Bore Beatles
Mountain beaver
Call or message for a bid Toniann_naylor@hotmail.com 503.812.0560
Raffle Give-Aways on Mallard Avenue 3-5pm on Monday Sept. 4th (Labor Day). Must be present to win (unless rain and you can drive by to enter your tickets and we will notify by email).
You can collect up to EIGHT free raffle tickets:
>>Treasure Hunt 9am-3pm (up to 6 tix)
>>St. Catherine’s Church 11am-3pm (1 ticket)
>>Seamont Way 1-3pm (1 ticket)
Exchange Treasure Hunt items for tickets and submit your raffle tickets between 3-4pm on Mallard Avenue. If you missed collecting raffle tickets at the earlier venues mentioned above, we will have more here in exchange for completing an EVCNB emergency preparedness household info form.
4:15 EVCNB Give-Away
>>Go-Bag Supplies
4:30 Community Donations Give-Away
>>Wanda’s Cafe Gift Certificates
>>Manzanita Lighthouse Gift Certificate
>>Bunk House Restaurant Gift Certificate
>>Manzanita Coffee Co. T-Shirts & Mugs
>>Basket of Seamont Way Apples
>>And more!
These activities are part of several activities in the Bayside Gardens Neighborhood on Labor Day designed to get neighbors out in the neighborhood meeting other neighbors, and to raise awareness around emergency preparedness.
Sponsored by EVCNB: Prepare Your Neighborhood – Bayside Gardens
Fitness Center
•Fitness Center Director: Full-time position, 40 hours per week (salaried) with benefits
•Fitness Center Attendants and Fitness Instructors: Full-time and part-time positions
•Swim Program Manager: Full-time position, 32-40 hours per week with benefits
•Certified Pool Operator/Lifeguard/Aquatic Instructor: Full-time position, 32-40 hours per week with benefits
•Aquatic Instructor/Lifeguard/Swim Coach/Pool Maintenance: Full-time position, 32-40 hours per week with benefits
Youth Center
•Youth Assistants: several part-time positions, 5-20 hours per week
Welcome Center Staff
•Front Desk Administrative Staff: several part-time positions, 10-20 hours per week
Custodial/ Housekeeping
•Custodian: Part-time position, 20-25 hours per week
You can collect up to EIGHT free raffle tickets:
>>Treasure Hunt 9am-3pm (up to 6 tix)
>>St. Catherine’s Church 11am-3pm (1 ticket)
>>Seamont Way 1-3pm (1 tickets)
Exchange Treasure Hunt items for tickets and submit your raffle tickets between 3-4pm on Mallard Avenue. If you missed collecting raffle tickets at the earlier venues mentioned above, we will have more here in exchange for completing an EVCNB emergency preparedness household info form.
4:15 EVCNB Give-Away
>>Go-Bag Supplies
4:30 Community Donations Give-Away
>>Wanda’s Cafe Gift Certificates
>>Manzanita Lighthouse Gift Certificate
>>Bunk House Restaurant Gift Certificate
>>Manzanita Coffee Co. T-Shirts & Mugs
>>Basket of Seamont Way Apples
>>And more!
These activities are part of several activities in the Bayside Gardens Neighborhood on Labor Day designed to get neighbors out in the neighborhood meeting other neighbors, and to raise awareness around emergency preparedness.
Sponsored by EVCNB: Prepare Your Neighborhood – Bayside Gardens pyn.bayside.gardens@evcnb.org
We will vote on Pet photo with pet name and photo caption (if one was provided). Owner name and neighborhood will not be visible for voting but will appear in the calendar if selected. We have 36 entries for the upcoming 2024 Neighborhood Pets Calendar.
We will be taking pre-orders for delivery by Thanksgiving. Proceeds go towards the Bayside Gardens PYN future disaster supplies storage unit.
These activities are part of several activities in the Bayside Gardens Neighborhood on Labor Day designed to get neighbors out in the neighborhood meeting other neighbors, and to raise awareness around emergency preparedness.
**Collect a Free Raffle Ticket if you complete the emergency preparedness household info form on Seamont Way**
Sponsored by EVCNB: Prepare Your Neighborhood – Bayside Gardens
11:00 Movie: TESOROS (Spanish with English subtitles)
A search for lost pirate treasure leads a pair of siblings in unexpected directions (live action).
12:45 Ice Cream Social
1:30 Movie: SCOOB! (English)
A Scoobie Doo Movie (animated)
These activities are part of several activities in the Bayside Gardens Neighborhood on Labor Day designed to get neighbors out in the neighborhood meeting other neighbors, and to raise awareness around emergency preparedness.
**Collect a Free Raffle Ticket if you complete the emergency preparedness household info form**
Sponsored by EVCNB: Prepare Your Neighborhood – Bayside Gardens
Gallery hours 11AM – 4PM
CURB GALLERY 503 741 7175 / 503 235 5428
The definitions surrounding climate change really need to be clarified.
Climate: the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity and precipitation.
Change: to make different in particular.
Weather: the state of the atmosphere at any given time and place with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity and barometric pressure:
a temporary, day by day observation.
Pollution: The introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse changes.
The term, Anthropogenic Global Warming- warming caused by human activity- was first publicized in 1975-1-, and by 1988, the UN had established the IPCC, International Panel for Climate Change. Early computer models indicated that if humans continued to use carbon based fuels at the same or increased rates, the planet would experience catastrophic consequences. Rising sea levels due to melting ice and drought, etc., would trigger chaotic migrations of people and other animals resulting in wars, pestilence, and starving masses. Certainly concerns we should take seriously. GLOBAL WARMING became a world wide expression.
It should be understood that as it evolved, the IPCC suffered a scandal which became known as ‘climate gate letters’.-2- It is worth looking into the whole story because in a nutshell, the concerns of many contributing scientists were squelched as it became clear the IPCC was designed and had become a political tool with long range plans that conflicted with real science. There has never been a consensus among climate scientists that the world is even warming, let alone at an alarming rate and all due to human activity. Read it again, that’s what I said; never been a consensus. Never the less, a whole new world industry began for alternative energy, supported with billions for startups and research grants to ‘combat ‘GLOBAL WARMING.
That money would keep flowing as long as the main narrative was followed, even as the name morphed from global warming into simply CLIMATE CHANGE, but whenever the terms are used; it’s implied that the changes are man made. The main narrative has it that burning carbon fuels will overload our atmosphere with C02, a green house gas, resulting in runaway warming. Simple words that most people can grasp when headlines blare “hottest day on record ”, or “longest drought on record ”, “ largest iceberg to ever break off of Antarctica “. The warming fear is still trumpeted at any opportunity but because climate is very complex, persistent massive cold sweeps out of season can not continue to be hidden in the back pages and the world wide flooding is just beyond the pale. It’s still caused by anthropogenic activity, right, and now it is the CLIMATE CRISIS. BUT, we can still turn it around if we just stop stomping around with our big carbon footprints!
Not unlike another major issue that claims all the right science is supporting its decisions but is proving to be horribly lacking in substantial research, the same is true with anthropogenic climate influence. Censorship on a massive scale has been employed to silence or obfuscate research by well respected climate scientists from around the world who present a much different perspective from the MSN dialog, that threatens to run their narrative right off the rails and that’s a big problem if you are pushing a big agenda. Others do a much better job presenting all the facets of this massive censorship and reasons behind it so I’ll include a few complete sources at the bottom for detail, but just to give some facts left out of the “NEWS” stories consider this.
The earth is smaller than a BB compared to a basket ball sized Sun, so whatever the sun says to do, earth says yes sir! In fact, all the planets dance to the suns base drum and all are showing anomalous activity similar to earths. It’s the electro-magnetic connections the IPCC omits from their data which leaves a gaping, skewed hole in their models projections. This is evident by comparing the real data to the computer projections originally used to launch the lie.-3-
In conjunction with the energy the sun is or isn’t firing at us, our dear mother earth is undergoing a magnetic reversal. This is in the open literature. The north magnetic pole is racing across the Bearing Sea into Siberia and the South Pole is heading up towards the Indian Ocean. Meanwhile on the opposite side of the globe, the South Atlantic Anomaly, an area of weak magnetism, is enlarging. Earths overall field strength is weakening exponentially, and this is left out of the ‘consensus’.-4- These factors have an overwhelming effect on climate, turning the jet streams from smooth horizontal bands into convoluted ribbons that swoop north to south and back again which gives us the extremes we are now experiencing, in both hemispheres of course.
The climate scientists trying to be heard do not deny climate change. They know climate constantly changes, usually much slower than the weather which is why their data is gleaned from tree rings, ice cores, stalactites and such. Slow processes, but in those records they also find tumultuous, radical changes. What we are going through has nothing to do with Co2 but that is not to say that digging up the earth for minerals and crude forms of energy is OK! The waste and pollution we have strewn about and poorly stored is now flowing into everyone’s front yards, especially with the increased rain events. But even if we had stopped burning fossil fuels 100 years ago, we would still be dealing with this climate change, just less pollutants.
Weather is what we see when we look out the window; cool and cloudy with increasing east winds, rain by 6:pm.
Climate is the patterns of weather derived from years of observation; data gathered over decades, and graphed to give us an overall picture. The earth takes its own notes and has left crisp data sets that are now readily accessible. By cross referencing the data we can clearly see very regular cycles which have periods that vary from just a few years to many thousands of years. This allows us to print graphs that look like cardiographs with regular ups and downs. It can be on a time scale of millions of years, thousands or decades. Or, we can take a data set from four hundred years ago and parse out a fifty year period and it still looks like a cardiograph. The scale is different but the patterns are clear.
When we cut out sections of the climate data graph, different conclusions can be reached depending on where the cut begins and ends, and it’s very important to remember this. What was before the cut and what came after the cut must be considered because as anybody who has gone cross eyed studying graphs will tell you, you need the before and after for a true perspective.
For example, if we arbitrarily start a graph during a period of cooling and end it at the apex of a warming period it would appear that there is an overall trend to warming. If however we move the starting point back a few cycles to a previous warm peak it would appear that there is no warming trend. Claims need to be verified in context.-5-
So here is my concern, which is way more than a gripe!
I believe our planet is experiencing radical climate change, generated by forces much more complex and grand than our earth itself which are intensifying, resulting in catastrophic weather setting all seven plus billion of us up for horrible circumstances relating to our basic needs; food production, water availability, heat and worse than heat, cold, massive migrations and all the complications that come with that.-6-
I believe altering our carbon footprint, whatever that means besides wreaking havoc by being completely impossible to implement, will not have any effect on the climate.
I believe the only way to mitigate the affects of these changes is to recognize it as the real existential threat to humanity so the wealth of resources we collectively share can be properly directed to that end; equitable distribution of goods and services.
I believe there are means of energy generation which will greatly reduce the need for the wholesale rape of our planet but to give us time to make the transitions to a cleaner healthier world, we need to either stop being mislead by warmongering leaders into believing there is simply not enough for everybody, never will be, so grab and hold what you can at whatever cost; OR, pull back the curtain and see that such ideas are the illusion. We have plenty of everything but the will to see ourselves in each other.-7-
Here’s my latest analogy:
Most of humanity finding ourselves in a diesel powered boat, (our absolute dependence on ‘petroleum’), have so poorly navigated it, (the usual greed and avarice), that we find ourselves in treacherous, jagged, rocky shoals with torturous currents, (major earth changes due to forces not only outside our planet but outside our solar system,[the sun also dances to a grander rhythm], and societal upheaval), and suddenly there is a very aggressive push by a small, vocal and powerful group in the boat, to abandon the diesel motor in favor of oars!, (wind, solar and batteries). If we cut the engines right now, the boat will bust up, right now, and some, the very few who have excellent life preservers, might drift clear of the rocks. Not good enough. I say full throttle ahead past the shoals and find solid ground.
-1- www.history.com/this-day-in-history/global-warming-appears-first-time-paper-science
-2- wattsupwiththat.com/2010/01/18/climategate-the-crutape-letters-now-online-at-amazon-com/
Realizing that one can find any source to support their belief, here is a reference presenting the other side of the email scandal.
-3- Climate is more complicated than just CO2
-4- A few references to the fact that our field strength and poles are changing.
-5- This site will provide all the education you could possibly need to understand the whole climate conundrum.
The very last images on this page show the accelerated movement of our magnetic poles.
-6- The Suspicious Observer for a daily dose of our suns shenanigans.
-7- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_6ej1jeBc0
Lockdowns – increase in suicides, drug use, drug overdoses,
child and spouse abuse but no positive effects in stopping or slowing cases or hospitalizations from C.
Link to article by Alvin Moss and Daniel Miller: www.thehastingscenter.org/centerreports/rethinking-the-ethics-of-the-covid-19-pandemic-lockdowns/
Glen Greenwald just tweeted the most important truth about the Democrats war against Russia and the people of Ukraine:
“The group that, by far, most supports US fueling of the war in Ukraine is self-identified ‘liberal Dems’. One major reason is they loathe Russia for 2016 and are willing to destroy Ukraine to harm Moscow.”
The cluster bombs that AOC and Biden sent to Ukraine are now being used by the way. (yes, that’s Rachel Maddow cheering in the background.)
I didn’t think it possible to see an administration more murderous and more anti-American than Bush/Cheney, but here we are.
And look at what Biden and the rest have done to our border. I don’t blame the migrants; I would want out of those sh*thole countries, too.
In the past three years (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 7-million people from over one-hundred and forty countries (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) have just walked across our border and now live here illegally. (while international travelers need to be vaxxed for entry to the US, illegals don’t have to be vaxxed! That should tell you all you need to know about the ‘vax’ when Biden tries to scare you into ‘boo$ting’ this fall. Just like the illegals, YOU DON’T NEED IT.).
I think it very important to point out that the Hondurans are (still) fleeing a hell cause by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama after they overthrew the Honduran government and installed death squads, creating a massive humanitarian wave out of Honduras as they flee Hillary’s installed murderous military government. Those death squads immediately killed the most famous environmentalist and ACTUAL FEMINIST, south of our border, Berta Caceras.
An open border is the antithesis of compassion:
I first went back and read the Headlight Herald article where Councilor Kozlowski was quoted as saying that the salary increase was “appropriate given other regional comparators”. I then went to the May Council meeting video to listen for myself as to what this was all about. Councilor Kozlowski at the meeting explained that Bay City and Cannon Beach were the only comparison cities mentioned.
There are 18 City Manager positions that Councilor Kozlowski could have reviewed in the Clatsop, Tillamook and Lincoln County area that would serve as appropriate “regional comparators”. No explanation was given why Bay City was such a relevant comparison to Manzanita. She did do a detailed discussion of the total compensation package for the Cannon Beach City Manager including the $12,000 housing allowance that Cannon Beach pays in order that their City Manager can actually live in the City that employs him. A housing allowance is not considered as salary and since Manzanita doesn’t require our City Manager to live in Manzanita, her inclusion of this $12,000 was simply a means to inflate the salary differential and would appear to be a bit disingenuous with her explanation that she wanted to make sure that her comparisons were “apples to apples”. Also omitted was the Cannon Beach City Manager’s 30 years of government experience which would factor into both his starting salary and influence subsequent pay increases to get to his current salary.
When the Mayor asked what the costs were for benefits in addition to the salary increase, neither staff nor Councilor Kozlowski could supply that information. In order to be sure of the facts, I made a public records request of the City to get these new salary and benefit costs for the City Manager. I was first told that the City could not locate any report with this information. When I suggested that the monthly payroll report would have this information, I was advised that the City Attorney would have to review this report and I would be charged $329.37 before I could see it.
I declined to pay for information that Councilor Kozlowski and staff should have been prepared to disclose at the meeting. It appears that the City Manager’s salary is now $140,000 with additional payroll costs and benefits of approximately $58,000 for a total compensation cost of $198,000.
There really was no reason for Councilor Kozlowski’s presentation to be so inaccurate and unprofessionally researched. My 5 minute search of the web uncovered a legitimate regional salary comparison of City Managers that a consultant for Seaside performed last year during the process to replace their retiring City Manager. Some of those findings:
After 37 years as both Seaside City Manager and Finance Director, the final salary was $130,620.
Tillamook was at $87,000, Astoria was at $151,000, Cannon Beach at $149,250 and Warrenton at $125,000. Waldport at $105,000, Florence at $113,110 and Bandon at $118,000. Newport and Lincoln City each pay $125,000 and Hood River pays $145,000. These figures may have increased somewhat since 2022.
As an additional point of reference, when Manzanita City Manager Jerry Taylor retired 5 years ago after 22 years as Manager, his final salary was approximately $80,000.
Should citizens be concerned about recent Administrative cost increases? In the past 3 years, City Hall staff salary and benefit costs alone have increased almost 60%. Total City Hall Administrative costs are up 138%. We are continually reminded that our property taxes are too low and we do not have adequate funding for maintaining infrastructure. Maybe we have more of a spending problem than a lack of adequate revenue.
The City is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for consultants for almost every topic that comes up. Rather than allow an independent party to do an objective analysis for this important decision, this task is performed by the Councilor who publicly proclaims that she is the City Manager’s number one fan. No other Councilor had any questions at the meeting, apparently satisfied with Councilor Kozlowski’s research methodology, conclusions and recommendations. The Mayor asks relevant questions but must be careful since asking questions may result in further criticism, complaints and inquiries.
Salary and benefits are the single largest expense in the City Budget. Why didn’t Councilor Kozlowski produce a written report breaking down salary and benefit costs that was available for both Council and citizens to examine before the May Council meeting? Should Councilors explain why any City employee with 2 years of relevant position experience is receiving a substantially higher salary than the comparable position with greater experience in larger area cities?
The real issue here may not be whether the City Manager should or should not be getting a pay increase of this amount. The concern is that due to the indifferent and inattentive governance by Councilor Kozlowski and the Councils on which she served on during the past 17 years, we find ourselves in the financial and community livability mess that we are now in. 17 years of running the City like a club rather than a multi million dollar public corporation responsible to the shareholder/ resident voters is at the root of our current problems. The lack of any objective analysis, research, questions and choice of presenter for this particular presentation is vintage Club Manzanita governance.
The Council will soon be interviewing candidates to fill the vacant Council position. We should all hope that this is an opportunity to appoint a citizen who is willing to ask questions and make sure that critical thinking and objective fact based analysis is at the foundation of Council decisions especially those involving the Budget and City finances. My more pessimistic side says that is not likely going to happen and this opportunity will end up being nothing more than an audition to ensure that this vacancy will be filled by a loyal Club member.
Randy Kugler
Im motivated to start an ‘informal’ group that shares an interest in discussing the book; “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.
There is a lot to unpack here, and I think it would be fun to get together once a week, or month, and discuss a chapter at a time type of thing.
“When, where, and how” are all up for discussion.
This will not be rigid, it will be small in size, and only requires an open mind and a desire to live more fully in the moment. Readers of all levels welcome.
The purpose is to engage in discussion about living consciously in the present moment.
Please Email Me to help me get this off the ground.
That was TSA leaked info. The plan for “pandemic number two” includes, of course, all sectors of our increasingly pathetic society.
And here we go again…
The time between ‘conspiracy theory’ and reality is now three days:
and more booster$ of cour$e:
Are we going to let the mass-murderers at the CDC get away with killing more of our children? Will anyone in state and county government stand up with me and tell the feds and our VAXXED BIG TECH BIG PHARMA WHORE OF A GOVERNOR to shove their mask mandates up their arrogant, narcissist, idiot a**es? That we are done standing by while you criminals abuse our children with mask mandates and zoom ‘learning’? That we are done watching you child-abusing creeps demand our children shoot Big Techs experimental mRNA-tech (that they don’t fuc**ing need AT ALL) if they want to go to school with their friends? That if they don’t they have to stay home and ‘zoom’, then slit their wrists like so many children did last time we gave in to these masters of medical tyranny?
The politicians running Oregon (state/county) don’t give a sh@t about us or our children. We learned that last time around. Or at least some of us did.
All Oregon pols want is the adoration of their Big Tech priests and the DNC brass, and to keep a tight hold on their illusion of power. We don’t matter to them; our children don’t matter to them.
Are we going to let another Oregon governor do this to us and our children again? Are we gonna cow down like a bunch of beaten pansies and let Mary Faith Bell and the rest of the county cowards damage our children’s lives even more?
Who’s gonna join me and fight back this time?
Anyone at all??
(don’t email me, just start fighting back, you have a lot more power then you think)
All the Bills We Have Not Seen
At the August 9 City Council meeting, Council President Kozlowski updated the community about the proposed Council Retreat with the mediation lawyer that was to take place in September. A few things got in the way of setting a date—first off, it’s hard to make plans to get a bunch of busy people together; second, Councilor Jenna Edginton resigned so waiting until a new councilor is appointed makes sense, and third, the investigation that was announced at a special session on June 14, 2023 is not yet complete and must be in order to move forward with mediation at the retreat.
Rumors and conspiracies about the investigation abound but unless we can see a summary of the findings, the public only knows a few things.
The investigation was announced at the June 14, Special Session. If you sneezed you missed it, so I’ve transcribed it here:
Council President Kozlowski: The City Attorney is in receipt of a complaint from an employee and council has evaluated potential responses, I’d like a motion to move to the next step.
Councilor Mayerle: I move that the city engage through the City Attorney an investigator to conduct a privileged investigation of allegations made in an employee complaint and recently received by the City Attorney’s office.
Councilor Mayerle also moved that Councilors Kozlowski and Spegman be the members to work with the City Attorney during the investigation. So, we know that shortly before the June 14 meeting there was an employee complaint and that it was serious enough to require an independent investigation and that it must be complete before the mediated retreat can take place.
The City of Manzanita’s Rules of Procedure isn’t a long document at 28 pages. It’s not difficult to understand or laden with jargon or legalese like so many government documents are. It’s a pretty straight forward guide to the rules of city government and the way things are supposed to be done for all the players involved—councilors, mayor, city manager, citizens.
Chapter 10—Interactions with Staff and City Attorney isn’t even a page long, but it gives guidance to council. It also clarifies the rules of city government for the community. If you wonder about how things work like I do, it’s required reading.
Most of this page-long chapter is about how council works with the City Manager. Council, which includes the mayor, “shall respect the separation between the Council’s role and the City Manager’s responsibility by:
A. Not interfering with the day-to-day administration of city business, which is the responsibility of the City Manager.
B. Refraining from actions that would undermine the authority of the City Manager or a department head.
There’s a couple of paragraphs about requesting information but that’s it for Section 1.
The next section about the City Attorney is only a sentence long but it’s simple and direct. “Council members may make requests to the city attorney for advice with the concurrence of the majority of the Council” (p 26).
So, before a council member can contact the City Attorney, a majority of council has to agree that there’s a good reason to do so. This protects the city from incurring unnecessary legal bills. It’s a check to make sure that individual councilors or mayors don’t run up bills on the city’s tab for no good reason.
But in early February after less than a month in office, the mayor contacted her personal attorney who then contacted our city attorney starting a chain of events that has now cost the city $30,000, not including the bills for the current investigation and additional legal fees associated. Oh, and while there was always going to be a retreat, it’s now a retreat with a mediation lawyer and I’m betting it’s not going to be cheap.
When the mayor bypassed the rules and called her personal lawyer without talking to anybody on council, she put her personal interests ahead of the city’s and started the meter running on legal bills the city will have to pay. Before the phone call in February there was no executive session, no employee complaint, no investigation, no bills. Nada.
What does a reasonable person do a month into a volunteer gig that maybe wasn’t going the way they anticipated? Do they call their lawyer? Why? If there was a city problem, wouldn’t they talk to their colleagues on council first and get the approval needed to talk with the City Attorney?
This isn’t the only time the mayor has violated the City’s Rules and Procedures or completely failed to understand her role as mayor.
There were the times she published opinions in the media as the mayor and not as a private citizen.
There was the time she leaked information from the executive session about the city manager’s performance review.
There was the special budget meeting when she clearly didn’t understand where or how policy is made.
There are more instances, but I’m at 913 words. The point is this time the mayor’s disregard for rules and procedures has cost the city a whole lot of cash money.
I’ve heard from a few people who blame the mayor’s lack of experience for her behavior, but that hasn’t been a problem for any other member of council. So, to me it begs the question, at what point do we insist that the people elected to govern follow the rules and laws like the rest of us?
Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com
They already have mandated that they have total control of our cars. (connected to internet with government controlled shut-off switch). This is designed to control/stop our future movements cuz ‘climate chaos’.
These lunatics want you to submit to retinal scans to buy toilet paper. These are the nastiest ‘futurist’ banker-fascists who are trying to take cash from us. The more they sugar-coat this totalitarian move, the more you can rest assured the proponents of this are full of sh*t.
“Holden’s plan to phase out cash within three years begins with eliminating $100 notes in the first year and $50 bills in year two. Then it’s about using education and incentives, especially convincing traditional cash users of better options.”
Does anyone out there have any experiences, advice, or recommendations they’d be willing to share? Suppliers, contractors, etc. I’d greatly appreciate any input!
Thank you very much!
“Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions like masking TSA employees in mid-September.
The first source cited a Tuesday meeting in which TSA managers were told new memorandums & policies were being completed that would reimplement masking, starting with TSA & airport employees as early as mid-September.
The TSA official also said next week they will receive new guidelines on how the policy will escalate: by mid-October, mask-wearing will be required by pilots, flight staff, passengers, and airport patrons.
After hearing from the TSA manager, this source confirmed the same directives were being given to Border Patrol.”
Like I’ve been saying, Covid1984 has just begun.
Get stocked up.