Last week, after a bit of a raucous night here in Wheeler (The City Formerly Known as Tweakerville, maybe?? if we get our shit together??) I posted on this site in the For Rent section, and then I was publicly asked a question on this here portion of the forum, and I of course felt obliged to reply. I am definitely looking for rentals on Craigslist next time.
So, hopefully, once again, this will be my last post on BBQ.
Anyway, I was thinking…oh wait a minute…I hear something…what’s that sound?? Oh! It’s a collective sigh of relief coming across the bay from Wokezanita. I though it was a flock of Canada geese taking off because an American Bald Eagle was circling overhead.
(Just playing with some creative imagery…it’s not a threat….jeez, how did ya’ll get so fragile over there?)
This past Thanksgiving I was casually checking email before going to a friend’s house for dinner. And I see an email with the headline “I am grateful for you!” and I’m like ‘awwww…’ and it felt kinda good, you know? And then I look at the sender’s name and it reads “Candace” and I’m like “Who the hell is that?” And I linger on the name for a sec, it’s kind of familiar, and then it clicks: “Oh! It’s the arcade-token scandal lady! What the hell is she emailing me for?” And it’s a personal email, to me, and it’s kinda short and dopey and she starts thanking me for helping her and I’m like “what the hell is this lady talking about?” I’m totally confused. So I stop for sec to think about it.
Here’s what happened:
Last spring or whatever a local guy posted sh*t about me on a local Facebook page or something, and I took to this here forum to reply, because while I don’t do social media, I knew that a lot of his friends use this site.
And then I was on here for a few weeks or whatever making so many of you so happy.
It was election season then, and I was reading some of the local election stuff just for fun (I don’t pay attention to local politics, I’m into geopolitics) and I’m kinda giggling and laughing a bit to myself, at the small town comedy of it all, and then I see this one post from a candidate (Candace) where she is blatantly speaking about her intent to violate election law, and I’m still laughing and thinking, in a friendly way, ‘what a bunch of clowns!’. So I come up with a dead-pan post (I’m laughing my ass-off inside) and titled it – I think – “The NCRD race and the arcade-token scandal”, and smiled as I set it off. Funny, right?
Later, I heard Candace lost that race, a race for a sorta-meaningless functionary position on the NCRD board, because not enough Democrats had enough confidence in her for that job and she was not well-liked. Erin somebody won I think.
So let me get this straight, clown world, ya’ll then elected Candace to be Chair of the Tillamook County Democrats???? Haha! (Sorry, but I’m doing that ‘LOLing’ or whatever the kids call it these days.)
After I sent the dead-pan post, a friend who was following the race said ‘you should have let her commit the offense, then she would have been knocked out of the race and maybe politics forever.’ And I replied, ‘Don’t worry bro, she’ll never win, she’s a total blah ditty blah blah.’ And I won’t translate blah ditty blah blah because then I will sound mean.
And I am not a mean person Candace, and I want to help. And in that light, in the interest of your career, I would suggest that you don’t send me any more emails. Keep sending them if you want, send as many as you want, just sayin….
And I’m glad I didn’t knock her out of the race with the arcade-token scandal, because that law is designed to combat major grift in and of itself, and that’s not what this was, it was just stupidity and incompetence. We shouldn’t elect folks based on their race, sex, gender, or the ‘D’ or ‘R’ or ‘I’ next to their name, etc., we should elect them based on their ideas and competency. And that leads me to…ahem, Republicans? You couldn’t find anybody to beat this lady? That does not bode well for your party or the people of Tillamook county.
But I don’t know who you ran, maybe it was the drunk guy from the fair.
And now the Tillmook County Democrats have presented to us their “Gaza Resolution”. Haha! (It’s that LOL thing again.)
First of all, nobody in Tillamook County, AT ALL, cares what the five of you think about Gaza. AT ALL. You are here (supposedly) to serve the people of Tillamook County, not Palestine.
If you want to do something for the people of Palestine, you should do that on your own dime and on your own time, and there is a place to do that. Every Saturday, when it’s not raining, folks gather at the intersection of Laneda Avenue in Manzanita and the intersection of Hwy 101 to protest “The Current Thing.” You can bring your signs and your pronouns and your smiles and wave to all the cars and take pictures to post on your virtue-signaling Facebook pages.
A Gaza resolution! Haha!
(But it woulda been fun to have been a fly on the wall during that meeting, and watch ya’ll take yourselves all seriously and sh*t while drafting your Gaza resolution! Watch ya’ll play State Department like children play house. Hahahahahaha! Yeah, that woulda been some good comedy!)
Furthermore, your beloved Bomb’s-Away-Biden’s war-pigs, whom you ALL voted for, will NEVER hear about your resolution, nor would they give a sh*t about it if they did.
A great way for ya’ll to help Tillamook County, and the rest of the world, would be to draft a resolution asking Governor Kotek to send the Oregon National Guard (people who care about America and Oregon) to help out at our Southern Border. Not to help Homeland Security process them, but to keep them out and to keep the all the liquid heroin and sh*t out. We used to be pretty good at that. Our country has legal immigration, and of course, everyone in the world is welcome to apply for asylum, legally.
I kinda have no opinion on Governor Kotek, she doesn’t come across my radar much. Seems kinda quiet, keeps her cards close. Probably a good idea when you’re riding a dragon.
But if Governor Kotek were to send our National Guard to help at the border…whoa…I don’t know, she might just go down as the 2nd best governor in Oregon history. The first best, and ask any DEMOCRAT in Salem, was REPUBLICAN governor Mark Hatfield. (I don’t see a Mark Hatfield anywhere in the current Republican crop, just sayin that the letter next to a politician’s name shouldn’t mean all that much. Ideas and competency, remember?)
Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza
Why is Gaza so trendy every few years?
And how come Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iran aren’t in your resolution, Tillamook County Democrats? Like it’s okay for you democrats to murder Muslims in those countries? It’s okay for you to destroy those Muslim lives, but not those in Gaza? (This is when the clown show isn’t so funny.)
And of course, there is nothing about Ukraine in your resolution of ‘global importance’, because deep down you all know what you did to those people in that country. 110-billion dollars murdering those people and destroying their lives, woulda been $300,000,000 for EACH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT in America. Shame on you all for that. Now I’m starting to get angry. Gonna take a break.
When I was a freshman at a satellite branch of the University of Connecticut, two hours north of NYC, I drove into town for a 10th anniversary memorial of John Lennon’s death. It was something to do, for fun, and a kind-of historic event, you know? There wasn’t too much happening when I was there, early in the afternoon, maybe fifty people, mulling about and placing flowers on the sidewalk outside the brownstone where John bled to death, after the CIA had him shot. A few dozen people were across the street at “Strawberry Fields”, a tiny chunk of Central Park that the City of New York turned into a memorial, some were playing guitars, etc. It was cool, I didn’t stay too long.
And that makes me think of his song, ‘Imagine’, and the part about no borders. That’s a great notion, I get it, but in reality, ‘no borders’ DOES NOT WORK. We can see this with the drugs and violence and the terrorist hit teams that are stateside, in place for their Hamas-style attacks, just waiting to see what you Woketard Dems do their friends and family back home in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. Or maybe its too late; we’ve been murdering so many of those people over there for so long and have been destroying so many of their lives, it may be too late. I don’t know. But the hit teams are here, lots of them. We don’t have a southern border, people over the world know that of course, and some of them out there are real pissed at America. We need a border, duh. Like, super duh.
Anyway, John’s song ‘Imagine’ is a dream, and it had it’s place it time, for sure. But in my view, the song below is not only more peaceful and loving than John’s song, it embodies more potential for cooperation than his did; it has the potential to bridge more divides than Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. It is an incredibly powerful song.
Plus, Kid Rock ALWAYS cracks me up!
And this is one of my all-time favorite documentaries, seriously. The way she constructed it, how it flows, etc., super-impressive from a director standpoint. Plus, this is why we destroyed downtown Portland, remember? George Floyd? Billions of dollars of damage done, the downtown cop shop is STILL barricaded like a war zone, most former businesses are gone. Downtown has yet to come back.
Anyway, this doc is outstanding:
Like I said, last week I was watching a movie in bed (that I bought at the Hope Chest for a dollar! Score!), then was rousted, and then all this BBQ sh*t happened.
All the dude wanted was to watch his dvd.
V for Victory! V for Vendetta!
This will never happen in Wokeland, do you know why? Because soon the antifa punks are going to figure out how badly the tech-whore Dems have ruined their lives, and the tech pigs know this, and they also know that antifa would burn every robo taxi to the ground. The Dems now this too. And the Dems also know that those Antifa punks, once they figure out how much ya’ll have lied to them and fucked up their lives, are gonna be real pissed, and they are serious shit, like they would scale the new downtown Ritz Carlton (gross) with ropes and roust George Soros and D.A. Mike Schmidt from a penthouse meeting, or something like that. (We’ve all seen that 30-foot banner hanging on the side of Dante’s asking Portlanders to make sure Schmidt doesn’t get reelected.) Don’t fuck with antifa, trust me, you want them on your side. And they’ll figure it out soon enough, and they are. Furthermore, there has been droid delivery in Arizona and D.C. for several years. Wokeland seems perfect for droid delivery, right? Wrong. Do you know why there isn’t droid delivery in Wokeland despite the tens of millions of dollars the city has spent on ‘bike’ lanes (actually purposed for droid delivery)? There is no droid delivery in Wokeland because of tweakers and
Antifa, but mostly Antifa. Trust me.
And just for fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than the fact they they filled their local fishing hole with lead, it’s great!