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Dear community members,

Please join me in supporting the NCRD by voting yes for the renewal of the current five year option tax for General Operations. This is not a new tax; it is a renewal of what the community has already supported at the polls in the past. The NCRD is key for recreation in our small, rural community!

As Nehalem Elementary School’s principal, I see again and again how much my students and families receive from the NCRD. Our school swim program, the after school, non-school day and summer child care program, the camps and other activities …. all that supports students and their families.

As a parent, I have used the NCRD for my own children’s camps, swim lessons, Family Swim Nights, Friday Swim Nights, child care and swim team. We took family music classes and family yoga classes years ago when my children were toddlers. My own children and my whole family are better off because we have the NCRD in our community for recreational activities. We have spent many fun evenings and days there.

As a community member, I belong to the NCRD as a fitness member. I’ve taken spin and other fitness classes, worked out at the fitness center, worked with a personal trainer from NCRD, swam in the pool, and enjoyed yoga classes for years. My favorite yearly 5k race was Manzanita Beach Run back in the good old days! People came from all over to run that event! Even our local grade 4/5 girls’ running club, the S.H.E. Warriors, ran that as our first 5k!

What would our community look like without these resources for our local folks? My own family used the NCRD so much when my kids were younger. I hate the idea of not having all these ways for young families to be together and play together and get to know other parents and families. The NCRD brings people together, and gives them safe, fun, healthy activities to participate in. Families make memories there.

Please show your support for the NCRD with a YES vote. Our kids and families deserve to have the same programs that have been around for all of us for years. This is a YES vote to support children and families in our local community.

Thank you!


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Hi North Coast Citizens,


What we are voting for:
Day care for kids, upkeep for Rex champ ball field, our pickle ball courts, our Performing Arts Center, our Fitness Center, the Aquatics Program for kids and seniors (NOT for the new pool construction), and the space for a multitude of other activities and services. A misconception is that a yes vote will increase taxes, it will not! The tax rate remains the same. The tax rate is exactly what it was 5, 10 and 15 years ago.

Yes is a vote for all of the above and operational costs!


Michelle Vinciguerra
Nehalem Resident

Netanyahu let Hamas attackt Kibbutz communities

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From Politico:

“Survivors of kibbutz attack turn their ire on Netanyahu.” “A massive security failure and antagonism toward Palestinians means many Israelis think Netanyahu has to answer for Hamas’ attack.”

This is incorrect. As I suspected and wrote on BBQ the day after the attack, the corrupt Zionists around Netanyahu let this attack from Hamas happen on purpose. They got rid of the border security (arguably the best in the world) AND let Hamas run amuck butchering and raping and murdering Kibbutz communities for hours before they sent in the IDF. (My guess is Kibbutz folks are generally peaceful and anti-Netanyahu).

The woman interviewed here is a former Israeli Intelligence official who was once stationed on the Israeli border. The interviewer is a Portland resident and former Evergreen College Prof.

Think of Netanyahu as Israel’s Dick Cheney.

Harvard grad Netanyahu did not ‘fail the Kibbutz communities’, he let Hamas butcher them for hours:

Another YES Vote

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Hello Community,
Full disclosure here, I am invested in NCRD.

For 42 years, I have served or participated as a volunteer, instructor, and member. During the 70’s, I enjoyed lap swimming, teaching aqua aerobics and life guarding. In the 80’s I was one of the first volunteers for the newly formed Nehalem Bay Center gym. I was on the 20-year Vision Plan Committee in the 90’s and am currently on the budget committee. Throughout, I have participated in children’s events, gym, yoga and fitness classes – so many fitness classes.

This gives me the unique perspective of someone who has been involved in some capacity for an extended period. I have seen the facility go through many changes, from under the direction of the school district to TBCC and the Nehalem Bay Center and finally the organization we have today. I’ve witnessed the ups concerning our facility and feared the downs for our community.

In recent years, I’ve been impressed with the board’s determination and ability to show growth. Along with this growth comes rising costs. Yet despite rising costs, the tax levy on the November ballot does not ask for an increase in operational tax but remains as it was some15 years ago!

I’d like to address the cut back on the elementary school swim program. It’s true the school district has cut back its swim program for this year. That doesn’t mean the cut back will continue into next year or the following years. I urge you to consider the whole picture, with an emphasis on the future.

A final note: Because I support the tax levy, does NOT mean I disregard others whose experiences have gone poorly. I have no doubt there have been some valid concerns over the years. With any organization, there are failings. We are human – humans are imperfect- we can learn from our mistakes. Do we strip down an organization valued and utilized by so many? No, we move forward, learn from those mistakes and rectify to the best of our ability.

Vote YES on the 5-year Optional Tax Levy for General Operations for NCRD.

Margie Neilson

Support NCRD Levy

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When my husband and I moved to Nehalem five years ago, one of the first places we visited in the community was the North County Recreation District. We stopped by to see what the NCRD was and received a tour of the building from a staff member. We were immediately impressed with both the history of NCRD and the comprehensive community offerings.

We have a special community here, and NCRD is a big part of that. NCRD offers beneficial programs for the entire spectrum of life from preschool classes for the young to swim lessons for school children, fitness programs for all ages and community-building activities for seniors. All contributing to the overall quality of life for North County people.

Please join me in supporting the NCRD five-year levy on the November ballot. Help preserve this valued community resource. Vote yes for NCRD.

Janet Paulson



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To the North Tillamook County community,

I am pleased to enthusiastically support renewal of the 5-year Optional Levy for General Operations of the North County Recreation District (NCRD) that will be on the November ballot.

NCRD is a vital part of our community providing a wide variety of programs for children, families and seniors including the Elementary School Swim Program, Aquatic/Therapy classes, a great Fitness Center with classes, Youth Sports and Camps, many Adult Activities, Childcare and a terrific Performing Arts Center. The Operational Levy supports continuing all of these efforts and more.

Our community is fortunate to have a great school system, highly effective fire and rescue services, quality water and sewer infrastructure and a health district committed to better local health and senior care. NCRD, like all these other community assets, depends upon volunteers and voters to continue to operate and enhance the quality of life on the north coast.

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to vote an enthusiastic YES for NCRD in November.


Marc C. Johnson

Your Local Pet Sitter update!

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I haven’t posted in awhile.

I’m still here for your Dog Walking and Cat Sitting needs. I am out there when even your Dog doesn’t want to go out. 🙂

As you know, my visits include the best in professional, customized pet care.

I am now booked for Overnight Pet Care for 2023.

I AM available for Dog Walks and Cat Sitting visits.
About me:

Insured with Pet Sitter’s Associates
Member of Pet Sitter’s International
Portland Pet Sitter since 1987
Member of “Pick of the Litter” Pet Sitters since 2005
Member of “PDX Pet Sitters” since 2016
some Vet Tech experience: shots , fluids and meds.
Trained in Pet First Aid and CPR
up to date class in “Emergency Pet Disaster Preparedness”
ongoing continuing education in dog training and feline behavior

the list is unfinished~~~ 🙂

My high level of service and care for your pets will not change.
I truly appreciate working with you and your loved ones.
Ginger Matyas

Furnished 2BR/1BA+Lounge (No Deposit to Move In)

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The space is available starting November 5th.
Month-to-Month; 30-day minimum

Things to note:

》No move-in rental deposit
》$1300/mo + monthly $100 cleaning fee.
》Pets? Additional monthly $100 carpet cleaning fee
》Utils, wifi, tv streaming, Cont. Breakfast, and weekly Burger Nite all included.
》Owners live in west end of home (older couple with small, well behaved dog)
》East End – You have fully furnished 2BR/1BA + Lounge with TV, Dining Table, Coffee Station and Mini Fridge
》Your lounge is yours but semi-private (privacy screen between lounge and main dining/kitchen is not sound proof)
》Family style amosphere with good communication and respect of privacy
》No laundry onsite (nearest laundromat is Rockaway)
》No smoking
》Monthly E-Check-Out, allow cleaners access, and E-Check-In every 30 days (you are not a renter – you are a boarder)

Below is the link to the FF post (photo captions explain what is shared/private).

Next steps:

1}You review all ammenities/rules posted on FF (photo caption describe shared and private spaces)
2}You submit request on FF
3}I initiate Screening via KeyCheck ($40)
4}You complete screening process
5}I approve and email you the roommate agreement
6}You sign
7}You pay – Payment Options:Credit Card via KeyCheck (plus 5% credit vard fee) or PayPal or Venmo
8}You move in

Plant now for a Colorful Spring!

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Planting bulbs for a colorful Spring!

Allium bulbs are nothing but spectacular. Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) ordered them because so many gardeners here in Tillamook County have spectacular gardens. Friends of NCRD’s selection includes bulbs producing 4–8-inch orbs. The colors include purple, white, lilac-pink, and yellow. These relatives of onions bloom in late spring and need sun and good drainage. We guarantee a large bulb size on these bulbs and all the bulbs we sell. Email to get a copy of our bulb catalog to be sent to your computer.
Our daffodil selection this year includes the most widely grown of the yellow trumpets Dutch Master. Friends have added the 1930’s Mount Hood to their daffodil selection. It is the most widely grown all-white daffodil. And don’t forget to look at the Delnashaugh, Precocious, and Jacqueline daffodils we have ordered. Again, email to see our full color catalog.
Friends are running low on Amaryllis. These bulbs are planted indoors and bear huge flowers in the depth of winter. At this point we have Double Dream, Candy Cane, and Silver Dream available. And of course, a favorite of many, the Nir Paperwhite is still available.
Friends of the North County Recreation District raise funds to promote and support NCRD by raising funds for scholarships, programs, and projects. Friends just finished their summer flower bouquet sales and, in the spring, Friends will be selling dahlia tubers. We thank our community for supporting Friends of NCRD. Remember to email to receive a bulb catalog. Friends is a 501(c)(3) organization. Or call me, Patty, 503-368-6081. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.

Cannabis fights SARS/stop the war rally

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Made you look! Of course there is no ‘stop the war’ rally! We’re in Big War Biden territory!

But the Ukraine ‘aid’ (gee thanks for all that!) is ‘kind of coming to an end’ says the war pig Kirby. What a dirt bag. We spent 110 billion dollars helping the WEF turn Ukraine into rubble. Nice to see it all worked out so nicely for the war machine. Great job Biden!

But guess what? Russia is fighting back! On behalf of a globalist think tank and the military-industrial-complex, Russia has overthrown the government of Canada! Furthermore, they have put bioweapons labs in Quebec and Ontario! And down there in Tijuana, Russia has staged missiles that can hit Washington D.C. in seven minutes!

Since most folks have no clue why Russia invaded Ukraine, the above is what we did to Russia: Tijuana = Poland, Canada = Ukraine, Russia = Democrat fascists currently running Amerikkka.

Let’s say the Dems didn’t send 110 billion to kill the Russians they baited into Ukraine, what woulda happened? Putin would have slapped around that treasonous bitch Zelensky a bit, kicked some Nazi ass in the Dunbass, and that would have been the end of it. Ukraine would still be standing.

But no, America had to destroy Ukraine and make 110 billion dollars doing so. (And now the Democrat war machine is going to ‘pivot’ to the Middle East. Great job Biden. If only Trump had been allowed to serve the term he was elected to serve.)

Here (link below) is the ONLY consistently anti-war senator, Rand Paul trying to stop yet another war. Wyden and that other loser could care less about murdering Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, whomever. Just make sure your constituents know that you are fighting for equity and inclusiveness in the bombings! Wyden is a useless big tech big war robot; just look at his plastic surgery and fake hair. (He might not even be real???). Furthermore, he has the integrity of Lyndsie Graham, aka the ‘First Lady of Congress’ as he is known, cuz, when he isn’t pretending to be a Christian or calling for America to murder Iranians and get World War Three into full swing, he’s screwing his young male staffers.

But the Dems love Lyndsie Graham these days; he’ll bomb whomever they want. (And bonus, he’s gay!)

Again, Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate that can stop World War Three from expanding. Why do you think the globalist war pigs and the World War Woke Democrats want to throw him in jail? Why do you think Hitlery Clinton paid for a fake intel report saying Russian hookers peed on Trump? (The answer: so she could get elected and kill Russians.)

If I’m wrong and the hooker thing did happen, then she’s just jealous. 😉

Do you seriously think mass-murdering anti-American anti-freedom war scum like Hitlery are concerned about Trump’s ‘fraud’? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Dems so dumb; sorry but it’s truer than ever. Enjoy your BIG BIG WAR if Orange Man gets jail instead of the Presidency.

Tucker Carlson (unlike any dems I’ve seen) became aggressively anti-war and anti-‘covid’ vax once he learned the truth. I wonder why he got fired from Fox? Maybe war pig Rachel Maddow knows; she’s still working.

And don’t forget to stay healthy if you shot the ‘vax’ Biden and the WEF scared you into putting into your veins. Four-million vax injuries and counting…

Spike proteins never sleep:

And on a somewhat lighter note, stoners get less covid! Woot woot! Gotta take the good news where I can get it!

Well, the above is not exactly true, only if all else is equal: cannabis has anti-viral properties!!!!!

Take a toke! Don’t vax and stroke!

I would rather than be excluded for those I include than included for those I exclude

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Community, I absolutely respect and value all the personal experiences shared. I relate to each and every one as they were also my experiences.

Please know, for 13 years I was you, and more! I helped raise over $100,000 with Friends for the NCRD. I barked during intermissions for donations, I was involved and partnered with Lucy with 2 PAC’s in ‘09 & ‘15. I’ve written letters of support, I’ve passed out buttons, I’ve walked the talk, I WAS YOU!

BUT, once you hear, you CAN NOT unhear, once you see, you CAN NOT unsee….

The difference now is I am ashamed and embarrassed for the almost boasting of my experiences, especially seeing and hearing where those experiences are not available for all. AND our tax dollars perpetuate the inequities as the Board and ED are not willing to shift their context, creating the ability Hear and See what is right in front of their noses.

When I had my ears and eyes opened by the ‘others’ in our Communities who have had very, VERY different experiences than us, I knew I had to take action. We are the privileged as we can easily get onto the stage, the pickle-ball courts, we don’t need to sit down front in the PAC due to vision or hearing loss then not have the beautiful ADA bathrooms easily accessible to us. ‘They’ are also Member’s of our Communities and deserve to be seen, heard and valued with the same opportunities to experience all the NCRD has to offer!

The ACTION I am intending with my NO VOTE is to interrupt the long-standing context the Board and ED operate from. READ again (which was not disavowed by even one person): “Why are you poking your nose into this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’.” Once you hear, you can’t unhear.

If the NCRD is for ALL in the community, why haven’t committees been formed to look for stage access for those with mobility challenges in the PAC or wheelchair access to the Pickle-ball courts from the street? Or a committee to look at the replacement of recreation since dismantling the skate-ramp for our Tweens/teens?; Or a Community Advocacy Committee to demonstrate the Board gives a damn for the ‘Community’? Once you see, you can’t unsee.

I VOTE NO to financially supporting the NCRD with my tax dollars until the NCRD demonstrates a shift in their context of operations. I want to see a plan of Action demonstrating each and every person in the District is included, has accessibility and is being honored and valued.

Words are cheap, Action Speak! VOTE NO.


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A year or so back, Tucker Carlson apologized for his part in supporting America’s brutal invasion of Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. He had never seen footage of WTC building 7 and realized he had been given lies to report. He shouldn’t feel too bad though, Americans lined up in droves to go to murder people in Iraq because they believed those lies too.

When will so-called ‘liberals’ apologize for their part in starting World War Three? What started as ‘liberal’ blood-lust (Putin is a homophobe and he stopped Hillary from getting into the White House!) is now ubiquitous blood lust. World War Three is here.

Civics groups should be planning for World War, not a tsunami. I know tsunami prep is trendy, easy, and one doesn’t have to think about how they created the war threat themselves, simply by voting for Joe Biden. But we are now at war and IT WILL IMPACT OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES. Prep for that Democrats of Wokezanita, prep for the war your last two presidents started.

I think so-called liberals could care less about Ukrainians, they just want to bomb the homophobic Russians. And now the war baton has been handed to the GOP war pigs. (Git ‘em Tucker! Link below)

This war would never have happened if Trump was president. Trump remains the ONLY presidential candidate that can stop World War Three, this years-long effort of the Democrats to start World War Woke, from way back in 2014 when Obama and then VP girl-sniffing homicidal creep Joe Biden overthrew the democratically-elected government of Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson is the ONLY anti-war voice I can find, and it’s a powerful voice he’s got.

And there ain’t an anti-war ‘liberal’ to be found. Not one nowhere. Because there ain’t no actual liberals to be found anywhere anymore, just a bunch of mind-controlled woke droids, pro-war, pro-vax, pro-masking your kids at school for no scientific reason whatsoever.

So we got to watch the Democrats destroy Portland, and now we get to watch them destroy the rest of American and much of the world, as happens in war.

Unless brave and smart folks like Tucker Carlson start to stand-up against World War Woke:

(Tucker was also smart enough NOT to shoot Bill Gates’ m-RNA junk)

NCRD has brought value to my life

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There are so many compelling reasons to Vote YES for NCRD in November. The previously posted letters have outlined the many reasons why a Yes vote benefits the community.

I speak as a newcomer.

I first came to Nehalem on Memorial Day 2019 to shop at the Nehalem Bay United Methodist Granny’s Attic sale. I returned to go to a service in June. I was invited to lunch, met folks who were kind, welcoming and I began looking for ways to move out of the STR I had in Tillamook where I had been tutoring a young boy. I had been 12 months on the road, having a personal odyssey from my life in Maryland. I was tired, lost and literally without a home. I had been pet sitting and tutoring on Zoom. All I knew was that 28 years of being a wife, soccer mom, home owner and teacher in Maryland had ended.

The folks at NBUMC were quick to tell me about NCRD. I am sure it was Jane Knapp who told me to check it out. Next, Jennie Meyers invited me to a swim class she took in the morning. Before I knew it, I had found a yoga class on the schedule. I had been practicing yoga for about 10 years at that point. Actually, yoga and thrift sales were the only constants in my life before I landed in Nehalem.

The first yoga class I took was with Liz Carroll. She held an exceptionally wonderful class. Liz greeted me warmly and after I told her a quick version of why I was there, she offered to help me find a rental. It was her caring that kept me coming back.

I had practiced yoga in all the places I visited on my journey and not once had someone greeted me with such care and concern. To this day, attending Liz Carroll’s Restorative yoga class is a treat I give myself every week. When I took to the road again, in a travel trailer during COVID, I took her class on Zoom and did it on the single bed in my trailer!

I also love deep water swim, Tai Chi with Juli Stratton and Friday morning Gentle Yoga with Lucy Brook. Quite frankly I have never had one class at NCRD that wasn’t outstanding.

NCRD is more than a building or an organization. It is the place of employment of so many folks I have come to really enjoy seeing in action, like Kiley Konruff teaching a spin class before she sprints back to her job at the front office. It is also where I get to watch my talented neighbors perform in excellent community theater.

Will I vote yes? I will! I know the value it has brought to my life. I want to see it continue to be a place for recreation and connection for the entire community.

Janine Seadler
Nehalem resident


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Hello Community members!

I’m writing you today to share my wholehearted support for the NCRD’s November renewal of our 5 year operational levy!

I know first hand the impact the NCRD has had on our community. If anyone followed my campaign, you’d know I learned to swim at the pool, my children learned to swim in the pool. Now my children participate at the NCRD sponsored sports programs, my husband and I are fitness members and our youngest daughter is finishing out her last year at New Discoveries Preschool. To say the NCRD plays a big part in my family life would honestly be an understatement.

The NCRD provides countless programs for us, from much needed child care, to overall heath and wellness. Our beautiful theater offers us entertainment and resources for the arts! All offered at subsidized rates, with additional scholarships to anyone in need to fill in the gaps!

Voting YES for the NCRD 5-year levy will NOT increase taxes.

Voting YES gives critical funding for ongoing services and programs.

Voting YES does NOT fund the new pool.

5 years ago the levy passed with overwhelming strong support! 72.9% voted yes! We collectively created the NCRD and continue to support and grow in the spirit that first saved the pool!

Join me in voting YES for the NCRD

Warmest regards,
Erin Laskey-Wilson


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So, who am I who would dare to suggest, let alone promote a NO VOTE for the renewal of the 5year operational tax levy?

I am a past board member & President of Friends of NCRD; current President of the Nehalem Bay Garden Club; current Treasurer of White Clover Grange; outreach Director of Rainy Day Village, a Precinct Committee Person and a Neighborhood Leader. I am an active, engaged, supporter of our Villages and communities since moving here in 2007. I have been a voice for those unable to speak and for those who feel they have no voice.

I’ve also been a siren when curious numbers show up on documentation/budget sheets of NCRD. (1.7 million donated by community members since 2013? NO. The past (not) employed?-Finance Director’s income looking to have received over $100,000/yr? Why those questions/concerns have been met with such defensive anger is surprising to me, given the 2009 embezzlement case where ‘an audit report of NCRD brought to light the absence of approximately $9,300 from the budget. The missing monies were reimbursements made to Fletcher without appropriate documentation’. I would think the NCRD board and staff would appreciate all eyes on deck? NO.

Which brings me to last nights Board meeting. I will say I am impressed with Michael Howes, new board member. He asked direct questions, some obviously uncomfortable to staff and didn’t step over asking what was not clear. Thank you Michael, there is hope. Since attending almost every board meeting the last 3 years, I am encouraged for the first time!

And, I am confused. The Board minutes say TJ Fiorelli was hired as Asst. Executive Director, however TJ made it clear last night he has never been hired? Okay, then who rec’d the $11,338.00
expense for the Asst ED, shown in the budget for last month? And, wasn’t he given a contract for $7,000 dollars to raise 2+ million dollars for the no-pool pool? Where’s that money? Hmmmmm.

I believe the Board missed an opportunity last night to share what was created (if anything) in their ‘workshop’ last month. Given they absolutely know why I am promoting a NO VOTE, they could have addressed issues to show they give a damn about repairing or creating faith in the Communities, but no. The meeting barely lasted 30 minutes? Too bad…not even a conversation for committees being formed for stage accessibility; Pickle-ball accessibility; youth’s Skate-park; Citizen advocacy; nothing, as of yet….

VOTE NO, be a demand for ALL!

Live music at the Heritage Apple Festival Saturday!

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The Heritage Apple Harvest Festival is a celebration of the hard work put into discovering, documenting and securing historical knowledge from our valued neighbors and Octogenarians! With much appreciation for the $2600 grant funded by Tillamook County Cultural Coalition and the expertise of Travis Williams and others, we celebrate with you!

The event has moved indoors due to expected inclement weather so come on out to the White Clover Grange this Saturday from 1-4pm for the Heritage Apple Festival! BE dry, enjoy fresh pressed apple juice and a variety of apple tastings!
There will be activities for young people….

Easy listening to country rock and some Chuck originals by local band talent ‘Old Friends’, made up of Chuck Seggerman, Mark Wagner and son, Chris. We will also hear a few songs by our own Lucy Wild! Tips graciously appreciated…..

Come see the ongoing transformation of the Grange by local contractor Bublitz & Koch and crew with painter extraordinaire Randall Howington. We are grateful to the Tillamook County Visitors Association for the grant we received of $46,500, making this transformation possible!

We hope to see you Saturday, bring jars/containers if you’d like to take some cider home!

NCRD is about PEOPLE

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The Local Option Tax for NCRD is not about the pool, it is about PEOPLE!

It is about a community that puts the value and quality of people’s lives over the costs of ordinary things. It is above all about a community history of demonstrated commitment to enhance its children’s quality of life through providing opportunities for growth and learning that is available in few other communities. It is about providing a means for its older citizens to confront their twilight years in such a way that ensures the dignity of the individual and their ability to not be a burden to their family, friends or society by maintaining their health both physically and mentally. It is about the constructive and creative courses provided by the NCRD Staff and Volunteers who maintain stewardship in all our behalf.

It is also about setting an example for our children of how important it is for each succeeding generation to renew their commitment to their community by providing the means for all us to grow and prosper, not just as individuals but as an extended family who recognize and maintain their commitment to each other.

NCRD is mute but eloquent testimony as to who we are, what we believe in and what distinguishes us from others – our demonstrated commitment to each other. NCRD helps make us who we are.

I encourage you to vote YES for the NCRD Option Tax.

Jack Bloom
NCRD Board Member

Ending War: Forever in the Commons

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Forever in the Commons

“Until we disarm our hearts,
the war will never stop.”
Author Unknown

I have walked down many steps
into rooms where their harnesses
hung, motionless and deeply stained.
I will not forget these memorials
to slow torture, nor listen to the
repeating lies honoring the young
soldiers marketing their righteous
death. We have seen the endless
diaspora and still hear those voices,
voices that were lost, disappeared
for their simplicity and common
sense. Remembering, let us now
welcome all the ancient fears,
awakening to take on the radical
work, the difficult healing to abandon
hate. As this is done, a day will come
when we shall no longer run from
the roots of war, turning away
from what will always be true:
We can open our eyes and see.


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Below is a link to my anti-war film Targeting Iran.

I met the book’s author David Barsamian at the Hoffman Center years back, during his Targeting Iran book tour. We managed to make a film about it. I interviewed David in Chuck’s living room.

Israel at war: 400 Hamas fighters crossed the border unnoticed, and it’s being called a ‘colossal intelligence failure’. 9/11 was also called a ‘colossal intelligence failure’.

Bibi (a Yale? Harvard? grad, can’t recall) has long wanted to attack Iran, he has been in and out of power lately, near his end it seems, and he has now vowed to ‘transform the Middle East’. (Well, HE won’t be doing anything, but lots of soldiers and civilians will die as ‘he’ ‘transforms the Middle East.’

The New York Times, citing ‘anonymous sources’ tells us Iran backed the Hamas attack. Hamas says that isn’t true. It wouldn’t make sense to me that Iran would back this attack at this time. And I remember the New York Times and Judith Miller telling us that Iraq had acquired weapons of mass destruction, which was a Dick Cheney fake intel thing, him working with Italian intel, and total bullshit.

Colon Powell pushed this Iraq lie in front of the world, at the U.N. But now he himself has died from a weapon of mass destruction. (covid)

An Israeli border guard said yesterday, I was told, something like “we see every bird that flies across the border; we can see a cockroach walk across the border. How did 400 Hamas terrorists come across unnoticed?”

The Mossad is known as the most competent intelligence agency in the world, often working with MI6 and the CIA. The GPS you use to drive? Originally Israeli intel tech, tracking ‘terrorists’ or whatever.

Russia is allied with Iran. Big time. Syria (secular, has significant Christian population) is allied with Russia too. Putin has been keeping America at bay for ten years or more, stopping us from attacking those two countries, that must be pissing the war pigs off. Seems to me World War Woke (Putin is a transphobe!) is finally, as was expected, metastasizing into World War Three.

Targeting Iran:

Misinformation Hurts Us All

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Greetings BBQ,
I will be attempting to fact-check some of the posts on this forum propagating misleading and false information. Basic facts and aspects of scientific literacy (such as cause vs correlation) can and should be elucidated and evaluated. In some cases I will simply link to reputable organizations which provide clear rebuttals. Opinion and personal perspective are irrefutable.
In the following paragraphs I will look at some of the claims made in the post on October 8th by andynorris21@yahoo, which I have quoted below followed by my responses.

Apparently referring to the Covid-19 vaccine:
“There have been 4-million adverse reactions to this 3-year old junk, according the World Health Organization. Yet only 15,000 adverse reactions to the tetanus vaccine, since 1968!!!!!!!!!!”
According to the WHO database which can be found and accessed here,, there are currently 5,192,490 reports of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) related to the Covid-19 vaccine. Besides getting the numbers wrong, there are several reasons this post is misleading:
-These are reports of potential side effects which do not indicate or confirm a causal link.
-The total number of reports represents the combination of the members of the WHO Program for International Drug Monitoring, whose methodology varies. In the US for example, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
-VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.
-VAERS accepts all reports of adverse events following vaccination without judging whether the vaccine caused the adverse health event. Some reports to VAERS might represent true vaccine reactions, and others might be coincidental adverse health events not related to vaccination at all. Here is a link to a good explanation between side effects and adverse reactions.
-The number of reports submitted to VAERS may increase in response to media attention and increased public awareness.
Simply listing a large number cannot lead to any meaningful conclusions regarding this dataset. Although it should be noted that at least 13,513,017,637 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered world-wide. Understanding the difference between cause and correlation is absolutely fundamental to interpreting this type of statistical information.

“…and news from the World Economic Forum’s fascistic outpost in KKKanada, where 74% of the triple vaccinated (huh? who the hell would…three times even…whaaaat????????) now have VAIDS.”
This is one of the easy ones, hint: VAIDS doesn’t exist and the source (The People’s Voice) is comedy at best.

Regarding the covid-19 pandemic, I hope there are a few things we can all agree on. No organization or individual had all the answers or performed perfectly all the time; mistakes were made, but when it comes to infectious disease we’re all in this together. I believe public health policy does need to be openly debated, and should never be conducted by for-profit entities behind closed doors. Misinformation will not help open that process in any way.

-Hank Tallman


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Hi, My Fellow Community Members,

I am asking you to vote “Yes” on the 5-year Optional Tax Levy for General Operations for North County Recreation District (NCRD) in November. This funding is essential to continue the ongoing programs and offerings such as: Elementary School Swim Program, Childcare, Aquatic/Therapy classes, Fitness Center/Classes, Youth Sports/Camps, Adult Activities, and the Performing Arts Center.

The core of NCRD is the Elementary School Swim Program which is almost a century old. An estimated 12,000 children have been educated in this program and of those children there is no known drowning. This is priceless!

I believe our Community acknowledged the value of these services 5 years ago when the 5 Year Optional tax levy passed by 72.9% – a remarkable number! The Voters spoke resoundingly then, and I again ask for your passionate support this November. The tax rate is the same.

NCRD is an award-winning organization. In 2021, NCRD received the Special Districts Association of Oregon (SDAO) Outstanding Program Award. The current Executive Director, Barbara McCann, received SDAO’s 2021 Outstanding Special District Service Award. These awards reflect that NCRD is a proven leader of Oregon’s 1,000 special districts. NCRD is a vital resource for North Tillamook County contributing to the wellness, quality of life, and economic vitality of the region.

PLEASE vote YES on the 5-year Optional Tax Levy for General Operations for NCRD!

Thank You!

Mary Gallagher


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To my fellow community members:

I am writing to encourage you to join me in supporting North County Recreation District (NCRD) with a YES vote in the November 7, 2023 Election. Approving the Tax Levy for General Operations at NCRD will ensure operations of this important community resource for another five years.

When I moved to North Tillamook County several years ago, NCRD was one of the first community resources I discovered, and I became a member right away. I visit the fitness center regularly each week and have taken an assortment of fitness classes over the years.

I have also attended and appreciated a variety of shows at the NCRD Performing Arts Center (PAC), a remarkable venue for a small coastal community like ours. One of the highlights each year is NCRD’s support for, and collaboration with, the Missoula Children’s Theater. This partnership (which also includes NKN School District and other community organizations) offers young people in our community an opportunity to participate in a week-long theater camp that culminates with a delightful performance for the community at the Performing Arts Center.

I am writing this letter as a community member, but as CEO of Nehalem Bay Health Center (formerly Rinehart Clinic) I have additional insights into NCRD as a community partner. For many years, NCRD has helped support the clinic’s wellness programming by coordinating with our wellness staff on a grant-funded Prescriptions for Physical Activity program. The NCRD staff has also worked with Nehalem Bay Health Center to collaborate on wellness classes for patients.

The variety of programming available at NCRD reaches all ages and the facility provides an opportunity for social gatherings that help build community. From art shows and community theater to spin classes and swimming, there’s something for almost everyone at NCRD. Please join me in supporting this important community resource with your YES vote in the November election.

Gail Nelson