GENERAL INTEREST response to a response

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A response to a response:

There was a response to a post entitled, ‘ The democrats destroyed Ukraine; please stop referring to this as Trump’s war’. The respondent used the first sentence in the post to disregard any of the many points that followed. This could be considered a straw man argument.

Many people in this nation have no clear understanding of Ukraine’s history so here is a link to the area’s past in maps. Mr. Dieken offered this several months ago. It’s worth the watch.

It’s clear that the whole area around Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Hungary, Russia has traded borders and people for centuries, which means that it is complicated. So many overlapping ethnicities and every single one can call up grievances of horrendous mistreatment by others; loved ones lost in conflict is history carried by families that’s different from history read in a book. Conflicts end and new lines are drawn on the maps and guess what, yesterday I was Polish but today I’m Ukrainian, or Russian, or Romanian.

Nations agree to new borders, new beginnings, new trade and security arrangements, give their word once again but deep wounds are so easily reopened if care is not taken. It’s not a simple matter to understand why Ukraine has been destroyed, but here are links to speeches by knowledgeable statesmen who foresaw and forewarned the world about pursuing those paths that began the destruction, that can help educate. Professor Stephen Cohen, Jeffery Sachs, John Mearscheimer, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Claire Daley, Oliver Stone, are just a few. Despite what we all hear, the Russians did everything they could to avoid this war, do not wish to continue it and have absolutely no desire or intention to go beyond their stated goals: a neutral Ukraine, not run by Nazis and no NATO. Cohen, 2015 Sachs Sachs Cohen,

debunking the putin panic/ Matte matte/cohen Mearscheimer Macgregor Macgregor Ritter Oliver Stone doc. on Maidan Netflix version of Maidan Claire daly Putin, 2007 speech in Munich, Security Council. This speech shows prescience few grasped at the time.

What’s happening in the USA

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JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And can you talk about Orbán’s role in terms of Project 2025, the Danube Institute, and its relationship with the Heritage Foundation, and also his attempt to become a center for right-wing movements throughout Europe? KIM LANE SCHEPPELE: Yeah, exactly. So, first of all, you know, when Project 2025 came out, I sat down and read it, and the first thing I thought was, you know, this sounds so much like what Orbán did. And then, it turns out, a month later, there was a terrific article in The New Republic that made the connection. So, Orbán has this English-language think tank. It’s called the Danube Institute. You can google it and see what it’s up to. And the Danube Institute had entered into a formal agreement with the Heritage Foundation to actually provide consulting on how the Trump people were going to copy what Orbán had done. In the meantime, you know, when Orbán gives his Hungarian-language speeches, one of the things he keeps saying is, you know, “We are deep into the Trump administration and involved in its central planning.” So, you put all this together, and it’s actually not just that the Trump people are aping Orbán from a distance, it’s that Orbán has actually been involved in the design of Project 2025. This is excerpted from Democracy Now STORYFEBRUARY 12, 2025 “Are We Sleepwalking into Autocracy?” Trump Embraces Authoritarian Playbook of Hungary’s Orbán I had to eat three pieces of chocolate when I found this again and reread it. Karen

what can we learn?

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With 5 years since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic there’s finally some good analyses of how countries around the world fared. They should be useful lessons for the next pandemic. The various opposing political stands should only be examples of what not to do, but that’s likely to continue anyway. As individuals though, we can learn from history and protect ourselves. Below is a link to one analysis by the BBC.

Japan’s experience stands out to me because they have long accepted mask-wearing as part of their strategy to reduce infections. Most of the article examines the use of lockdowns, which are, I think primarily, imposed to prevent overloading the health care system (which I think most of us have forgotten, and I’m sad to see some of us no longer appreciate medical staff as we did early on in the pandemic).

Hello Coastal Community Creatives

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We will be meeting again this Thursday at the White Clover Grange from 1:00 – 4:00. Dori Bash will be back this week to continue her Introduction to Quilting series. This week she will be showing us a 9″ Ohio Star block using quarter square triangles. If quilting isn’t your jam, just bring whatever project you happen to be working on and get to know someone new! Don’t forget to bring your Food Bank Donations and a few dollars (optional) for the Grange building maintenance fund. We have been having a lot of fun, (I know I seriously need that right now)! I am also taking sign-ups for a future Saturday workshop (date to be announced) called: “Hi, I’m your sewing machine. Let’s get to know each other!”. There will be a suggested donation of $20 for this workshop. I have over 55 years (whew!) of sewing experience and would love to share some of that experience with you! Cindy Erickson

Response to Will Stone and Lawsuit

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Response to Will Stone and Lawsuit

Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg 

Will Stone recently posted about the lawsuit he, Laura Swanson, and Randy Kugler filed to release the report of an employee complaint investigation. The fictional narrative might be compelling unless you know what the facts are and why both the Tillamook County DA and a judge denied the request.
The Council that put forth the bond measure for a new city hall is not the same Council that approved the city hall that’s under construction. Councilor Kozlowski was the only councilor on both Councils. Conflating all the past and present Councils into an unchanging monolith of Evil Government appeals to the conspiracy minded. I get it. I used to watch the X Files myself, but I’ve had enough conspiracies for a lifetime.
I supported Deb Simmons when she ran for office. At the time, I was writing op/ed pieces for the Pioneer which I was invited to continue on a regular basis. Most of those posts were based on the rules, laws, and procedures of city, state, and national government.
A month into her term as mayor and long before any employee complaint was filed, Simmons hired a personal lawyer to represent her personal interests. The city attorney for a town represents the city’s interests and provides legal advice regarding the business of the city to the elected officials. So, if you’re on Council and there’s a legal problem you talk to the City Attorney. That’s how it works.
I attended two executive sessions with permission of Laura Swanson, the Pioneer’s editor, and a friend of Simmons. After those meetings, I met with the mayor and encouraged her to resign. I later signed a petition along with other concerned citizens asking Simmons to step away from her advisory relationship with former city manager Randy Kugler. Swanson received messages from the mayor’s supporters asking that I no longer attend executive sessions or write about the city. I agreed that I was now biased against the former mayor and my relationship with the Pioneer ended.
I don’t care who the official is, I want them to tell the whole truth, obey all the rules, laws, and procedures of office, and take responsibility when they mess up. Simple.
An employee complaint was later filed with the City Attorney. He advised the Council that an investigation was necessary and should be done by an outside investigator to prevent a conflict of interest because of his role as the City’s lawyer. An employee complaint can lead to litigation and higher insurance rates for a city should it go to court, so Council did approve the privileged investigation. The City Attorney then hired an investigative lawyer to complete an investigation into the allegations of the employee. Investigations into an employee complaint are meant to protect the employee from retaliation and harassment. Investigations are not trials.
I didn’t report information presented in executive sessions. For the remainder of her tenure as mayor, I reported on the many rules, and procedures that Simmons violated, her failure to work with or even speak to other members on council, and the pocket sale of her home and move to the Wilsonville area five months before resigning. Staying at a friend’s house isn’t residency and when you move away from a town you are no longer eligible to hold office.
Contrary to Stone’s post, the report of the investigation has never been released to anyone and isn’t ever going to be. When the attorney asked for a privileged investigation before Council voted to approve, it made the contents confidential. It doesn’t matter if Simmons now approves of its release. It’s a privileged report and was before any investigation began.
Stone’s summation of what Simmons did or didn’t do, who filed the complaint and why, relies on a baseless narrative one can only assume came from Simmons. Innuendo and hearsay aren’t facts.
Stone, Kugler, and Swanson filed a lawsuit to release the report of the investigation. As a former City Manager, Kugler should know the City Attorney won’t and can’t release a privileged report and he knows that’s why both the DA and the judge denied their request. Why continue to ask for something you know you won’t get? Stone’s post shows how using the specter of a report that will never be released feeds the conspiracy minded. Council can’t suppress a report they don’t have access to. The City Attorney maintains the report’s confidentiality to prevent future litigation against the city.
Our Council and Mayor are all volunteers. They aren’t paid for their time or service. Often, the people willing to do the job run unopposed like Simmons. You can’t really claim a mandate if nobody ran against you. I believe the volunteers on Council and the Planning Commission do their best to make good decisions for town even if I don’t always agree with them. In a representative democracy we vote for the people we want to represent our interests. There are always people complaining loudly about government who are unwilling or unable to run for office. They’re usually the same people who choose to remain ignorant about what the rules and processes of civic engagement are.
On March 5 at the Council Meeting the City Attorney gave an informative presentation explaining how things unfolded and why.

Kim Rosenberg  

Trump threatens to nuke Iran

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I, too, have a line in he sand.

And it looks to me that MAGA was MEGA fooled by Don the Con. Was it worth the gamble? In my view, the last four years were so utterly vile in every way, my answer remains yes.

The likelihood of Trump murdering Iranians for Israel once he got into office was pointed out by many: Does he look to end the Ukraine war (too late! They’re all dead…and he already declared his intention to steal billions of their minerals for the tech bros that put him in power and supported this war, many of whom are gay with no children, and I think the ‘no children’ part is important) only to let the Zionist Jews (as opposed to everyday Jewish folks) who run our wars and rape children (boys and girls) with Epstein (and Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner and Kevin Spacey and Ehud Barak, etc etc.) attack Iran?

Much like how Biden was allowed to end the Afghan War once he was willing to help the military-industrial-complex commit mass-murder in Ukraine and Gaza??? Gotta be dropping bombs on children somewhere…

And yes, Elon and Bezos and Zuckerberg helped put Trump into power once they realized they needed someone to get the MAGA folks to support getting rid of cash, accept nationwide digital ID (via ‘border security’), shoot Ellison’s mRNA ‘anti-cancer’ (yeah right) ‘vaccines’ for BIg Farma’s total immune-system control, and accept total global surveillance via satellite, now being set-up by Elon AND Peter Thiel (pay-pal mafia), the latter of whom is the one who brought ‘bomb Iran’ JD Vance to Mar a Lago.

IRAN DOESN’T WANT WAR and that should be obvious to every American, even the Christo-fascists.

Below is my anti-war film dealing with Iran.

The film was made because Chuck McLaughlin of this website brought David Barsamian to the Hoffman Center, where I met David and decided to make the film, which was financed primarily by an Egyptian guy, but also supported by wine-Dixie and Gary who’s last name I can’t remember, so if you like it, buy some wine from Dixie and tell Gary thanks! (they may not agree with much of what I write here, so please save your ire for me alone, not two local folks who were simply supporting an anti-war film at the time.)

The film is shadow-banned, blocked by CIA-run YouTube, had the audio corrupted once, is almost impossible to find on one’s own – and all this after I was followed around – Glock on my hip for weeks – in-person by some middle-eastern piece of intel sh*t as I was trying to set up distribution for the film.

Feel free to spread this as far and as wide as possible, good luck:

And Elon had already proven himself a liar well before he was us over alongside Trump, back when liberals were SO HAPPY about buying Teslas (which were mega-subsidized by Democrats to save the polar bears!). Yup, Dems subsidized the richest man in the world. Hey Elon, where’s the light shining on your Tesla/Space X grift in all of this DOGE stuff?? You got billions of our taxpayer dollars (from Dems to fight climate change! hahahahahah!) ‘Climate change’ is another scam from this crowd.

And, Elon/Don, instead of firing folks at Hanford, how about using your Mars-smarts to clean-up the radiation from The Hanford Nuclear Reservation that is presently spilling into Che’Wanna (The Columbia River)? IF IT DOESN’T GET CLEANED, and the BIG ONE (earthquake) finally hits the Cascadian Subduction Zone, THE NORTH COAST (TILLAMOOK/MANZANITA/ASTORIA) WILL BE AWASH WITH RADIATION AND WILL NOT BE HABITABLE.

Forget about surviving the earthquake on higher ground, your home will be contaminated with the radiation that we have been letting burn in cement casks at Hanford for decades. Will Elon and Trump work to clean Hanford? Doubtful. They have money to make and countries to overthrow.

Elon was so happy when his CIA buddies overthrew Ecuador, killing and torturing, just so he could get his Tesla minerals for 25% cheaper. (and this made YOUR Tesla cheaper, rich guys and rich gals.) What a sociopath. Ain’t no Mars work happening either, it’s all cover for his intel work, dropping satellites for childless-Peter Theil’s/CIA’s global surveillance network through Palantir.

And there is this: Are Elon and Trump readying to hurt poor kids and retarded kids at Neahkanie High School?

If this goes though, I will also be done with this admin. We shall soon see. And we all know the execs at Seattle-based Weyerhauser (old east coast Yale Skull and Bones family btw) are not going to let the loggers or school kids get any more money out of our OUR TREES (research Railroad Land Grants), and there just ain’t many trees left (after Portland’s recent ‘green’ development hell of the last five years) in the Oregonian-owned forests to pay for food for poor Tillamook students and poor kids’ special needs programs.

It ain’t looking good for America right now, we are BACK IN DISTRESS, and not because of trannies or illegals being exalted over the rest of us in a divide and conquer operation, but because Elon and Drumf are on the same hell-bound road as the Biden-era. The Deep State appears to be getting even deeper.

Attack Iran and The Don will instantly be worse than Biden, proven to be a liar once and for all.
Trump the Israel-loving anti-Christ?

We’ll see.

MAGA needs to wake up and not give this NYC liberal/billionaire-communist (communism for the rich, capitalism for the poor) Israel-loving Muslim-child-killing Trump and our DOGE master anymore leeway.

It’s time for MAGA to lead an ACTUAL REVOLUTION, cuz you know the Democrats NEVER WILL.



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I forgot to attach the link last night, DOH!

The very long and detailed article in the link below showed up right on cue, after “how to stay informed while avoiding manipulation” appeared for us BBQers.
There is plenty of opportunity to apply the six strategies:
1- Recognize the influence of algorithms
2- Understand the economics of corporate news
3- Focus on source evaluation and verification
4- Examine your emotional reactions
5- Guard against propaganda
6- Stay engaged


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The very long and detailed article in the link below showed up right on cue, after “how to stay informed while avoiding manipulation” appeared for us BBQers.
There is plenty of opportunity to apply the six strategies:
1- Recognize the influence of algorithms
2- Understand the economics of corporate news
3- Focus on source evaluation and verification
4- Examine your emotional reactions
5- Guard against propaganda
6- Stay engaged

Civic Saturday Sermon

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Join us Saturday, March 8 at 10 am for Tillamook County’s version of “Civic Saturdays” with Jim Heffernan hosting. The sermons explore new and better ways to be a citizen. They are aimed at developing “citizenship muscle. We will need “muscle” to bring power back to “We the People”, where it belongs. Each sermon functions as a stand-alone sermon. Don’t worry about missing earlier sessions.

This week’s sermon is “Legitimate Doubts” and is 34 minutes long and will explore our doubts about our government, our democracy, and our union. We can talk about the sermon afterwards, or not.

Zoom link below

Invite link for Saturday 10 AM

Recordings are available for those who are unable to attend the zoom. Contact me at and I’ll e-mail one to you. Recordings also available for earlier sessions.

Our office in downtown Tillamook is open again! Contact if you can fill one or more of the open positions shown on the schedule above.

Calendar of TillcoDems Events

Our office is open most weekday 10AM to 2PM

The office need you.
Sign up for a shift.
Tillamook County Democrats FacebookTillamook County Democrats Veterans Club FacebookTillamook County Union & Labor Democrats FacebookTillamook County Democrats YouTube
Tillamook County Democrats Facebook

Tillamook County Democrats YouTube



Democrats destroyed Ukraine: please stop pretending this is Trump’s war

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Russia lost 50-million soldiers fighting Nazis in WW2.
Without Russia’s help, we in America would be speaking German.
Thank you Russia!!!!!!!!!!
Then the US/NATO war pigs decided to violate the peace agreement, again and again, for years (this war has been planned for a LONG TIME) and start provoking Russia, in a most vile, genocidal manner I will add.
First, Barak Obama overthrew the democratically-elected gov’t of Ukraine (With USAID money btw) and installed Nazi-aligned (i.e., Azimov Batallian, ACTUAL UKRAINIAN NAZIS, with swastikas and the whole 9-yards) thugs who would be willing to provoke Russia into a NATO/US-led war.
Then we (Democrats) put three bio-weapons labs on the Ukrainian border.
Then we (Democrats) put missiles into Poland that can be retrofitted with nuclear war heads in two hours, then be able to nuke Moscow in 7-minutes. (would we tolerate Russian nukes in Tijuana or Quebec?)
And we have been/are constantly pushing other countries toward NATO membership, continually violating the terms of the end of WW2 peace agreement with Russia.
What does ‘support Ukraine’ mean to Democrats? Send them more weapons? They’ve lost 600,000 people. That number DOES NOT include injuries, and the country is destroyed. How does sending weapons to Ukraine support them? They haven’t a chance of ‘winning’ in a war with Russia. (But a weak/destroyed Ukraine won’t be able to hold on the billions of minerals under their soil that NATO/US plans to steal.)
All Russia wanted is for NATO to honor the WW2 agreement and stay the f*ck out of Ukraine, which included NOT PUTTING NUKES IN POLAND!!!!!!
The words ‘Democrat’ and ‘peace’ are NOT synonimous.
It’s so frustrating watching Dems freak out on Trump after witnessing their silence during the worst war-pig administration of my lifetime, the Biden Admin. Worse than the war criminals Dubya and Dick. And war was only one of the ways that last corrupt administration brought more hell to our world and weakened our country.
So here is some history about the US-Democrat-led destruction of Ukraine (which included FROM THE BEGINNING the planned theft of billions of dollars of their minerals) from award-winning director of JFK and Platoon, Oliver Stone:
and here are some Democrat war-pigs still being war-pigs, despite all the death and destruction they have already caused worldwide:
What does it mean to say “I support Ukraine”? For Democrats, it means sending more weapons to kill more people. Then steal their mineral wealth.
And quite frankly, I find the typical Democrat position on Ukraine ignorant and extremely repugnant, to the tune of 600,000 dead Ukrainians…and counting…
Andy Wheeler

Trump/Musk Medicaid Cuts & Oregon’s Filial Responsiblility Law

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The recently passed House GOP budget road map seeks to make massive cuts to Medicaid. This means that elders and others who now rely primarily on Medicaid to cover nursing home or memory care costs will lose that assistance in whole or in part. Oregon has filial care laws (ORS 109.010, et al) that could require adult children to cover the Medicaid loses of their parents.
I’m not an expert in this area but if it’s possible you could be affected, it might be wise to start investigating/planning.
Gene Dieken

monarch butterflies

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Monarch Butterflies need help

Go to the federal register/monarchs, please, and leave a comment to support Monarchs to be designated as a threatened species. Document 2024-28855(89 FR 100662)

I attended the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene recently. The Monarch Butterflies are declining in numbers at an alarming rate because of complex habitat loss including the cutting down of their home place in Mexico to grow avocados. We need to do more to protect our pollinators. This will help.

Thank you, Karen Small

A Time To Sing

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I always feel welcomed by the first flowerings of our trees…a time to sing.

Earth Song

The shell of winter is cracked

Broken on the warming ground.

Filling the night with old songs

Strong new voices so clearly sing,

Singing of all that is yet to be.

Holding tight to ancient branches,

Poised blossoms are ready to burst.

Tomorrow will rise with yesterday,

The great abundance to reclaim.

Let us welcome another season

And all that it will bring.

the lastest from Trump

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from this morning’s NYT daily briefing:

“Trump halted military aid to Ukraine with immediate effect. The order affects more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition. Officials said Trump would rescind it once Ukraine showed a good-faith commitment to peace negotiations.” meaning that ukraine will cede to russia the territory it has seized by military invasion.

trump also recently sent $12 billion in weapons to Israel. paving the way for his vision of removing 2,000,000 palestinians elsewhere so he can create a “riviera of trump hotels?” a riviera to be enjoyed by the rich and powerful.

is anyone besides me flabberghasted at this man’s blatant hypocrisy? his blatant actions to enrich himself and his billionaire cronies? to set himself (with the complicity of those billionaire cronies) as kingpin with immunity from all constraint of any kind?

i once read a fairy tale where this line played an important part of the story: “Much shall have more, and little shall have less.”

is anyone besides me wondering if we will have free and fair elections in 2026?

lucy brook
nehalem resident
U.S. citizen

Controversy Continues, Costs of the Cover Up in Manzanita. Will Stone.

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Manzanita, Oregon, is a small coastal town with a population of approximately 600, known for its scenic beauty and tight-knit community. The city government consists of a city council and a Mayor, with the council holding significant decision-making power, including budgetary approvals. The existing city hall on Laneda Avenue, abandoned due to mold issues, necessitated discussions about a new facility, but the council’s actions have led to a series of controversies.

Voters rejected a levy to fund a new city hall by a margin of 68%, indicating strong public opposition to a tax increase for this purpose. Despite this, the city council proceeded with the construction of a multimillion-dollar new city hall, financing it through borrowed funds to be repaid from the general fund. This decision was likely influenced by the need to replace the abandoned city hall, which had mold issues and the Mayor’s request to see the existing facilities. It’s worth noting that the mold and other issues with the old city hall disappeared when the contractor who was hired to build the new city hall purchased the property and remodeled it for his business office.

The choice to borrow funds and repay from the general fund means that the cost will be spread over time, potentially impacting future budgets. This approach bypasses the need for voter approval, which is surprising given the clear rejection of the levy, raising questions about the council’s adherence to democratic principles.

Mayor Deb Simmons, who opposed the new city hall project as proposed and wished to allow citizens to have a vote, became a focal point of contention. The council’s attempt to remove her from office suggests a power struggle, possibly to silence opposition to their agenda. This action aligns with the council’s decision to proceed despite voter opposition, indicating a pattern of disregarding dissent.

The conflict escalated when the city manager filed a charge of an abusive workplace, triggered by Simmons questioning her and requesting access, which the City Manager denied, to the interior of city hall and fire station. This request was likely an attempt to assess the condition of the existing facilities and argue against the need for a new one, but the city manager’s reaction was disproportionate, filing a complaint that led to an investigation.

The city council hired a lawyer to investigate the city manager’s charges, and the report found no merit in the accusations, meaning Mayor Simmons did not engage in abusive behavior. This finding suggests that the complaint was unfounded, possibly an attempt to discredit her and protect the council’s interests.

However, before the report was released, Mayor Simmons resigned. This timing is notable, as it occurred before the public could see the exonerating report, potentially under pressure from the council or due to frustration with the ongoing conflict. Her resignation is a significant loss for those who supported her stance against the new city hall.

The city council has spent approximately $250,000 to investigate and suppress the investigation report, while the former Mayor approves of its release. This expenditure is particularly striking for a small town like Manzanita, where $250,000 could fund other community services. The decision to suppress the report, despite it clearing the Mayor, raises suspicions about what else might be contained within it. The council has the ability to release the report and chose to cover it up.

Possible reasons for suppression include the report containing criticisms of the council’s actions, such as their handling of the city manager or their decision to proceed with the city hall project against voter wishes. Alternatively, it might reveal internal deliberations or misconduct that the council wishes to keep hidden. This lack of transparency is a significant concern, especially given the council’s already strained relationship with the public.

Citizens are questioning what the council is covering up, reflecting a loss of trust in local government. The community’s frustration is understandable, given the council’s disregard for the 68% voter rejection of the city hall bond tax request and their expenditure of public funds to suppress information.

The community desires accountability and transparency, which the council’s actions have undermined. The surprising detail is the amount spent, $250,000, to hide a report that cleared the Mayor, suggesting possible hidden issues that could further erode public trust.

The new city hall project, costing several million dollars, is being funded through borrowing, with repayment from the general fund in addition to borrowings to acquire the land. This financial strategy could strain future budgets, potentially leading to cuts in other services or necessitating future tax increases, which might face similar public opposition. The council’s decision to proceed without voter approval could have long-term consequences for the town’s fiscal health and community relations.

The Manzanita City Council’s actions regarding the new city hall project, the conflict with Mayor Deb Simmons, and the suppression of the investigation report have created a significant controversy. The council’s disregard for voter opposition, expenditure of $250,000 to hide a report, and lack of transparency have eroded public trust, leaving the community to question the true cost of their new city hall—both financially and morally. As the project moves forward, the need for accountability and open governance remains paramount for the future of Manzanita.

Will Stone


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Here’s an article describing the conservative view of our postal service (helped answer some of my questions about what’s going on):

And the article references an excellent analysis released on Jan 31, 2025, by the Postal Regulatory Commission:

This is well worth a read, especially the conclusions and the Additional Views of Commissioner Thomas G. Day.

The more I look into this issue, the more I realize how crucial the USPS is for citizens, especially in rural areas. I agree with the position that government agencies are not like businesses because they provide essential services that business cannot do for profit. It seems conservatives don’t like that because it’s supported by taxes they don’t want to pay.


Medicaid Fraud

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According to the records:
Mar 9, 2023 — Taxpayers are losing more than $100 billion a year to Medicare and Medicaid fraud, according to estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association.

Feb 11, 2025 — A New York doctor was found guilty yesterday by a federal jury for causing the submission of over $24 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare.

Office of Public Affairs | Lab Operator Convicted of $4M Medicare Fraud Scheme…….

And so on…………………yes lots more!! tons more medicaid fraud on the internet…….
The internet also describes all types of ways to defraud medicare and medicaid.

I was hoping that some of the state medicaid/medicare fraud would be investigated by DOGE and made public and maybe it will….and I think the persons who perpetuates these schemes should go to prison definitely!

But cutting medicaid is not eliminating medicaid, we don’t know what will happen yet – and I say to Democrats – if you are going to cry, wait until IT (what ever IT will be) is settled. There are some suggested solutions to these cuts, you can find on the internet.- Millionaires and billionaires? HEY – you Democrats always mention them! You don’t like them. I looked up the amount of money Nancy Pelosi is worth, while she is stealing millions from USAID, and the two Democratic Senators that came to Portland to tell you that voting Democrat is your only solution? They are all worth millions!!!

MY question to myself is, are Democrats daft? What’s wrong with them?
Answer your own questions, do research, You Democrats are living in a state of fear and you are over-reacting. Wait till the dust settles. then see what you have!!

We have an interesting problem in this “sanctuary state”. Undocumented persons are getting many benefits including medicaid!! So if it has to be rationed, who should get it? undocumented persons or Oregon citizens? thats going to be a real hard choice, isn’t it? Easy for me!

So – back to medicaid cuts – will they hurt children, elderly, etc.? Yes they will, and the stealing from medicaid also hurts the elderly and children too, by taking away available treatment and pharmaceutical money. When I found out about this fraud several years ago, I was really mad and have been mad for a long time because of this abuse of medicaid dollars, and I am still mad!

Why keep putting put $100 billion dollars in a program every year to lose it to fraud?
Will cuts stop the fraud? It is up to your Democratic state to decide where to put these dollars.

AND thank you! for bringing up my post about Judicial Watch which was RIGHT ON about Oregons voter roles being the dirtiest in the nation.
check this out!
see below all legal documents involved in this lawsuit

An aside:
I will never carry on a conversation with anyone who uses fact checkers!

Below is proof of lawsuit about dirty voter roles in Oregon:
Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Constitution Party of Oregon and two lawfully registered voters of Umatilla County and Marion County, Oregon …

Democracy Docket › 2024/10

Democracy Docket › 2024/10

23 pages
Missing: ob | Show results with: ob


Democracy Docket › 2024/10

Democracy Docket › 2024/10


HUGE! Judicial Watch Has Cleaned 4 MILLION Dirty …

Judicial Watch › videos › huge-judicial-w…

Judicial Watch › videos › huge-judicial-w…

In your name, the meaning of USAID cuts

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Elon Musk’s first DOGE targets were aid programs operated or supported by the United States Agency for International Development. Recently Marco Rubio, U.S. Secretary of State and acting administrator of USAID, assured us that essential programs would not be cut. That was a lie.

As Ash Wednesday and Lent approach, this fallen-away Presbyterian would like to suggest that a way to to earn God’s grace during Lent might be give up feeling powerless and do something, no matter how seemingly small, to oppose this evil.

Atul Gawande, former Assistant Administrator for Global Health at USAID, compiled this list of terminated programs:

1. All malaria supplies protecting 53 million people, mostly children, including bed nets, diagnostics, preventive drugs, and treatments – terminated.

2. All tuberculosis programs, including the Global TB Drug Facility – terminated.

3. All supplies of US-manufactured emergency food packets for starving children on the brink of death – terminated.

4. USAID’s contract supporting deadly outbreak prevention, detection, and response, including Ebola and Bird Flu, in 50 countries – terminated.

5. All deployable U.S. teams for earthquake assistance – terminated.

6. All U.S.-backed development programming in Afghanistan, including maternal and child health services and girls education – terminated. (Estimated to cause >1,200 maternal deaths by 2028.).

7. Over 1,000 food kitchens in Sudan, a country with almost 25 million people experiencing acute food insecurity – terminated.

8. USAID’s contract for supplying essential medicines for maternal and child health in countries worldwide – terminated.

9. Services from the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation – just one organization – reaching 350,000 people on HIV treatment, including nearly 10,000 children and more than 10,000 HIV-positive pregnant women – terminated.

10. Every USAID program in the former Soviet countries in Central Asia, including health programs to combat rampant tuberculosis, along with agricultural programs – terminated.

11. Screening program with the Mexican government to identify illicit drugs like fentanyl being smuggled at the US border.

12. A project in the Democratic Republic of Congo that operates the only source of water for camps with 250,000 displaced people in camps located in the center of current conflict.

Here’s a non-paywalled NYT article listing many other USAID cuts:

Gene Dieken

Below: Musk says his ‘mind is a storm’ and waves chain saw on stage in bizarre CPAC appearance, Feb. 20, ’25.

Support for Ukraine and European allies

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Dear Friends of Ukraine and European allies:

We were appalled, embarrassed, and outraged by the bullying behavior of Trump and Vance in their meeting with Zelensky. It was unbecoming of our country’s leaders and demonstrates their unfitness to lead this country. We do not believe, as Trump and Vance do, that Russia is our ally. Russia is an outlaw state run by a dictator and his cronies. Is America really aligned now with Russia, North Korea, and Belarus against our allies in the United Nations?

Ukraine is our ally and is fighting for its freedom against Russia’s unprovoked attack. Ukrainians are fighting and dying for our freedoms and for our European allies. Like many of you, we have wondered how we can help since we don’t have Musk’s resources, but we decided that we cannot stand by and watch the systematic destruction of America’s credibility and reliability.

We have decided to help Ukraine directly to counter the Trump administration’s reversal of America’s longstanding support of democracy and its tilt away from our allies toward Russia. On Saturday, March 1, we sent $1000 directly to the Ukrainian government through United24 to be used for defense. It’s also possible to donate for humanitarian, medical, and rebuilding efforts. The website provides detailed reports on how the $1.4 billion in contributions has been spent so far. Check out Wikipedia for more information about United24.

We hope you will consider joining us in supporting Ukraine as Trump and Vance abandon our traditional and steadfast allies.


Chip and Toni Greening

Trump: MEGA fraud

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The recent Gaza video that Trump retweeted is pretty gross, but he’s a pretty gross guy, always has been. I’ll always remember that poor tiger he dyed white and then had as a pet at the top of his NYC penthouse. And I’ll remember Don Jr. shooting a giraffe for fun. Sh*t breeds sh*t.

The Epstein ‘file release’ was TOTAL bs, all he/they did is release what Gawker released 10 years ago and LIE TO ALL OF MAGA ABOUT IT. Also, most of Epstein’s crimes are financial and running drugs and running guns for Israel and the CIA, and funding the tech bros that are actively working to turn us into brain-implant slaves with Saudi money, and of course Bondi knows all of this and is now proven to be FULL OF SH*T as her only comment after her FAKE AS HELL ‘document release’ was “what he did is pretty sick”. We know that, Pam, what we don’t know is the full accounting of the Mossad’s blackmail operation on American soil (THAT ALLOWS ISRAEL TO LEAD US TO WAR AGAIN AND AGAIN) that you and The Don won’t discuss, because yo are also surrounded by war scum, Zionist hell-bound swine and banker scum – the exact sorts that got Israel-loving Palestinian-child-killing The Don his BIG MONEY start.

Roy Cohn anyone?

And the above is STILL a baby step, as EPSTEIN IS ALIVE AND THEY KNOW IT. MEGA MEGA MEGA DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Epstein is alive, and they know it. Reread as necessary. (remember, the cameras weren’t working?) The Mossad/CIA got one of their TOP GUYS OUT, like super-duper duh people. I’s been done stateside with billionaire’s before.

And this dictate to Ukraine ‘give us your minerals for our weapons we gave you to defend yourselves FROM THE WAR WE STARTED’ being tossed about by the lying whore Donald Trump was always part of the destroy Ukraine (killing Christians or otherwise, The Don does’t care) crowd, starting when mass-murderers OBAMA and VICTORIA NULAND overthrew the democratically-elected gov’t of Ukraine in 2014. Like Barak, The Don is a con. He can go to hell, along with Elon, who is SETTING UP A TOTAL GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM with EVERY ROCKET LAUNCH. Yup, every launch drops satellites for the Mossad/CIA spy-on-the-world crowd. Methinks this Mars talk is TOTAL bs, a cover.

And I’ve had enough fun watching government pigs squirm as their disgusting anti-American anti-human work (USAID. etc.) is shown to the world (as opposed to the many in government that actually do important work for our democracy), now I want real-world results. Alas, all this USAID stuff, while fun to watch, is merely tasty crumbs compared to the hell The Don is helping the war-scum antihuman trans-humanists (most were Dems last month, now they are GOP, cuz Google Earth told them which way the wind was blowing) build to enslave us.

Now I want to see The Don squirm, the lying arrogant anti-Christ

Ether MAGA wakes up and makes the Don squirm or this admin is already over and useless.

Oh, the NJ drones, he won’t tell us. All he is doing is covering it up. Big Time. He said the US knew about them, left it at that. Along with Alex Jones and everyone else ******* The Don’s ****/techno ****, we will not be told by the CORRUPT FEDS (TRUMP ADMIN) what the NJ drones were all about.

And do you know why there will NEVER be an inquiry (but there will be more cover-ups/fake inquiries) into the two ‘assassination attempts’? Because they were STAGED by the Don and his friends in the transhumanist intel cult. Butler: he drops down, squeezes a blood pack when OFF CAMERA, then the SS lets him stand on stage at THE CRITICAL (ACTIVE SHOOTER) moment for the ‘fight fight fight’ foto op.

PA was also a swing state, and popularity ALWAYS goes up after assassination attempts. It was staged, 100%. I’ll take that to my grave. Also no mark on the ear seen until after surgery or skin-clip or whatever, weeks later.

And Trump now wants mRNA shots tailored for individuals using artificial intelligence from the SiliCON Valley Tech bros???? God help anyone who puts that frankengoo into their bodies. From Larry Ellison nonetheless, the guy who ripped off millions from the State of Oregon AND then bought the island of Lanaii. (I’m confident Pele will destroy what is left of his psychopath soul.) And if you thought the ‘covid’ shot was bad: didn’t stop transmission, made millions sick, killed millions, made Bill Gates and Bezos and Zuckerberg and the like DOUBLE THE BILLIONS AND FURTHER CEMENT THE CONTROL OVER US THEY ALREADY HAD, (Hmmmmmmm….almost as if the entire thing, the ‘pandemic’, was cooked up in a lab or something…) well, go ahead and shoot some gene-therapy mRNA-tech from Trump and Elon and Ellison and destroy your immune system for good.

Then, just wait and see what your freedom looks like when these TRUMPIAN TECH SCUM GET RID OF CASH and take total control of your economic life with Trump’s surveillable programmable digital currency. (Didn’t seem so bad when the Dems were in power though, did it?? Fools!) Left Coast and all the other local ‘NO CASH’ businesses will love it though, cuz they won’t have to walk three blocks to the bank and touch the dirty cash. And if you use cards and Apple Pay and not cash you will love it too. Until you realize DONALD TRUMP AND ELON MUSK HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR DIGITAL CURRENCY AND HOW YOU ARE PERMITTED TO SPEND IT.

Digital currency summit at the White House this week! Yay!!!!!! Bye bye cash. Covidiots were all on board, until The Don got in power…

He faked the assassination attempt, and now we see his admin is fake.

Trump to hell, and that is exactly where he is going. The only question left is how much of MAGA will follow him into the hell that took deep root in our Democrat-run country over the last four years.


Civic Saturday Sermon

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Join us Saturday, March 1 at 10am for Tillamook County’s version of “Civic Saturdays” with Jim Heffernan hosting. The sermons explore new and better ways to be a citizen. The are aimed at developing “citizenship muscle. Each sermon functions as a stand-alone sermon. Don’t worry about missing earlier sessions.
This week’s sermon is 35 minutes long and will examine the American Dream and asks two important questions, “What is the difference between a promise not kept and a lie?” and “What will you do to deliver on the American promise? We can talk about the sermon afterwards, or not.
Zoom link below
Invite link for Saturday 10AM
Recordings are available for those who are unable to attend the zoom. Contact me at and I’ll e-mail one to you. Recordings also available for earlier sessions.


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Did you know that countries can go bankrupt? A state bankruptcy means the government fails to make debt and interest payments when due.  Can the US go bankrupt?

“Excessive Federal Spending Puts America On Collision Course With Insolvency,” says Forbes magazine.
“Most understand that the federal government spends much more than it collects. If this overspending continues, at some point, America will likely face bankruptcy. Exactly when is hard to say, but it will happen unless Congress gets a handle on its excessive spending.” Forbes mag.


“Congressional members use the power of the purse to remain in office. This power includes financial promises to constituents and the self-enrichment program whereby members of Congress amass wealth at the expense of the American taxpayer. Corruption in Congress is well documented and includes both Democrats and Republicans” Forbes.

Not only will we be bankrupt, but we certainly cannot fight our enemies without cash – so think about that. In fact our enemies will be watching for weakness!

“Eliminating the U.S. government’s debt is a Herculean task that could take decades. In addition to obvious steps, such as hiking taxes and slashing spending, the government could take a number of other approaches, some of them unorthodox and even controversial.” Forbes”

Thats why? thats why this is happening fast – to avoid disaster. Elon Musk is providing this service for FREE. It is legal. The courts have ruled that this is legal. And we should be grateful.
Both CNN and MSNBC are pushing a paid narrative – paid by the persons who have stolen the most taxpayer dollars. Many states are stealing medicaid funds. That is why an audit is necessary for medicaid.

SO – my advice is to stop watching MSNBC, CNN, They push a very untrue and negative narrative that scares people. Since you can’t do anything about it – watch fun stuff, write a letter about excessive taxes to the governor of Oregon. Write a letter about failing schools to the governor of Oregon. Ask her where the F, our tax dollars are going! Suggest to her that the color red is looking better everyday – those are just suggestions…..


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to bbq-land readers,

this brief information from the NYT daily online news is HORRENDOUS AND FRIGHTENING.

there is a picture of a large table with cabinet members sitting next to trump. elon musk is standing in the background.

my comments inserted in CAPITAL LETTERS.

om peace namaste
lucy brook
nehalem resident
U.S. citizen

At the first cabinet meeting of his second term, President Trump praised Elon Musk’s cost-cutting efforts and refused to guarantee Ukraine’s security.
Musk, who is not part of the cabinet, attended the meeting and spoke more than anyone except Trump. SINCE WHEN DOES AN “ORDINARY” CITIZEN GET TO PARTICIPATE IN A U.S. CABINET MEETING, LET ALONE DOMINATE THE CONVERSATION. CLEARLY, ELON MUSK IS NOT “ORDINARY.”
In the meeting, Trump said that the head of the E.P.A. intended to fire 65 percent of its staff.

More on the Trump Administration
European countries have tried versions of Trump’s proposed “gold card” visa, which would offer permanent residency for a fee of about $5 million. The outcomes are mixed. NOW ONE CAN BUY ANYTHING FROM THE U.S. GOVERNMENT?

At a confirmation hearing, Justice Department appointees suggested some court orders can be ignored. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

X has given prominent online conservatives a direct line to Musk’s team. They appear to be influencing policy.

The U.S. is talking with several countries that could export more eggs to reduce prices.

Trump’s efforts to pressure the news media and punish political opponents evoke the early days of Vladimir Putin’s reign in Russia.




Israel leading us to war(s)

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Anyone else getting quite sick of Israel leading us to war?


Why the rise of the AfD?

Most Germans know the Biden Admin blew up the Nordstream pipeline, which plummeted their country into economic turmoil. But the pro-Biden Merkel gov’t refused to acknowledge we (Biden/CIA/Norwegian special forces) blew up the pipeline, and instead continues to blame Russia while seeking war with Russia. The AfD does NOT want war with Russia.

And this is the CURRENT fascist government in Germany:

Famed Vietnam-era Mi Lai Massacre journalist Seymour Hersh explains the Biden Admins special operation that blew-up Russia’s Nordstream pipeline, which was key to Germany’s economy: