Pest control( rats Mice bats)
Gutter guard installation
Roof Moss removal
Gutter cleaning
Brush clearing,
blackberry removal
I’m a Certified Health Coach and would like to share what role a health and wellness coach can play in your life.
I’m a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NY State. I chose that school for their well-rounded curriculum encompassing everything from diet and nutrition habits to physical fitness, creative expression, spiritual, mental and emotional health and more. The journey through the coursework had to be part of my own healing as well. We’re all on the road…
“Health & wellness coaches partner with clients looking to enhance their well-being through self-directed lasting changes, aligned with their values. In the course of their work, health & wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their ability to change, honoring the fact that each client is an expert on their own life while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.”
We are all bio-individuals. What works for one isn’t always the exact recipe for another. I’m here to support you in your process along with having knowledge of many avenues of support and common ways of natural health that can be adapted to fit your needs. Our bodies are all natural gardens. What we put into our soil, what our lives consume (through foods, habits, relationships etc.) will dictate what we grow; good health, not so good, emotional balance or imbalance, spiritual contentedness, cancer, metabolic diseases etc. We used to think our inherited genetics where the luck of the draw and that our habits wouldn’t matter, but our genes only affect 10% of our health outcomes. How we live dictates whether the dimmer switch of those genes are turned up or down. We can affect the other 90% of expression. That’s a lot of power!
If your Dr. has made a recommended lifestyle change and you’d like support to get there? Health coaches are a proven factor in getting the results you seek. Are you simply wanting to be healthier and not sure where to start or want support in any of the following areas:
I’m here for you!
Better sleep habits
Increasing social support
Decreasing stress
Decreasing toxin exposures / healthy home environment
Relief from depressive symptoms
Improving physical activity
Improving metabolic health
Weight loss
Healthy food and hydration choices
Healthy eating habits and recipes
Personal Chef / making cultured foods at home
Improve gut and immune health
Intermittent and extended fasting
Spiritual and meditative practices
Healthy fertility, pregnancy, postpartum nourishing, and healthy happy kids
Breast health / cancer prevention
Anti-cancer living (preventive or healing/living with)
Cultivating joy
“Health & wellness coaches train in behavior change theories and motivational strategies. They use these to support the client in creating and sustaining change for improved health and well-being.”
I have a 25 year background as a holistic bodyworker using massage, acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy and other natural spa wellness habits. Using aromatherapy with acupressure and reflexology are a powerful combination. I love sharing these skills with my clients. I also work in the world of maternity support and was a maternity specialized massage therapist and birth doula for 15 years as well as a Dancing For Birth Trainer and class Instructor. DFB promotes empowered birthing in all environments and is for those who are preconception to postpartum.
I’m currently building a new website so don’t have a live one yet, but you can reach me for a free health coach consultation / discovery session.
971.977.0166 / phone / text
We meet on the phone, video or in-person in your home or a public meeting place. We discuss your health goals and how they can be achieved.
We then decide on a length of contracted 45 min. sessions. This can be one session, 6 in 6 weeks, 6 in 3 months or 12 over 6 months with most sessions happening every other week. Once contracted we choose where to meet for sessions and can sometimes enjoy a moving meeting where we hike some of our local magnificent trails and beaches together. My favorite!
Please feel free to reach out to me to see how I can be of service to you. Wellness and health are my passion as they are a gift to me that I don’t like to take for granted.
Thank you for valuing your health and mine.
Yours in kindness and wellness,
~ Libby
Elizabeth Golden Seaver
Time and Tide Health Coaching
Quoted sections above taken from NBHWC – National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches
I LOVE NCRD! That’s why I’m urging you to Vote YES on the upcoming renewal of its 5-year tax Levy.
From the moment I walked into the doors of NCRD, I felt welcomed, included, and supported! My passion for fitness led me to join the center, but it’s been the members, staff, and the variety of programs, that have kept me coming! The fitness and yoga instructors are top notch, and the classes offered are inclusive of all abilities, whether you’re young or wizened!
In addition to the classes and the fitness center, I’ve attended a number of fund raising and social events in the gym and in the various rooms that can be rented and used by the community. One of the attractions that draws me down the hall, is the art that adorns the walls of the River Room and the art room. The art is by local artists, and when the items are for sale, some or all of the proceeds benefit local programs or communities, so it’s a win win!
Another program that impressed me, and that I volunteer at, is the before and after school program, Playcare. Angie and her team, assure a safe, well-supervised, stimulating environment, for the children attend. This important program, is offered at a fair price and there are scholarships to those families that need assistance. As a single mom, I know how much a program such as this, was a life saver when I was raising my daughters!
While my participation and use of programs at NCRD has been limited to my personal interests, I’m very much aware of the Aquatics programs, the preschool program that uses the space, and the many other services and programs that are offered at NCRD. I’m proud to be a member of this organization that provides so much to the community! Connection, Community, and Inclusivity are at the heart of this center.
Vote YES for NCRD! No increase in taxes to you, and none of this goes to the funding of the new pool! This levy will assure that all programs, services, and operational costs can be covered! How has NCRD been part of your life and those around you? Let’s keep it going!
Debbie Curley
Member, Volunteer, Friend of NCRD
This is still true, however the square footage I quoted was incorrect. 166 sq ft was from a previous bid announcement that went out but was never awarded and was from a smaller portion of the project.
Guy Naylor
I’m sure most of you know we have two Senior Meal Sites and the North County Food Bank in our area.
The two Senior Meal Sites are located in Nehalem and Rockaway Beach.
This is some information I copied off the Senior Meal WebSite in Rockaway Beach:
Who We Serve
Our goal is to provide senior citizens in the area with a place to congregate, socialize, be entertained, and have access to an appetizing and nutritious dining experience. We serve senior citizens in North Tillamook County. Our patrons come from Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler, Brighton, Nedonna, Rockaway Beach, Twin Rocks, Barview, Garibaldi and from unincorporated areas of the North County. Our target population is senior citizens, with a special dedication to seniors who are home bound. For those people who are unable to come to the meal site, we deliver a freshly prepared, complete packaged meal, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Many of these homebound are not able to shop; thus, we also deliver additional frozen meals and snacks, so they have meals for six days of the week. This Meal Site in Rockaway Beach is open from 11:30 to 12:30, at the Catholic Church Dining Hall. This year, 2023 they are on track to serve about 13,000 meals. This comes out to a little over 240 meals per week! They ask for a donation of $4 per meal, but it is not required. $20 would provide 5 meals for our Seniors. You can help by sending a check to Meals for Seniors, Inc., PO Box 852, Rockaway Beach, Oregon, 97130.
Nehalem Senior Lunches are provided at the Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church. Meals here are $5, and again, no one is turned away. This is information I copied off the Nehalem Senior Lunches website:
Senior Lunches
Nehalem Senior Lunches provides lunch for people to dine in-house for community and conversation, pick up, or delivery to home bound folks. Request $5 donation per meal.
Hours:Tuesdays/Thursdays noon to 1
(Call the church office at (503) 368-5612 to order pick up or request delivery). Your contribution to this cause can be sent to Nehalem Senior Lunches, PO Box 156, Nehalem, Oregon 97131
The North Tillamook County Food Bank located in Wheeler is a huge help to our local families. Not only do they provide food but also have a clothing bank. Here is some information from their website:
Click the button to donate online by debit/credit card or using your PayPal account. You will have to go to their website to do this.
Financial donations enable us to purchase wholesome food at wholesale prices from the Oregon Food Bank and local grocers.
You can also send checks made out to “North County Food Bank”:
North County Food Bank
P.O. Box 162
Wheeler, OR 97147
We will send you a donation acknowledgement for your tax records.
If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock, please contact us for wire transfer information.
Information about the Clothing Bank is as follows:
You are welcome to bring donations of food, gently used clean clothing and shoes, and hygiene items during open hours at the Food Bank. We are currently open from 12 pm – 3 pm on Tuesdays.
We especially appreciate donations of non-perishables, such as peanut butter, dry pasta, soups, canned fruit and vegetables, beans, rice, and other staples.
For clothing, we especially need men’s work clothes (jeans and work shirts—not business clothes), practical shoes for men and women, leggings/yoga pants for women, and clothes and shoes for children. We need children’s toys and stuffed animals, as well as sheets, blankets, and towels.
If you can’t make it on a Tuesday with your donation, contact us and we’ll arrange a pick up. Contact information: If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via email or phone.
(503) 368-7724 (messages only)
Please note the North County Food Bank will be providing all the trimmings and a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.
The Rockaway Beach Lions will be serving about 22 families for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. They would love a donation sent to Lions, PO Box 611, Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136.
If you’ve read all through this you probably deserve something, but for right now let’s concentrate on helping and donating what we can to our neighbors and their families for the holiday season. Thanks very much! Patty
Take a moment to read again what was said directly to me when meeting with a BM while specifically looking for stage accessibility in the PAC: ‘Why are you poking your nose in this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, ‘WE HAVE OUR OWN WAY OF DOING THINGS’. Again, not one board member or staff disputed those comments, not one.
My dream for having the NCRD be a treasure for ALL is ATTAINABLE. I believe in the mission statement: which is to promote the Educational, Recreational, Social and Physical well being for the entire North County Community by providing activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.
AND change is not going to happen as long as the status quo culture is supported with OUR tax dollars.
Again, Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the swim program or the after-school program, or those coming from the Health district. What it will do, it will send a clear message, it’s time for the NCRD to be for ALL.
So one last time:
If you are one who has had a negative experience, or been treated with less than respect with the NCRD staff or board.
Vote No.
If you are one who experiences the NCRD as not listening to the needs for ‘all ages and abilities’ as stated in the (nowhere to be displayed) mission statement.
Vote No.
If you are someone whose experience of requesting clarity, or asking questions to the board or the NCRD is as effective as spitting in the wind.
Vote No.
If you are someone who doesn’t trust the NCRD, or the Board, for any reason.
Vote No.
If you believe the NCRD functions as an ‘old boys club’, and you’re tired of paying for it.
Vote No.
If you are someone who is no longer using the NCRD.
Vote No.
If you believe the board should create committees to look for stage accessibility; youth recreation (skatepark); community alliance; and won’t.
Vote No.
VOTE NO for Diversity, Equity, Accessibility
In the following paragraphs I will examine some of the claims made in a recent post by
“Anyway, more myocarditis in Switzerland. I’m not even going to bother to see if Fact Checker or Snopes tried to cover the truth of this, because it seems to be very true, it’s a study that you and I can read. It’s interpreted by John Campbell who is doing amazing work helping humanity figure what happened to them. I’m guessing big-tech-funded Fact Checker and Snopes won’t even try to re-truth this study into one of their lies, it’s too solid:”
Here is a link to the study:
And here are links to multiple articles which clearly explain how the study in question has been misinterpreted. The first link has some further information about John Campbell as well.
I think it continues to be important to seek Verifiable Truth, and I will continue to do so. But the above example is especially interesting because it shows the importance of scientific literacy and the ways that data can be twisted and used to sow doubt and confusion. I urge people to watch John Campbells video, as well as read the two articles which debunk his conclusions and explain what the study actually concludes.
-Hank Tallman
We strongly support a “YES for NCRD” vote for renewal of the current five-year option tax for General Operations. This measure renews the current local option tax with no change in current taxation. We think the summary on the ballot describes it best:
“North County Recreation District will use the tax revenue from this measure to operate the district at its present level of service.
Property taxes pay for recreation and health program services in aquatics, fitness, youth, and activities for adults, and operating costs such as the existing swimming pool operation, utilities, general administration, and minor maintenance.
Major capital expenditures are paid using timber tax and other non-property tax sources of income. Savings for these major capital costs, which include a fund for a replacement swimming pool, do not come from property taxes.”
I have been privileged to serve on NCRD’s Budget Committee for a few years and have witnessed the fine stewardship of NCRD’s Administration and Board. Please consider going to and open the first entry, the 2023-24 Budget. As you page through it, it is apparent how many programs are supported for residents of all ages, including children and senior citizens. In doing so, NCRD has kept budget increases to a minimum.
NCRD belongs to our community. It’s ours, it belongs to all of us, and it has consistently demonstrated its value. Whether taking a fitness class, attending a play, viewing artwork on display, or swimming in the pool—and these are just some of the offerings— there are abundant opportunities to develop and enjoy a sense of community. If there happened to be a national competition for rural community recreation organizations, we think NCRD would come out the top.
We absolutely need to continue this operational support bond by voting “YES”. If it is not passed, it would have devastating consequences that would be hard to recoup. If you look at page 10 of the budget (please see link) the local option is $573,187.00. That’s 31% of the budget. Just imagine the loss of staff, programs, and support for so many parts of our community if it failed. NCRD is a vital hub of fundamental importance to the community. Please keep it intact by voting YES.
Robert and Sharon Borgford
News reports appeal to our emotions. I guess that sells more commercials, but it really doesn’t help matters. So I was very impressed by a program on OPB this Sunday afternoon called Gzero World. Policy analyst Karim Sadjadpour explained the situation in the middle east so that anyone who seeks to understand it can.
Also, and once again, on Nov. 4 our friendly Manzanita wine merchant,, had to clarify that she is NOT the frequent very conservative poster, I imagine over the years, this confusion has had some financial impact on the former.
Seems like a couple of small policy changes could create a more reliable service.
Gene Dieken
Definitely I’m voting: “Yes for NCRD”
On November 7th the residents of Tillamook County will be asked for the 3rd time to renew the five year tax levy to support the daily operations for programs and services of North County Recreation District in Nehalem. This is not a new tax, but a continuation of what our community has supported for the past 15 years.
I have been involved with Friends of NCRD, which is the non-profit partner of NCRD, since I retired from teaching and moved here in 2010. I believe in the Friends’ mission which is to support and promote the programs and services of the North County Recreation District because I believe in its mission to provide health and well-being services to all ages in North Tillamook County. In particular, I am proud that Friends of NCRD has always had the priority to raise funds for scholarships so that everyone is included and has access to the programs and services at NCRD. This year alone we have given $15,000 in scholarship assistance, the bulk of which went for youth access to child care and youth sports.
I have seen NCRD go through many changes and growth in services while keeping steadfast maintenance of the aging elementary school building. I have seen NCRD continue to survive through the pandemic, providing day care for first responders’ children, keeping close contact with health services for the benefit of all, providing covid test kits and appropriate precautions when opening back up. While many businesses and organizations dissolved, NCRD stayed vital for the community. And now, fitness classes and youth sports offerings have increased resulting in increased patronage.
Here are some other great things you may not know about NCRD.
Did you know that NCRD is an official Red Cross emergency shelter site complete with cots and emergency power and supplies ready to accommodate the community in a major emergency? This is different from Warming centers that are available through local churches.
Did you know that NCRD has an agreement with Nehalem Bay Health Clinic (formerly Rinehart Clinic) for NCRD to provide physical exercise opportunities for their patients dealing with health-related issues.
Did you know that the “Learn to Swim” program offered at NCRD is certified by the Red Cross?
There are so many good things happening at NCRD that I’m definitely voting “Yes for NCRD”.
Linda Makohon
President, Friends of NCRD
I will not willingly vote for tax dollars being used for the privileged, PERIOD.
And be sure, if you VOTE YES to continue the levy, you are voting FOR:
If you are able to sleep knowing that is what you are voting for…. You’re idea of Community is a whole lot smaller than mine.
The mission statement of the North County Recreation District (NCRD). To promote the educational, recreational, social and physical well being of THE ENTIRE North Tillamook County community by offering activities FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES in an inviting environment.
I think I know why there is so much denial about this; cause most of ya’ll shot the junk and are worried. Deep down you are honest enough to admit to yourself that vaccines have ALWAYS caused injuries.
Why would this rushed experimental mRNA-tech be any different?
Yes, vaccine injuries exist.
I know a local lady in her 40s who got myocarditis from the vax; her doctor told her it was from the vax. 40, and now she has serious heart issues and must go to the doctor twice a week or so. For the rest of her life??? She’s 40.
That is criminal. The vax-makers need to be sued and/or thrown in jail, as well as the public officials who pushed this junk onto us.
That’s why this case in Michigan that Dixie pointed out is so important. At best the billionaire tech bros. seriously messed up (hubris/arrogance/callousness) and killed and injured a lot of people.
And now those who have been injured by the vaxxes can sue; the legal precedent is being set.
This is the stuff Ralph Nader is made of. This is the stuff Erin Brokovich is made of.
If I was former (Democrat) Gov. Kate Brown and the OHA brass, I would be trembling in my shoes. This is the legal case that will finally – FINALLY – get Nuremburg 2.0 in the works.
In case you didn’t know, the Prep Act is a fascistic piece of legislation brought into our reality by anti-American mass-murdering war criminal, the former dumb-as-hell Yale cheerleader known as (Republican) Dubya.
“The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA), passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by President of the United States George W. Bush in December 2005 (as part of Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 109–148 (text) (PDF)), is a controversial tort liability shield intended to protect vaccine manufacturers from financial risk in the event of a declared public health emergency. “
So all the CIA Operation Lockstep big tech bros. did was have their goons in the public health sector declare their lab-engineered coronavirus they sent tearing around the world as a ‘public health emergency’, as was war-gamed in the CIA-scripted Event 201.
It wasn’t a public health emergency. It isn’t a public health emergency.
SARS-CoV-2 is basically the flu, and that the experimental vax-makers who did this scam are protected from liability is also a scam. The PREP Act should never have been invoked, end of story. More lawsuits will come in from that angle.
Oh (Democrat) Gov. Brown, tremble tremble…
Oh Rinehart Clinic, tremble tremble…
The lab-engineered coronavirus that is circulating among us (by design) is no more an emergency than the yearly influenza infections. (Where did the flu go anyway?)
And for that ya’ll did WHAT? AND screwed up our children so badly with the anti-science lockdowns and anti-science school closures. Zoom (Google) loved $crewing over our children though!
Anyway, more myocarditis in Switzerland. I’m not even going to bother to see if Fact Checker or Snopes tried to cover the truth of this, because it seems to be very true, it’s a study that you and I can read. It’s interpreted by John Campbell who is doing amazing work helping humanity figure what happened to them. I’m guessing big-tech-funded Fact Checker and Snopes won’t even try to re-truth this study into one of their lies, it’s too solid:
I also don’t think this ‘elite’ professor should be allowed to teach anymore. (link below) And here we also have (Democrat) Cuomo who got tossed from office supposedly because he is an ass-grabber, but I’ve also heard he was asked to step down because he will be facing manslaughter charges for mandating old folks in care centers with covid be locked up, denied visits from their families, denied proper health care, were then shot up with drugs to ‘help’ with ‘covid’ and lots and lots of them just died.
That’s called homicide, the legal charge is ‘manslaughter’.
When your sick, you wanna be as happy and healthy as possible. You wanna go outside, get some fresh air. You wanna be with your family. That stuff will help you get better, and it should have happened. Nobody has the right to make you stay inside. If they think they do, toss ‘em in jail and get them out of public office.
Locking old folks up in homes when they are sick and pumping them full of drugs killed them, and (Democrat) Cuomo knows it, and he will pay. The World Economic Forum-goon to the north, (Democrat) Jay Inslee, killed old folks in care centers in Washington in the same way.
So no, I don’t forgive them for what they didn’t know. Below (link) we have an ‘elite’ professor and a governor who are now pleading “WE DIDN’T KNOW”.
Oh yeah? Well I know a sh*t-ton of plumbers, farmers, garbage men, auto mechanics, baristas, and store owners WHO DID KNOW.
Screw you ‘smart’ moronic arrogant pathetic men.
Screw the officials, throw them in jail. Fire that professor. This ‘elite’ professor is stupider than my garbage man. This governor is also stupider than my garbage man.
Below is a great example of how these arrogant morons screwed us over. The ‘elite’ professor apologies for being a nazi school-shutdown anti-science moron. (Democrat) Cuomo shows his utter incompetence, his lies can be found in the full show/interview. These men are liars and should be in jail, especially Cuomo:
When we moved to North County 25 years ago, one of our first connections to the community was North County Recreation District. We’ve watched our recreation center develop and flourish into a hub of activity, a community treasure. From the Youth Center, to exercise classes in the Fitness Center and Aquatics, to the “Learn to Swim” program, to senior activities, to productions in the Performing Arts Center, NCRD offers something for everyone who lives in and visits North Tillamook County.
Every five years we, as a community, get to renew our support for NCRD, by voting “YES for NCRD” on the November ballot. Amazingly, the tax rate has not increased in 15 years, since the first tax levy in 2008! We home owners will not be paying anything more; we will simply be saying “YES” to a continuation of the programs offered by and the operational costs of North County Recreation District.
Please join us in voting “YES for NCRD.”
Gail and Richard Young
AND, If ALL Community meant ALL IN THE COMMUNITY, I’d be right there beside you. However, I’m going to assert if any of you had joined me at even one Board meeting since 2019 and heard and seen what I’ve heard and seen, you may also not want your tax dollars supporting the NCRD, as it’s been run right now.
You would have witnessed over and over and over again the Boards & ED’s dismissiveness of Community questions/concerns, (‘argument: you can’t please everyone’); the disinterest for our teens/tweens and their recreation after demolishing the Skateramp (justification: ‘they should be grateful, we’re building them a nine million dollar pool)’; the discrimination of the mobility challenged with no stage access in the PAC (context: ‘ I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors”); the ignorance/discrimination of not recognizing there is no street access to the ADA pickle-ball courts (Ignorance: ‘do people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball’).
I would have been ok if Committees had been formed to address any of the above issues (instead Justification: 73% of the voters passed the levy last time’).
Unfortunately, most of you didn’t hear it as you weren’t ‘in the room when it happened’, I WAS and I can’t unhear.
Trust me, it was a whole lot more comfortable being in denial and ignorant … however, I’m for the NCRD being the best it can be for ALL.
Finally, the possibility of justice for the billionaire medical tyrants that have injured and murdered so many with their new, experimental mRNA-tech that nobody needed for their lab-engineered coronavirus that was basically the flu!!
I hope folks sign-up in droves to sue these tech billionaire rip-off vultures and their banker and intelligentsia accomplices!
As for the monkey dna and the rest of it, idk.
I do know that Fact Checkers and Snopes are partially funded by vax-mass-murderer Bill Gates.
I also know that the makers of the hip “J and J” vax got slammed with a billion-dollar lawsuit for putting asbestos in baby powder. (Happened at the mining level).
So glass shards, monkey DNA, asbestos, etc. why the hell not?
Big Farma sucks. Corrupt through and through.
This stuff is worth investigating, but not by using Gates’ funded Snopes and Fact Checker.
Unfortunately I’m not that hopeful that Oregonians (mostly the Dems) overall will wake up to this giant, sadistic money-making virus/vax Operation Lockstep scam, nope, not hopeful at all:
Hello to North County Voters,
I would like to ask you to vote YES for the North County Recreation District’s Levy coming up on November 7.
As memory serves me, I first started going to the building which houses NCRD when I was in the 5th grade. It was there I met a woman who became one of my lifetime friends. But we’re not here for my history.
What a building this was then and is now too. The building houses a variety of people and projects. Ages I’m going to have to guess, maybe 4-80 years old. And what are all those people doing there? The preschool would be the youngest, then there are the after-school kids, the people who use the fitness center, and the blend of all the people who take classes. So, I’m pretty sure people using NCRD age from 4-80 plus years old. It is a wonderful building that not only goes on for all those years, but also serves so many people.
So many communities would love to have such a building and programs to serve so many people. I must tell you about my special passion for NCRD and their programs are the kids. I don’t want any child to go home to an empty home–which is what their after-school program serves. And it is first come, first serve. Doesn’t matter if you have the full payment or not, you can get a scholarship for this program. Sports programs are also offered to these kids. Right now, it is soccer.
Adults can take classes; I’ve watched the art classes–it’s wonderful. Working out in classes or in the weight room, or the cardio room has helped so many in our community. My mind wants to say, community, classes, and NCRD are good for all of us.
Patty Rinehart
Fellow Members of the Nehalem Bay Community:
I am voting to continue the operating levy for the North County Recreation District. I emphatically encourage you to vote YES too.
Our community is immensely richer thanks to NCRD. When I think of NCRD, I think of the countless hours spent water walking in the pool, many memorable events at the NCRD Theater (It’s a Wonderful Life, Mel Brown, Maria Muldaur, Nancy Pearl,…), community group meetings in the Fireside Room, yoga classes, and much more. As a Pickleball player, I am forever grateful to NCRD for stepping up to build an outstanding Pickleball facility that is enjoyed by people from ages eight to eighty.
If voters fail to renew the operating levy on the November 7 ballot, NCRD’s program services would be cut by about half. That would make all of us poorer. The ballot measure will not create a new tax, it only will continue the existing tax at the same rate that has been in effect for many years.
Steve Brier
For those who will vote for the levy out of fear for a reduction in your services, really? The NCRD will not close. The swim program will absolutely continue; the after-school program will not be affected; the Pre-school will thrive; the Performing Arts Center and the Riverbend Players’ curtain, will go up.
What will happen? The Board and the NCRD will go back to the budget and make adjustments. New eyes may need to look for what it will take for the NCRD to be self sufficient. They may look to see if the athletic dept only looks top heavy, based on usage, or is top heavy? Raise class fees to users? Have the Friends of NCRD take Patty’s advice and look for new fundraising ideas? Identify the effectiveness with the company the NCRD board irresponsibly approved $10,000 (the bid was $7,000?) to raise money for the NCRD & pool project?
You may ask: Why is she being such a dog with a bone about VOTING NO for CHANGE?
AGAIN, once you hear, you can’t unhear. As one who has attended many, many board meetings and witnessed over and over and over again the Boards & ED’s dismissiveness of Community questions/concerns, (‘you can’t please everyone’); the disinterest regarding our teens/tweens about their recreation after demolishing the Skateramp (‘they should be grateful, we’re building them a nine million dollar pool)’; the discrimination of the mobility challenged regarding no stage access in the PAC (“I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors”); the ignorance/discrimination of not recognizing there is no street access to the pickle-ball courts (‘do people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball’) the arrogance and non-action to even FORM A COMMITTEE to address any of the above issues (‘73% of the voters passed the levy last time’). Yes, all stated OUT LOUD by the Board and I can’t unhear…
We as Community for Community have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to demand ATTENTION be paid to the INTENTION of the mission statement and interrupt the status queue. Or we can fulfill on Einsteins warning: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those that do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
The mission statement of the North County Recreation District (NCRD): To promote the educational, recreational, social and physical well being of the entire North Tillamook County community by offering activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.
Swing by and see how inviting/accessible the pickle-ball courts are if you use a wheelchair?
NCRD √ YES! You’ve probably seen the bright yellow NCRD √ YES signs? And you probably know what they’re asking? In case not, let me remind you. We’re asking you to vote for the North County Recreation District (NCRD). A YES vote will enable NCRD to continue operating at its current level.
Why should we want NCRD to continue its current operations?
** Because NCRD is the hub of the North County communities.
** Because NCRD provides kids numerous experiences, including after-school care, youth sports, summer camp, arts and crafts, the school swim program, family swim, and special events for all ages.
** Because NCRD provides a fitness center for working out, and fitness classes and programs such as yoga, group strength for seniors, Tai Chi, etc.
** Because NCRD has a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center offering musical events, live theatre, and other special events
** Because NCRD provides aquatics classes and programs for all ages, including adult aqua aerobics, aqua yoga, lap swimming, water walking, etc.
** Because NCRD sponsors special events, such as art shows, craft shows, speakers, etc.
** Because NCRD staff and teachers are part of our community and are knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful.
Final question: what can we do to help NCRD?
Answer: vote YES on November 7 for the 5-year renewable operating levy.
The levy will be used to continue to support NCRD’s daily operations, maintenance, classes, activities, and programs. The operating-levy rate on the ballot is the same rate NCRD has had for the last fifteen years. Our levy rate will NOT go up with a Yes vote, and this levy will NOT be used for the new pool which will be funded by a Capital Campaign and timber tax revenue.
Please vote “YES” for NCRD!
Barbara Scott-Brier
“A scientist was able to obtain 27 vials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines. All 27 vials contained unsafe levels of simian virus 40 (SV40), a monkey virus that can cause brain cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and other fatal types of cancer. That research has been scientifically confirmed by Health Canada.”
“Millions of Americans were harmed by these experimental medicines. Miscarriages and stillbirths spiked because of the shots.”
“Many thousands of young people developed serious, life-altering myocarditis.”
“Thousands of military servicemembers who were forced to get the vaccines were sexually sterilized by them.”
All of these claims were extremely easy to find and rebut, the most interesting aspect of the fact checking articles was how they illuminated how the false claim had originated and spread.
-Hank Tallman