Manzanita Farmer’s market September 15, Fulton Farms will be there with PEACHES!!

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Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday September 15 at the Manzanita Farmer’s Market! At Undersell Plaza. Come check out the fabulous Manzanita Farmers Market Friday September 15 from 4-7pm! Check out all the vendors and see what they have, and support them in their wonderful offerings! While you’re at the Market, swing by Fulton farms as THIS IS FULTON FARMS LAST APPEARANCE FOR THE SUMMER AT THE MARKET! WE WILL HAVE LOTS OF GREAT PEACHES! COME STOCK UP ON THESE DELICIOUS PEACHES, AND MORE!! SEE YOU FRIDAY! CHEERS!

Nuremburg 2.0 (science is real)

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Despite all those ‘science is real’ yard signs all over Oregon, the science of epidemiology is still being intentionally ignored by Oregonians for political purposes. Or maybe those signs are for virtue-signaling only?

Whatever the case, Oregonians are dying in higher numbers than Swedes because Oregonians are not following the science. Super ironic. Kind of funny.

And here is yet another study showing that lockdowns and masks don’t work.

Ye, yet another study for Oregonian’s deaf, anti-science ears:

The low-level everyday authoritarian tyrants in schools, county admin buildings, and Wal-Mart$ are once again more than willing to do the bidding of the trillion-dollar medical fascists.

The CDC is essentially a drug company. They own patents. They are corrupt as it gets.

Big Tech and Big Pharma and Oregon’s Governor, Kotek this time around, are once again gearing up to shut-down our small businesses, close our schools, close our state parks, close our beaches, close our boat launches and close the parking lots of our favorite hiking trails.

And they are once again coming for our children.

Will you stand up for yourself this time?

Our local leaders are sheep pretending to be wolves. They WILL NOT help you. Tillamook County politicians will not help our children; democrat or republican. They’ve already laid down like a bunch of beat-down pansies and let Fauci and Biden and Trump and Gates abuse our children.

Yamamoto and company, the elderly heads of teachers unions, the school board cowards, should all be in jail for child abuse, from their cowardice and witnessing the crimes against our children, the abuse, and doing nothing about it last time around. They are absolute cowards in the face of this medical tyranny.

The worst Nazis were the doctors. Make no mistake about that fact.

It’s time for Nuremberg 2.0.


Before they screw our kids over even more.

Bye, Bye, Brad!

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Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Bye, Bye, Brad!

At the end of the last council meeting, Councilor Mayerle announced that he and his wife bought a new home in another town, and he was resigning as of last Friday because he would no longer be a resident of Manzanita.

He alluded to the private and seemingly secret sale of the mayor’s home on Treasure Cove a few weeks ago. Some people hearing his remarks were confused because the mayor has yet to make a public statement about the sale of her home and the removal of her full-time residence from Manzanita to Wilsonville. It’s unclear what her plans are, where she’s living now or how much time she’s now spending in Manzanita, and I won’t speculate.

Issues of transparency aside, many people in town are sensitive about residency issues since the 2020 election when some people in town were accused of voter fraud by other people in town. Yikes. In fact, the mayor’s husband contacted the State’s election division about residency requirements for voters in 2022.

At the end of the last meeting Mayerle read this passage from the Charter:

Section 32. What Creates Vacancy. An office shall be deemed vacant upon the incumbent’s death, incompetence, conviction of a felony, resignation, removal of residency from the City, ceasing to possess the qualifications for office or absent from the City for thirty days without the consent of the Council…

The wording is interesting. It’s the action by a councilor or mayor that creates the vacancy. The action might be intentional, like moving or resigning or unintentional, like death or incompetence or some kind of hybrid, like being convicted of a felony, but regardless of how it happens, the office is vacant when an action by a councilor or mayor precipitates it.

When you’re a public official some things are no longer just your private business because they determine your ability to govern. Where you live and for how long are a couple of those things.

Kim Rosenberg

Chance Encounters as the Walls Close In…

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By Edward Curtin
Global Research, September 12, 2023

“A treasure stumbled upon, suddenly; not gradually accumulated, by adding one to one. The accumulation of learning, ‘adding to the sum-total of human knowledge’; lay that burden down, that baggage, that impediment. Take nothing for your journey; travel light.” – Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

These are “heavy” times, colloquially speaking.

Forebodings everywhere.

Everything broken.

People on edge, nervous, filled with anxiety about they know not what since it seems to be everything.

The economy, politics, elections, endless propaganda, the war in Ukraine, censorship, the environment, nuclear war, Covid/vaccines, a massive world-wide collapse, the death of democratic possibilities, the loss of all innocence as a very weird and dangerous future creeps upon us, etc.

Only the most anesthetized don’t feel it.

The anxiety has increased even as access to staggering amounts of knowledge – and falsehoods – has become available with the click of a button into the digital encyclopedia.

The CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program has gone digital.

The more information, the more insubstantial the world seems, but it is not an insubstantiality that connects to hope or faith but to despair.

Across the world people are holding their breath. What’s next?

Club Manzanita, A Case Study

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How Public Records requests get processed in Manzanita.

Case A. Request by Deb Tinnin for 5 years of emails between myself and our current Mayor and Council, past Councils and the City Attorney. She emphasized that she would like this request filled “as soon as possible”.
City Response: The City Manager sends the Council a notice that “Your immediate attention is needed!” and you have a little more than 48 hours to comply with Ms. Tinnin’s request.
City Attorney Review: 478 pages submitted to Ms. Tinnin with NO City Attorney charges for review.

Results: In the City’s haste to comply with this request, non public information of a citizen is released and disclosed on the internet for all to see. No acknowledgment of this error or public apology is given.

Case B. Request by myself for the City Manager’s current monthly salary and benefit costs.
City Response: I’m initially told that the City does not have that information and am reminded that the City has 15 business days to respond to a public records request. After I suggest to staff where this information can be found, the City acknowledges that it does indeed have the information.
City Attorney Review: My one page document containing this public information will require City Attorney review and I will be charged $329.37 before I can receive it.

I made this exact same Public Records request to Cannon Beach and received all of the information requested within 48 hours. No excuses that they did not have the information, no reminder that there is no urgency on their part to fill a public records request, no City attorney review, no City Attorney charges, in fact no fees of any kind.

This is an example of how Club Manzanita operates. Members in good standing get VIP treatment, non members in essence get told to take a number, get your checkbook out and we’ll get back to you.

The right to equal treatment and to not be singled out due to asking questions or making public observations as to how its local government conducts itself is a foundational right of every citizen. Councilor Kozlowski claims that asking such questions amounts to “harassment and intimidation”. Unnecessary obstacles to the release of public records becomes acceptable and the City Manager advises the Council that individuals who exercise their rights should be “discouraged and even ignored if necessary”.

The advantages of Club membership are obvious. Members first get Committee appointments and when the occasion arises, selection to fill vacant Council seats. Looks like the Council will soon be appointing another citizen to fill a vacant Council seat. If this trend continues, Manzanita may soon have a Council the majority of which were not elected to office and all seem to be Members in good standing. Something to think about.

Randy Kugler

Save the Music

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Neakanie School district is eliminating music for the the 6th. Grade in Garibaldi. The school district purports to stand for a “First Class Education For Everyone” . To my mind, an education without music is a second class education. Go to the school board meeting tonite (6PM, 9/11/23) or e-mail the superintendent at to let your feeling be known if you think music should always be an integral part of a “first class education.

Never Forget WTC builing 7

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One of the Nehalem area’s greatest assets are the Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue First Responders. I’ve had occasion to call them twice for individuals in medical distress, and these responders are top of the line; it doesn’t get any better.

We are very lucky to have them. I do have an issue with the new fire truck though.

Three World Trade Center buildings were blown-up and collapsed into their own footprint on September 11th, 2001. But only two WTC buildings, numbers One and Two, the tallest two, are depicted on the sides of Nehalem’s new fire truck.

WTC Building 7 was 47-stories tall, about half the size of the 110-story WTC buildings 1 and 2. It would fit quite nicely on the door I think, next to the other two buildings that were blown by criminal elements in the Israeli, Saudi Arabian, and American governments.

This ‘false flag’ (Osama did it!) was done to justify the destruction (make money killing them and stealing their oil) of Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran. Only Syria and Iran have avoided being attacked by the United States (so far) after the false flag attack in NYC that day, which saw the Bush Crime Family blaming Osama Bin Laden for their 9/11 operation.

Brilliant nomenclature: 911. No other three numbers strike such a chord in Americans hearts.

Anyway, the side of the new fire truck is missing a building, yes.

In the second link below, one can hear NYC First Responders discussing the demolition of building 7, and you can hear the explosions yourself.

And you can hear the owner, Larry Silverstein, claim that they decided to blow up Building 7 that day (pull it) in order to save firefighters’ lives. (They killed how many firefighters in buildings One and Two? As if he cares about a few more. Larry Silverstein had just bought the WTC complex btw, and he is a Zionist Jew and was very much interested in destroying Muslim countries and stealing their oil.)

Obviously, it takes more than a few hours (about two weeks actually) to rig a building of that size for demolition. Larry here suggests they rigged it in one afternoon! The truth is Mossad agents rigged the buildings with explosives, they were given that job. Ain’t telling you how I know that.

But I will tell you that nobody involved in 9/11 (about 200 individuals or so) cares that I am writing this. They blew up a 47-story building on live tv at 530 PM on a Monday in lower Manhattan and nobody even remembers it happened! (Mission accomplished)

I went in WTC Building One as a kid, but only to the unimpressive 14th floor.

I did witness Building 7 blow up on live tv, which is why I probably keep harping on it. I saw it blow up LIVE. You didn’t, because you turned off the television before 5:30 PM that Monday, like so many other Americans. But I kept watching. It’s kind of f*cked witnessing such a crime and then watching a nation totally unaware that it even occurred. I bet it makes Dubya laugh tho.

(My theory is the THIRD PLANE was supposed to hit the THIRD BUILDING, but it was forced down by passengers over Pennsylvania. So they had to blow up Bldg 7 without the plane-hit cover. Just my theory, ain’t heard nobody else posit such.

I’m guessing our friends in ‘intelligence’ have totally scrubbed the video of Dan Rather and Bldg 7 that day, but I watched Dan on CBS look really confused, wondering why his producer had cut to a shot of WTC building 7 which only had a small fire on a 30th floor. Then me and Dan Rather watched the f*ucking building blow up on live tv. (You can see video of the controlled demolition in link #2).

If you recall, Dan Rather came out against attacking Iraq (a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 – younger generations don’t know that), and he was promptly fired by Westinghouse-owned (weapons systems) CBS News.

It’s important to remember history, to remember building 7, to put a picture of it on Nehalem’s fire trucks. Building 7 isn’t on any fire trucks that I’ve ever seen. Why is that? It wasn’t big enough?

Can we put a rendition of WTC Building 7 on Nehalem’s new fire truck? That would be a grand gesture to the NYC First Responders who witnessed that part of the attack on the American people.


It’s important to remember WTC 7 because when we forget things like WTC Building 7, we get Covid1984, and more and more lies that can lead to things like WW3 with Russia.

It’s too late to stop Covid1984 and war with Russia tho.

But maybe we can stop them from closing our schools again and masking our children during Gates’ upcoming ‘pandemic number 2’.

School closures and masks are great for fascists, but bad for children:

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Ben Killen Rosenberg
September 2023

Manzanita Public Library
571 Laneda Ave
Manzanita, OR 97130
503 368 6665

Monday-Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday closed
Closed daily for lunch 1-1:30pm

16 combines – Monotypes/collage/watercolor/monoprint/drawings
All works are archival mounted on primed wood panels
Exhibit continues in
• Children’s room
• Hoffman Room
• Computer Area
•. Reading Area
50% of all sales goes to Manzanita Public Library
To purchase work, questions, or tell me a joke
Please contact Ben Rosenberg 503 939 4757
Instagram @flipbunny


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I have no idea how many people are in our BBQ community on the average. Anybody?

I wonder how many are in a book club?

I wonder how many regularly read the NY Times, the Post, Wall St. Journal, New Yorker, Christian Science Monitor, Time Magazine or any of the others pillars of mainstream journalism, and if so would you ever find such a comprehensive and well written piece as the one linked below?

How about any book clubbers out there read the article as an assignment and respond to me? I will give it a week and then post, with permissions and anonymous if requested, those collected responses here.

Just curious as we approach such a pivotal date in our worlds history.

Buster Special

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APM is happy to announce:
Free Moss treatment with every Gutter Cleaning service.
Now is the time to service gutters and downspouts.
We also offer Moss removal services
Will beat all competition prices. Mention “BUSTER SPECIAL”
Call or message for a free Instant bid 503.812.0560


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Hi Chuck and Barb

I have repeatedly put an ad together and sent it into bbq for my 1 bedroom apt. for rent.

3 times now BBQ has sent me a message saying there is something unsafe in this website…code 403. Whatever the fudge-aroony- that is.

Will you please let me know if you have – received my post?

I would call you guys but don’t seem to have your number.
Your pal,
Maranne (Laszlo) in Wheeler

Your voice your vote matters

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Do you support Senator Suzanne Weber and other Republican senators’ petition to be allowed to serve again despite having exceeded ten unexcused absences during their walkout and violating Measure 113?

Please click the link to cast your vote:

Your voice, your vote matters!

Manzanita Farmer’s market September 8! Fulton Farms will be there with excellent “Angelus” peaches!

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Fulton Family Farms will be at the Manzanita Farmers Market (Underhill Plaza) this Friday, September 8th… market runs 4 to 7, and you don’t want to miss this one! We will have available excellent “Angelus” peaches — this variety is amazing! Best flavor, great size, absolutely awesome peaches. AND… long-term weather forecasts don’t look good — this may be your last chance to take home some of our peaches!


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Co2 in simple graphics.

Just saying, do not confuse Co2 with pollution.
Reasons for pollution range from vested interests in outdated means of energy production i.e., coal, oil, wood, wind, solar panels, hydro, unstable nuclear, to poor regulations, political gamesmanship, waging wars and denying equal shares in the global village, none of which will alter climate the least of which is Co2. Be very wary of any policies rammed through legislatures to ‘combat’ global warming.

Singing to heal, nurture, open the way…

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Singing to heal, nurture, open the way…
Newly forming chapter of Threshold Choir (

We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.

Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.

For more information:
Text/call: 503-440-7861

We currently gather (in person) once per month on 2nd Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm to practice giving/receiving healing through song, learning from the Threshold Choir Repertoire (in both English and Spanish).

For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community *Song Circle*, they begin at 7pm, and all are welcome.

Let us Sing!
2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon

*The Song Circle is not the same as the St. Catherine’s Church Choir

The US is Becoming a Third World Country?

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This article was written in 2019

USA: Most Citizens in 3rd World Conditions
By:Yossarian Johnson, The Intellectualist 30 January 2019

A study by an MIT economist shows that the United States of America has regressed materially to a third-world nation for most of its citizens.

America divided: This concept increasingly graces political discourse in the U.S., pitting left against right, conservative thought against the liberal agenda. But for decades, [U.S.] Americans have been rearranging along another divide, one just as stark if not far more significant—a chasm once bridged by a flourishing middle class.

Peter Temin, Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT, believes the ongoing death of “middle America” has sparked the emergence of two countries within one, the hallmark of developing nations.

In his new book, The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy, Temin paints a bleak picture where one country has a bounty of resources and power, and the other toils day after day with minimal access to the long-coveted “American dream.”

In his view, the United States is shifting toward an economic and political makeup more similar to developing nations than the wealthy, economically stable nation it has long been.

Temin applied W. Arthur Lewis’s economic model, designed to understand the workings of developing countries, to the United States in an effort to document how inequality has grown in [U.S.] America.

The parallels are unsettling. As noted by the Institute for New Economic Thinking: In the Lewis model of a dual economy, much of the low-wage sector has little influence over public policy. The high-income sector will keep wages down in the other sector to provide cheap labor for its businesses. Social control is used to keep the low-wage sector from challenging the policies favored by the high-income sector.

The primary goal of the richest members of the high-income sector is to lower taxes. Social and economic mobility is low.

Temin describes multiple contributing factors in the nation’s arrival at this place, from exchanging the War on Poverty for the War on Drugs to money in politics and systemic racism. He outlines the ways in which racial prejudice continues to lurk below the surface, allowing politicians to appeal to the age old “desire to preserve the inferior status of Blacks,” encouraging white low-wage workers to accept their lesser place in society.

“We have a structure that predetermines winners and losers. We are not getting the benefits of all the people who could contribute to the growth of the economy, to advances in medicine or science which could improve the quality of life for everyone, including some of the rich people,” he laments.

The antidote, as prescribed by Temin, is likely a tough sell in today’s political climate.

Expanding education, updating infrastructure, forgiving mortgage and student loan debt, and overall working to boost social mobility for all [U.S.] Americans are bound to be seen as too liberal by many policy makers.

Want to learn Video, Audio Editing and or 3D Animation?

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Hello. My name is Drew Reid and I am a long time local and a videographer/3D animator. I am offering one on one instruction for folks interested in utilizing PC based programs to create professional quality videos for pleasure and profit.
My background includes 18 years in the field of Forensic Animation, creating over 90 short videos of local news and local natural wonders, 3 short films and 3 sci-fi animation web series containing over 60 episodes watched by well over 300K viewers.
I can teach you the basics of editing video clips and vocal/music tracks in order to tell a story or promote products and causes you care about. To facilitate these endeavors I can help provide you with free PC based video and audio editing software and free 3D/2D animation programs. One hour, relaxed instruction sessions can take place at your home or my office.
Cost is very reasonable and learning is at your pace and comfort level. Please drop me a line for further information.
Also, if you would like to have video productions created for your business, organization or personal projects, I can provide you with professional quality service at a fair and reasonable cost.
Thank you for your time and consideration, Drew Reid.

Sweden: A success story

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This post is especially for Governor Kotek and her staff, the Director of the Oregon Health Authority Dave Baden and his staff, the Tillamook County Commissioners (specifically Mary Faith Bell) and the Neahkahnie School Board (specifically Melissa Bayouth).

The people of Oregon suffered enough last time authoritarian narcissist politicians tried to lock us in our houses and shut our schools and businesses.

More Oregonians died from covid due to Governor Brown’s lockdown than if we were not locked down.

A better solution was simple: tell folks to go outside and be healthy.

She and the Oregon Health Authority killed people by telling them to stay inside. More children got hooked on drugs; more children committed suicide from the fascistic anti-science science lockdowns from the OHA and Governor Brown than if they hadn’t locked them in their houses. That is a crime.

Instead of making children’s lives hell, the governor should have simply told them to go outside and play.

Take heed those listed above!



And now you know about Sweden. I will assume this is news to most of Oregon’s narcissist politicians: THE SCIENCE IS IN, LOCKDOWNS DON’T WORK.





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Oh my! That’s some fine picnic Chung & Juday & family put on for the community! Good food, good music, and a shot in the arm for our North County Food Bank. Thanks to all the volunteers. Did you know the Food Bank also has a clothing bank right next door? With the changing of the seasons, I am sure they are looking for some warmer clothing, jackets, socks, coats, and blankets. Now, don’t forget Tuesday is $5 flower day on the tables next to the Deli. Flowers by the Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) will be there by 9 AM on Tuesday morning.

Beginning on Wednesday, September 6th, Friends of NCRD will have a table set up in the lobby of NCRD, next to the Welcome Center, selling their fall planted/spring blooming bulbs. Friends is featuring nine unusual types of alliums, from exceptionally large to somewhat small. You will also see crocus, snake’s head and hyacinth for sale. We have pictures of what these bulb flowers will look like when they come up in the spring. At this time Friends is taking cash or checks for the bulbs-which will be delivered about mid-October. Friends also have amaryllis and paper whites coming about mid-November. You can see pictures of these flowers too. All the above bulbs will come with planting and growing instructions. To get a sneak peek of all the flowers via email contact Gail at or call her at 503-830-3759 and she will get you a booklet. Or you can also call Patty, 503-368-6081, and leave a message. Thanks for supporting Friends of NCRD.

Event 201 and masks on in NY

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A very good film starts after Brian’s introduction, about 6 minutes in. (Link at end)

First, the filmmaker sheds light on EVENT 201, which saw Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates war-game A GLOBAL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK at Johns Hopkins.

The thing is…


This is NOT a conspiracy theory: Event 201 very much happened at Johns Hopkins. The people (actors) in the video actually said the things you see and hear them saying.

Can you honestly tell yourself this is all a coincidence?

Event 201 was essentially a business plan from medical tyrant/billionaire Bill Gates and Nazi/communist on steroids Klaus Schwab. The folks who ran ‘the seminar’ helped transfer a trillion dollars of taxpayer dollars to the richest folks on the planet, while scaring and vaxxing the world (not Africa) and shutting down the global economy (carbon-cutting experiment – cut 8%) for a spell.

This is much like the Vietnam War (and every American war of late), which was planned and pre-packaged for Nixon. Kennedy won the election instead, a surprise victory (stole the election actually) and he didn’t want the war, so they killed him and LBJ who was party to the assassination immediately escalated the war in Vietnam.

“Covid1984” and NATO’s war with Russia were pre-packaged for Hillary Clinton. I told every one of my friends that if Biden gets elected, he will gladly start a war with Russia for the war pigs, the war Donald stopped, the war that was supposed to make Hillary a war hero. That’s why Donald Trump is being destroyed: he didn’t want war with Russia. He did go along for the shutdown and the mRNA scam. He is a narcissist asshole for sure. But Donald Trump does not want the United States to go to war with Russia. Biden and the Democrats (not RFK, Jr.) clearly want war with Russia. I’ll vote Trump over Biden any day.

Back to Vietnam: Errol Morris’ film the Fog of War shows how former Ford Motor Co. CEO Robert McNAmara pre-planned the Vietnam War. He essentially made a business plan: He war-gamed the war much like Bill Gates war-gamed the release of the of the lab-engineered SARS-CoV-2, which itself was designed to get the world to get hooked on Big Techs mRNA-tech for life. Surveillance, the World Economic Forum tells us, is ‘about to go under the skin’, and our ’notion of free will is over’.

Listen to what those ‘global leaders’ are saying and discussing in the film below, FIVE MONTHS BEFORE THE PANDEMIC, FIVE MONTHS BEFORE THEY STARTED RELEASING VIRUSES FROM THE WUHAN LAB.

Their words all sound eerily familiar don’t they, because those are the very words ACTUAL GLOBAL LEADERS would be saying five months after this ‘seminar’! The tweets from rappers and rock stars? All pre-planned.

They (Klaus and Bill) war-gamed the entire pandemic that weekend. (But you never heard about it you say? Well, you never heard about WTC Building 7 either did you? The 57-story steel-structure which blew up on live television at 530 PM in lower Manhattan on a Monday in September, then collapsed entirely into its own footprint. Because it was BLOWN UP via controlled demolition.). Fine if you want to come up with a different, benevolent reason Klaus and Bill decided to war-game a global coronavirus outbreak (they want to help us! Uh huh…) five months before an actual global coronavirus outbreak, but ‘the seminar’ happened.

Here is something eerily familiar, and I will say I told ya so (headlines only):


It won’t be the same this time, but they ain’t done milking the covid teet.

And just as many of us start to wake up to what happened last time around, expect “Putin” to be boogey-man front and center, as American boots hit the ground in Ukraine and Russia this year.

So yeah, add war to the mix this time around. Maybe a nuke will knock out our grid for 30 days? Maybe an energy weapon hits the San Andreas and we get a tsunami? Maybe ‘Russian hackers’ AKA the CIA, will knock out the power grid and the internet, causing massive starvation and suffering as folks’ smart phones won’t work. These are things more worthy of civics planning than the threat of a 500-year avg. natural tsunami event.

Whatever they (war pigs/Gates/Schwab) do next will likely be related to World War Woke which was started by NATO and is being fought against the people of Ukraine, against logic, against reason, against peace, against us…

But the pandemic stuff is coming back, make no mistake about it.

Here is RFK Jr talking about Event 201, the ’seminar’ which was run by a former Deputy Director of the CIA! A former advocate of torturing prisoners at Guantanamo!:

And here is how it was planned first time around.

Again, fast forward to 5 minutes for the Event 201 stuff.

Also in the film is Dr. Judy Mankovitz (sp) who worked with Fauci when he was murdering gays with AIDS drugs. At that time, she said, one of narcissist creep Fauci’s goals was to be on Johnny Carson. He did a lot better than Johnny in the end, didn’t he?

(There is a reason Fauci is in the witness protection program)

And for the heck of it, here are 30 studies showing masks don’t work. Again, if you’re sick, please stay home:

List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19