Upcoming clay classes at Hoffman Center for the Arts

Submitted By: i.downes-leguin@hoffmanarts.org – Click to email about this post
Hoffman Center for the Arts has several wonderful clay classes coming up in September! Please note we offer scholarships: hoffmanarts.org/scholarship-program/

Intermediate Wheel Throwing: Taking it to the Next Level, a 6-part series workshop, with Tara Spires-Bell

This intermediate wheel class will build upon basic pottery skills. Demonstrations and discussions will include more advanced forms like centering larger amounts of clay, lidded vessels, making sets, and altering forms. Surface design processes using slips and stains will be covered. Instruction will include demos and practice time with individual student coaching during class.

More information: hoffmanarts.org/events/intermediate-wheel-throwing-course/

Intensive, Multi-day Clay Workshop with Joe Robinson (East Creek Art)

This is an advanced class. In these sessions potters will have the rare opportunity to focus on their own throwing interests and challenges with a master potter who can diagnose and coach on those issues in real time. The workshop will include demos, hands-on instruction and more than 7 hours customized coaching to improve individual skills.

More information: hoffmanarts.org/events/intensive-multi-day-clay-workshop/

Theft in Neahkahnie

Submitted By: Jmurrayrep@aol.com – Click to email about this post
We own a vacation home in Neahkahnie. On August 4th our neighbor noticed a red pickup truck, Arizona license plate VKA 4LN in our driveway using the hose. When asked what he was doing he said waiting for friends renting the Airbnb. He was told our home was not a rental and advised to leave. We arrived on the 13th to find multiple items had been stolen from the outside of our home. We reported to the Deputy Sheriff. He shared that just within the last week the numbers of calls like mine had quadrupled. They will keep information in their system, but not much to be done. Be aware. And put valuables inside.

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Some ‘climate chaos’ perspective while we enjoy the sun and go to the river for a swim:

When was it HOTTEST in Oregon and the U.S.?

From Dust Bowl article:

“Those conditions occurred in the 1930s, when they exacerbated the woes that farmers were already experiencing because of the wider economy, after two record-breaking heatwaves in 1934 and 1936, which are still the hottest US summers on record.”

++++1934 AND 1936++++

From today’s KGW ‘article’ (aka ‘climate chaos’ fear-porn):

“A July 1941 heat wave currently holds the record of five consecutive days over 100 degrees at PDX.”



When was it hottest in the US and Oregon???

It was long before Al Gore won an Academy Award for pointing out that the polar ice caps would be disappeared eight years ago:

“Dust bowl conditions in the 1930s wrought devastation across the US agricultural heartlands of the Great Plains, which run through the middle of the continental US stretching from Montana to Texas. The conditions are caused by a combination of heatwaves, drought and farming practices, replacing the native prairie vegetation.

Those conditions occurred in the 1930s, when they exacerbated the woes that farmers were already experiencing because of the wider economy, after two record-breaking heatwaves in 1934 and 1936, which are still the hottest US summers on record.”

++++1934 and 1936++++

The Tillamook Burn was a series of forest fires that occurred in the northern Oregon Coast Range mountains from 1933 to 1951, destroying a total area of 355,000 acres of old growth timber in what is now known as the Tillamook State Forest. There were four wildfires in this series, and the name Tillamook Burn also refers to the location of these fires. The event is an important part of Oregon’s history.

++++1931 to 1952++++

Why is it just about every ‘climate chaos’ solution the billionaires propose takes away our civil rights and enslaves us to the Billionaire Instigators even further?

Can we solve ‘climate chaos’ without infringing on our civil liberties?

Of course we can.

And I am referring to the civil rights of WE common folk. The Billionaire Instigators will not lose any of their civil rights over ‘climate chaos’; they will also never stop flying their private jets and eating the best meats as they lecture us to stay home and eat bugs.


Nehalem Handy Man Services Available

Submitted By: 503wednesday@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Call to discuss jobs
(Please NO EMAILS!
(I often miss emails because I received
a lot of spam.)
Good Morning Nehalem
I’m a local, a father of 3 and trying to pick up some extra work.

If you have any projects needing attention.
Well then, I’m you guy!

I have many skills & wear many hats.
My skills include:
*Licensed driver
* Errand runner
*Yard work
*Painting (interior/ exterior/ cars/ toys)
*Skilled Car Mechanic
*Pet Sitter & Walker
*Heavy Equipment Operater

and Lots more!
If you have something in mind that’s not listed…
just ask me.
Most likely I’m your man!

Have a wonderful day!
Looking forward to working for you.

NCRD. My support is over

Submitted By: Constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
To my Community, NCRD & the board of NCRD.

I acknowledge lashing out inappropriately during the Board meeting on Thursday. I accept being muted, I wasn’t being heard anyway.

My concerns:
A 1.7 million dollar discrepancy of stated ‘donor donations’ when those money actually included Timber revenue. This may not seem like an issue to some and it could jeopardize future grants being funded, if discovered false information is reported.

Another ‘permit’ not retained with a lot of finger pointing as to why. The reason is clear, the NCRD needs to hire an Employer Representative to oversee the pool project. Not one person, including the contractor has ever built a pool or managed a project of this size. This was suggested to the Board 3 years ago via the contractor for the Seaside School Project, he even stated ‘the NCRD has no idea what is going to come at them’. The suggestion was ignored. Interesting that the little Pine Grove project had an Employer Rep? But then Wally B did tell us all that the Board has their own way of doing things….

One funny, someone wrote to the board asking for a skate park be built near the Pickle Ball courts. Jack used good sense this time when he didn’t say what he said when I asked for a skatepark committee be formed 3 years ago which was ‘we’re building them a 10 million dollar pool, they should be grateful”! Good Luck with that skatepark!

The school swim program is 1/3 of what it was.

The NCRD operation tax levy is on the ballot in November. I have lost faith in the NCRD. I will be VOTING NO.

Black Lives Matter!

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
It’s Saturday, which means it is Black Lives Matter Day at the intersection of HWY 101 and Laneda Avenue in Manzanita!

In honor of the ongoing anti-racism efforts at that intersection, let’s listen to some black folks about NATO and World War Woke, and that ‘vaccine’, shall we?


“Julius Sello Malema (born 3 March 1981) is a South African politician who is a Member of Parliament and the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a far left-wing party which he founded in 2013.[1][2] He was formerly the President of the African National Congress (ANC) Youth League from 2008 until his expulsion from the party in 2012. Malema became a member of the ANC at the age of nine and was elected president of the ANC Youth League at a controversial party conference in April 2008. He rose to prominence as an outspoken supporter of Jacob Zuma, then the ANC president and later the President of South Africa.”

In this recent talk (link below), Julius Malema points out that NATO destroyed Libya, and that Libya is still in shambles today. (There are once again slave markets in Libya – more of that ‘progressive equity’! The darker blacks get sold to lighter blacks and Saudis, etc.). Libya was overthrown, primarily, by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton (state dept.) and NATO.

Here is Hillary laughing about Ghadafi being murdered by the death squads she and Barak put into power:


The hell that followed her sick little laugh continues all over Libya to this very day…

This just in!!!!!

Nigeria now entering the “Ukraine” conflict”??

The corrupt pro-US government in Nigeria was just overthrown by a pro-Russia group! Yay! Get ready for more American troops to go ‘help’ the blacks over in Niger, or at least those blacks that do what Biden and NATO and Pfizer ask of them…screw the rest!

Victoria Nuland, who overthrew the democratically-elected government of Ukraine with the CIA/state dept. etc for Barak Obama in 2014, is here again, getting ready to overthrow Niger…or whatever she’s up to…just keeping busy I guess!


And finally, Malema’s talk.

Here are some highlights:

“NATO is not a very peaceful organization. You cannot talk peace and NATO in one sentence.”

“What peace did NATO take to Libya? Look at what you did to Libya. Because you were going after one man, you destroyed the whole country.”


And finally, Africa is the least vaccinated continent in the world! Around 6% I think? And they have the LEAST amount of VAX INJURY, and the least amount of…’covid’!

Africans are sick of being experimented on by Big Pharma of the West. They are so sick of ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates experimenting on them. They know the history of medical fascism being inflicted on blacks here in the US by the CDC:


So yeah, blacks ain’t into the vax so much. And thanks to their skepticism, more blacks are alive in Africa today then if they had listened to Fauci and shot that junk!

Black Lives Matter indeed!!!



Meanwhile, Bill Gates STILL wants to block the sun! Dude, retire already!


As Usual, Friends and Flowers

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Getting more flowers each day, Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) continues to sell flowers in downtown Manzanita next to the Little Apple Grocery & Deli. Tomorrow, Friday, we will feature flowers and arrangements coming from Judith Stone-Aaen. Judith has a wonderful yard and puts lots of work into it. Judith also knows the scientific plant names (Binomial Nomenclature) of all the flowers she grows-not an easy feat, but what a talent! When Judith started arranging her own flowers, Friends had the biggest sales day of this summer. Judith’s flowers will be at the Deli at 9 AM. Get there early to get your favorite colors. Friends of North County Recreation District thank Judith for all her help. We have other flower donors I hope to bring to you in our next release. We couldn’t do it without them!
Yes, we will be selling flowers in downtown Manzanita tomorrow, Friday, also Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and then next Thursday. Our days off would be Sunday and Wednesday. Thanks to all who are bringing us clean vases. This is a huge help and savings to Friends.
If you need a special bouquet for family reunions, birthday parties, or any occasion you might imagine just let us know and we will deliver in this area. Call Gail at 503-830-3759 or leave a message with Patty at 503-368-6081 and we will get back to you to find out what you might need. Thanks!

Back to School Help/Clothing & School Supplies

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
CHILD TAGS are available for you to help our Kids get a good start for going back to school. Run by the Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church (NBUMC) at this time the CHILD program will be providing children, preschool-12th grade, with clothing and school supplies. Making a positive impression on that first day of school is important to our kids-I think we can all remember this, for some of us it’s a bit foggy.
You can pick up a CHILD TAG at several places locally, the two banks in Manzanita, Manzanita Grocery & Deli, Nehalem Lumber, North County Recreation District and at the Methodist Church in Nehalem. The TAG will tell you the age of a child, sizes, and favorite colors. The TAG will also tell you what the child needs such as pants, tops, shoes, jackets, underwear, and so on.
You can return the gifts to where you picked up your TAG or to the Methodist Church in Nehalem. Be sure you call the church before you go to make sure there is someone there. The NBUMC is located on 10th Street in Nehalem, just one block off Highway 101. The phone number is 503-368-5612.
I think we all understand if you are not into shopping-getting on Highway 101 and all that. If you prefer to just write a check, please send it to NBUMC/Child Program, PO Box 156, Nehalem, Oregon 97131. Please be sure to write CHILD in the memo line. There are also jars for contributions at the registers at Manzanita Grocery & Deli.
If you have questions, I’ll try to answer them. Just leave a message on my phone, Patty, 503-368-6081. Thank you all for your help. This has been a very successful program for our youth.

Manzanita Farmer’s market August 11! Come check out all the great vendors! and Fulton Farms..

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday August 11th at the Manzanita Farmer’s Market! At Underhill Plaza.
Come check out the fabulous Manzanita Farmers Market Friday August 11th from 4-7pm! Check out all the vendors and see what they have, and support them in their wonderful offerings! While you’re at the Market, swing by Fulton farms…
SALE! Buy 5 lbs (or more) of our #1 peaches, save $1 per lb! This is 2022 pricing, folks!
Diamond Princess peaches (huge, beautiful, freestone fruit!)
White donut peaches — the biggest most beautiful we’ve offered in years!
Polar Gem white nectarines!
Ruby Bright yellow nectarines!
Black Amber, Santa Rosa, and Hiromi plums!
Triple Crown blackberries!
CANNER’s SPECIAL: We will have a few 25 lb lugs of big, beautiful, nearly blemish-free #2 canning peaches, at only $2.50 lb! (must buy the whole lug at that price!)

Help me please – solar van conversion knowledge

Submitted By: Sarahnloaf@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I have a Ford Transit Van I’m converting and currently about to have the solar hooked up. I have no prior understanding of how much the solar can handle and best inverters etc I should purchase. I get overwhelmed with internet searches and would LOVE to talk with another local for some advise before I spend money making changes. If you have time and want to help a local out I’d really appreciate it!!

Sarah 503-833-2203


Submitted By: Baltizaar09@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I am a NEW local Dog walker and wanted to share this beautiful poem:-
……….Just a dog.
From time to time people tell me “chill out, it’s just a dog” or “it’s a lot of money just for a dog.” They don’t understand the distance traveled, the time invested, or the costs incurred by “just a dog”.
Some of my proudest moments have occurred with “just a dog.”
Many hours have passed being my only company “just a dog”, but not for one moment did I feel despised. Some of my saddest moments have been because of “just a dog,” and on those gray days, the gentle touch of “just a Dog” gave me comfort and the reason to get through the day.
If you also think “it’s just a dog”, then you’ll probably understand phrases like “just a friend”, “just a sunrise” or “just a promise.” “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust and pure unbridled joy. “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.
For “just a dog” I will get up early, take long walks and look forward to the future. So for me and people like me, it’s not “just a dog,” but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the memories of the past, and the absolute joy of the moment. “Just a dog” brings out the good in me and takes my thoughts away from myself and daily worries.
I hope one day they can understand that it’s not “just a dog”, but the one that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “just a human.” So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog”, just smile because they “just don’t get it”.
“Just A Dog,” by Richard A. Animals.
“Master bedroom,” (1965) Andrew Wyeth

Please contact us:- 509-435-6926


Submitted By: tevisdiii@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
For your bi-weekly dose of James Howard Kunstler’s hawk-eye view of our nations shenanigans on the world stage, his latest bit of word smithing.

I applaud all who contribute to local community through volunteer hours, donations, food, public resources, city planning, health planning, housing planning, expressing opinions, all of that, everything needed to keep our little bubble intact. My reason for offering an occasional Kunstler editorial is to point out the scale of what we are up against when struggling to provide food, shelter and health to our neighbors and ourselves. The MIIC, military-industrial-intelligence-complex, or whatever name we choose to use for the voracious animal that is a hydra of unelected AND elected heads, who have driven our ship of state up on the shoals thrives on divide and pit one against another. Don’t buy it.


Ginger Matyas, Pet Sitter & Walker in Manzanita

Submitted By: Megf.nelson@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Recommendation for Ginger Matyas

I have had the best experiences working with Ginger over the past year and highly recommend her for all your pet-sitting and dog-walking needs! Ginger is incredibly thoughtful, reliable, responsive, and trustworthy. She has worked with us when we needed daily walks for our dog in addition to providing overnight services. I cannot say enough positive things about working with her and hope you will consider her for any upcoming pet needs! Megan Nelson

Ginger Matyas: 503-440-4858
Website: www.gingerpetsitter.com/about.html


Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Tuesday, Tuesday, what am I supposed to remember about Tuesday? Was it the Fair-no that I’m going to on Wednesday. Watering and fertilizing the tomatoes? No, I’m doing that today. Taco Tuesday at the Deli? Well as much as I LOVE those tacos, I’m not supposed to eat them. Oh, yes, now I remember! It is going to be $5 Tuesday for the Friends of North County Recreation District flower sales. Which of course takes place next to the Manzanita Grocery & Deli in downtown Manzanita. Can life get any better-tacos and flowers! Just don’t get the two mixed up. Eating the flowers may not hurt you but putting your tacos in water won’t do the taco any good-oh I love those tacos. Anyway…Friends of NCRD has lots of nice flowers coming on so be sure to pick up your $5 arrangement-worth at least $10 or more-at the Deli. I’m sure you remember if you don’t get your flowers on Tuesday you have to wait until Thursday to get the next Friends bouquets. Friends of NCRD are selling flower bouquets next to Manzanita Grocery & Deli on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Taking Sunday and Wednesday off. Need special flowers for a birthday, family reunion, or just to say you care? Contact Gail at gailmyoung@mac.com or call her at 503-830-3759. Or, if you have an itch to help us arrange bouquets you can also contact Gail. Friends mission is to promote and support by raising funds for scholarships, programs, and projects. Friends of NCRD is a 501© (3) organization. Allergic to flowers? Donations can be mailed to Friends of NCRD, PO Box 511, Nehalem, Oregon 97130. Sales start at 9 AM. Thanks!

Johns Hopkins: Shutdowns don’t work

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
John Hopkins study:
“An analysis of each of these three groups support the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.”
Myocarditis from ‘vax’? 1 in 35????? (But Trump and Big Tech colluded and Americans can’t sue fo vax injury!)

I remember telling an associate five or so years ago that Bill Gates (via a shell company and the NIH)) was genetically-modifying mosquitos to deliver vaccines.
I also remember that associate telling me, and others about me, that I was totally nuts and off my rocker, some kind of Q-Anon nut job. (QAnon is a Democrat-run intel operation btw, designed yes, to fool Repubs, but mostly designed to fool Democrats. Doh!).
I didn’t back down though, when my associate called me nuts. Do you know why? Because five years ago I, and a shit-ton of scientists and bankers and lawyers and journalists knew Bill Gates was developing genetically-modified mosquitoes to deliver vaccines:

So, um, get your Neem or whatever…
More dangerous than Bill’s genetically-modified flying syringes are all those folks STILL wearing masks!
Masks don’t stop microscopic viruses!
What masks and lockdowns do do however…
Masks deprive the wearer of oxygen, which you need A LOT OF when you are sick. You know those yoga or whatever bumper stickers? Yeah, those: BREATHE!
Masks are bad for children of all ages.
Masks make small children unable to read facial expressions, and many started talking later than the pre-Covid1984 average.
Masks create a false sense of medical security.
Masks create a culture of fear.
Masks let the Billionaire Instigators win.
Lockdowns (most notable school closures) are so insanely destructive for everyone it is mind-boggling how many advocated and still advocate for them. 20-million EXTRA DEAD in Africa and other Third World Countries (more of that ‘progressive equity’?) due to anti-science Western and Eastern lockdowns and the resulting supply chain (food/medicine) issues? And our children here in the First World? Suicide, drug addiction, total apathy, shit for a future. It’s a wonder the Covid Generation (kids) haven’t all slit their wrists already. They were totally abandoned by science and reason; Big Tech and the everyday sheep that did Big Tech’s bidding, ruined the future for millions of children, in many cases straight up took their lives from them. The Billionaire Instigators (Big Tech/Big Pharma/Big Banks in this case) advocate for lockdowns because they make a shi*t-ton of money when everyone just stays home, afraid, (500 new tech/medical/banker billionaires emerged during Covid1984), and they also do it for control, which will last beyond Covid1984 (git your everything-app ready!); the sheep do the Instigator Billionaires’ bidding mostly out of stupidity and fear.
Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, MSNBC (sponsored by…Pfizer??) thinks you should start wearing masks AGAIN! Cuz of the summer covid uptick…which comes before the winter covid uptick…which is in-between the spring and autumn covid upticks…
“You question me, you question science!” – some evil elf in a dystopic Disney film…

Farmer’s market August 4! Come check out all the great vendors! including Fulton Farms!

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday August 4th at the Manzanita Farmer’s Market! At Underhill Plaza. Come check out the fabulous Manzanita Farmers Market Friday August 4th from 4-7pm! Check out all the vendors and see what they have, and support them in their wonderful offerings! While you’re at the Market, swing by Fulton farms and savor their beautiful Regina peaches…freestone! Ruby Bright yellow nectarines… flavor! Polar Gem white nectarines… sweet! Santa Rosa plum… juicy! Hiromi plum… complex! Triple Crown blackberry… huge! Look forward to seeing you at the market!

A decade later, Harvard lets Obama have it

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Harvard calls Obama a war criminal?? Say wut??

The neocons running the supposed ‘democrat’ Biden administration have sent, so far, with more blood money to come, 110 billion tax-dollars worth of weapons to the World War Three effort, including war-criminal-making cluster bombs and cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Everyone knows Biden isn’t doing a damn thing but trying to navigate stairs, sniff girls, and find his way offstage. Everyone also knows fake liberal neocon Barak Obama and his crew are running the most-irresponsible and dangerous administration in American history.

So, let’s remember who this Obama really is:

Obama prosecuted more government whistle-blowers than any president in US history, he and another fake liberal, Hillary Clinton, overthrew the governments of Honduras and Libya, causing immense suffering, Obama also worked with his then vp, Joe Biden, and Joe’s son, Hunter Biden, and, along with the CIA, successfully overthrew the democratically-elected government of Ukraine.

Biden is now a war criminal for sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, joining other war criminals such as Kissinger, Nixon, Dubya, and now according to Harvard…Barak Obama!

Ten years later even Harvard admits their star woke liberal is a war criminal:




It’s time for so-called liberals to stop pretending this war-monger administration is good. It’s also time to stop pretending Joe Biden is in charge of anything at all.
Andy Morris

Astoria Visual Arts Studio tour this weekend July 29, 30! Featuring Ben Rosenberg! No way!

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Drop everything you’re doing this weekend and head up to Astoria for the AVA studio tours! Artist Ben Rosenberg from Manzanita will be showing his pop up gallery, and giving tours of the printmaking studios he teaches at Clatsop Community College 1799 Lexington Ave, Art department. Self guided free tours of many artists showing all over Astoria! Info here:
And remember you can always combine this trip to Costco!

Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday July 28th at the Farmer’s Market

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Fulton Farms tomorrow Friday July 28th at the Farmer’s Market
Come check out the fabulous Manzanita Farmers Market Friday July 28th from 4-7pm! Check out all the vendors and see what they have, and support them in their wonderful offerings!
While you’re at the Market, swing by Fulton farms and savor their delicious Country Sweet peaches, Honey Blaze yellow nectarine, White Donut peaches, Balaton sour cherries (last chance), Attika dark sweet cherries, HUGE Draper blueberries, Triple Crown blackberries! Look forward to seeing you at the market!

We want war with Russia

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
RFK, Jr. schools pro-war Sean Hannity, (link below).

Woke Democrats now march in BLM rallies with Mitt Romney! They vote for the same candidates as Dick Cheney! They argue the same side as Sean Hannity!

How far down the rabbit hole can it go???

Well, let’s see.

Every child in the nation (save anti-woke Florida and South Dakota) was just forced to wear an anti-science, traumatizing, anti-oxygen, mask all day at school for a year, for no scientific reason whatsoever. (even in ‘science’ class!) This was a dictate from adults at the ‘highest’ levels of Big Gov’s halls of coordinated-corruption. The fear and stupidity and the lack of basic understanding of science and health from ADULTS at the state and county level was/continues to be astounding. This child abuse was done by adults, not ‘covid’.

I will never forget going to Neahkahnie H.S. to pick up my daughter and seeing dozens and dozens of children outside, masked, standing six-feet apart, not talking, looking sad, and staring at their phones. It’s very easy for me to remind myself of what the hysterical Covidians did to the children. It’s very easy for me to see why they now support war with Russia.

And it is shameful and looking to be unforgivable as there is no repentance in sight, and I’m waiting and waiting for Nuremberg 2.0 and for everyone who supported doing this to our children to serve time in jail for child abuse.

That’s my view, 100%. If you supported masking children at school, you should serve time in jail for child abuse. (Hate mail can be sent to the email address attached).

If you support war with Russia you should go to jail for murder. Yeah, I believe that, too.

If you injected your child with brand-new experimental mRNA-technology from the Silicon Valley Big Tech bros., again for no scientific reason whatsoever, because the ‘vax’ was NEVER meant to do a damn thing about ‘covid’, and the crooks themselves, AT THE VERY BEGINNING, said the brand new ‘vax’ or whatever it was they made that you fearfully and dutifully injected into your child’s veins, even they said it would do NOTHING to stop the spread of ‘covid’. But most parents got scared and out of control and shot that junk into their child’s veins anyway. I see that as child abuse by any definition. You’re supposed to protect your child from tyrants, not do their bidding.

Yeah, so after watching our children be institutionally abused for a year, a war-on-children spearheaded by the woke, and still, today, watching the suicides and drug addiction from that year of hell we gave our children, it comes as absolutely no surprise whatsoever to see traditional anti-war democrats turn into vicious war mongers, a war they’ve only just started; I could always feel the hate at the end of that rainbow of authoritarian narcissism.

Every non-woke person knows those rainbow signs claiming “Everyone is Welcome” are total B.S.

Got room for homophobic Russians at your woke table? Or would you prefer them dead? Biden and The American War Machine think you prefer them dead. Bombs away!!!!!

RFK, Jr., anti-war. A small, sliver of hope for humanity:
