News update from the Nehalem Bay Health District

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Design for New Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy Goes to City of Wheeler for Review

Health District Project Reaches Important Milestone

(Wheeler) – The design package for the new Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy has been delivered to the city of Wheeler in advance of the city Planning Commission’s consideration on December 7, 2023. The submittal marks a key milestone in the development of the project designed to enhance local health care and pharmacy services in north Tillamook County.

In conjunction with the design documents the Health District has applied for several city permits. On December 7, architects for the Health District will appear before the Wheeler Planning Commission to review the design and answer questions. The meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm at Wheeler City Hall and members of the public can attend in person or virtually with a meeting link and other information available on the city’s website:…/december-planning

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with the city of Wheeler on this vital and exciting project,” said Marc C. Johnson, president of the Health District board. “Our board is committed to addressing the health and senior care needs of the community and we very much appreciate the city’s review of the plans and the many details that must be successfully addressed.”

In May, Health District voters approved a $10.25 million general obligation bond measure to help finance the new construction. The ballot measure received nearly 70% support from voters.

The new Health Center will consist of an approximately 16,000 square foot, two story building that will replace the existing Nehalem Bay Health Center (the former Rinehart Clinic) that is currently housed in a much smaller building on Rowe Street in Wheeler. The new facility will feature more exam rooms, a dental suite, a much larger pharmacy, facilities to accommodate specialty medical services, meeting space and improved staff facilities. The Health District owns the proposed site of the new Health Center at U.S. Highway 101 and Hospital Road in Wheeler.

The design review application notes that the property, approximately 1.3 acres, has the proper zoning classification – General Commercial – and will accommodate parking for patients and staff in keeping with the city’s requirements.

Completion of the design review will move the project toward permitting with both the city and Tillamook County. Current timelines anticipate construction to commence in mid-2024.

For more on the Health District visit:

Girl Scout Holiday Pet Food Drive

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Your local Girl Scout troop is having a Holiday Pet Food Drive to benefit local animal rescues! Please bring any pet food donations to one of our drop-off locations (see poster image), or to our one-day drive at Four Paws on the Beach in Manzanita on December 2, from 10 am – 2 pm. Thank you for your support!

City of Manzanita: A response

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Which part of Cara Mico’s writing on Manzanita’s City hall (Tillamook County Pioneer, 11/18) is distorted and biased? Quite a bit. I counted half a dozen inaccuracies, not to mention judgements without support. If this is supposed to be an article, then it fails. As an opinion piece with a confused timeline, innuendos, ‘facts’ without basis, and much hyperbole, it succeeds. The first paragraph contains at least five cliches (point of contention, deep divides, staunch opposition, fervent support, laying bare the challenges….) that make the writer’s take on the topic pretty clear. This is journalism?

Please do watch the city council work session she links to in her piece. There you will see the city government working towards completing a project that many in the city want. We want a safe, secure, workable building for our police and government. The work to get this is steady and collaborative. There have already been numerous discussions, public opportunities to express opinions, and revisions – and more is planned (please view the city website). Also, look at the document on the water rate changes and the amount that changes for an average homeowner. Check your facts and be honest about your intentions, Mico.

commentary from nehalem

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hello there, BBQ readers,

I’m responding to the november 18 editorial by Cara Mico in the online Tillamook County Pioneer.

i’m wondering where she got her information and who fact-checked it?

i think this article is lacking and/or misconstruing facts. it follows that it is damaging to the people working for manzanita—the city manager and the council.

also, there are several confusing sentences that made me go “hunh? what is she trying to say?” each of those confusing sentences boggles my understanding of english language grammar!

as a nehalem resident who can’t vote in manzanita, i have nevertheless been following manzanita politics for about a year and a half.

words in CAPITAL LETTERS are my comments/questions.

i am disappointed in the TCP for allowing publication of this article as written.

i know i’ve been pretty blunt, but i have the dual lifelong ingrained habits of being a nitpicker of grammatical usage and of being a stickler for the truth.

See article and my COMMENTS below.

om peace namaste

lucy brook

Manzanita’s City Hall Project Brings Community Disagreement to a Head
Posted on November 18, 2023 by Cara Mico, Assistant Editor
Manzanita’s ambitious City Hall project has become a focal point of contention, reflecting deep divides within the community and its leadership. The project, aimed at modernizing city infrastructure, has been met with both staunch opposition and fervent support, laying bare the challenges of balancing progress with fiscal prudence.

But the project comes at a time when all of the city’s infrastructure is aging out of its life cycle and when new water rates, which had been stable for years following the vote to increase them, are now being implemented with many homeowners left unable to pay them. AFTER NOT HAVING BEEN RAISED FOR TEN YEARS, THE WATER RATES JUST SWITCHED TO A MONTHLY BILL IN OCTOBER, SO IT SEEMS A LITTLE SOON TO KNOW JUST WHO ARE THE FOLKS WHO ARE FINANCIALLY STRESSED TO PAY THEIR BILL.

Vocal opponents criticize the project’s estimated $5 million bond (IT IS NOT A BOND. THE CITY COUNCIL VOTED TO BORROW MONEY RATHER THAN PRESENT A BOND TO THE VOTERS) as excessive, spotlighting concerns over the city manager’s spending without considering public opinion, which had voted the project down previously. IT’S NOT THE CITY MANAGER’S SPENDING DECISION! IT’S THE COUNCIL THAT MADE THE DECISION. THIS IS EGREGIOUSLY INCORRECT. The current plan drew significant public scrutiny, so much so that a petition received over 120 signatures to bring the question to a vote. When the petition was presented to the Mayor nothing but the Council chose to move forward with the second phase of the project anyway.

Proponents argue the existing buildings, deemed outdated and unsafe over three decades ago, necessitate this overhaul. They highlight the long-term savings from consolidating city administration and emergency management facilities as well as creating a public meeting space for regular meetings and disaster readiness.


With Manzanita grappling with leadership gaps and a community divided, the path forward for the City Hall project remains uncertain. I DON’T THINK THE CITY IS “GRAPPLING WITH “LEADERSHIP GAPS.” THEY STILL HAVE THE CALM, CONSIDERED VOICES OF LINDA KOZLOWSKI AND JERRY SPEGMAN. THEY HAVE THE TWO NEW COUNCILORS KATHRYN STOCK AND BRAD HART, WHO EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE NEW TO THE COUNCIL, YET THEY ARE EXPERIENCED, INTELLIGENT, THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE. As the city confronts these challenges, the need for unified vision and collaborative problem-solving has never been more critical. Check back for a more in-depth discussion with the former mayor and other residents. RATHER THAN WRITE NEGATIVE “IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION WITH THE FORMER MAYOR,” WHY NOT INTERVIEW THE PRESENT AND RECENTLY-RESIGNED CITY COUNCILORS?


Misinformation, Fact Checking, and Journalistic Integrity

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Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Misinformation, Fact Checking, and Journalistic Integrity

The November 18th edition of the Tillamook County Pioneer published an article rife with misinformation. I can only assume that the assistant editor responsible for writing Manzanita’s City Hall Project Brings Community Disagreement to a Head, and the editor responsible for publishing it didn’t bother to fact check the misinformation presented and failed to cite the sources used or direct quotes from whoever made them. Far from presenting unbiased information that would help inform the public, the Pioneer chose to publish a biased opinion piece in the guise of fact. Shame on them.

Let’s check some facts. I’ve pasted direct quotes from the article and responded. I don’t think this article is really about the city hall project, though. I think it’s another attempt to discredit our current city manager.

“The project caused rifts in the city council and staff, with resignations potentially influenced by these internal tensions.”
The writer uses innuendo here to imply that internal tensions about the city hall project was the driving factor for the resignations on council. The writer didn’t interview the councilors who resigned. There are no direct quotes. 

“The Mayor’s recent resignation and two vacant board positions signal a governance system under strain. Amidst these resignations, the city manager has also brought a lawsuit to the city for a hostile work environment.”
The writer cites no source for this false information. There is no lawsuit. There is an employee complaint which required an independent investigation. The employee has not been named nor has the nature of the complaint. The city’s attorney and the city’s insurance company requested the investigation. This false information could only come from a source who attended executive sessions and misstated privileged information for their own benefit.

“But the (city hall) project comes at a time when all of the city’s infrastructure is aging out of its life cycle and when new water rates, which had been stable for years following the vote to increase them, are now being implemented with many homeowners left unable to pay them.” 
The water rates in Manzanita haven’t been raised since 2014. Nehalem and Neahkahnie raised their rates last year and Cannon Beach raises their rates annually. In Manzanita rates depend on the customers usage and time of year.
The writer has no facts to support the claim homeowners can’t pay their bills. How many people did she talk with? What does ‘many’ mean? What’s her source? Where are the facts?
Vocal opponents criticize the project’s estimated $5 million bond as excessive, spotlighting concerns over the city manager’s spending without considering public opinion, which had voted the project down previously.  
The estimated cost is 5 million dollars, but it’s not funded by a bond. Council made the decision to move forward with the City Hall project, not the City Manager. Several public meetings and conversations with citizens were held by council before the vote to proceed.

The current plan drew significant public scrutiny, so much so that a petition received over 120 signatures to bring the question to a vote. When the petition was presented to the Mayor nothing but the Council chose to move forward with the second phase of the project anyway.  
The petition was to have a vote on every individual expenditure for city hall—every invoice—not to approve city hall or to fund city hall with a bond. The petitioner and the mayor had the opportunity to present their information at a regular council meeting but chose not to.
With Manzanita grappling with leadership gaps and a community divided, the path forward for the City Hall project remains uncertain. As the city confronts these challenges, the need for unified vision and collaborative problem-solving has never been more critical. Check back for a more in depth discussion with the former mayor and other residents.
The former mayor has a history of misstating information evidenced by her performance at the last council meeting. She’s spread untrue information in the community regarding the executive sessions, the independent investigation, and the city manager. We can assume the mayor is the source of this misinformation because who else present at the executive sessions would benefit by misrepresenting the narrative?

The writer promises a more in depth discussion with the former mayor but not with former councilors who resigned, not with the City Manager who seems to be the crux of this article, not with current council.

By publishing an article that is laden with misleading and untrue information the editor of the Pioneer makes it clear that facts don’t matter at their publication. Journalistic integrity relies on the reporters writing to fact check their information before publishing.

The Pioneer’s website ABOUT page states, “The Rotarian ‘4-way test’ resonated with all the partners, and acts as guiding principles for the organization:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Regarding this article, the answers to the questions are No. No. No, and No.

Kim Rosenberg


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Coming on the 60th year since John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered. During the same period several other bright lights were also extinguished because as a whole they represented a real threat to the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex that Eisenhower warned us about and any major turning towards world wide cooperation was not to be tolerated. It was a pivotal time in so many ways.

Felix Moumie- Africa- 1960
Dag Hammarskjold- Sweden- 1961
Patrice Lumamba- Africa- 1961-
Sylvanus Olympia- Africa- 1963
Medgar Evans- USA- 1963
J F Kennedy- USA- 1963
Malcom X- USA- 1965
Mehdi Ben Barka- Africa-1965
Martin Luther King- USA- 1968
R F Kennedy- USA- 1968
Eduardo Mondlane- Africa- 1969

Niel Oliver telling it:

James H. Kunstler, the flaming pen, tells it:

Dylan, America’s poet laureate, tells it:

Kesinya Simonova, tells it for Ukraine/Russia:

Reminder of Food Needed

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Time Once Again to Remind You to Donate to Local Food Projects
During Thanksgiving schools are closed for four days so kids won’t get free breakfast and lunch. I am not sure how long Christmas break will be, but it is generally 14 days. More food is needed during this time.
Our Main Food Bank in North Tillamook County is the North County Food Bank (NCFB) located across the parking lot from the Nehalem Bay Health Center, 230 Rowe Street, Wheeler, Oregon. The NCFB will be serving recipients a full Thanksgiving Meal this coming Tuesday. The NCFB opens at noon on Tuesday. Donations of food and money are always welcome. No home cooked food or home canned items please. You can give by dropping off donations at noon at the NCFB, or by sending a check to NCFB, PO Box 162, Wheeler, Oregon, 97147. Donations to this food bank are needed year around. And please don’t forget the clothing bank.
The Methodist Church in Nehalem also has a food bank and clothing bank. They are open Monday, Friday, and Saturday from ten to two. Address for them is Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church, PO Box 156, Nehalem, Oregon 97131. Be sure to write on your check where you want your money to go. Also, at the Church they serve Senior meals on Tuesday and Thursday from noon to one. You can eat there or request delivery. Call 503-368-6081.
Meals for Seniors in Rockaway Beach is at St. Mary’s by the Sea Catholic Church. They are served Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:30-12:30. They also deliver meals. To support their program, you can mail a check to Meals for Seniors, PO Box 852, Rockaway Beach, Or. 97136
The Lions Club in Rockaway Beach continues to turkey dinner with all the trimmings to families on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your help with this cause is also appreciated. Their mailing address is Rockaway Lions, PO Box 611, Rockaway Beach, 97136
Do hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Not sure who said this – If you have enough, giving ought to bring you great joy!


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Today climate activists are saying that you have to kill your pet because they are contribute climate change, also you have to give up food, including meat because fertilizer contributes to climate change, and water because water is scarce due to climate change, and you have to give up being warm in winter and cool in the summer because these things take fossil fuel which causes climate change which will end the world as we know it.
I think that if you give up these things, you will end, not just your pet, and that is the point (pet news) Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today. None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true. What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science. More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science. While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited . HOW YOU ARE FOOLED Below are the 41 failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):
1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975 2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969) 3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000 4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980 5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030 6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070 7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast 8. 1974: Another Ice Age? 9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph) 10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent 11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (additional link) 12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend (additional link) 13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s 14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs 15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not) 16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000 17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not) 18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is 19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy 20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024 21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018 22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013 23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World 24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’ 25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014 26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (additional link) 27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’ 28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide 29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources 30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years 31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years 32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s 33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000 34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020 35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010 36. 2006: Super Hurricanes! 37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015 38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985 39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable 40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish 41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century 44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum 45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980 46. 1988: World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018 47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020 48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past 49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming 50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter
But somehow this time will be different, and the ‘experts’ and 16-year olds of today will suddenly be correct in their new predictions of eco-doom and eco-disaster? NOT.

Charitable Giving

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The Nehalem Bay Garden Club announces our annual charitable giving program.

The NBGC was established in 1950 and 73 years later we are going strong, primarily due to our love of community, passion for plants & gardening! Our mission is to cultivate the knowledge and love of gardening through educational programs and activities, to aid in the protection of the environment, native plants, wildlife, and to support public service through garden related organizations and volunteer opportunities. You may have noticed our beautification project at the Nehalem Post Office?

We are now accepting proposals for our 2023 charitable gift giving program through December 15, 2023. Proposals must be received by 12/15 to Constance Shimek, % NBGC PO Box 261, Wheeler, OR 97147 or emailed to (please include ‘grant request’ in the subject line). Please limit the proposal to one page and it must align with our mission statement. Include in the proposal the amount needed, specific use, and the benefit to your organization or public. Disbursements are usually $500 or less, and larger grants will be considered based on need and availability of funds. Funding will be distributed by year end.

Our grant program is made possible by our Club’s annual plant sale, held the day before Mothers Day in May. During the year we offer a variety of activities for our members including speakers, demonstrations, videos, and potlucks. Additional activities include garden/nursery tours and workshops. We meet from September to April at the Calgary Church in Manzanita, the 4th Tuesday of the month @ 1:30 We welcome guests & new members. For further information contact our President, Constance Shimek:

Happy Holidays to all!

Artist, Bagpiper, Printmaker, Extraordinaire John Goff this Saturday November 18, Astoria

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This Saturday come on up to beautiful Astoria, Oregon to my Printmaking Class where I’ll be hosting artist John Goff! John will be showing prints, discussing his work, and yes..playing the bagpipes!
November 18, 2023 11am-12noon, CCC Art Center, 1799 Lexington Avenue, Astoria. Free and open to the public!
John Goff is a multimodal artist and recent transplant to Astoria,
Oregon. His print publishing business, Serigraphic Systems, produces
limited edition screen prints of street artists including Shepard
Fairey, TOMO77, and Cleon Peterson. He is also a professional bagpiper
and has a background in electronic music.…/

Hope to see you,
Ben Rosenberg

Revenue Diversification Community Conversations

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Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Revenue Diversification Community Conversations

At the end of the Special Session Council Meeting on November 8, council discussed how best to engage and prepare the community for different strategies of revenue diversification.

Councilor Spegman spoke a little about the work he and Council President Kozlowski have been doing to start the ball rolling by meeting with what Spegman called a focus group. The mayor and a few folks in the audience had questions about the formation of the group, how people were chosen and who was asked to participate. The group is not an ad hoc committee or a committee of any kind.

I emailed Councilor Spegman to get some answers. When I don’t know the facts about something it’s easy for me to build a story that backs up whatever my perceptions are. Sometimes those are misperceptions. In a vacuum without facts, that’s exactly how conspiracy theories arise.

Jerry Spegman was appointed by a consensus of the last council to take the lead on revenue diversification. Linda Kozlowski took the lead as Council President on the “Conversations With Councilors” community discussions. The first topic of those conversations was city hall, the second was short term rentals. The mayor was asked to participate in these meetings with her colleagues but chose not to, which explains why she didn’t know about this.

After the conversations about short term rentals, Councilor Kozlowski suggested that revenue diversification should be the next topic.

In his email to me Spegman wrote, “it seemed like a no brainer, except more complex than str’s because it involved multiple strategies with overlapping timelines and different approval and enforcement mechanisms.
“We immediately realized that we needed to roll out these conversations sequentially, over an extended timeframe, and with more aggressive outreach to gain public buy-in (or not), given how difficult it can be to raise taxes/fees
“In order to design the conversations properly, we agreed to consult on the front end with a mix of community members – I may be missing someone, but I believe the list is Brian Postle, Judy Suggs, Sue McGrath, Deb Galardi, Connie Burton, Doug Sparks, John Gufstufson, Brad Hart (out now), Joy Nord, and Gerald Wineinger.
“…I see this group as sort of a planning committee to get the conversations right, and somewhat akin to the focus group Linda and I practiced our city hall conversation with at the Cottages up on Classic.”

So, it’s not a standing, policy-setting committee requiring applications and appointments. City Manager Aman called it a “stakeholder’s group” with two councilors collaborating to tap into a range of community insights about how best to engage the community on revenue diversification.

When I looked at the list of community members who were tapped, I see a broad cross section of people with a variety of perspectives. Two of those folks won’t be part of the group—Brad Hart, who is now on council, and Gerald Wineinger, who sadly passed away. I trust Councilors Spegman and Kozlowski to choose whether or not, they need to fill those spots.

Any of the strategies for revenue diversification will mean some change for members of the community, but it will also mean mo’ money from mo’ sources and less dependence on short term vacation rentals. That’s a good thing.

Kim Rosenberg


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(The body of this letter was previously emailed to the City of Manzanita, Mayor Deb Simmons, Council Members, and the City Manager Leila Aman.)

I am very embarrassed by the behavior shown at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, continuing a behavior not appropriate.

What happened to Roberts Rules of Order, decorum, common courtesy, and politeness?

Mr. Spegman’s behavior toward Mayor Simmons was despicable, bullying and aggressing and reprimanding her, while she was speaking, showed all of us how out of line you are. You and the other councilors and the city manager are a microcosm of the national lack of civility the last few years.

Mayor Simmons has been endlessly polite and has tried to operate as a professional with integrity, following the rules of the city charter and the city.
For example, learning that Mr. Spegman and Ms. Kozlowski had formed an “ad hoc” committee against the city’s rules, didn’t cause her to yell at the two of you. But, her pointing out your thwarting of the rules was too much for you.

Mr. Spegman used to be an attorney, so he should know better!

Why did no one step up to defend Mayor Simmons, and try to control Mr. Spegman? His anger and hate and frustration were so excessive and inappropriate.

A number of citizens, some months ago, during public comments, called out the behavior of the entire council and city manager toward Mayor Simmons. So, you are aware how the citizens feel about your collective behavior.

“Residency” does not specify ownership of home or renting, etc.
“Residency” does not deny one’s ability to leave the city limits for whatever reason the person chooses.
“Residency” does not demand that you need permission to visit or go shopping or whatever you want or need to do. If it does, none of us are residents.

Instead of applauding Mayor Simmons’ dedication to our community, you attacked her.

Two of the council members are brand new, filling positions open by resignation, and APPOINTED by THREE people. Mayor Simmons was ELECTED to her position, receiving 356 votes from the community, more than the two councilors elected the same day: Mr. Mayerle, 307 votes and Ms. Kozlowski, 294 votes.
Mayor Simmons probably had even more supporters, since many do not vote for a person running unopposed.

Many of us are upset by the continued behavior of the councilors and city manager, including trying to contaminate Mayor Simmons by extensive public opinion pieces.

The results of the “complaint” and “resolution” should be made available to the public. Too much has been kept from the community, even though many have asked for financial and other details. The community is paying the bills!

What are you hiding from the public? How are we supposed to trust you?

If you want the support of the entire community, you need to act as responsible adults and apologize, and change your behavior, and start treating the citizens and the mayor and your fellow councilors honorably.

Our entire world is in chaos, and our community should be better than this!

Sandy Wood

P.S. If you would like to view the video of the incident being referenced above, the video is posted on the City of Manzanita’s website, at the end of the regular session meeting on 11-08-2023 at the 1:38:38 timestamp mark.

Will BBQ reconsider sharing my final post?

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I have been getting hate mail accusing me of leaving BBQ once I was ‘challenged’. This is not true, so I am asking BBQ to reconsider my final contribution, which contains my response to that challenge.

I am asking this in the name of equity and inclusiveness. It isn’t fair that I was challenged and then got cancelled and was not allowed to respond.

At the very least, this post has an amazing, historic video from 1974, Geraldo Rivera actually, that every American should see. It should be required viewing in every high school history class.

If this doesn’t get posted so be it, but I think it’s only fair.


It’s been fun, but I’m done posting on BBQ. This forum is going back off my radar. My posting on BBQ happened kinda by mistake anyway, after I was told a ‘community member’ took a picture of the bumper stickers on my car and said I was a retard or something like that. I had no other way to respond (his post pissed me off) because I abhor social media, cell phones, etc., mostly a mind-control waste of time in my view (we only live once people, let’s stop staring at those screens), and BBQ was the only way I could think of to address his insult.

And then ya’ll got months of my thinking, some of it appreciated in emails, some of it not (hate mail).

The thing is, I’m really not that interested in continuously educating ya’ll with this three year-old vax stuff. I’m more interested in what the tech/banker/globalist planners have in store for us in the future, other than the ongoing wars. What do they think they are going to do, and how will THEIR plans affect US, if at all? (Their plans usually affect us, big time.)

In fact, I thought my recent Whitney Webb post (the future plans of our overlord tech priests) might be my last, but then I chimed in to defend and thank Dixie for her contributions to the ‘vax’ dialogue on BBQ. (Dixie Gainer! NOT the Dixie that owns the wine shop on Laneda Ave. in Manzanita! And you should go buy some wine from that Dixie! Lots of it! Then go home and drink it while reading the other Dixie’s posts!) Doh!

Anyway, I’ve left a lot of links to great resources if you shot the vax and want to understand what happened to you. None of the links are from the big-tech big-pharma sponsored fact-checkers though. I also left a trail of other links explaining how, in my view, World War Three started and could have been stopped.

But I’m moving on to other stuff with my time, looking more at things being proposed by the tech/banker creeps that might show up a few years down the road, after the wars. And I’m fishing and hunting and working.


This insurance industry article (boring!) is actually a good read. What is causing the excess deaths in young folks? The article doesn’t offer an answer.

I have a guess though.

And I am choosing to use this article as yet another cautionary flag: I still ain’t shooting their junk!

From an insurance-industry trade rag:

I am very curious though, how a military-draft would affect excess-mortality calculations in premiums for young people?

You gotta remember, this is the most diverse administration in U.S. history! This administration is all about equity and inclusiveness!

They will most-assuredly be drafting our young women (if there is a draft), along with our young men, to fight in their wars.

After all of their fake-equity nonsense, they kinda have to draft the young women, you know?

So yeah, will life-insurance be more expensive for 18 year-old girls in the coming year(s)?

And we all better hope that North Korea doesn’t enter the war, because they will clearly out-groove us:

Joking aside (hey, you gotta laugh or you’ll just cry all the time), the world war situation is actually much worse than you probably think. The neo-Cons running the Woke War-Con, aka “Biden”, are very much planning to attack Iran:

And here is yet another great video from John Campbell! Gotta love that natural immunity!

It worked for me! (I got sick, then I got better!)

Then I watched billions of adults shoot a vax into their bodies that they didn’t need.

Then I watched them shoot that nasty junk into the bodies of their children.

And the shots didn’t even help the immune-compromised; the shots hurt/are hurting them, too.

(But now they can sue! Woot woot! Score one for the peeps!)

This talk of John’s is about natural immunity vs. vax immunity, not a hugely controversial thing, just interesting:

Responding to another BBQ post stating Nader should have endorsed Gore, then Gore would have won the Presidency??? Come on now! Gore DID win the Presidency! Bush STOLE it (don’t ya remember?), but Gore was too much of a pansy-*ss to claim his throne! There were ways, he gave up. I think with 9/11 and the neo-con war-pig’s brutal invasion of Iraq coming down the pipe, he likely calculated ‘screw it, history can lay that sh*t on George’. Whatever the case, he would have made a horrible president. Nader shoulda stuck to seatbelts though, I agree with the author there.

Here is a great, historic film of when the CIA/neo-con war-pig bankers murdered RFK, Jr.s uncle, a few years before they murdered RFK, Jr.’s father. And don’t you worry Democrats! RFK, Jr. will NEVER be president of the United States! You heard it here first! The war-pig neocons running today’s Democrat Party will absolutely, undoubtedly, most-assuredly kill him first. I’m sorry to say he doesn’t stand a chance (I’m keeping my RFK, Jr. for prez bumper-sticker on my car anyway). And they will likely kill him soon after he starts running as a 3rd Party candidate and starts spoiling the race for Biden or Gavin or whomever else the woke war-pigs want in power next.

Trump remains the only presidential candidate that can reel-back World War Three, which ‘Biden’ has already started. Trump never would have started these wars. Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump was in power. But methinks the wars will be blown-up to monster-size by the time of the presidential election, so there might not be much that Trump, or anyone else, will be able to do to stop World Wars Woke. (Wars, that’s better)

The CIA even tried to bait Trump into attacking Iran when he was president, he declined. Tucker Carlson and Col. Douglas McGregor advised him, in person, against attacking Iran after the shot-down drone thing. (Trump: (after Iran shot down the old drone the CIA flew down the Iranian coast): “eh, it was old, only worth 2-million dollars…”. Luv it!!!!!!

Moving on to this fascinating piece of history:

Context Geraldo Rivera’s 1974 weekly show “Good Night America”. (A super ironic name when this particular episode aired.)

Hoover’s FBI and Dulles’ CIA took Abraham Zapruder’s Super 8 film footage of the assassination from him (he gave it to them, they didn’t give it back) and hid it from the public for TEN YEARS. The film proves JFK was killed by someone other than Oswald, that he was hit from shots fired in front of him. You can see it in the film for yourself. Oswald, so we are told from Dulles’ assassination report (History!), was behind John. In this video (it’s 60 years later so it no longer matters to the spooks running Google that the vid is displayed on their very useful-to-them YouTube channel), Geraldo Rivera and Dick Gregory show the film to the public for the first time, EVER. Think about that sh*t: ten years later. No cell phone cameras. No cameras on the sides of every building. You had to develop your film, wait days to see what you shot. So nobody saw what actually happened (unless you were there, and many were, and many talked, gotta research it…) for ten years.

When you watch the film and see Jackie climbing onto the back of the limo to pick up the pieces of John’s brain, remember that Oswald is supposedly behind John, firing the shots. He wasn’t, which his why Hoover’s FBI and Dulles’ CIA hid this film from the public for ten years:

And here is my response to Hank’s ‘challenge’ of the John Campbell Switzerland video, which I wrote yesterday, but didn’t get posted for some reason. (I love the ‘challenge’, the dialogue, etc., and I hope we still wave to each other when we pass on North Fork!)


A quote from a ‘reputable fact-checking organization’, linked to in a previous BBQ post:

“It’s being claimed a study by researchers in Switzerland found COVID-19 vaccines cause myocarditis in one in 35 people. This is false. The study found one in 35 participants reported levels of elevated troponin, which is not the same as having the inflammatory heart disease.”

That’s good news????

“It’s all good! I just have elevated levels of troponin, I don’t have myocarditis yet!”

Eh, I’m still not shooting the junk.

How about some research on those glass particles in the Remdisivir thing? That looked legit.

Or some ‘fact-checking’ on that legal case in Michigan that will finally allow folks to sue for their vax injuries?

John Campbell is a beautiful and highly intelligent man. I hate seeing him slandered by the ‘fact-checkers’ like Poynter (sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…and the oil and plastic and vax-loving Koch Brothers) or anyone else. I encourage everyone to watch John Campbell’s videos if you’re into the subject matter he presents.

I screwed up in one of my last posts, and I apologize. I wrote that my friend who is of 40 years, whose doctor told her that her myocarditis is likely from the vax (which was administered locally), “had to go see him twice a week”. I was wrong, and I apologize. She only has to go see him twice a month. I guess that’s good news too.

Oh…and if you want to fact-check that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsors Poynter (used by another to check facts in a previous post), you’ll have to do some fact-checking other than checking your facts with the big-tech-sponsored fact-checkers (basically all of them), and do a wee little bit of actual research.


The ‘Ukraine War’ is over. And just like I said, the negotiation will see Russia getting what it wanted (NATO to go away) before Boris Johnson (UK) killed the peace deal, which he killed by lying to Zelensky and telling him that Biden’s $110,000,000,000 in murderous ‘aid’ would actually help Ukraine.

The Democrats’ ‘aid’ for Ukraine could have seen $300,000,000 for each congressional district. There’s your NCRD money, paved roads, food for the homeless, drug sobriety programs, money for schools so teachers don’t have to strike and kids can actually go to skool, etc. etc.

Spending our money on the above instead of destroying Ukraine would have been very progressive.

Yet still, today, the WSJ ran this advertisement (link) for more war. Apparently the only Ukrainians left for America to kill (we fund it) are the girls:

This is where all that fake-equity leads: the girls get to die too.

Andy Morris


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Go to WILD on Laneda Ave in Manzanita and see the November colored photo poster of truly great looking dogs and cats Labs Shepards who need a beach a hiking parent. Check Poirot the Cat They are there for no fault of their own discarded when no longer a puppy Left behind when moving a breakup family abuse loss of jobs finances some think its cute to make puppies So look at one in their eyes and say with the depth of your heart YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK NOW and understand that it may take 2 weeks or 2 month for them to feel safe that this is it Corinna and kie recently adopted from a hoarding breeder seized by animal are control

Beauty by Madison. In house Hair Dresser. Have sheers will travel.

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Beauty by Madison

Tired of the traditional salon experience? Want a haircut or hair color in the comfort of your own home? Look no further! Our expert hairdresser is ready to transform your look without you ever having to leave the house.

Services for All Ages and Hair Types: Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent with children, or someone enjoying their golden years, we cater to everyone. From playful children’s cuts to sophisticated styles for the elderly, we’ve got you covered. Men and women alike will experience the highest level of skill and precision.

Expert Styling, Anywhere You Want: Our skilled stylist brings the salon to you! From Seaside to Garibaldi, we offer our fantastic services in the comfort of your own home. No need to worry about travel or parking – we’ll take care of everything.

Affordable Luxury: Enjoy the luxury of professional salon services without breaking the bank. We believe in offering great value for our at-home services. Quality and affordability – that’s the Coastal Convenience promise.

Ready to experience the ultimate in convenience and personalized hair care? Book your appointment with Beauty by Madison today and let us bring the salon experience to your doorstep! Your perfect hairstyle is just a call away.

Christmas Carols & Plan for Caroling

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Christmas Carols @ St. Catherine’s Church &
Caroling on Laneda, Manzanita

If you want a text reminder, text “Christmas Carols” to 503-440-7861

5-6 Christmas Carols Practice
@ St. Catherine’s Church

5-6 Christmas Carols Practice
@ St. Catherine’s Church

DECEMBER 15TH (school Christmas break begins)
5-7 Christmas Caroling on Laneda, Manzanita
(meet at Visitor Center at 4:45)

DECEMBER 24TH (Christmas Eve)
3:30-4:00 Christmas Carols before Candlelight Service @ St. Catharine’s Church (meet at 3:15)

Singing to heal, nurture, open the way…

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Newly forming chapter of Threshold Choir (

We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.

Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.

For more information:
Text/call: 503-440-7861

We currently gather (in person) once per month on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm to practice giving/receiving healing through song, learning from the Threshold Choir Repertoire (in both English and Spanish).

For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm, and all are welcome.

Let us Sing!
2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon

Asking for donations

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The cold and rainy weather is here again and some of our neighbors can really use a bit of help. The Food Pantry at Nehalem Methodist Church also has a clothing bank as you know and we also provide things like sleeping bags, tarps, tents, other outside gear when we have it. All made possible by your generous donations. I have also noticed that sometimes we have a client who is without a car, is walking, and that can sometimes affect how much food they are able to get. If they had a backpack it could really help make a difference for them. This doesn’t always mean they are homeless, or don’t have a job, they just don’t have a car. If you have a backpack you are not currently using, we can use it! And of course we can take clothing, tents, tarps, other outside gear you may have as well. A financial donation can also help us purchase non food items.

The church is located at 36050 10th St, near the Nehalem Post Office and is open Fri, Sat, Monday from 10-2 and Wed 12-4. Thank you for your continued support and assistance and if you have some free time, we would enjoy having you volunteer with us!
Kathleen Larson

Go Fund Me for Sharla Smith – please help if you can

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Hello BBQ Community,

Our friend and neighbor, and vital member of our community, Sharla Smith, has unexpectedly lost her home. It literally fell apart, just as winter is starting. She needs help to build temporary shelter for herself, while she works to find solutions for permanent housing. Please donate to this GO FUND me set up for her- to raise funds for building materials, but also, please, let’s go above and beyond, and try and provide her with funds for a new home. She has had many trials, trauma, and struggles to overcome within her life, but always continues to give love and support to others. Let’s do the same for her now.

Please help, if you can.
Thank you!
Link to Go Fund Me for Sharla needs Shelter:

Christy Kay
(503) 800-1092

A Prayer Comes to Them

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We stop to appreciate our community BBQ

Muslim & Jewish Mothers’ Prayer

A Prayer for Life and Peace

by Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum of Jerusalem & Sheikha Ibtisam,Palestinian in Israel

God of Life

Who heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds

May it be your will to hear the prayer of mothers

For you did not create us to kill each other

Nor to live in fear, anger or hatred in your world

But rather you have created us so we can grant permission to one another 

to sanctify Your name of Life, your name of Peace in this world.

Here To Help !

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Hello again to my fellow north coast people 🙂
It’s been six or eight months since my first post on NCBBQ.
My name is Scott Robertson and I am a handyman/ carpenter with some availability on my schedule!
Been living in Cannon Beach for the past couple of years now and have enjoyed the privilege of working with some incredible clients on many fun and challenging projects.

Please text me at 2069305401 and we can schedule a meeting or open a line of communication so that I can help you get ready for the Holidays and winter.

Lots of experience with all sorts of home maintenance from decks to siding/ trim, kitchens and bathrooms, shelving and storage, windows and doors, you name it.

looking forward to helping out however I’m able.



Hi Chuck!

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Thanks for the posts brother! I’m guessing you got plenty of shit as well!

Check out my stripper movie! Lots of Oregon in it!

Tempest Storm opens it and when we filmed her in Vegas I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I’m now two kisses away from JFK and Elvis! She dated both…

I asked her a few things about John. She said Jackie didn’t care that she was screwing John. Fun anecdotes.

Have a great night brother!

Here is The Dancer Diaries, I wrote the book during the production of the Iran film. Needed to de-stress after a days work on the film, a strip club down the street accomplished that objective:



Mayor’s Residency Discussion Fact Check

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Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Mayor’s Residency Discussion Fact Check

To clarify both the information and timeline presented during the discussion on the mayor’s residency, I watched and transcribed the November 8 regular session at hour 1:38 to the end at 2:06 several times.

Since the emails to council from the mayor on October 3 (in which she quotes Councilor Spegman’s September 23 email) and from Luke Belant at the Secretary of State’s office in response to Councilor Spegman query had been made part of the public record, I was able to access those emails along with information about the sale of the mayor’s house from the County. All this information is public. To understand how we got to where we are now, a timeline of how it unfolded is helpful.

Simmons said that her home sold in September. However, the property is listed in the Tillamook County property database (document number 2023-003467) as sold August 7, 2023. She and her husband bought a home in Wilsonville on August 10, 2023 (Clackamas County property database document number 2023-028696).

Simmons gave the address of a friend’s home on Dorcas where she now stays when in town.

Simmons said she shared her situation with two neighborhood groups and at a Mayor Monday but she didn’t contact any of her colleagues on Council until October 3 after her residency was put on the agenda.

On September 23, Councilor Spegman emailed Simmons:
hi, Deb – I have asked Leila to place the question of your residency on the agenda for the October 4 meeting so that the council can determine, under ORS 236.010 and Charter sections 12(3) and 32, if you should remain in office.
Like others, I was expecting you to clarify your situation at either the September
meeting or work session, if not sooner. We cannot wait any longer as we will soon have
the results of the investigation and we’ll have to decide as a council how much, if any,
we should share with the public, and then determine next steps in that process
I regret that we have to deal with this in such a formal and perhaps adversarial manner.
You may well have facts to share which could warrant a different approach and/or
outcome, but you have not been forthcoming to date. Let me know if you would like to
discuss this prior to the October meeting. Jerry

At the November meeting when Spegman asked Simmons why she didn’t speak with anyone on council earlier, she said she was moving and had a personal health crisis with her husband. She said she believed that as a volunteer she had a right to keep private her situation. The private reasons for her move were not the subject of concern, but her residency is. Simmons moved in August but it wasn’t until her residency was put on the agenda that she alerted council with the October 3 email.

Simmons states in that email and in her remarks at the November meeting that she spoke with several authorities to confirm her residency—the county elections clerk, Luke Belant in the Secretary of State’s office and with her personal attorney, who then contacted the city attorney. Simmons said at the meeting and in the email of October 3 to council that she was assured by these authorities that she was resident of Manzanita in good standing.

Her October 3 email reads:
When I moved .3 of a mile from Treasure Cove Lane to Dorcas Lane in Manzanita, I registered my new residence with the City Hall as to the advice from our city manager.
In addition, I spoke with the Secretary of State Election’s Division, Deputy Director, Luke Belant. He was familiar with the prior research, reviewed my questions on residency and felt my residency was valid. Further, my attorney notified the facts of my move to the city attorney, James Walker. Mr. Walker said there is no issue with my residency as long as I registered it with the City Hall, and added he would advise the city council of his opinion.
Completing my process, I maintain the same mailing address at the Post Office, notified the DMV of my change of address who, they informed me, notified the election clerk of Tillamook County. I am, without question, a resident of Manzanita in good standing.

Here is Luke Belant’s email response to Councilor Spegman’s query about Simmons email. Following a phone conversation Spegman sent Belant Simmons email and he responded:

From: BELANT Luke * SOS <>
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 1:11:58 PM
To: Jerry Spegman <>
Subject: FW: ATTENTION: Luke Belant

Thank you for providing a copy of this statement after our phone conversation. After reading the statement, I want to clarify a few things that may have been misconstrued.  
The Elections Division does not provide formal validation of residence for voters via verbal communication or otherwise.  It is not our role to do so.
The Tillamook County Clerk is responsible for Investigating the registration of a voter and making a determination of residency.
If an individual believes a violation of election law has occurred, they are encouraged to report a violation to the Elections Division. To view information about the types of investigations conducted by the Elections Division, and to submit a report, please visit:

At hour 1:53 when discussing the mayor’s residency James Walker, the city attorney, stated, “I want to be clear, that the question that was presented to me with respect to the mayor’s residency was a narrow question, about conceptually if someone moves from one location within a city to another location within the city, does that sole fact on its face impact that person’s residency and the answer is no…”

But there are two separate issues concerning residency. The first is residency as it pertains to voting. I’ve included the rule which most applies here.

ORS 247.035 Rules to consider in determining residence of person for voting purposes.
(c) A person shall not be considered to have gained residence in any location in this state into which the person comes for temporary purposes only, without the intention of making it a person’s home.

Besides a current driver’s license and post office box an elections official may also consider where utilities are paid and, “Where any immediate family members of the person resides.”
Simmons said that her husband is living in the Portland area to be close to medical facilities.

The second issue regarding residency is as it pertains to members of an existing governing body. Under the Charter a vacancy can occur in a few self-executing ways—death, committing a felony and loss of residency. The action creates the vacancy.

Spegman pointed out that until now, no member of the governing body has tried to remain in office after moving. He pointed out that Councilor Mayerle resigned when he moved out of town and his seat was filled by a resident. Council has a duty under the Charter to resolve the issue, if they find that a vacancy has occurred.

At the 1:52 mark, Walker says the Charter supports council’s ability to be the final judge of the qualifications of its members and that includes residency. When pressed to weigh in, he made clear that it’s not the city attorney’s role to determine what the qualifications of members of the governing body are or the residency of its members.

When asked if there are any ramifications by ignoring the residency of the mayor Walker said, “Well, I would say that one item the council should be mindful of in looking at the residency question—it’s important to carry out that responsibility because it can impact the effectiveness of certain decisions that the governing body makes. It’s important that every member of council is a resident for voting purposes. If there are votes conducted for example that have non-residents it could impact the efficacy of the vote, if it’s a close split and concerns the underlying efficacy of decisions made by council.”

What that means is if a councilor or mayor becomes a non-resident and votes on something contentious like the Manzanita Lofts and the decision is a close split, the city could face legal trouble.

Allowing a non-resident to hold a seat on Council also sets a precedent for the future. What would the ramifications be for the City?

At the end of the meeting, it was decided that Council will meet in executive session to receive legal analysis and advice from Walker. Simmons is out of the state until December 4.

The next Council meeting is December 6.

If you weren’t able to watch the meeting, I encourage you to do so.
(you might need to cut and paste)

Kim Rosenberg

Email me for my final ‘BBQ’ contribution

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If anyone wants to see what was to be my final BBQ post, including my response to Hank’s ‘challenge’ to the John Campell video, which I wrote within one hour of that dumb-*ss post, feel free to email me. It’s four days old now though…
I am now finished trying to wake ya’ll up to what happened to you three years ago.
Screw you Covidians for what you did to the children. I will never forget what you all did to them.
And screw you pro-war liberals, don’t even bother to say hello, you disgust me.
Enjoy your wars and your pandemic #2, ‘liberals’.
For the final ‘BBQ’ post, shoot me a line: