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Looks like the war machine has a surplus of these hellish devices, banned for use by most nations. Not a good look for us Americans.

On a more hopeful front, here is an older technology that has come back, in more forward looking nations:
Thorium Molten Salt Power generation.

And for the home owners energy needs, something like this. When it comes to energy development, there is a whole new world over and under the MSN.
The machinists out there will enjoy the fabrication expertise but for others, do some of the intro and go to the end to see it perform.

WTC #7

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My friend’s daughter woke me up, saying ‘they are flying planes into the world trade center, you should wake up.’

I walked into the TV room, saw the towers burning, towers I had gone into as a kid, and said to her, ‘Bush did it.’

Once you learn how the billionaire war pigs operate, whether it’s Lyin’ Biden, Slick Willy, Barry Obama, Dubya or Dick, it’s easy to recognize their murderous operandi.

I watched mainstream news shows ALL DAY LONG that day.

Around 5:30 pm, Dan Rather looked perplexed, and said ‘We’re now going to cut to Building 7, which has a fire on the 37th floor…’

He continued to look perplexed as I watched, over Dan’s shoulder, WTC Building 7, with a SMALL fire on the 37th floor, blow-up and collapse into it own footprint on LIVE TV. And guess what? Ever since then I ask folks how many buildings fell on 9/11, and 99% of them answer ‘two’.

Think about that. A 57-foot tall steel building in mid-town Man-fukn-hatten blew up on live tv at 530 pm on a Monday and nobody remembers!!!!!

No wonder the same billionaire crowd then had the hubris to engineer and release a virus (a dirty Chinese person ate a bat!), then shutdown the global economy (save the farma/tech bros. who made BILLIONS) and then made a trillion more dollars off a ‘vax’ that did NOTHING to stop the flu-like illness whatsoever.

And when you don’t take the time to figure out things like the murder of JFK and RFK and the mass-murder that was 9/11, you get Covid1984. And you also will be getting whatever they cook up next, because they know enough of you will never take the time to figure out their war-pig tricks..

Covid1984 is far more disturbing and has had/is having a much greater, much more murderous reach for the fascists than 9/11 ever did, when the Bush Crime Family flew planes into then blew up the WTC towers.

I have also watched the intel agencies scrub footage of the demolition of WTC building 7 off the internet (try and find it, used to be everywhere), so I put a shot of the demolition in my anti-war film (dvds) Targeting Iran.

Andy Morris

Will the real Pfizer shot please stand up?

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Kim Iversen, journalist of the year?

Kim is Vietnamese:

…and since we are still at war with Russia, a war the Democrats started, a war whose origins can be traced to the murder of JFK:

Housing swap: your coastal place for hot PDX apt

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Hello! I am on the North Coast looking to relocate from Slabtown PDX (walk score 97) beginning in July or August. I’m open to short or long term, from a week or two at a time to long term.

My place in PDX is super clean, upstairs on a very quiet residential street near Wallace Park. About 800 sq foot, 1 BR with classic 1940s touches. Super clean and ready for someone to occupy. Cats or a very mellow dog would be OK.

Active veggie gardening on front porch with private downstairs entrance. Apt is like a birds nest up in the trees, with 17 windows and total privacy. Active, super fast internet. Great place to be quiet and chill, 15 walk to Macleay Park and Forest Park. It’s a delight!

Place newly redone for flow – very feng shui. Outfitted kitchen. If you have a place in/near Manzanita, Nehalem, Netarts, Oceanside up through Cannon Beach, and might be interested, let’s chat and share pics!

Ayurvedic Health Consultation – special rate for locals

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As an Ayurvedic Practitioner of 24 years, my aim is to support each person in returning to their own unique state of optimal health.

The Ayurvedic Consultation includes a thorough health intake and evaluation to determine your unique constitution according to traditional Ayurvedic principles. Based upon this, specific recommendations will be offered around lifestyle, nutrition, yoga, breath practices, cleansing tips, herbs and aromatherapy. I also include tongue, fingernail and pulse analysis.

I see clients in person in my Cannon Beach office or remotely. If you are a north coast local, I’m happy to offer you $50 off! At the time of booking, use coupon code: Local

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or go ahead and book your session here:

I look forward to serving you!

In Health,

Sarah Kruse
Ayurvedic Practitioner

Friends Welcome Summer & Celebrate 2022-2023

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FRIENDS WELCOME SUMMER (and celebrate 2022-2023)

Friends of NCRD welcomes summer with its Summer Cut Flower Sales. Last summer’s Sales, offered daily in the parking lot of the Little Apple, raised a little over $6,000 for Youth scholarships, summer programs and projects at NCRD.

Friends’ Mission is to support NCRD by promoting it and raising funds for scholarships, programs and projects. With scholarships as top priority, Friends are proud to have raised more than $15,000 in the past twelve months for Youth/Sports, Fitness and Aquatics Department scholarships. Of that amount, over $11,000 went to the Youth After-School & Summer Programs and Youth Sports. With its focus on Youth, Friends provided an additional $1,000 for Youth Center/ Sports equipment and the Aquatics “Learn to Swim” program. Special thanks and appreciation to our members, part-time and full-time, whose donations to Youth Center/Youth Sports have enriched and expanded opportunities to all North County families.

Friends of NCRD also promotes and supports the New Pool Project. Individual Friends have made significant donations to the new pool. Friends were among those who gathered and celebrated at the May 9th Groundbreaking Ceremony. Friends continue to promote the New Pool Project by participating in grant applications, to close the gap between funds available and funds needed to complete the Project.

In collaboration with the Fitness Department, Friends of NCRD sponsors “Pop Goes the Heart,” an annual February Fun Fundraiser. In 2022, $6,000 earned from the event, plus an additional $1,600 from Friends, purchased eight spin bikes for the new Spin Class program. Thanks to a generous donor, an additional four bikes were later purchased to accommodate a full class. The February 2023 “Pop Goes the Heart” brought in an amazing $9,000 for Fitness Department equipment, including new benches, exercise bars, mats, storage rack, preacher curl, hyperextension-oblique and water-rowing machines.

The Plastic Bench Project, another Friends of NCRD activity, encourages community recycling of previously non-recyclable plastic. Three attractive outdoor TREX benches, earned by Friends’ participation in the Project, have been gifted to NCRD for community use. Plastic additionally collected is about 100 lbs short of the 500 lbs required to qualify for a fourth bench.

Thank you to Friends’ dedicated volunteers for generously giving of their time to the North County community. Friends of NCRD Board members – President Linda Makohon, Vice President Barb Scott-Brier, Treasurer Carol Mills, Secretary Gail Young, Director Andrea Cortinas, Liaison to NCRD Kiley Konruff, and Flower Chair Patty Rinehart – along with Friends’ volunteers, have worked hard to make Friends’ mission a reality in 2022-2023. Congratulations to All!

Membership in Friends of NCRD is open to everyone connected to the community. Join Friends in its commitment to NCRD and North County families. Volunteer to help with fundraising activities supporting NCRD. Donations can be made online or mailed to: Friends of NCRD, PO Box 511, Nehalem, OR 97131
Friends of NCRD welcomes guests to its meetings, held the third Tuesday of the month.
For more information, check website: or contact

Local Flowers for Bouquets

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Friends of North County Recreation District will be selling local flower bouquets this Friday and Saturday. Located at the corner of the Manzanita Grocery Building we will have a stand set up offering bouquets for $5, $10, and $15. We intend to be there at 9 am so come early to get the best picks. Although, they are all pretty cool-unlike the weather.
Hey! See you there! Thanks for supporting Friends of North County Recreation District.

Game Day at the North Tillamook Library in Manzanita!

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Come join us at the North Tillamook Library for an afternoon of games this Saturday the 24th from 2pm-4pm! We have a variety of games available, including a brand-new Mahjong set, but people are welcome to bring in their own games as well. Below is a list of all of the games we’ll have available at the library. We hope to see you there!

Chess (2 sets)
Backgammon (2 sets)
Scrabble (3 sets)
Double-Nine Dominoes
Classic Rummy
Cards (2 decks)
Trivial Pursuit

The Happy Hour of Farmers Markets Manzanita

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Did you know that the Manzanita Farmers Market is truly a Farmers market.. As residents of Manzawheeler, we are blessed by the Local Farm participation.
We have a resource that we can all be truly proud, to share with the world.
15 years and going strong. If you have not been over to shop, let me tell you about what you are missing out on. We have lots of locally grown produce
Moon River Farms
Mountains to Rivers
KingFisher and Josi’s Farms, to name a few
We have
Nothcoast Micro Greens, eggs, cheese wine, local cranberries and bread from Wolf Moon., mushrooms, beautiful flowers and stone fruit, berries and smoked Salmon, Lance’s Farm Viddles bringing local grown Beef, lamb and pork
This year, we have added Dory caught fish and crab , Netarts bay oysters from our neighbors in South County…

The market has lots of local artisans, Jewelry ,clay lots of bright shiny things to dazzle your eyes..

We want you to know that we are SNAP, Ebt ,Oregon trails friendly and we participate in the Double up food bucks, we can stretch your snap dolllors from $20 to $40 just for using your card ar the market. Come by the information booth and have our specialist Karen explain the program to you.. Let’s stretch that dollar.

Bring the whole family and enjoy the joys of belonging to a wonderful Safe community, Listen to live music, have a bite to eat.
We are behind the Underhill Plaza from4-7 every Friday until the middle of September.
Find our Map at.
Come the advantage of what most communities on the Coast wish the had.

Why Not A Bond For City Hall?

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I applaud Richard Mastenik for making the effort to ask the question that four members of our Council did not answer at the June Council meeting.

The City Council’s decision to take out a loan for our City Hall is a gamble that could have negative financial consequences for decades into the future. While TLT revenue is indeed the single largest revenue source for the General Fund, after paying the General Fund’s two largest expenses of City Administration and Police Department services, there is little left to pay for other services or transfer of money for street, water and storm drain projects let alone take on new debt service costs.

Has this Council considered that taking out a $4 million dollar loan at this time may not be wise because:

TLT revenue for the first quarter of this year was down 23% from the same period last year.
TLT revenue will continue on an annual downward trend from the artificial COVID era highs.
City General Fund operation costs are expanding at an annual rate that exceeds the ability of revenue to keep pace.
Falling real estate prices from their historic highs are an indicator of a softening in the economy with a majority of economists forecasting a recession of some degree in 2024.
We are told that visitors substantially through short term rental (STR) revenue from the General Fund are going to pay for this loan. As STR General Fund revenue declines and citizens want to further reduce dependence on STRs to improve livability, how can STRs be counted on to pay this debt into the future?

How are we going to pay for needed water, street and storm drain construction projects?
The building boom is over. Fewer future building permits means reduced System Development Charge revenue from developers will be available for years to fund these needed projects. What little funding the General Fund currently provides for these projects will now no longer be available because it is now needed to pay this new loan debt.

Bonds have always been the preferred financing choice of Oregon cities for large, expensive and long lived capital projects and just makes more sense to fund our City Hall project because:

It is a stable revenue source that is not affected by external economic conditions.
Allows the City to successfully start the process to break our dependence on STR revenue.
Everyone, full time residents, part time residents, businesses and STR owners all pay their share.
More General Fund revenue is now available for water, street and storm projects instead of loan debt.
A vote does not slow down the project design process or demolition of the old school.

Mr. Mastenik is engaging in his First Amendment right to petition our local government and is collecting names of Manzanita voters at the Post Office with a petition to be submitted to the Council in July asking for the opportunity to vote on this critical community decision.

The long term financial risks are real. The best financing choice for this project is obvious.
Why doesn’t this Council trust its citizens to make this decision?

Randy Kugler

Ayurvedic Wellness Consultations

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Hello North Coast Friends!

Do you know what Ayurvedic Medicine is? Ayurveda is the traditional healing system from India. It is the sister science of Yoga and dates back to over 5000 years. I have been an Ayurvedic Practitioner for 24 years and love supporting people in returning to their optimal state of health.

Common concerns I help people with include: digestive disorders, weight gain, sleep issues, skin concerns, hormone imbalance and low energy. I have a home office in Cannon beach and see clients Mon-Thurs. I would love to support you in living your best life!

Book your Free 30 minute Ayurvedic Wellness Discovery Call with me to see if Ayurveda can help you:

Check out my website here:

Ask me for the code to get $50 off your initial Ayurvedic Consultation as a north coast local resident.

Get you free morning routine guide here:

Fundamental Rights of Parents gone with passage of HB2002

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HB 2002 passed. This bill interferes with the fundamental rights of parents to make decisions for their minor children of ANY AGE in reproductive heath and gender choice. The Republicans tried to negotiate some changes in this bill but the majority party was not interested. This bill was written as an “emergency” although it is not an emergency, but that is one way to pass a bill without putting it before the people for a vote. If this bill were put before the people for a vote it would not pass. To call something an emergency when it is not, is a violation of the rules, and there are many violations of procedural rules and other types of violations that occur in our majority party legislature.
The Republicans did get one minor change in this bill – and that is parental notification. A parent must be notified if treatment is given to the child UNLESS some authority deems it would cause child abuse. In that case the parent would not be notified about any treatment.
I envision this as following: You notice that your 3rd grade female child’s voice is getting lower and lower. You mention this to her and she says -oh yes, I am going to turn into a boy, they are helping me a school. You scream and go crazy and the next day you go to the school and start asking for who is responsible for this and you want it stopped and the school views your actions as child abuse because you want to stop what the authorities view as helping your child be his true self, and therefore your child will be removed from your home and put in foster care. Or you try to stop this legally but you can’t do that either since this bill is 45 pages long and this process is dealt with in the bill. You are definitely causing child abuse.

Bills removing parental rights are being passed in several states now – that indicates that this is part of the globalists agenda. We have a representative government, right? So your Oregon legislature is supposed to pass bills representing its citizens needs and wants. Do you think that there is a group of Oregon parents desperate to rid themselves of parental responsibility so they contacted their representatives and asked for a bill to be written that does this? I don’t think so. This bill is being written for the globalists and there is no doubt in my mind that there are incentives that go along with the passing of such legislation.
HEY! You Democrats, you have kids in school. What did you do to stop this piece of legislation?

To All the Daddies in the World

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Posting on behalf of
Kim Rosenberg

To All the Daddies in the World

I’m a daddy’s girl. Fifth of five girls, my dad wasn’t expecting a boy by the time I arrived, and according to my mom, his first question each time one of us came into the world, wasn’t about our gender but our health and hers.

I didn’t go to day care or have a babysitter because Daddy was the bar manager at Portland Golf Club working 3pm to closing and my mom was a nurse working at Good Sam 7-3. They fit in sleeping somehow but just barely. My big sisters babysat me in the gaps but mostly it was my dad who took care of me when I was little.

Daddy taught me to read and make change and change a tire and read a tape measure and build a fire. He taught me to refinish old furniture and that the best sandwich is grilled peanut butter and Tillamook sharp cheddar. He taught me to love old movies and gardens. He taught me to love and respect wild places and wild things.

He died too soon, but when are we ever ready to lose a parent? He died suddenly and unexpectedly when my life was a big, bag of stinky crap. He didn’t get to see me change my life. He didn’t get to see me pull on my big girl boots and leave the relationship he knew was hurting me, he didn’t get to see me finish school or marry a good man but he lives on, as does my mom, in my memories and in every cell of my body.

I’ve been lucky to have more than one daddy–men solid and true and good.

My brother-in-law, who I’ve known my whole life, stepped in to help me during those dangerous days following my separation. He saw me through my return to school all the way to graduation with support both emotional and financial. He always has time to listen to me, even now, and I treasure his wisdom.

My thesis advisor, who I met as an undergrad student in my late thirties, championed my writing and mentored me as a teacher. When I thought I couldn’t continue, he said I could. He taught me to make sourdough bread and to think of all the hard things I’d experienced as the compost necessary to make an artful life.

My sweet and funny father-in-law welcomed me as part of the family right away. He shared with me his love of Shakespeare and foreign movies and all kinds of soup. A former camp director and social worker, he could create and organize community anywhere he went. He played accordion and loved the Marx Brothers and his family.

Daddies are the men who show up in our lives with that strong, good love energy to support and encourage our best. They are the defenders and protectors of the weakest among us. They stand with us when things get tough and they care about us regardless of how we mess up. Daddies stand with children, the elderly, the powerless and the dispossessed. Daddies teach us to be better people by their example.

The Daddies of the world might not always be biological fathers but that doesn’t matter. We need their good, strong Daddy energy now more than ever.

So, here’s a shout out to all the Daddies. Thank you!

Kim Rosenberg


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This is an invitation to come craft with us. We will gather on Tuesday June 20th at the Methodist Church in Nehalem 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring whatever you are working on (sewing, needlework, paper crafts, etc) and the materials you need.
Come spend a day relaxing with other crafty people. Who knows, you may just find a new hobby.
Hope to you can join us.


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Do we as a nation want to hand over our sovereignty to an unelected organization? Assessed contributions from the 194 member states = 20% of WHO’s budget. The remaining “donations” come from wealthy nations and private companies with strings attached. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provide a full 10% of the WHO’s budget. …These so called Medical Passports are beyond strings, even ropes; more like chains. Do some homework neighbors.


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Friends of NCRD can’t fix your back, but we can pick you some flower bouquets to make you feel better. This week, Friday and Saturday at 9 am, join us in downtown Manzanita, next to the Deli. Prices for bouquets range from $5-$20. And just what does Friends of NCRD do with this money? Funds raised by Friends of NCRD provide scholarships and support programs offered by the Youth, Fitness, and Aquatic Departments. Friends considers NCRD to be a valuable resource to our community and we are enormously grateful for your support. For more information contact us at Friends of NCRD, PO Box 511, Nehalem, Oregon, 97131.

Pave Paradise, Put Up a Parking Lot…

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Manzanita Lofts Proposed Hotel
The current site along Dorcas Lane, Classic Street and Ridge Road is a natural wooded plot that harbors numerous wildlife. I took the attached photo of this elk herd bedded down there. The elk and other wildlife will undoubtedly be a memory if they pave paradise and put up a parking lot…
The noise and traffic, both human and vehicular, of a 34-unit hotel and community center, largest hotel complex in Manzanita history, will significantly change the density of this plot adjacent to the serene wooded Signature 5th hole of the Manzanita Links golf course (photo attached).

The increased density will bring with it increases in both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. My wife and I counted 210 cars in just 2 hours on Classic Street only! (Dorcas was under construction) And that was in mid-May, neither a holiday nor a peak summer weekend.

The hotel entrance/exit will be immediately next to a 4-way intersection renowned for drivers dangerously ignoring traffic regulations. Imagine the effect the increased density of vehicles from the hotel will have on traffic and pedestrians.

The increased density of a hotel and community center will also increase the number of pedestrians walking/jogging/bicycling on Classic and Dorcas. This is doubly dangerous with increased vehicle traffic and neither street has sidewalks.

To build this huge complex the developer intends to cut down 25 or more towering evergreens on the plot. The trees form a natural barrier between the golf course and the proposed hotel. Their removal and the increased density of a 34-unit hotel could create liability to the city from potentially deadly errant golf balls striking hotel guests, and pedestrians using the hotel public trail.

A petition opposing the hotel has been signed by 135 folks of Manzanita!
I and many others in our community have submitted letters and emails to Manzanita’s City Council and Planning Commission opposing this project.
A consensus is a hotel just doesn’t belong in this location – – there are 32 residences on Dorcas Lane. A 34-unit hotel will more than double that density!

I and a number of others testified AGAINST the project at the Planning Commission meeting on May 30, 2023. No one, well, except for the applicant, testified FOR it!

Just yesterday, pointing to the wooded plot next to the Signature 5th hole, I asked a passer-by walking along Dorcas if she knew a hotel was proposed for that location. Her reply “Yes, that gives meaning to the word RIDICULOUS!”

Don’t the voluminous well-researched letters, emails, eloquent testimonies and the petition LOUDLY say the Manzanita community opposes this project?

Take a look at the photos, the serenity of the site and Signature 5th hole; then imagine adding a 34-unit hotel and community center.

I borrow a line from an iconic pop song – – you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone…

Paul A, Hughes

A Sigh of Relief

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Thank you to all those in our community who contributed to the debate regarding Manzanita City Hall, especially our elected officials and city hall staff. Now we can move our energies to the Comprehensive Plan.
Onward and upward!
The neighbors Connie and Bruce Burton, Lee Hamilton and Laura Bailey

Extending Friendship – Restoring Justice

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Simple announcement, an opportunity. Each Wednesday, always free, you are invited to experience an intimate group of well-traveled teachers gathering to explore a deeper look at what is possible throughout our days. The group is inclusive of all faith traditions while remaining anchored in buddhist inspirations as we explore what is possible. You will be welcomed. Any questions will be answered at the email listed.