Looking for a great pet sitter?

Submitted By: jampaulson@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Look no further than Ginger Matyas, a terrific, experienced pet sitter, dog walker, and all-around animal lover here in our community. Ginger has more than 40 years working with animals – in fact she was the first professional dog walker in the Portland area many years ago. She is experienced, knowledgable, responsible and skilled with your beloved companions. She provides overnight care as well as drop-in care – whatever meets your needs – for dogs and cats. And as a bonus, Ginger is a talented artist who specializes in pet portraits.

Find out more at the attached link.


Measure 110

Submitted By: genedieken@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
RE: Recriminalizing small-quantity drug possession.

I found this report from OPB Radio documenting one person’s OD on fentanyl and a cop saving his life disturbing but also, for me, it raised some questions about the wisdom of the 110 retrenchment.


The interviewed officer made the point that Measure 110 arrived on the scene at the same time as the spike in fentanyl. So it may be simplistic to make sweeping generalizations about 110 effectiveness.

Connecting migration with the rise in fentanyl availability is even more simplistic. On a basic level, it just doesn’t comport with the physical reality of this drug. Fentanyl is widely used in surgery to put patients under. The typical dosage for a 2-4 hour surgery is 400 MICROGRAMS (1mcg is one-millionth of a gram; a paper coffee filter weighs about 1 gram). A kilogram of raw drug cuts into tens of thousands of doses. No poor Cental Americans lugging 100-pound bales of product across the Rio Grande needed.

Pre-pandemic, Oregon spent $10,000 a year on each K-12 student and $44,000 a year on each prisoner. We’re in the top 10 and moving up. Also, note that $44k doesn’t include the pre-prison enforcement/judicial costs. One way or another we’ll all have to pay for 110 retrenchment.

Gene Dieken

TillCoDems pass a Ceasefire Resolution

Submitted By: Cpossibility1023@gmail.com – Click to email about this post

It is with great honor and respect for the resolve of our Tillamook County Democratic PCPs that I share with you our TillCoDems newly approved Gaza Ceasefire Resolution (TillCoDems Resolution #2024-01). Please see the resolution at this link:


This is a strong stand we take as Democrats on behalf of Americans and the global community.

Constance Shimek
TillCoDems Chair

If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can get involved and make a difference in this 2024 election year, please send email to chair@tillcodems.org. Thank you

Free gutter cleaning with gutter gaurd installation

Submitted By: toniann.naylor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Installing gutter gaurds on your rain gutters will reduce the amount of yearly maintenance required by keeping them free of debris.
Specifically designed for the coast to keep pine needles and other obstructions from entering.
Call or message for a free bid

Ageism and COVID

Submitted By: audene.artist@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
My husband and I still have not had COVID. We still wear masks, which must work since medical people have been wearing them to avoid spreading things long before COVID. We still do not gather in groups. We have had all of the vaccines. We still ask people to wear a mask if we need to talk with them face to face for a long time. I have 5 medical conditions that make me more vulnerable to death from COVID, so I won’t take the risk and act as though COVID is gone.

Masking has never been about freedom, it is a choice about caring for yourself and others. I would feel horrible, if through my neglect, I gave someone this disease knowing that it did not have to be. We are all in this together. Being tired of COVID doesn’t make it disappear. We are all tired of it but we all can do more to protect ourselves and others. Please think twice about your decision to not mask up when appropriate.

I am posting the link to a article from CNN because it is informative about COVID and aging.

We are an aging society here on the coast and we need to let the world know that we still have value. A solution is suggested in this article.

Thank you for reading about my take on things. Everyone stay safe and let’s all matter to each other and spread some love! Audene


Response to Julie and

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Hi Julie and “Community” – whomever that is…

First of all, I’ve lived one of the happiest and most interesting lives a broke-ass motherf*cker has ever lived. I’ve been to all 50 states via car/train/bus/thumb, met all sorts of interesting famous and not-famous people, worked I don’t know how many different cool jobs all over this country, spent lots of time in the deep wild all over the place, etc. etc. etc.

Secondly, I have written many, many things and I’ve made three films that I carefully crafted as to avoid negativity.

And that’s not easy to do when you’re making an anti-war film about Iran (a country which, unfortunately the Dems are now using to escalate world war three, a war in which we are already in btw), a film about the polluted Columbia River, the imperiled salmon runs, the natives being treated like crap, etc.

My stripper movie is quite fun:


Another way to affect change, Julie and “Community” is to angrily hold a mirror up to idiots and morons who are not just idiots and morons, but are also destroying lives and our quality of life by:

Completely disregarding our southern border. 300,000 people from 140 countries crossed in December alone. And who knows how many thousands of pounds of the Chinese Communist Party’s fentanyl, the cartels’ meth and the cartels’ heroin were simply walked over and brought straight to Oregon thanks to the dipsh*ts running the DPO and the worst federal administration in American history.

And don’t any of you woke sheep reading this dare scream ‘Andy’s racist! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa!’. As a cabbie I worked with and was friends with people from all over the planet. I current work with and am friends with Mexicans and a Lebanese guy.

So yeah, last month:

This guy came in: (I can’t find the link of the convicted terrorist saying to the reporter at the border ‘You’ll know my name soon’, but this article from Reuters makes my point. And the numbers in this story are incorrect, LOTS MORE terrorists have crossed and are waiting stateside in stand-by:


And this guy came in:


There will be Hamas-style terror attacks stateside very soon. I’m not sure how I can phrase that without it sounding negative.

A deep dive on the border crisis is available here:


We all know people who have overdosed because of the self-righteous narcissist arrogant lying Oregon Dem politicians and the dumb-asses who vote for them. The DPO is literally killing people with their arrogance narcissism and stupidity. Doesn’t that make you angry? Or does that make you just say ‘oh well, the world is in chaos. Happy day! I’m going for a beach walk!’

Anyone who has family that has overdosed in Oregon over the last few years should join in a class-action lawsuit and bankrupt the DPO, that coven of anti-life incompetent murderous Covidiot woketards.

Our law enforcement officers here in Tillamook County are some of the most amazing public servants I have ever witnessed. The Portland cops are great too. I worked there as a taxi driver for eight years and watched every demolition of old Portland, and the aftermath of every violent (sorry ‘mostly peaceful’) protest by the antifa fascists and BLM communists.

I would never be a LEO in Wokeland, and mega praises to any Portland cop who is managing to stay in that sh*thole, drug-infested violent town. I left the taxi biz before my co-worker cabbie Bruce Lawson was knifed in the neck from the backseat and killed by a crazed absolute lunatic tranny shim who was let out of jail early because of Dem anti-life legislation after threatening store workers with that very same knife. (The Oregonian made sure to get the shim’s pronouns correctly. Thank God for that!)

One of my steady taxis had a bullet hole in the trunk and backseat, after another co-worker was shot in the back and crippled. Yes Julie and community, it is good to open your eyes and look at this stuff. It might just save your life one day.

Our officers out here who work in the field have to deal with violence and threats of violence every day, and here in Oregon that violence has ramped-up immeasurably, after the billionaire farma pigs released a bio-weapon into the world and shut down the global economy for reasons that most on this list, sadly, will never take the time to understand.

I was at Mohler Co-op when Shawn (deputy, don’t know his last name) was taking the report, the morning after the tweakers (Foss Rd gang I heard) used a saw to cut into the co-op from the outside. Rene was sad. Everyone in there was sad. Shawn was sad, I could feel it.

And what was even sadder was this elderly guy, 85 maybe, frail, lives alone in an indefensible isolated house on the Miami-Foley, comes up to me and he meekly and very very sadly told me that the tweakers had stolen $200 of gas from his car so far this year. They siphon it, not drill his gas tank like the tweakers did my housemates car here in Tweakerville a few months ago. There is absolutely nothing he can do about it. It was so sad.

Julie and “Community”, I challenge anyone to rewrite this piece, containing all of the pertinent, potentially life-saving info enclosed herein, without being negative. Good luck.

Anyway, Julie runs one of the best restaurants in the area, Buttercup, and you should go in if you haven’t, and she makes the best homemade ice-cream in the entire world, with very unique, high-quality ingredients.

That said, I’ve never left North America, not counting Hawaii.



(There, that wasn’t so bad was it? Gets a little negative in there for a bit, but overall it’s positive-ish. And you said if I was positive, good things would happen to me, right? Free ice cream???)

What Good Democrats Say About Corruption

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
( I ex’d their names out to prevent retaliation.) because we need all the good Democrats we can get and we need more Republicans in our legislature for a balance – I am for a balanced legislature.
In the past few months, a handful of Democrat office holders have gone public with their protest against their own political party for what they see as the abuses of one party rule in Oregon.
This week, Democrat Oregon state Representative XXXXXXXX has left the Democrat House Caucus because of how the caucus was hiding things from the public and how decision making power was made behind closed doors. XXXXX explains in a very bold and eye-popping letter in the Oregonian :
He said his Party overrode the duty of the people:
“I could not continue to participate in a caucus that had stopped acting democratically. We had failed to set a positive example of transparency and engagement and stopped supporting laws that returned power to the people we represent. Instead, we let our partisan desire to maintain power override our duty to the people….”
They kept the public in the dark:
“Since I joined the caucus in 2019 as a freshman legislator, it has become less and less democratic. My fellow Democratic lawmakers and I met privately each day during the legislative session. We debated proposals like the Student Success Act and public pension reform, and we did not even inform the public about the topics of our discussions and preemptive decisions.”
It was extreme partisanship:
“Over time, we even stopped debating the issues, as caucuses became a forum for leadership to give orders to ensure the Democratic agenda prevailed over the Republicans’ agenda, regardless of whether it was in the public interest.”
Driven by a few people in secret:
“…worst of all, leadership positions were filled based on success in fundraising, not merit or expertise. The House Democratic leaders even stopped telling the caucus members about their discussions. In effect, the content and direction of legislation for all of Oregon was decided by a group of 10 or fewer people picked by their ability to raise money, in secret.”
this Democrat was not alone.
Oregon State Representative XXXXXXX broke with his Democrat caucus when it came time for the hyper-partisan redistricting vote. Redistricting is where politicians get to set the boundaries of their political districts.  The recent 2021 redistricting plan was sharply criticized by local and national media for being too partisan where it made it easier for one political party to seek re-election but hindered the other.
A third Democrat lawmaker, Betsy Johnson recently announced that she is leaving the Democrat Party and is switching her registration to Independent in order to make a run for Governor.  Like Rep. XXXX, she too explains that modern lawmaking has become too partisan, too one-sided and too remote from the people.
This article was taken from Oregon taxpayers association and it is a few years old – but this remains true

I Xxd out the names to prevent retaliation

Get Vaccinated

Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Got vaccinated last week. The flu arm was a bit sore for 2 days, but the new COVID vaccine arm was fine. Please consult with a trusted health professional who can advise you on your particular vaccination needs. Together we can keep ourselves, our families and our friends healthy.

Commercial, Residential, Short Term Rental Cleaning

Submitted By: tiffany@apeachycleanbytiffany.com – Click to email about this post
Trusted, thorough, high attention to detail cleaning services offered by A Peachy Clean by Tiffany now has limited openings available!!
Go to the website and see for yourself, lots of photos on the gallery page!
Contact me to schedule a consultation and get a bid !
Act fast these openings won’t last long !!

Magazine Quality Cleaning

Now All Oregon Supreme Court Judges picked by Governor Kate Brown

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Every Judge on the Oregon Supreme Court was put there by Kate Brown. How did that happen? Kate Brown was the most disliked governor for two years in a row. Yet she managed to place every judge on our supreme court!!!!!

Our state constitution says that the citizens of Oregon get to vote for Supreme Court Judges. But we haven’t done this in years.

WHY – Because of corruption. As much for the judges as the governor.

Here is how it works: In Oregon, when a Justice steps down from the bench before his or her term is up for whatever reason, the governor – by law – gets to fill that position until the next election. Now any judge that the governor picks to fill this position has to agree to step down before his or her term is up so that the governor can pick another judge. That shows the governor and the judge are in collusion. Not good for judge nor governor – right? But worse for us.

At election time the name of the judge the governor picked appears on the ballot. No other name appears on the ballot for this position and so this candidate, picked by the governor, will win even if nobody votes for him or her. This has been going on for years.
That means that these judges decide issues politically instead of judiciously.
How does this effect you?

How our property tax system works

Submitted By: dmccalltillamook@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
As mentioned in a previous post, a post including the fear of being taxed out of one’s home prompted me to reach out to the two candidates (thus far) for Tillamook County Assessor, and request a short summary of how our property tax system works, and how tax increases occur.
I reached out to both candidates, requesting a short summary (so that both would fit within the constraints of BBQ).

The first response came from Kari Fleisher, who submitted the summary you will see below. She also stated that she welcomes any further questions to: kari@karifleisher.com and my website at www.karifleisher.com. Also, you can always direct traffic to the Assessment and Taxation website at www.tillamookcounty.gov/assessment

Unfortunately the second candidate, KaSandra Larson, was not able to provide a summary due to “personal and family obligations to attend to this week.” She said she will, however, explore a future article on the property tax system.

So, with that said, here is Kari’s summary:
As a candidate for Tillamook County Assessor, Kari Fleisher aims to ensure that Tillamook County taxpayers are informed about the property tax laws that bind us all. In Oregon, property taxes provide funding for school districts, Tillamook County, cities, and special districts, including fire, ports, transportation, and sanitation. These government organizations offer services to the local community. Property taxes are ad valorem, aka based on value. Taxpayers pay taxes based on the assessed value of their individual properties.
Oregon voters passed two significant laws that limited the amount of property taxes collected
from taxpayers and the amount of money taxing districts can receive. First, Measure 5 limited
the total property taxes paid by an individual property to 1.5% of its Real Market Value. The
second was Measure 50, which created a new term called Maximum Assessed Value. The Maximum Assessed Value typically grows 3% per year and is not tied to Real Market Value once set. The lower of the two annually becomes the Assessed Value. An individual property can see increases in their Maximum Assessed Value above 3% due to changes to their property like new construction, remodeling, rehabilitation, subdivision, and more. One downfall of Measure 50 is that Assessed Values are no longer equitable to like property. Only Real Market Value can be used for comparison/equity purposes.
All properties are assessed per Oregon Revised Statutes that allow using cost, market, and
income approaches to value. In Tillamook County, we use a computer-assisted mass appraisal
system to input various property information to calculate a value. We annually adjust our
valuations based on market research. Programs like personal business property and industrial
property require using directly reported costs from taxpayers.
Taxing districts had a permanent tax rate set when Measure 50 was passed. The only way to ask for more money is for a 5-year operating levy or a bond limited to capital improvements. Both require voter approval. Once passed by the voters, this will increase the tax rate and taxes for all property owners within the district.

Last chance, take action now

Submitted By: Cpossibility1023@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Many of you gave already purchased your tickets, thank you. For those who haven’t, this charming ladies ring is highlighted by a rare Pink Sapphire man-made stone (.72c). It is set in a 5prong solitaire 14k yellow gold setting, approx size 7. The ring was recently appraised at $850. You may remember this ring was found about 18” underground by our local NW Dirt Fishing Co., it is thought to have been originally lost 100 years ago. All proceeds will go into the White Clover Grange building restoration fund.
Contact Constance tonight or by noon tomorrow to get your last minute raffle tickets via Square, drawing will be held at approximately 3pm tomorrow. Thank you!

Constance Shimek 503.936.1511

Tax information coming soon

Submitted By: dmccalltillamook@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I must admit, when I see a post from a certain Dixie, I prepare to be entertained with some wild story of a conspiracy, or some other disinformation. But reading her post this weekend, including her fear of being taxed out of her home due to the rampant increases in property taxes “far above the normal rate,” another thought came to mind.
It’s easy to forget about increases in Social Security of 5.9% in 2021, 8.7% in 2022, or 3.2% in 2023, and focus on the (maximum 3%) increase we see on our property taxes.
What I saw when I read this post is an opportunity:
Two candidates have filed to be elected as the next Tillamook County Assessor. How about asking them to provide an explanation of how property taxes are assessed, including the difference between assessed vs market value, and how the budgets of our various taxing districts are affected by property taxes as inflation is high or low?
I have reached out to each of the candidates, and asked them to provide a short (max. 2000 characters) explanation that I will share with the BBQ community once I receive them. Hopefully we’ll be able to read their explanations next weekend, and start to see how each of them communicate with us.


Submitted By: cbbcalm@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The community did it . The balance is now clear.
May it be known that Doctor Matt Didlake will continue to help those in hard time
Witnessing this last Friday when delivering January hair cut donations there was a gentle man and his awesome dog both homeless in the waiting room
We knew the pooch would be taken care of .
Today enquiring about the pair it was shared that Dr. Matt had paid for a place for them to stay.
and that it was not the first time he did this.
Let this slip into our hearts
no more words needed
Corinna and Daniel

Pet Sitter Recommendation

Submitted By: marooncaboose@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Ginger Matyas of Katcandu and Woofgang pet services has been caring my dog for almost 2 years, and I am so grateful for her. During my long work days or when I am out of town, I am reassured that my best buddy is getting the love and care that he needs. Ginger is reliable, flexible, professional and kind. For anyone needing pet services, I highly recommend that you reach out to Ginger. 



Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
So – inflation, property taxes increasing far above the normal rate, heating bills and everything else – the total cost of living has jumped enormously, BUT Kotek’s Housing Advisory Council Floats $3 BILLION in New Oregon Taxes.

YES 3 billion in new taxes!

Just weeks after suggesting a 3-year pause on new taxes, Governor Tina Kotek’s own Housing Production Advisory Council released new recommendations calling for more than $3 billion in new taxes. The list was exhaustive, including establishing a sales tax, increasing personal income taxes, doubling the gas tax, and more. 

Can you pay more?

Will more people become homeless because this increase in taxes will push them over the edge? I keep thinking that one of these days I will be taxed out of my house.

I was thinking one morning as I like to do in the quiet of the dawn with my cup of coffee. If I were governor how would I look at my responsibility. Now I could never become governor nor do I want to but how would I look at my roll? I think I would see my job as to make sure as much as possible that every Oregon citizen would have an opportunity to thrive. That would be my job, that is how I would make decisions. I would not pass any bills, like HB 2002, from outside entities. And in a time of financial crisis I would not raise taxes at all. In many states the governors lowered what taxes that they could: Fourteen states have individual income tax rate reductions taking effect in 2024: Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire (interest and dividends income only), North Carolina, Ohio, and South Carolina.

So are you just going to sit there and take it?

Gov. Kotek # 503-378-4582
press 3 to leave a comment
press 4 to get a list of other ways to contact the governor

The state of Oregon has the sixth highest taxes in the nation.
Many people are leaving Oregon because it is becoming unlivable – crime, murder, homeless camps in your backyard. Our Democratic legislators would like to remove the kicker. Our governor, Tina Kotek, for instance, proposed in 2018, when she was a lawmaker, to use kicker dollars to reduce the state’s unfunded liability for its egregiously generous retirement system for public employees. Kotek suggested the next year that the state keep half the kicker money and use it for transportation projects. The more you give them – the more they spend.

In 1979 Oregon had a Republican governor and that was when the Kicker tax was enacted and in 1999 it was put into the Oregon constitution. And the Democrat leaders don’t like it. I have to say I was a Democrat most my life but I finally grew up and now I am smart enough to just look at all individuals running when trying to decide who would be the best for the job. How is Oregon doing under about 14 years of Dem majority? Not so good it appears. Lots of corruption in the state capitol too but that is for another day.