I, too, have a line in he sand.
And it looks to me that MAGA was MEGA fooled by Don the Con. Was it worth the gamble? In my view, the last four years were so utterly vile in every way, my answer remains yes.
The likelihood of Trump murdering Iranians for Israel once he got into office was pointed out by many: Does he look to end the Ukraine war (too late! They’re all dead…and he already declared his intention to steal billions of their minerals for the tech bros that put him in power and supported this war, many of whom are gay with no children, and I think the ‘no children’ part is important) only to let the Zionist Jews (as opposed to everyday Jewish folks) who run our wars and rape children (boys and girls) with Epstein (and Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner and Kevin Spacey and Ehud Barak, etc etc.) attack Iran?
Much like how Biden was allowed to end the Afghan War once he was willing to help the military-industrial-complex commit mass-murder in Ukraine and Gaza??? Gotta be dropping bombs on children somewhere…
And yes, Elon and Bezos and Zuckerberg helped put Trump into power once they realized they needed someone to get the MAGA folks to support getting rid of cash, accept nationwide digital ID (via ‘border security’), shoot Ellison’s mRNA ‘anti-cancer’ (yeah right) ‘vaccines’ for BIg Farma’s total immune-system control, and accept total global surveillance via satellite, now being set-up by Elon AND Peter Thiel (pay-pal mafia), the latter of whom is the one who brought ‘bomb Iran’ JD Vance to Mar a Lago.
IRAN DOESN’T WANT WAR and that should be obvious to every American, even the Christo-fascists.
Below is my anti-war film dealing with Iran.
The film was made because Chuck McLaughlin of this website brought David Barsamian to the Hoffman Center, where I met David and decided to make the film, which was financed primarily by an Egyptian guy, but also supported by wine-Dixie and Gary who’s last name I can’t remember, so if you like it, buy some wine from Dixie and tell Gary thanks! (they may not agree with much of what I write here, so please save your ire for me alone, not two local folks who were simply supporting an anti-war film at the time.)
The film is shadow-banned, blocked by CIA-run YouTube, had the audio corrupted once, is almost impossible to find on one’s own – and all this after I was followed around – Glock on my hip for weeks – in-person by some middle-eastern piece of intel sh*t as I was trying to set up distribution for the film.
Feel free to spread this as far and as wide as possible, good luck:
And Elon had already proven himself a liar well before he was us over alongside Trump, back when liberals were SO HAPPY about buying Teslas (which were mega-subsidized by Democrats to save the polar bears!). Yup, Dems subsidized the richest man in the world. Hey Elon, where’s the light shining on your Tesla/Space X grift in all of this DOGE stuff?? You got billions of our taxpayer dollars (from Dems to fight climate change! hahahahahah!) ‘Climate change’ is another scam from this crowd.
And, Elon/Don, instead of firing folks at Hanford, how about using your Mars-smarts to clean-up the radiation from The Hanford Nuclear Reservation that is presently spilling into Che’Wanna (The Columbia River)? IF IT DOESN’T GET CLEANED, and the BIG ONE (earthquake) finally hits the Cascadian Subduction Zone, THE NORTH COAST (TILLAMOOK/MANZANITA/ASTORIA) WILL BE AWASH WITH RADIATION AND WILL NOT BE HABITABLE.
Forget about surviving the earthquake on higher ground, your home will be contaminated with the radiation that we have been letting burn in cement casks at Hanford for decades. Will Elon and Trump work to clean Hanford? Doubtful. They have money to make and countries to overthrow.
Elon was so happy when his CIA buddies overthrew Ecuador, killing and torturing, just so he could get his Tesla minerals for 25% cheaper. (and this made YOUR Tesla cheaper, rich guys and rich gals.) What a sociopath. Ain’t no Mars work happening either, it’s all cover for his intel work, dropping satellites for childless-Peter Theil’s/CIA’s global surveillance network through Palantir.
And there is this: Are Elon and Trump readying to hurt poor kids and retarded kids at Neahkanie High School?
If this goes though, I will also be done with this admin. We shall soon see. And we all know the execs at Seattle-based Weyerhauser (old east coast Yale Skull and Bones family btw) are not going to let the loggers or school kids get any more money out of our OUR TREES (research Railroad Land Grants), and there just ain’t many trees left (after Portland’s recent ‘green’ development hell of the last five years) in the Oregonian-owned forests to pay for food for poor Tillamook students and poor kids’ special needs programs.
It ain’t looking good for America right now, we are BACK IN DISTRESS, and not because of trannies or illegals being exalted over the rest of us in a divide and conquer operation, but because Elon and Drumf are on the same hell-bound road as the Biden-era. The Deep State appears to be getting even deeper.
Attack Iran and The Don will instantly be worse than Biden, proven to be a liar once and for all.
Trump the Israel-loving anti-Christ?
We’ll see.
MAGA needs to wake up and not give this NYC liberal/billionaire-communist (communism for the rich, capitalism for the poor) Israel-loving Muslim-child-killing Trump and our DOGE master anymore leeway.
It’s time for MAGA to lead an ACTUAL REVOLUTION, cuz you know the Democrats NEVER WILL.