Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
So – inflation, property taxes increasing far above the normal rate, heating bills and everything else – the total cost of living has jumped enormously, BUT Kotek’s Housing Advisory Council Floats $3 BILLION in New Oregon Taxes.

YES 3 billion in new taxes!

Just weeks after suggesting a 3-year pause on new taxes, Governor Tina Kotek’s own Housing Production Advisory Council released new recommendations calling for more than $3 billion in new taxes. The list was exhaustive, including establishing a sales tax, increasing personal income taxes, doubling the gas tax, and more. 

Can you pay more?

Will more people become homeless because this increase in taxes will push them over the edge? I keep thinking that one of these days I will be taxed out of my house.

I was thinking one morning as I like to do in the quiet of the dawn with my cup of coffee. If I were governor how would I look at my responsibility. Now I could never become governor nor do I want to but how would I look at my roll? I think I would see my job as to make sure as much as possible that every Oregon citizen would have an opportunity to thrive. That would be my job, that is how I would make decisions. I would not pass any bills, like HB 2002, from outside entities. And in a time of financial crisis I would not raise taxes at all. In many states the governors lowered what taxes that they could: Fourteen states have individual income tax rate reductions taking effect in 2024: Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire (interest and dividends income only), North Carolina, Ohio, and South Carolina.

So are you just going to sit there and take it?

Gov. Kotek # 503-378-4582
press 3 to leave a comment
press 4 to get a list of other ways to contact the governor

The state of Oregon has the sixth highest taxes in the nation.
Many people are leaving Oregon because it is becoming unlivable – crime, murder, homeless camps in your backyard. Our Democratic legislators would like to remove the kicker. Our governor, Tina Kotek, for instance, proposed in 2018, when she was a lawmaker, to use kicker dollars to reduce the state’s unfunded liability for its egregiously generous retirement system for public employees. Kotek suggested the next year that the state keep half the kicker money and use it for transportation projects. The more you give them – the more they spend.

In 1979 Oregon had a Republican governor and that was when the Kicker tax was enacted and in 1999 it was put into the Oregon constitution. And the Democrat leaders don’t like it. I have to say I was a Democrat most my life but I finally grew up and now I am smart enough to just look at all individuals running when trying to decide who would be the best for the job. How is Oregon doing under about 14 years of Dem majority? Not so good it appears. Lots of corruption in the state capitol too but that is for another day.


Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I watched Dave Chappell – a comedian – on youtube last night – he is very funny and laughter is the best medicine they say. When I woke up the next morning I was sitting up in bed drinking coffee and thinking, which is how I like to start my day – and I was thinking – I wonder if they have Chinese comedians? It seems an oxymoron as I can think of nothing funny about living as a Chinese citizen in China. When I got out of bed I went to google and looked up Chinese comedians and YES, much to my surprise there are comedians in China, but they have to be very careful and cannot say or make jokes about their government, or its off to the organ donor farm for them. This reminds me of Trudeau who told the Canadian citizens that they certainly could protest but they could not protest anything their government was doing!!. From China to Canada – hmmmmmm

Words like mis-information, dis-information, and mal-information are baby steps to a communist like government, and a new phrase has been added – infodemic!! This means there is too much information!!!!!!!!! – This from the World Health Organization!! who is preparing a treaty whereby they usurp all countries governments and put their own rules in when they call a pandemic – and I think this is where the WHO is moving us to a one world government. Want more information on that? Can’t have it – that would create an infodemic and we don’t want that – do we?

Very slowly our freedom of speech is being taken away and unfortunately most of the sheeples in this country haven’t got a clue. I suspect that is because they don’t have enough information and basically from what I see – they don’t want any. They like fact checkers though who tell them that everything is just fine. Everything is just fine. Just obey. Everything is just fine – really!

But me? I want all the info I can get and even more – so I know what is going on – like what’s in the jab? – or what’s in my food? or why are we getting close to a civil war in this country? I need info so I can make good decisions. There are a lot of dead people out there now who died because they didn’t get enough info. I probably can’t talk about that though – that would be mis-information! or maybe mal-information.

DEFINITIONS – MIS-INFORMATION – incorrect or mis-leading information,
DIS-INFORMATION – false information, MAL-INFORMATION – true information but something the government does not want to be known and now a
NEW ONE TO ADD – INFODEMIC – Way to much information!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think this article contains mis-information?dis-information? mal-information – or just a plain infodemic?

Then go to your nearest communist party cell and report it.

Let’s Talk About… Something Else

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Let’s Talk About… Something Else

I was in Newberg, Oregon for a big chunk of December and January. I went up to be with my big sister before and after the death of her husband of 58 years, a dear man I’ve known my entire life. She’s 16 years older than me and they were dating when I was a just puppy, so I mean my entire life literally. But this isn’t really about that. So many people in our community have lost loved ones. I’m not alone or special in the grief I feel. If we didn’t love our people so deeply, we wouldn’t grieve their loss so deeply. It’s the cost of the ticket and it hurts like crazy.

With his death my focus shifted. Things that used to matter to me don’t anymore. Things that didn’t matter so much now do. I’ve decided to be intentional in where I place my attention focusing on what’s beautiful and good in the world—not just amazing sunsets and wildlife, but all the times when people just show up for each other.

I used to give my writing students an assignment I called, Somebody Did Me A Solid. I’d ask them to think of a time when someone unexpectedly stepped up and provided something they needed, be it a kind word or some cash money. Everybody has that story.

During the cold snap and ice storm, I was still in Newberg while Ben was here in Manzanita. We only have the one car and when even triple A couldn’t get her started, a good friend came and picked me up, delivering me to my sister’s in time for her birthday—that’s a solid, for sure. When the temperatures dropped and the power went out a few days later, neighbors offered their RV for Ben to sleep in on the coldest night, so he’d be warm. The next day power was restored to everyone on our street except our house because of a downed tree on 3rd. Neighbors offered us room in their fridges and freezers, so we didn’t lose any food. I even saw an invitation to a power outage potluck that a friend in town wanted to host.

Ben did his Ben thing—he checked on the homes of our out of town neighbors to make sure pipes weren’t frozen. He told me how City and County workers were out in force in the cold and ice taking care of business as quick as possible in ugly and dangerous conditions. Look for the helpers, Fred Rogers used to say and man, do we have helpers in our community.

I know all this wasn’t particular to us or to our street.

Back in Newberg on a Sunday night, my sister and I watched an old episode of Grants Getaways on KGW that featured the Smiley Brothers & Sisters Salmon Harvest which harvests, cans, and distributes hatchery coho salmon to the North County Food Bank with the help of a whole bunch of volunteers. After the show was over, my sister asked about our community and I told her about some of the other things we do for each other; like the community garden at the Land Trust which provides hundreds of pounds of produce to low income folks in the villages, and events that are just plain fun like the Christmas tree lighting at Underhill Plaza, the Fourth of July parade, the community theater at NCRD, Pie Day, the apple festival at White Clover Grange, the Polar Plunge. And some of the small individual things people have done like the sewing circle that met every Monday evening for years at my neighbor Bobbie’s home and the outdoor movies and music Kelly Roy hosted this summer on the Dirty Bird lot.

Good people with good ideas making a difference in the lives of others and having fun doing it. Doing a solid for the place and the people in our community. A friend who’s lived here since the 70’s told me people see the possibility to create something here and they make it happen.

That’s how CartM started and that’s how the Heart of CartM continues.

Annie Dillard writes, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing.”

Amen, Annie. Amen.

Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

reply to

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
i’m responding to jett keyser’s post on last nights BBQ.

i’d sure like to see some of this embodied in the folks who are publicly denouncing and defaming the members of manzanita’s city council.

geez lawheez, give them a break! they are volunteers with nothing to gain from voting yes or no on any agenda item.

om peace namaste

lucy brook

To Live Our Own Lives
To live our own lives, not having to attack or defend,

knowing how each of us can give to others, to our family,
to strangers, to this earth, to beings we shall never see.

As we listen to many voices and changing representation,
we recognize that it is in the independent expression
of our own choices and values that we realize our freedom, live our own lives.

And it is heartening to see each meal train
appear, how we share our seeds, restore and repurpose a grange, protect a library, realize we are not alone, stronger together.

Regardless of what is driving the media ratings,
we can give support to the children in Ukraine, Gaza, Nehalem.

We can always ease up to live our own lives with compassion.

To Live Our Own Lives

Submitted By: jettkeyser@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
To Live Our Own Lives

To live our own lives, not having to attack or defend,

knowing how each of us can give to others, to our family,
to strangers, to this earth, to beings we shall never see.

As we listen to many voices and changing representation,
we recognize that it is in the independent expression
of our own choices and values that we realize our freedom, live our own lives.

And it is heartening to see each meal train
appear, how we share our seeds, restore and repurpose a grange, protect a library, realize we are not alone, stronger together.

Regardless of what is driving the media ratings,
we can give support to the children in Ukraine, Gaza, Nehalem.

We can always ease up to live our own lives with compassion.

Naylor Handyman Service

Submitted By: gnaylor1@hotmail.com – Click to email about this post
Affordable, friendly Service Veteran Owned.

POWER WASHING/ homes, decks driveways and walks
PAINTING interior/ exterior

If not listed just ask thank you Guy Naylor
503-812-1031 texting has a quicker response.

NCRD Board meeting… interesting

Submitted By: Cpossibility1023@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
This may interest some?

For those who voted for the 5yr tax levy, or those who may be invited to the exclusive dinner/fundraiser coming up, take a look at how the Board is on track to spend a good chunk of the expected revenue this year.

Disclaimer: this is not about TJ Fiorelli or his Company. It is about protocol, fiduciary responsibility and a possible ‘backroom’ sweet deal ill-approved by the board.

In March of 2023, TJ Fiorelli’s Consulting was approved for a ‘capped’ contract of $10,000 from the NCRD to raise 2 million dollars for the new pool (see board minutes of 3.16.23)

If you look at the NCRD’s financial statements from May ‘23 when the 1st invoice (#72) was paid thru the end is December, you’ll discover the NCRD has paid TJ’s company $41,060, that’s $31,060 over the approved contract.

SIDE NOTE: Curiously an additional $2200 was paid for ‘grant writing services’? Being heavily involved with the Friends of NCRD since almost its inception in 2008, their responsibility is raising funds through fundraising and grant writing, why is the NCRD paying an outside company to do this?

At the Board meeting Thursday night TJ confirmed he is being paid $8500/mo for his services, folks that’s $102,000.00 a year! The ‘past chair’ defended this expense as TJ has brought in a $500k donation ‘singlehandedly’, “more than anyone has ever done” That’s great Jack and…

NOTE: The Board is not allowed to meet outside a scheduled board meeting. The public is to be notified and allowed to be present.

When I asked if this ‘new’ contract had been approved, Jack said yes. So my question is ‘When did that happen’? Did I also miss this (potentially) $102,000 contract being put out to bid to the community? Or at what Board meeting was this ‘new’ contract discussed and approved by the board? There is Nothing, Nada, -0- mention in any Board minutes regarding a contract, the date approved, the scope, the cost (there is a blurb in the October 12th minutes which states ‘Review/Approve contract with TJ Fiorelli: this item was tabled’. (Could a potentially negative impact on the 10/18 ballot drop for the 5yr levy been the consideration for this table?)

Pay attention Community: we were told by past BM Wally B, ‘you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’.

I am requesting the following documents be presented at the February Board meeting:
1. Present signed and dated copies of the revised contract, approving payments made over and above the $10,000 ‘capped’ contract approved.
2.Present the notification agenda for the meeting where TJ’s ‘revised’ contract was presented, discussed and approved
3.Present copies of TJ’s 1st & 2nd signed and dated contracts with the NCRD

FYI: The Board meets on the 2nd Thursday, 6pm via zoom or in person at the NCRD. It would be great to see standing room only…


Submitted By: katja@teleport.com – Click to email about this post
When the lights went out on Saturday and the freezing rain was still blowing down, I got ready for a cold night in layers of clothes and blankets. I was pleasantly surprised when the heat and lights came back on before bed.
That means that there were utility workers out there in the wet, freezing dark. I bet some of you had already worked hours and hours. Wow. Valiant.
And when I finally ventured into town, large limbs were out of the way, and traction material spread on the shady icy patches. Some of this I imagine was accomplished by volunteers. For you, and for the official road crews: Thank you.
Thank you for doing hard and miserable work to allow the rest of us to be comfortable. Thank you for taking care of your community. You are amazing.
Katja & Coby

Club Manzanita Bait and Switch conclusion

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
What happened to our old City Hall? The City described it as an old, leaking, mold filled building that was so unsafe for use that employees could no longer work there.

The City’s selected contractor to build the new City Hall described all of the above negative building conditions associated with the reuse of the Underhill structures. Then just months later, he purchased and remodeled the old City Hall on Laneda as his business office. His new office has the same concrete slab on grade foundation as the School and Q Hut and is less than 300 feet away from the ground shaking dangers that he claimed would potentially destroy the Underhill structures. To this point his remodel does not include the installation of the bored pilings he claimed were the economical solution necessary to prevent foundation failure.

Finally, when Mayor Simmons requested access to the Old City Hall and Fire Station to examine the potential of those respective facilities for reuse, the City Manager denied her request to enter the buildings because “volunteers are not allowed” and then stated that the Mayor “was trying to undermine the new City Hall project”. I would note that EVC volunteers have complete access to the old Fire Station with no apparent concerns by the City Manager.

Those citizens who have taken exception to me sharing my opinions about the City Hall project or other City business matters with Mayor Simmons and demanded that she sever all ties with me should be aware that Mayor Scott and other past and current Councilors have sought me out to meet with and seek my suggestions, opinions and support on other of City issues.

After one private meeting Mayor Scott asked me to attend on the Underhill project he emailed me with the following: ” Thanks for your thoughts. They are well thought out and I will share them with the council. I really appreciate all the time and effort you have put into this project over this past year. ” In a separate email, Mayor Scott responded “I need your help in coming up with a strategy to get public support so we can make this project work.”

My experience with the City shows me that as long as you stay on script and do not ask too many questions, the Club has a place for you. If one dares to request an explanation or correction of public misstatements, the City Manager has recommended to the Council that “we must discourage or even ignore if necessary” such individuals.

This series on Club Manzanita is my attempt to present factual information concerning the policy and financial decisions of our public officials. I will continue to raise issues and have questions. I regularly receive emails from residents who I have never met who are interested in what is happening in our community but recognize the risks of publicly voicing those concerns. Thank you for watching what’s happening and your support.

The City Manager will be at the Pine Grove on January 16 to discuss the State of the City. Take the opportunity to ask your questions if you plan to attend .

Randy Kugler

Bayside Gardens Residents Potluck (please RSVP)

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Come get to know your neighbors!
POTLUCK with Kids Activities (Rain or Shine)

January 20th 5-7pm @ St. Catherine’s Church
Please bring a dish to share, your own beverage, plate and utensils.

An RSVP would be ever so helpful:

This is an event sponsored by the EVCNB: Prepare Your Neighborhood – Bayside Gardens Planning Committee

If you would like to be added to the Bayside Gardens Neighborhood Activities List, text “Bayside Gardens” to 503-440-7861

A Wake Up Call to America

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
First of all – the state of Washington is trying to pass a bill outlawing gas powered outdoor tools. A law like that will probably show up here also. This is a “climate change” bill and scientifically speaking Climate change cannot be proven.

Secondly here is a message from a California U S Representative Kevin Kiley about happenings in our country’s capitol. All things that are happening effect our lives very much regarding income, employment, livability
and just plain survivalbility.

I would also like to say that Governor Newsom may be running for president after practically ruining the state of California. Just so you know.

A Warning to America – from Kevin Kiley

On Wednesday, we voted in the Judiciary Committee to hold Hunter Biden in criminal contempt. That is a routine step for any witness who defies a Congressional subpoena. Yet in a wild scene, Hunter decided to show up and crash one of the hearings – before abruptly fleeing.

In their own cartoonish way, Hunter’s antics encapsulate the *growing lawlessness of this administration. For instance, Biden has baldly “re-nominated” his “Acting” Secretary of Labor Julie Su, who was rejected by the Senate last year yet has clung to power nonetheless.

Worse, with Congress having rejected his attempt to nationalize Newsom’s vile AB 5 law, Biden is simply imposing the policy on America by Executive Decree. This week, he announced an “Independent Contractor” rule that takes a sledgehammer to the American workforce.

On the House Floor, I read a list of all 600 professions that have been decimated by Newsom’s law in California. I also outlined every possible tool I am using to block Biden’s decree, including fast-track legislation to nullify it and language in the Appropriations bill to de-fund it.

Meanwhile, in a deposition on Capitol Hill, Anthony Fauci said “I don’t recall” over 100 times and admitted the “6 feet apart” COVID rule was not based on data but “just sort of appeared.” Turns out “following the science” meant making things up.

And Newsom rolled out his budget, falsely claiming the $68 billion deficit is “only” $38 billion (the nonpartisan LAO says otherwise). Particularly revealing: Newsom is cutting support for foster kids as he insists on providing free healthcare to everyone in California illegally.

It has never been so clear. Newsom’s California is the furthest thing from a “model for the nation.” It is a warning to the nation.

* growing lawlessness may describe the previous, the existing and further administrations of our country and citizens really need to get involved and pay attention.

Christmas Tree Shred Fest (postponed)

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post

Shred Fest 2024 Community Campfire, Cocoa, and Chipping
Saturday 1/13/24 11am – 1pm
Dirty Bird’s Lot (corner of Division and Manzanita in Manzanita)
Drop your trees, wreaths and garlands on the lot in front of the worm bins anytime before the 13th. Or bring your items day-of for live chipping.
No tinsel, no decorations, no non-natural items.

Thanks to Tony from NW Tree and Landscape for his time and for providing his chipper (nwtreeandlandscape.com)

Let’s shred it up and use it!
For more info contact queenbee@dirtybirdsgardencenter.com

EVCNB eBrief – Nehalem Bay Coastal Weather Warning – Jan. 11, 2024

Submitted By: brad.hart@evcnb.org – Click to email about this post
Nehalem Bay Coastal Winter Weather Advisory

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Winter Storm Watch for our area. In a weather briefing today, the NWS-Portland stated that the coast and coast range have a good probability of light snow and freezing rain. Freezing rain is a very dangerous condition where utility and emergency response is delayed and extremely dangerous to responders.

Click the following link to read the full article:

Are You Winter Storm Ready?

With the predicted weather system moving in to our area, we could be without electricity and cell service.

Click the following link to read our article with tips to be prepared for the winter season:

South Africa vs Israel face off in ICJ court

Submitted By: bbq@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Having listened carefully and intently to the presentation of the complaint and charge of genocide brought against Israel by South Africa before the International Court of Justice, I highly recommend this as one of the most historically significant legal events since the Nuremburg Trials following the end of World War II.
Here is a link to the video:

Club Manzanita Bait and Switch Part 2

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
What happened to the promise of building a facility that would provide adequate space needs for City staff? The City accepted its consultant’s recommendation on office space needs that concluded the Police Department’s existing space needs were 2,000 sq. ft. and its immediate space needs was 2,415 sq. ft.. The design submitted by the City for our Police Department will now require them to operate in a 1,586 sq. ft. building.

We were told that we would be getting a new City Hall and Police facility that “can accommodate 10 years of growth”‘. Our Officers will now be placed in a building that does not even provide enough space for their existing nor immediate needs let alone for needs 10 years from now.

What happened to the need to combine City Hall and the Police Department into one building for administrative and operational efficiency? A separate City Hall and Police buildings as has now been approved by the Planning Commission was an alternative concept proposed to the Council this past June as a more cost effective building option.

Under this manufactured building design, our Police Department would have had their own 2,232 sq. ft building and City Hall would have had 4,080 sq. ft. of meeting and office space. Both buildings were designed with solar capabilities and their price included all of the pre-wiring to accept solar roof panels. In addition, this option would have allowed the City to repair and remodel and use the Quonset Hut for a wide variety of community uses as well as emergency shelter and storage to be paid with money already available in the City’s Tourism Promotion and Facilities Fund.

This option would have saved approximately $2 – 2.5 million in total project costs, eliminated hundreds of thousands of dollars in consultant fees, completed construction earlier and lessened the amount of City debt for the construction loan. Even though citizens made clear that cost was their number one priority for this project, the Council declined to even consider this new build option.

The Police building is now designated as our Emergency Operation Center (EOC). In the event of a disaster where electrical power is lost, an EOC requires a source of power generation to function. This typically is provided by a permanently installed standby generator that is housed outside of or within the EOC. The plans submitted to the Planning Commission show neither.

The EVC claimed that they needed a dedicated space to serve as a command center for their volunteers in the event of a disaster. The EVC command center must be in the Police Building, but it does not show on the submitted plans.

For years now, the City has selected which of its consultant’s recommendations it would follow just as long as they were on the new build team of the Council’s choice. When City officials and their representatives thought it was expedient to make a commitment or offer a concept that they thought would gain public support for their desired new build option, it would do so.

The expensive consultant driven team presentations on this project are big on style but have fallen short on substance. How about just providing factual information, telling us what we are going to get and then following through on what we are told.

Randy Kugler

Art Class for Kids!

Submitted By: tigrereeva@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello North Coast Community!
I am offering another series of Art Classes for the Winter-Spring term. Classes start Monday, January 22nd and Wednesday January 24th and will be held at the NCRD Kitchen Room from 4-5:30.
Mondays are 5-8 yr olds and Wednesdays are 9 and up. These age requirements are flexible and a bit of an experiment to see if there is interest in different age groups in our community. If one day works better than the other for your child please reach out and let me know and we can make it work!

For this series we will focus on fundamental skills in drawing, painting, and sculpture. Each week we will begin with drawing exercises to develop the building blocks of visual perception and organization. We will then progress into multimedia projects where the students will develop their own creative voice and freedom.

To receive more information and to register and reserve your child’s spot please email Reeva Wortel tigrereeva@gmail.com
or call/text (503) 816-1724

A bio about my background as an artist and a teacher:
Reeva Wortel is a contemporary artist, social worker, and teaching artist. Through portraiture, immersive installations, dance-theater, and multi-year community based art projects and murals, she has spent over 20 years exploring the depths of human complexity by utilizing her art, teaching, and social work to re-imagine the communities we live in toward a more just and equitable world.
In her experience as an arts educator Reeva Wortel has witnessed how the arts promote positive development in the academic, social, and emotional realms for all students. Wortel believes that when children engage in art projects they’re taught to tap into their innovative side, to think creatively, and out of the box and that this process inspires children, supporting them in all aspects of their lives.

Club Manzanita Bait and Switch

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Our Planning Commission has approved the design of our new City Hall and Police Station. The Planning Commission’s responsibility was restricted to the review of the application submitted by the City’s consulting team and to confirm that the design complied with the applicable code provisions. The Planning Commission fulfilled their responsibilities. Unfortunately, what we are ending up with appears to be at odds with what we were told we either needed or could expect in this facility. For example:

We were told in previous public meetings that soil conditions at the site were such that in the event of moderate or severe ground shaking, the existing Underhill structure’s foundations were potentially at risk of catastrophic failure. The City’s contractor for the new City Hall explained that the solution to this risk was to place the new building on a system of bored pilings that would be able to resist the threat of liquefaction and structure collapse. This solution he explained would be “an economical method of supporting the proposed structure”.

What the Planning Commission was asked to approve was a separate Police structure that would be placed on this system of bored pilings and a City Hall that would not now have to have a foundation supported by this piling system. The reason: it would be too expensive to include this foundation system for City Hall.

What had just months ago been a critical factor and argument by the City’s consulting team for demolishing both the School and Quonset Hut was not now a concern for City Hall because it was no longer the “economical” solution that we were led to believe.

What happened to the City Hall design that was presented to us at previous public meetings? The architect had presented a building design based on input from citizens that said they wanted a building that represented Manzanita similar to the Library and First Security Bank.

The City Hall that we were told that we would be getting did share architectural features with the Bank and Library. A welcoming entrance, abundant natural lighting with an interesting roof design and horizontal lap cedar siding. What was submitted by the City to the Planning Commission does not resemble what the City’s team presented to us and was characterized by a resident as something you would find in a Beaverton Industrial Park.

The reason for the difference between what we saw then and what we are now getting is simple; it is a cheaper design. Compare what the Planning Commission approved versus what was presented to the community.

tinyurl.com/wkk34wyp pg. 15 tinyurl.com/4mpk4cvu pg. 89

What happened to our solar powered City Hall? The City Manager stated that “solar is still on the table” and the contractor confirmed that the inclusion of solar “seems like a no-brainer to be ready for”. The architect described how they planned to design the roof for solar panels to maximize the potential for solar power to operate the building.

The City’s design plans submitted to the Planning Commission does not include any solar nor was mention made of including solar power in the future. Perhaps because of the complete change in the building design described above, the now north-facing roof orientation of City Hall can no longer deliver effective solar power.

I find it fascinating that when I report on the actions of our City Officials supported by their direct quotes, the howls of indignation come from the same group of citizens whose only rebuttal is a personal attack and a demand that I stop. I observe what I see happening, present the facts and ask questions.

If we’re not witnessing a City Hall bait and switch, what do you call it?

I will continue this post with two more editions highlighting other examples in the coming days.

Randy Kugler

Christmas Tree Shred Fest

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Shred Fest 2024 Community Campfire, Cocoa, and Chipping
Saturday 1/13/24 11am – 1pm

Dirty Bird’s Lot (corner of Division and Manzanita in Manzanita)
Drop your trees, wreaths and garlands on the lot in front of the worm bins anytime before the 13th. Or bring your items day-of for live chipping.
No tinsel, no decorations, no non-natural items.

Thanks to Tony from NW Tree and Landscape for his time and for providing his chipper (nwtreeandlandscape.com)

Let’s shred it up and use it!
For more info contact queenbee@dirtybirdsgardencenter.com

A fantastic interview that elucidates the issues of Israel/Gaza

Submitted By: bbq@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Author and political scientist Norm Finkelstein on Israel’s war in Gaza.
Krystal Ball conducts a masterly and revealing innterview that probes Finkelstein’s past and his
grasp of the history leading to the present day. He answers hardball questions and holds nothing back on where he stands.
Lengthy but worth the time.
Here iss a link to the video:


Don’t worry About Your Fur Babies!!!

Submitted By: Baltizaar09@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Our Fur Babies Welfare While Away!

I want to give a huge shout out to Manzanita’s legendary ‘dog whisperer’ Ginger Matyas.
We have used her services several times while away from home & we all know the stress of leaving them behind. Ginger not only took excellent care while visiting our 3 cats several times a day to feed, empty litter boxes but the play time was unique. She brought in crepe paper, sprinkled with catnip, lots of kitty toys & actively played & stimulated them. The follow up videos she sent to us were awesome as one of our cats whom is antisocial to begin with, was chasing around through the scattered papers, jumping in the air after flying feathers & sitting on her lap. Such a welcoming site when so far away from home. Everything was cleaned & vacuumed before our return as if nothing had taken place. She did ask first if this was ok! They were very happy babies during our absence!
Equally our dogs were also taken care of by Ginger over the holidays & it’s not about just walking them that amazed us with her services, she actively engages them in physical play time, fun exercise & healthy treats.
Ginger has massive compassion & knowledge in this industry so don’t miss out on asking her about any concerns, she has you covered!
I also just added her as an additional service to our Airbnb rental & it has had tremendous support from visiting guests! Thank you Ginger for all you do for our pets in our small community. Grateful