Misinformation Hurts Us All

Submitted By: hatallman@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Greetings BBQ,
I will be attempting to fact-check some of the posts on this forum propagating misleading and false information. Basic facts and aspects of scientific literacy (such as cause vs correlation) can and should be elucidated and evaluated. In some cases I will simply link to reputable organizations which provide clear rebuttals. Opinion and personal perspective are irrefutable.
In the following paragraphs I will look at some of the claims made in the post on October 8th by andynorris21@yahoo, which I have quoted below followed by my responses.

Apparently referring to the Covid-19 vaccine:
“There have been 4-million adverse reactions to this 3-year old junk, according the World Health Organization. Yet only 15,000 adverse reactions to the tetanus vaccine, since 1968!!!!!!!!!!”
According to the WHO database which can be found and accessed here, www.vigiaccess.org/, there are currently 5,192,490 reports of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) related to the Covid-19 vaccine. Besides getting the numbers wrong, there are several reasons this post is misleading:
-These are reports of potential side effects which do not indicate or confirm a causal link.
-The total number of reports represents the combination of the members of the WHO Program for International Drug Monitoring, whose methodology varies. In the US for example, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html
-VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.
-VAERS accepts all reports of adverse events following vaccination without judging whether the vaccine caused the adverse health event. Some reports to VAERS might represent true vaccine reactions, and others might be coincidental adverse health events not related to vaccination at all. Here is a link to a good explanation between side effects and adverse reactions. www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/sideeffects/index.html
-The number of reports submitted to VAERS may increase in response to media attention and increased public awareness.
Simply listing a large number cannot lead to any meaningful conclusions regarding this dataset. Although it should be noted that at least 13,513,017,637 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered world-wide. Understanding the difference between cause and correlation is absolutely fundamental to interpreting this type of statistical information. covid19.who.int/?mapFilter=vaccinations

“…and news from the World Economic Forum’s fascistic outpost in KKKanada, where 74% of the triple vaccinated (huh? who the hell would…three times even…whaaaat????????) now have VAIDS.”
This is one of the easy ones, hint: VAIDS doesn’t exist and the source (The People’s Voice) is comedy at best.


Regarding the covid-19 pandemic, I hope there are a few things we can all agree on. No organization or individual had all the answers or performed perfectly all the time; mistakes were made, but when it comes to infectious disease we’re all in this together. I believe public health policy does need to be openly debated, and should never be conducted by for-profit entities behind closed doors. Misinformation will not help open that process in any way.

-Hank Tallman


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post

Hi, My Fellow Community Members,

I am asking you to vote “Yes” on the 5-year Optional Tax Levy for General Operations for North County Recreation District (NCRD) in November. This funding is essential to continue the ongoing programs and offerings such as: Elementary School Swim Program, Childcare, Aquatic/Therapy classes, Fitness Center/Classes, Youth Sports/Camps, Adult Activities, and the Performing Arts Center.

The core of NCRD is the Elementary School Swim Program which is almost a century old. An estimated 12,000 children have been educated in this program and of those children there is no known drowning. This is priceless!

I believe our Community acknowledged the value of these services 5 years ago when the 5 Year Optional tax levy passed by 72.9% – a remarkable number! The Voters spoke resoundingly then, and I again ask for your passionate support this November. The tax rate is the same.

NCRD is an award-winning organization. In 2021, NCRD received the Special Districts Association of Oregon (SDAO) Outstanding Program Award. The current Executive Director, Barbara McCann, received SDAO’s 2021 Outstanding Special District Service Award. These awards reflect that NCRD is a proven leader of Oregon’s 1,000 special districts. NCRD is a vital resource for North Tillamook County contributing to the wellness, quality of life, and economic vitality of the region.

PLEASE vote YES on the 5-year Optional Tax Levy for General Operations for NCRD!

Thank You!

Mary Gallagher


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post

To my fellow community members:

I am writing to encourage you to join me in supporting North County Recreation District (NCRD) with a YES vote in the November 7, 2023 Election. Approving the Tax Levy for General Operations at NCRD will ensure operations of this important community resource for another five years.

When I moved to North Tillamook County several years ago, NCRD was one of the first community resources I discovered, and I became a member right away. I visit the fitness center regularly each week and have taken an assortment of fitness classes over the years.

I have also attended and appreciated a variety of shows at the NCRD Performing Arts Center (PAC), a remarkable venue for a small coastal community like ours. One of the highlights each year is NCRD’s support for, and collaboration with, the Missoula Children’s Theater. This partnership (which also includes NKN School District and other community organizations) offers young people in our community an opportunity to participate in a week-long theater camp that culminates with a delightful performance for the community at the Performing Arts Center.

I am writing this letter as a community member, but as CEO of Nehalem Bay Health Center (formerly Rinehart Clinic) I have additional insights into NCRD as a community partner. For many years, NCRD has helped support the clinic’s wellness programming by coordinating with our wellness staff on a grant-funded Prescriptions for Physical Activity program. The NCRD staff has also worked with Nehalem Bay Health Center to collaborate on wellness classes for patients.

The variety of programming available at NCRD reaches all ages and the facility provides an opportunity for social gatherings that help build community. From art shows and community theater to spin classes and swimming, there’s something for almost everyone at NCRD. Please join me in supporting this important community resource with your YES vote in the November election.

Gail Nelson

mRNA shots reactivating cancers that were in remission

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Turns out Gates’ and Fauci’s and Former Governor Brown’s and the OHA’s ‘covid’ mRNA injections have reactivated cancers. Add this to the strokes and heart attacks.

Apparently it was/is the boosters the above individuals and entities urged you to mainline into your veins that are bringing back the cancers from remission.

And guess what? Oregonians are STILL pining to shoot this murderous goo!

There have been 4-million adverse reactions to this 3-year old junk, according the World Health Organization. Yet only 15,000 adverse reactions to the tetanus vaccine, since 1968!!!!!!!!!!

How in the hell did this happen????


And the NCRD wants to be an injection center?????????

That would make the NCRD an accessory to mass-murder.

The lawyers will wake up one day.

Former Governor Brown and the OHA brass will end up in jail eventually; mark my words. It took years to purge the Nuremberg Nazis, but it happened eventually.


Former Governor Brown and the OHA brass should know that Covid justice will be served. Hire lawyers and prepare your defense; you’re brazen criminality will not go unpunished, YOUR MURDEROUS BEHAVIOR IS THE REASON HUMANS HAVE LAW. You will not get away with what you did to Oregonians during your Draconian, murderous horrible-for-children shutdowns and your deadly ‘vax’ campaigns.
(Let me guess-the lot of ya’ll are gonna plead stupid??)

A paragraph from some Seattleite I don’t know; a great summary of what happened during the fascistic uprising from liberal Covidians and the Yalie thugs that are running Operation Lockstep.

“My biggest lesson learned was that 90% of people will eagerly become united in hatred against any group the media/government directs them to and will happily volunteer to rat on one another to feel superior. I’m in Seattle, one of the most draconian cities in the US during the lockdowns and I’m convinced that the people here would have enthusiastically loaded me (as one of the 7% of uninjected people in the city) into waiting boxcars, and I am not being hyperbolic…”

I wholeheartedly agree with this Seattleite.

Furthermore, I was very much reminded of 9/11 when driving my taxi around shutdown Draconian Wokeland (AKA the once free city of Portland), with the near-phantom ‘virus’ freaking out leftists like the near-phantom ‘Muslim terrorists’ freaked out the righties back then.

I am also reminded of the Salem Witch Burnings. Lefties in Oregon showed me first hand how a group of hysterical anti-science narcissist ideologues can be scared into abandoning logic and reason and start bullying and killing their own children and fellow humans.

I also saw (see??) how the Jews got corralled by the intolerant, illogical narcissist Germans. Covid1984 was/is very reminiscent indeed, especially in China, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Super Nazi-esque.

And let’s check in with psycho, shall we?


…and news from the World Economic Forum’s fascistic outpost in KKKanada, where 74% of the triple vaccinated (huh? who the hell would…three times even…whaaaat????????) now have VAIDS.



Submitted By: tim4surf@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Although many people do not realize it, the places we call forests are mostly “tree plantations”, devoid of natural understory vegetation. The great naturally occurring old growth stands have long since been obliterated. Prudent management should be to avoid clear-cuts. However, industry will want what is easiest and most profitable. The biggest risk currently is loss of drinking water to virtually all the coastal communities in Oregon. Continued deforestation without regard to watershed concerns will result in minimal sequestration of water at the surface and underground. With rising air temperatures (climate degradation) evaporation rates will soar resulting in a total reduction and eventual loss of flowing water that currently supplies the coastal populations. Wise stewardship goes beyond what is being done today, and instead prepares for the looming crisis in our near future as water availability dwindles not only locally but world wide. This summer Nehalem almost ran out of water. What will the next year bring with even hotter temperatures? “Those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail” -Benjamin Franklin. PS:This statement is the authors opinion. Other persons will have to form their own.


Submitted By: tevisdiii@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
While eating a breakfast burrito this morning at Wild, I read the lead editorial in a New Yorker magazine and was well into it before I realized it wasn’t satire. It was so devoid of historical insight and understanding of military facts I was sure I was mistaken, but no. It was the exact opposite of the following perspective.

First few paragraphs:
© Public Domain
The “Collective West” led by the chief imperialist power, the United States, is careening and buckling, the wayward collapse evident with each passing day.

For what it’s worth, the transatlantic alliance of the U.S. and its European allies – embodied by the NATO military bloc – had a fairly good chronological run. The imperialist clique managed to hold together for nearly eight decades. But now that ship is running aground on the rocks of a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

Signs of collapse and disintegration are coming fast and thick. The military defeat in Ukraine by the NATO powers after a $100 billion investment in weapons is foremost among the casualty list – together with up to 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers.

What a hideous fiasco the NATO-sponsored campaign against Russia has turned out to be. A bloodbath in Europe akin to the worst among history’s many imperialist slaughters. The U.S.-led military alliance of 30 nations has spectacularly forfeited any pretense of being a “security organization”.


Saturday Flowers & Bulb Sale

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Flowers & Bulbs from Friends
Flowers & Bulbs at the Deli Saturday Morning
Head out to the Manzanita Grocery & Deli this Saturday morning around 9 AM-Why? Friends of North County Recreation District will be there with a full-color catalog of fall planted/spring blooming bulbs. Make your selection right then and there, pay with check, cash, or Venmo and you’ll get a free cup of coffee from the Deli. Now if you get your free cup of coffee, drink it, and then decide you don’t want anything, you don’t need to give the coffee back.
We are offering a selection of magnificent alliums, daffodils, including all white daffodils, hyacinths, crocus, snakes head, paper whites and amaryllis. You can plant these in your yard, your neighbor’s yard, pots, or wherever you want. You can also give them away to a local organization. How about the Wonder Garden, the Library, Pine Grove, the City Park, your church, what a wonderful gift that would be! You just must dig a hole. Planting instructions will be provided with your purchase.
So don’t forget, Saturday, October 7, from 9-noon, each purchase of bulbs gets a free cup of coffee at the Deli. If you want a catalog to study over, contact Gail, gailmyoung@me.com and she will email you one.
And just a heads up-we will be taking bulb orders in the lobby of North County Recreation District this Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10 and 11. Expect us in the building from 8:30 AM to noon.
Thank you for supporting Friends of North County Recreation District.

De-Fund the NCRD

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
A very vocal advocate for the continuation of NCRD’s services wrote in her supporting arguments on this site:

“Yes is the support NCRD gives all of North County by providing space for activities such as Flu/COVID immunization clinics…”

Definitely de-fund this institution before they kill more people (including children) with this new, deadly m-RNA tech from Big Pharma and the Department of Defense.

TO DATE, there have been 17-million people murdered (killed intentionally) by Bill Gates’ and Big Tech’s experimental mRNA technology. That number will continue to climb or decades to come.

I will NEVER risk my life to play pickelball, and the NCRD should not be encouraging members of our community to shoot deadly ‘vaccines’ from Big Tech in order to play pickelball or for any other reason.

De-fund the NCDR NOW, until they pledge not to be a mouthpiece for Big Pharma.


Seems like an excess of spike proteins are part of what kills people after shooting Gates’/DODs/Big Tech’s junk.

Why does the NCRD supporting injecting folks in our community with this deadly garbage?

The strands here are post mortem, which begs the question what this stuff does to the living (they are dying somehow from Big Tech’s new mRNA ‘vax’.)


And let’s check in with psycho shall we?

Bill Gates wants to cut down massive amounts of the world’s remaining old-growth trees and bury them to “Fight Climate Change”.

Told ya he was a lunatic.

I won’t mainline ANYTHING, EVER, made by lunatics who prefer Big Tech to Big Trees.

But the NCRD wants YOU to shoot a ‘vaccine’ made by a crazy man:


Singing to heal, nurture, open the way…

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Newly forming chapter of Threshold Choir (www.thresholdchoir.org)

We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.

Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.

For more information:
Email: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com
Text/call: 503-440-7861

We currently gather (in person) once per month on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm to practice giving/receiving healing through song, learning from the Threshold Choir Repertoire (in both English and Spanish).

For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm, and all are welcome.

Let us Sing!
2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon

*The Song Circle is not the same as the St. Catherine’s Church Choir


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
SUBMITTED IN BEHALF OF DR. TYLER REED, Neahkahnie School District Superintendent

Dear Community Members,

I am writing to express my support for the NCRD and its upcoming five-year levy, which will be on this November’s ballot. I have witnessed the invaluable contributions the NCRD has made to our region, and believe renewing this levy is essential to ensuring the continued success and growth of our community.

NCRD plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for residents of our region. Through its numerous programs and facilities, NCRD promotes physical fitness, mental well-being, and social connections among individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Their commitment to fostering a healthy and vibrant community is unwavering, and it is evident in the positive impact they have had on generations of students.

NCRD does incredible work when creating and coordinating student programming. From after school activities, swimming for students at Nehalem Elementary, and hosting summer opportunities like the Missoula Children’s Theatre, NCRD works well with community partners to provide amazing experiences for Neah-Kah-Nie students. These programs not only keep our youth engaged and active but also provide them with opportunities to learn important life skills and values.

I urge you to join me in supporting the NCRD levy renewal in this November’s election. By voting in favor of this levy, we can ensure that NCRD continues to provide the vital services and programs that make our community a better place to live, work, and play.


Dr. Tyler Reed
Superintendent of Neahkahnie School District

Correction- ‘Smörgåsbord’ an exhibit by Ben Rosenberg, at North Tillamook Library October 2023

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Smörgåsbord Ben Killen Rosenberg October 2023 Monotypes/collage/watercolor of 16 works total
North Tillamook Library 571 Laneda Ave Manzanita, OR 97130 Hours Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday closed Closed daily for lunch 1-1:30pm 503 368 6665
Exhibit in 4 areas of library Children’s room, Hoffman room, Computer area, and Reading area

Fall Planted/Spring Blooming Bulbs by Friends of NCRD

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Spring color supports local non-profit!
Looking for more color in your Spring yard or Spring pots? Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) has the perfect set of bulbs to accomplish this. This Saturday, October 7, Friends will be in downtown Manzanita selling bulbs next to the Manzanita Grocery & Deli. Starting shortly after 9 AM get down there to be the first in line for the best selection. If you would like a catalog of what is available emailed to you, contact Gail at gailmyoung@mac.com. Or call me, Patty, 503-368-6081, and I will help you with your order.
The last day for our fresh flower bouquet sales at the Deli will be this coming Saturday. Mother Nature has made it clear we cannot keep selling. We thank you all for supporting us through our bouquet season. We will be able to support programs and projects for NCRD into this next quarter. We are following up these bouquet sales with our spring blooming bulb sales. With each order you’ll get a free cup of coffee!
Speaking of coffee, did you know you can use coffee grounds in your garden by adding it to your compost or using it as fertilizer? You will find lots of information on this topic if you type “Using Coffee Grounds in your Garden” into your computer.
Again, many thanks for supporting Friends of North County Recreation District.


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post

I LOVE NCRD! That’s why I’m urging you to Vote Yes on the upcoming renewal of its 5-year tax Levy.

From the moment I walked into the doors of NCRD, I felt welcomed, included, and supported! My passion for fitness led me to join the center, but it’s been the members, staff, and the variety of programs that have kept me coming! The fitness and yoga instructors are top notch, and the classes offered are inclusive of all abilities, whether you’re young or wizened!

In addition to the classes and the fitness center, I’ve attended a number of fund raising and social events in the gym and in the various rooms that can be rented and used by the community. One of the attractions that draws me down the hall, is the art that adorns the walls of the River Room and the art room. The art is by local artists, and when the items are for sale, some or all of the proceeds benefit local programs or communities, so it’s a win win!

Another program that impressed me, and that I volunteer at, is the before and after school program, Playcare. Angie and her team assure a safe, well-supervised, stimulating environment for the children attending. This important program is offered at a fair price and there are scholarships for those families that need assistance. As a single mom, I know how much a program such as this was a life saver when I was raising my daughters!

While my participation and use of programs at NCRD has been limited to my personal interests, I’m very much aware of the Aquatics programs, the pre-school program that uses the space, and the many other services and programs that are offered at NCRD. I’m proud to be a member of this organization that provides so much to the community! Connection, Community, and Inclusivity are at the heart of this center.

Vote Yes for NCRD! No increase in taxes to you, and none of this goes to the funding of the new pool! This levy will assure that all programs, services, and operational costs can be covered! How has NCRD been part of your life and those around you? Let’s keep it going!

Member, Volunteer, Friend of NCRD


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post


Over the years, NCRD has responded with programs that enrich our community beyond recreation. NCRD operates a very popular childcare facility, adult activities (dance classes, fiber arts, book club), Forest to Sea Camp, the Performing Arts Center among others. The Performing Arts Center is a venue for a wide variety of events…musical concerts, Riverbend Players, lectures, Missoula Children’s theater, and more. This is not news to many of you who actively participate in both the recreation programs and the other opportunities that all make NCRD an important part of the life of our community. Please support NCRD’s upcoming vote to renew the five year operating levy.

Ed Gallagher

‘Smörgåsbord’ an exhibit by Ben Killen Rosenberg, Manzanita Public Library October 2023

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
‘Smörgåsbord’ an exhibit of Monotypes/collage/watercolor works by Ben Killen Rosenberg, October 2023
Manzanita Public Library 571 Laneda Ave Manzanita, OR 97130
Hours Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday closed Closed daily for lunch 1-1:30pm 503 368 6665
Exhibit in 5 areas of library Children’s room, Hoffman room, Computer area, and Reading area. 16 works total


Submitted By: onesmartwoman99@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
On January 30th 2023 this call for construction bids was posted on DJC Oregon:

TILLAMOOK COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE REMODEL Bids due 1:00 pm, February 16, 2023 CALL FOR BIDS This project consists of remodeling two (2) spaces totaling one hundred sixty-six (166) square feet in the District Attorney’s office on the second floor of the Tillamook County Courthouse: an existing restroom to a new office and an existing office to a new office. Specifications and bid forms may be viewed at the Tillamook County Courthouse, Board of Commissioners’ Office, Attention: Isabel

You can read the notice here:

The Tillamook County website posted a notice of intent to award a contract to Columbia-Cascade Construction, Inc. in the amount of $337,600 for the project listed above. It was item #5 of the board meeting agenda meant to be voted on by Tillamook County Commissioners at the Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 4th at 9am, at the Tillamook County Courthouse.

You can read the notice of intent here:

As of Monday, October 2nd, this agenda item has been postponed per an email memo issued by Debi Garland (Board Assistant) to staff. (Perhaps because of my previous post alerting the community to this issue?)

No more information has been issued by Tillamook County staff at this time.

If you would like more information about this issue you can contact these people:

Rachel Hagerty, Chief of Staff.
email: rhagerty@co.tillamook.or.us

Isabel Gilda, email: igilda@co.tillamook.or.us

Erin Skaar, Chair Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. email: eskaar@co.tillamook.or.us

Mary Faith Bell, Vice-Chair Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. email: mfbell@co.tillamook.or.us

David Yamamoto, Commissioner Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. email: dyamamoto@tillamook.or.us

Strong Support for North Country Recreation District 5-Year Levy

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Dear Community Members,

I am writing to express my support for the NCRD and its upcoming five-year levy, which will be on this November’s ballot. I have witnessed the invaluable contributions the NCRD has made to our region, and believe renewing this levy is essential to ensuring the continued success and growth of our community.

NCRD plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for residents of our region. Through its numerous programs and facilities, NCRD promotes physical fitness, mental well-being, and social connections among individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Their commitment to fostering a healthy and vibrant community is unwavering, and it is evident in the positive impact they have had on generations of students.

NCRD does incredible work when creating and coordinating student programming. From after school activities, swimming for students at Nehalem Elementary, and hosting summer opportunities like the Missoula Children’s Theatre, NCRD works well with community partners to provide amazing experiences for Neah-Kah-Nie students. These programs not only keep our youth engaged and active but also provide them with opportunities to learn important life skills and values.

I urge you to join me in supporting the NCRD levy renewal in this November’s election. By voting in favor of this levy, we can ensure that NCRD continues to provide the vital services and programs that make our community a better place to live, work, and play.


Dr. Tyler Reed
Superintendent of Neahkahnie School District


Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post

Dear Fellow North County Residents,

Vote Yes for NCRD. The question is, what is YES ?

YES is Daycare for children, after school care for kids of working parents and summer camps and activities for all our youth. NCRD also rents space to a preschool.

Yes is the owner, manager and caretaker for the Rex Champ Ball Field next to the Manzanita Light house.

Yes is the owner, manager and Caretaker for our Pickle Ball Courts.

YES is the Performing Arts Center for North County. With tremendous community support, an old school auditorium that was used for storage was turned into a first class performing arts center that brings music and talent to our community. It also gives local talent a wonderful stage on which to perform.

Yes is a Fitness center which offers:
Classes such as Spinning, Pilates, Tone and Sculpt, Functional Fitness for Seniors, Tai Chi, Stretch and Balance, Cuban Salsa, 8 different types of Yoga classes and much more. A strength training room, a cardio room and a stretch room.

Yes is the Aquatics Center which offers recreation and open swim, an American Red Cross certified learn-to-swim school program, lap swimming, aqua aerobics, water walking and more.

Yes is Activities for Adults such as Fiber Arts Group, Book Club, Artists Group, Field trips, outings and events.

Yes is scholarships available for any and all programs for those needing financial assistance.

Yes is the support NCRD gives all of North County by providing space for activities such as Flu/COVID immunization clinics, private functions such as the MuddNick Dinner and is available to all for rent, if a larger space is needed.

YES will not–will NOT–increase taxes. The tax rate remains the same. It is exactly what it was 5 years, 10 years and 15 years ago.

Yes is NOT for the new pool. The funding for the Pool is completely separate from funds raised by this Vote.

Yes is for all the above programs and operational costs.

Vote YES for the NCRD 5-year Tax Levy, our community can not afford to lose current programs and classes at NCRD.

Respectfully submitted,

Dianne R Bloom
Nehalem Resident

World Sight Day: Oct 12

Submitted By: dmmonico@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
With World Sight Day approaching (Oct. 12) I would like to bring to your attention an organization I support called HCP Cureblindness. It’s a charitable organization that is working to cure avoidable blindness by providing free sight-restoring surgeries in some of the most remote and under-served regions, and training in-country doctors to do the same.

In their almost 30 years of operations, HCP and their partners have provided an amazing 1.4 million sight-restoring surgeries to people in need, trained almost 20,000 eye care professionals in low- and middle-income countries, and have established 5 eye hospitals–and they are poised to do so much more in the years ahead.

I can’t think of a more magical gift to give someone than to restore their sight.

Please visit HCP’s website (www.cureblindness.org) to see for yourself the difference they’re making in the world. And think about how exciting it would be to be part of the solution by getting involved yourself.

Your Week in Flowers by Friends of NCRD

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Hi, I just wanted you to know this week’s schedule for fresh flower bouquets and fall planted/spring blooming bulb sales.

Monday: Friends of North County Recreation District will have fresh flower bouquets available next to the Manzanita Grocery & Deli, 9 AM.

Tuesday: Yes, enjoy $5 Tuesday flower bouquet sales at the Deli. Friends will also be at North County Recreation District in Nehalem from 8:30 AM to noon selling bulbs.

Wednesday: Day off for fresh bouquets, but Friends will be at NCRD from 8:30 AM to noon selling bulbs.

Thursday: fresh flower bouquet sales at Manzanita Grocery & Deli. Friends will be at NCRD again from 8:30 to noon selling bulbs.

Friday and Saturday: Friends will be selling Fresh Bouquets next to the Manzanita Grocery & Deli.

Thank you for helping Friends raise money for programs and projects at NCRD.


Submitted By: onesmartwoman99@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Tillamook County plans to award a contract for the remodel of the office of the district attorney in the amount of $337,600 to Columbia-Cascade Construction Inc. This will happen October 4th 2023 at the Board of Commissioners meeting at 9am at the county courthouse.

You can see the meeting agenda here: www.co.tillamook.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/board_of_county_commissioners/meeting/87594/2023-10-04_bocc_agenda.pdf

You can read the Notice of Intent here:

Nourish a new family in Wheeler!

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
We have a new baby and family in Wheeler! Let’s come together by supporting them with nourishing food as they get used to life with a little one. This early time is essential for bonding, better health and overall success.

Below is the link for their MealTrain. There are dates available for home cooked meals plus options for gift cards to local eateries or straight up financial donation.

If you’ve eaten at Riverside fish n chips over the past few years, you’ll recognize their smiling faces. Let’s return some service with a smile as well!

SIGN UP or donate HERE:

Thank you!! Your generosity, especially in the early days, makes a difference in a family’s trajectory and success.

Summoning Spruce Available at Tillamook Public Library

Submitted By: annornie@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I started writing Summoning Spruce when I was living in Wheeler in 2014. During the years it took to write, I workshopped with visiting authors at The Hoffman Center and enrolled in Writing Alive workshops facilitated by Dana Cunningham Anderson at the former Center for the Contemplative Arts location.

When my book was finally published in March of 2020, I announced it on BBQ and many folks asked if there were copies available through the library and I am happy to update ya’ll that my book, Summoning Spruce, is now available at the Tillamook Public Library! Libraries rule!

*You can always order through my website (www.annornie.com) or from your favorite Indie Bookstore if that is what you prefer.


Submitted By: Constanceforncrd@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Dear Community, you’ve been reading many heartfelt requests from people who support the NCRD 5 year operations tax levy, all from good intentions.

And, that was me for 13 years, from 2008-2021! I was right there with them; pounding the pavement, barking for donations, asking for support, and pushing the 2 prior PAC’s along with Lucy. Some people were surprised I didn’t work for the NCRD as involved as I was. When I started hearing concerns from community members I became alarmed at how many people in our 3 Villages are NOT supportive of the NCRD. At first I would say a bit arrogantly and defensively, ‘I’m sorry that was your experience, it just hasn’t been mine’.

It was suggested the ‘culture’ of the NCRD may be the source of the problems, so I started watching, listening, going to Board meetings, asking questions. I’ve been told most of my questions and concerns are valid, it’s my ‘delivery’ that’s not appreciated.
Take a moment to read again what was said directly to me when meeting with a BM while specifically looking for stage accessibility in the PAC: ‘Why are you poking your nose in this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’. Again, not one board member or staff disputed OR countered those statements, not one. The culture of the NCRD is directly correlate to the culture of the Board and staff. Are you concerned with any of this?

I understand some may not understand why I’m voting no, if I ‘truly support the NCRD’? So I ask you to ask 5 people in your community (who do not use the NCRD) and ask them, why not? You may be surprised….

It’s not for those who are happy with the NCRD that I am urging a no vote, it’s for those in our communities who the board and staff of NCRD have written off as dispensable or accepted the notion, we don’t need to change ‘You can’t please everyone’.

It’s for the teens/tweens who no longer have ‘their’ recreation because the Board thought ‘they’ should be grateful for the new pool and took away the skate ramp with no conversation for ‘What do our kids do now?’

It’s for those in our aging communities who may want to participate on stage in the PAC and won’t because there is no accessibility and the Board/staff bias toward accessibility is granting special favors?

Or for those in wheelchairs who may want to play pickle-ball yet there is no street access and our board/staff question if people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball?

My dream is for having the NCRD be a treasure for ALL is ATTAINABLE. I believe in the mission statement: the NCRD Provides the Educational, Recreational, Social and Physical well being for the entire North County Community by providing activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.

AND change is not going to happen as long as the stats quo culture is supported with OUR tax dollars.

Again, Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the no-pool pool project or the end of the swim program or after-school program. What it will do, it will send a clear message change is needed.

I’ll repeat myself. If you are one who has had a negative experience, or been treated with less than respect with the NCRD staff or board. Vote No.

If you are one who experiences the NCRD as not listening to the needs for ‘all ages and abilities’ as stated in the (nowhere to be displayed) mission statement. Vote No.

If you are someone whose experience of requesting clarity, or asking questions to the board or the NCRD is as effective as spitting in the wind, Vote No.

If you are someone who doesn’t trust the NCRD, or the Board, for any reason. Vote No.

If you are someone who believes the NCRD’s adult programs cater to retiree hours or those who can afford to pay. Vote No.

If you believe the NCRD functions as an ‘old boys club’, Vote No.

If you are someone who is no longer using the NCRD for any reason, Vote No.

If you supported the pool because of our children’s need to learn to swim and now have learned the School has reduced the school swim program to 1/3 of what it was. Vote No.

If you believe the board should be seeking a permanent Executive Director and won’t. Vote No.

If you believe the board should create a committee, committed to stage accessibility for those with mobility concerns in the PAC and won’t. Vote No.

If you believe the board should create a Community Action Committee to see what the community want’s and needs, and won’t. Vote No.

Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the no-pool pool project or the end of the swim program or after-school program. What it will do, it will send a clear message from the community change is what is wanted and needed for being heard, being valued and being treated with respect.


NCRD is NOT a community organization

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
I can’t stand the whitewashing: NCRD is NOT a community organization.

NCRD offered programs ONLY to those who shot Gatets’ mRNA tech.

It is therefore a ‘vaxxed community’ organization.

I will NEVER use NCRD services again. (not that you care of course.)

And it’s a shame; when it was actually a community organization my kid daughter benefited from NCRD greatly.

No vax no pickelball? No thanks!

Maybe we should de-fund this mouthpiece for Big Tech/Farma instead?

And let’s check in with psycho again, shall we?

Here he is (again, three years ago folks, you were warned by the devil himself) giggling and laughing as he brags about turning your CHILDREN into GMOs.

Seriously: That’s EXACTLY what you did to your kids before going to the store to buy your organic non-GMO food.

This guy is evil and very, very mentally ill. Likely a sociopath.

And who the hell asked him to vax the world anyway? The CIA or something? Jeez…

Anyway, this guy is a sicko for sure:
