Is capable of identifying minerals/prospects and displaying on led screen so you don’t have to dig up junk.
Sells for $900 used
I’m asking $600
Thanks for the read!
We strongly support a “Yes for NCRD” vote for renewal of the current five-year option tax for General Operations. This measure renews the current local option tax with no change in current taxation. We think the summary on the ballot describes it best:
“North County Recreation District will use the tax revenue from this measure to operate the district at its present level of service.
Property taxes pay for recreation and health program services in aquatics, fitness, youth, and activities for adults, and operating costs such as the existing swimming pool operation, utilities, general administration, and minor maintenance.
Major capital expenditures are paid using timber tax and other non-property tax sources of income. Savings for these major capital costs, which include a fund for a replacement swimming pool, do not come from property taxes.”
I have been privileged to serve on NCRD’s Budget Committee for a few years and have witnessed the fine stewardship of NCRD’s Administration and Board. Please consider going to and open the first entry, the 2023-24 Budget. As you page through it, it is apparent how many programs are supported for residents of all ages, including children and senior citizens. In doing so, NCRD has kept budget increases to a minimum.
NCRD belongs to our community. It’s ours, it belongs to all of us, and it has consistently demonstrated its value. Whether taking a fitness class, attending a play, viewing artwork on display, or swimming in the pool—and these are just some of the offerings— there are abundant opportunities to develop and enjoy a sense of community. If there happened to be a national competition for rural community recreation organizations, we think NCRD would come out the top.
We absolutely need to continue this operational support levy by voting “Yes”. If it is not passed, it would have devastating consequences that would be hard to recoup. If you look at page 10 of the budget (please see link) the local option is $573,187.00. That’s 31% of the budget. Just imagine the loss of staff, programs, and support for so many parts of our community if it failed. NCRD is a vital hub of fundamental importance to the community. Please keep it intact by voting yes.
Robert and Sharon Borgford
That original formation of NCRD was inspired by the strong desire to save the pool and the school swim program. Did those folks who put the North County Recreation District (NCRD) property tax measure on the ballot in 1996 dream that it would become a full-service recreation center with greatly-expanded offerings?
There was a swimming pool with school swim program and various summer classes, a rudimentary fitness center, and a Friday Teen Night. Today, youth, adults, seniors benefit from NCRD’s many offerings in aquatics; fitness; yoga; after-school sports; swimming; art programs; day-care center; pickleball court; Performing Arts Center with excellent lighting and audio (AND comfortable seats!).
Those original planners under-estimated both costs and growth. NCRD found itself needing more financial support to meet the community’s need for its growing services. Thus, the 5-year tax levy was put on the ballot in 2008. The approval of the community is shown by % YES votes each 5 years, growing from a whisker over 50% in 2008 to a resounding 73% in 2018.
Let’s keep NCRD funded at the same level!
Join me in voting YES for NCRD on November 7.
Lucy Brook
Nehalem resident
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Oh my!
Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden and Governor Brown and the OHA and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the elderly teachers union heads and state/county/local Democrat and Republican officials and their staffs and our local school board officials completely f*ucked over an entire generation of school children!
Sorry kiddos!
Again, where are the lawyers?
Where are the apologies from state, county, and school officials?
Governor Kotek? Will you apologize for what your office did to our children when Governor Brown was in your position? Will you apologize for what the tyrannical OHA did to our kids and small businesses on behalf of their BigTech/Farma corporate masters?
Where are the pledges to NEVER DO THIS TO OUR CHILDREN AGAIN?
Mary Faith Bell? Melissa Bayouth? Does anyone at all in Oregon government have the guts to admit how badly you all screwed up? How badly you all screwed over our kids?
Governor Kotek?
Or would you all prefer to fight to preserve your perceived right to screw over our children again?
An apology for closing our schools from the OHA and the Governor’s office would go a long way for the people of Oregon. It would be especially meaningful to our children.
Has anyone in Oregon government run the numbers? How many more Oregonians would be alive today if Governor Brown made decisions according to common sense, science and reason instead of bending the knee for homicidal narcissist liar Anthony Fauci and the corrupt murderous billionaires at Pfizer? How many more Oregonians would be alive today if she made the sane, calm, science-based decison to BE LIKE SWEDEN?
Oregonians need Nuremburg 2.0 right now. We cannot let them get away with killing us like this; we can’t let them get away with destroying so many of our children’s lives.
And across the river, the World Economic Forum’s goon Jay Inslee is just as stupid about science, also on his knees for Pfizer and willing to kill his constituents for them, and just as guilty of murdering Washingtonians as Gov. Brown is of murdering Oregonians. What a loser he is. What a loser they both are. Where are the lawsuits? These two murderous Big Pharma/Big Tech-loving politicians should be in jail for life.
Thanks for the read!
I have big concerns about the ‘culture’ of both the board and the staff of the NCRD. This began in 2019 and was solidified while meeting with a board member and being told 3 things which I can’t un-hear, they are: ‘Why are you poking your nose in this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; and the one which got my shackles up ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’. Yes, all stupid, ignorant things to say AND not one board member or staff disputed OR countered those statements, not one.
Now I’m reaching out to the community as WE will determine the outcome of the November 7th results and we will say if we want change or if the status quo is ‘fine’.
So, if you are one who has had a negative experience, or been treated with less than respect with the NCRD staff or board. Vote No.
If you are one who experiences the NCRD as not listening to the needs for ‘all ages and abilities’ as stated in the (nowhere to be displayed) Mission Statement, Vote No.
If you are someone whose experience of asking questions to the board or the NCRD is as effective as spitting in the wind, Vote No.
If you are someone who doesn’t trust the NCRD, or the Board, Vote No.
If you are someone who believes the NCRD’s adult programs cater to Retiree hours or those who can afford to pay, Vote No.
If you believe the NCRD functions as an ‘old boys club’, Vote No.
If you are someone who is no longer using the NCRD for any reason, Vote No.
If you supported the pool because of our children’s need to learn to swim and now have learned the School has reduced the school swim program to 1/3 of what it was. Vote No.
If you believe the board should be seeking a permanent Executive Director and won’t. Vote No.
If you believe the board should create a committee, committed to stage accessibility for those with mobility concerns in the PAC and won’t. Vote No.
If you believe the board should create a Community Action Committee to see what the community want’s and needs, and won’t. Vote No.
Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the no-pool pool project or the end of the swim program or after-school program. What it will do, it will send a clear message from the community change is what is wanted and needed for being heard, being valued and being treated with respect inside the mission statement:
To provide the Educational, Recreational, Social and Physical well being for the entire North County Community by providing activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.
Vote NO and send a message it’s time for change.
Yes, I will be voting no and yes there is no increase in the 5 year Levy tax, however…
2 years ago we passed the No Pool-pool bond which increased our taxes AND in May we passed the bond for the North County Health District which also increases our taxes this year.
So, if your intent is to NOT have an additional increase in your taxes, SIMPLY VOTE NO.
Don’t be fooled. The children will continue to have after-school care. The No Pool-pool will be built. Perhaps a Re-organization would have the NCRD be self-sufficient and operate within its means?
Come to to learn more and/or weigh in on the subject.
Thanks for the read!
The Local Option Tax for NCRD is not about the pool, it is about PEOPLE!
It is about a community that puts the value and quality of people’s lives over the costs of ordinary things. It is above all about a community history of demonstrated commitment to enhance its children’s quality of life through providing opportunities for growth and learning that is available in few other communities. It is about providing a means for its older citizens to confront their twilight years in such a way that ensures the dignity of the individual and their ability to not be a burden to their family, friends or society by maintaining their health both physically and mentally. It is about the constructive and creative courses provided by the NCRD Staff and Volunteers who maintain stewardship in all our behalf.
It is also about setting an example for our children of how important it is for each succeeding generation to renew their commitment to their community by providing the means for all us to grow and prosper not just as individuals but as an extended family who recognize and maintain their commitment to each other.
NCRD is mute but eloquent testimony as to who we are, what we believe in and what distinguishes us from others – our demonstrated commitment to each other. NCRD helps make us who we are.
I encourage you to vote YES for the NCRD Option Tax.
Jack Bloom
NCRD Board Member
Definitely I’m voting: “Yes for NCRD”
On November 7th the residents of Tillamook County will be asked for the 4th time to renew the five year tax levy to support the daily operations for programs and services of North County Recreation District (NCRD) in Nehalem. This is not a new tax, but a continuation of what our community has supported for the past 15 years.
I have been involved with Friends of NCRD, which is the non-profit partner of NCRD, since I retired from teaching and moved here in 2010. I believe in the Friends’ mission which is to support and promote the programs and services of the NCRD because I believe in its mission to provide health and well-being services to all ages in North Tillamook County. In particular, I am proud that Friends of NCRD has always had the priority to raise funds for scholarships so that everyone is included and has access to the programs and services at NCRD. This year alone we have given $15,000 in scholarship assistance, the bulk of which went for youth access to child care and youth sports.
I have seen NCRD go through many changes and growth in services while keeping steadfast maintenance of the aging elementary school building. I have seen NCRD continue to survive through the pandemic, providing day care for first responder’s children, keeping close contact with health services for the benefit of all, providing COVID test kits and appropriate precautions when opening back up. While many businesses and organizations dissolved, NCRD stayed vital for the community. And now, fitness classes and youth sports offerings have increased, resulting in increased patronage.
Here are some other great things you may not know about NCRD:
Did you know that NCRD is an official Red Cross emergency shelter site complete with cots and emergency power and supplies ready to accommodate the community in a major emergency? This is different from Warming centers that are available through local churches.
Did you know that NCRD has an agreement with Nehalem Bay Health Clinic (formerly Rinehart Clinic) for NCRD to provide physical exercise opportunities for their patients dealing with health related issues?
Did you know that the “Learn to Swim” program offered at NCRD is certified by the Red Cross?
There are so many good things happening at NCRD that I’m definitely voting “Yes for NCRD”.
Linda Makohon
President, Friends of NCRD
Hello to North County Voters,
I would like to ask you to vote yes for the North County Recreation District’s 5-year Levy coming up for renewal on November 7, 2023.
As memory serves me, I first started going to the building which houses NCRD when I was in the 5th grade. It was there I met a woman who became one of my lifetime friends. But we’re not here for my history.
What a building this was then and is now too. The building houses a variety of people and projects. I’m going to have to guess ages, maybe 4-80 years old. And what are all those people doing there? The preschool would be the youngest, then there are the after-school kids, the people who use the fitness center, and the blend of all the people who take classes. So, I’m pretty sure people using NCRD age from 4-80 plus years old. It is a wonderful building that not only goes on for all those years, but also serves so many people.
So many communities would love to have such a building and programs to serve so many people. I must tell you about my special passion for NCRD and their programs, which is the kids. I don’t want any child to go home to an empty home–which is what their after-school program serves. And it is first come, first serve. Doesn’t matter if you have the full payment or not, you can get a scholarship for this program. Sports programs are also offered to these kids. Right now, it is soccer.
Adults can take classes; I’ve watched the art classes–it’s wonderful. Working out in classes, or in the weight room or the cardio room has helped so many in our community. My mind wants to say, community, classes, and NCRD are good for all of us.
Patty Rinehart
When we moved to North County 25 years ago, one of our first connections to the community was North County Recreation District. We’ve watched our recreation center develop and flourish into a hub of activity, a community treasure. From the Youth Center, to exercise classes in the Fitness Center and Aquatics, to the “Learn to Swim” program, to senior activities, to productions in the Performing Arts Center, NCRD offers something for everyone who lives and visits North County.
Every five years we, as a community, get to renew our support for NCRD, by voting “YES for NCRD” on the November ballot. Amazingly, the tax rate has not increased in 15 years, since the first tax levy in 2008! We home owners will not be paying anything more; we will simply be saying “YES” to a continuation of the programs offered by and the operational costs of North County Recreation District.
Please join us in voting “YES for NCRD.”
Gail and Richard Young
If I live near Nehalem Bay, Oregon, can I still get my pet into the calendar?
How can my business support the Pet Calendar project?
How do I get access to the slideshow featuring all of the calendar contest pet entries?
What are the proceeds from the Pet Calendar Project going towards?
Here is the governor of New York: you must ‘vax’ again, the last ‘vax’ won’t work “THIS TIME AROUND” she says.
Get ready Oregon.
If you live on the north coast of Oregon it’s time to start asking your local politicians if they are planning to close our beaches and parks again. Are they planning to close our small businesses again? Are they planning mask mandates like New York and Canada have ALREADY STARTED for Gates’ ‘pandemic number two’?
Are they planing on extorting our children again, telling our children they must ONCE AGAIN wear a useless anti-science mask all day at school or stay home and Zoom (Google)?? (Sick stuff attacking our kids mental health. Vile really. Inhuman also comes to mind.)
Anyway, hide your children and get ready to MASK UP OREGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woke, proud, anti-science and masked! The Oregon way!
It’s all coming back, just like I told you it would.
Are you ready for anti-science pro-fascist shutdown number two, as I also suggested?
Are you stocked up? The supply lines will be getting corrupted again; carbon reduction or covid reduction?? Whatever, just renew your Netflix and Door Dash accounts! Don’t carry cash – it’s got germs!
Then get in line for the New and Improved mRNA-tech ‘Fauci Ouchie’ from your freedom-loving friends at Pfizer!
And here she is, New York’s solution to disgraced misogynist (anti-woman) and medical tyrant, former Dem Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s a**-grabbing problem:
Listen for it: “…this time around…”
Get ready Oregon! Your beloved medical fascism is coming back!
As for Canada? Full commie already. Thanks World Economic Forum!
The idea of freedom-loving Canada is Trudeau-ver:
And here is Bill Gates lying to the world AND admitting he and his corrupt billionaire tech bros who engineered the ‘vax’ and the virus violated the terms of the anti-Nazi Nuremburg Code. And he tells us to get ready for Pandemic number two.
Look how happy he is in the midst of this genocide, what a creep:
Whatever the case, Oregonians are dying in higher numbers than Swedes because Oregonians are not following the science. Super ironic. Kind of funny.
And here is yet another study showing that lockdowns and masks don’t work.
Ye, yet another study for Oregonian’s deaf, anti-science ears:
The low-level everyday authoritarian tyrants in schools, county admin buildings, and Wal-Mart$ are once again more than willing to do the bidding of the trillion-dollar medical fascists.
The CDC is essentially a drug company. They own patents. They are corrupt as it gets.
Big Tech and Big Pharma and Oregon’s Governor, Kotek this time around, are once again gearing up to shut-down our small businesses, close our schools, close our state parks, close our beaches, close our boat launches and close the parking lots of our favorite hiking trails.
And they are once again coming for our children.
Will you stand up for yourself this time?
Our local leaders are sheep pretending to be wolves. They WILL NOT help you. Tillamook County politicians will not help our children; democrat or republican. They’ve already laid down like a bunch of beat-down pansies and let Fauci and Biden and Trump and Gates abuse our children.
Yamamoto and company, the elderly heads of teachers unions, the school board cowards, should all be in jail for child abuse, from their cowardice and witnessing the crimes against our children, the abuse, and doing nothing about it last time around. They are absolute cowards in the face of this medical tyranny.
The worst Nazis were the doctors. Make no mistake about that fact.
It’s time for Nuremberg 2.0.
Before they screw our kids over even more.