. I now own my first cat “Angel”, and have loved animals all my life. Working at the vet is a part-time opportunity, and I have been doing odd jobs on the side to help make a living.

I am friendly, compassionate, a very hard worker, and I pay close attention to detail. I’ve mostly been doing landscaping and house cleaning since moving to the coast. I currently reside in Nehalem, near the Animal Rescue. I always come to work with a positive attitude. I have 11 years of experience in the restaurant industry so I am no stranger to hard labor and cleanliness. I have gone through extensive training, including serve safe certification. If I am hired as a cleaner I make sure to use proper products and procedures. No matter what, I make sure the job is done right the first time!
I am primarily looking for yard work jobs in the area, as I love to work outdoors, however I am willing to clean kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, you name it. We are never to good to do a job, even if it’s dirty. I work quickly, efficiently and ask for very reasonable compensation. If there are pets involved I am more than happy to help take care of them as well! I am a natural with all types of animals, and I am trained to do nail trims as an additional service if needed. If anyone is in need of a reliable, honest, hardworking guy to help out at home, please feel free to reach out to me on here. Also my personal cell phone is fine (413) 695-2215! You may also contact me via email at, xmiller1324@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Wishes, Sincerely, Bill Miller

Falun Gong-The Epoch news, and The SHENYU Dancers

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Most of us have heard about the Falun Gong – a spiritual group in China which is persecuted by the CCP, tortured, imprisoned, and their body parts taken from them and sold for organ transplants.This continues today.
Falun Gong sources estimate that tens of millions continue to practice privately, and Freedom House estimates there are seven to 20 million practitioners world wide.”
Li Hongzhi is the founder and leader of Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, a United States-based new religious movement. Li began his public teachings on Falun Gong on 13 May 1992 in Changchun, and subsequently gave lectures and taught Falun Gong exercises across China. Falun Gong also started the EPOCH TIMES and the SHEN YU Dance Company.
Walk into Chinatown in any big Western city, and on the main street you are likely to find a row of seated meditators, their legs crossed and backs straight. Seemingly innocuous, they could easily pass for participants in a yoga class. In fact, the meditators are practicing a prescribed set of exercises from Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline which China banned in 1999 and calls an “evil cult”. Along with Tibetans, Uighur Muslims, democracy activists and pro-independence Taiwanese, Falun Gong practitioners round off the “five poisons”—risks which the Chinese government has acknowledged as posing the biggest threat to its rule. What is Falun Gong?
Falun Gong, which means “law wheel practice” in Chinese, is a set of meditation exercises and texts that preach the virtues of truth, benevolence and forbearance. It was founded in north-east China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong draws on China’s long tradition of qigong, a regimen of controlled breathing and gentle physical movements. Practitioners of Falun Gong avow a path to salvation for the faithful.
They also are the group starting the EPOCH TIMES and the SHEN YU dancers.
Most above info taken from The Falun Gong

Spring Break Lunchs for Kids – Munch a Lunch

Submitted By: seagullsroost315@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
During Spring Break, lunches are not available at school but we will be preparing lunches for the kids who would like them. This is done by volunteers out of Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church. Lunches will be available for the kids to pick up on Monday (2 lunches) and Wednesday (3 lunches) at the following locations and times.
11:00 -11:10 in Wheeler across from the Post Office
11:20 – 11:30 at Mohler Market Parking Lot
11:45 – 11:55 at Bayside Garden & Evergreen
12:00 – 12:10 at Tohl & Echanie Ct
11:30 – 12:00 at Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church
It would help us to plan on the number of lunches we will need to prepare if you would text Bobbie @ 425-785-1057 with the location you will pick up and the number of kids who will need lunches.
Munch a Lunch is one of the programs offered by Nehalem Bay Community Services.


Submitted By: lrrn98@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hi Community, I’m looking for a dog if anyone should come across a dog someone can’t take care of or needs a home I’d love to have a dog.
I’m in need of a companion as a loving dog.
I’m 66 and alone for the first time in 35 years. I love to walk on beach and can provide a loving home.
My husband is gone for the first time in 35 years and Im lost!
Thank you
Please call