Employment Opportunity

Submitted By: nbwa@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Nehalem Bay Wastewater Agency is accepting applications for an Office Assistant. The chosen candidate must have an educational level equivalent to a High School diploma; excellent interpersonal skills, verbal and written communication skills; proficiency with Office Suite software, an aptitude for learning and using web-based computer applications such as financial/fund software, utility receipts/billing, and mapping/GIS. Final candidates will be interviewed, pass reference checks, and subject to a background check.
The starting pay range is $22.37 to $25.92 per hour DOE.
Applications and a job description are available online at www.nehalembaywastewater.org or at the administration office, 35755 7th St., Nehalem, OR 97131. 503-368-5125
No applications will be accepted after March 31st, 2023.

Weekly Meditation and Sangha

Submitted By: jettkeyser@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
We meet each Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m at St Catherine’s sanctuary next to the Hope Chest and close to the Shell Station on 101 between Manzanita and Nehalem.

We always enjoy some guided and silent meditation, focused readings, and community sharing…

This is an open learning community…

You are always welcome to attend and contribute at no cost.

Select and Appoint

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Select and Appoint

I supported changing Manzanita’s appointment process back in August and I supported fixing the glitches in the new process this January. Prior to 2022 it was solely the Mayor’s purview to appoint the members of any board, commission or committee. The Mayor also had all the responsibility to remove appointees. It made sense back in the days when it was like pulling teeth to get people to serve, but those days are gone.

A couple of things happened in 2022 that precipitated the direction taken by the previous Council.

A member of the Planning Commission’s term was ending. Mayor Scott placed a reappointment for that position on the City Council’s consent agenda but Council disagreed that such an important role should be a reappointment with no discussion. The Mayor agreed and the process of how the City appoints members to committees, commissions and boards began to change.

When the STR standing Committee was forming, people applied for positions and Mayor Scott met with Councilor Spegman to review all the applications before making appointments. The Mayor chose Spegman who had different views than his own but they came to consensus about their picks. This attempt to change things moved the ball along but didn’t go far enough. At the same time, City Manager Aman was researching the appointment process in other cities.

It was the clear intent of the former Mayor and Council to remove the discretionary power of appointment and removal from the Mayor to the Council. To me, that’s the direction to head, away from centralized decision making to consensus among equals.

It doesn’t matter to me if it’s the old mayor or the new mayor or some future mayor appointing people or removing them, it’s a bad look and gives too much control about too many things to one person. I supported an attempt to blind the current process, even though our community is small and it would be easy for some folks to figure out whose applications they were reading. Appearances matter in a town as divided as this one.

When it looks like friends pick friends or that there’s “an old boys” club you have to belong to in order to serve, the community suffers and mistrust spreads faster than head lice in a preschool naproom. People feel they can’t trust the process. They have the perception that things aren’t fair. It doesn’t matter whether what people think is true or not. They feel itchy and they’re going to need the special shampoo and a little bitty comb.

The previous Mayor and Council adopted the City’s Rules of Procedures for Council Meetings back in August about the time three spots would be coming up on the Planning Commission at the start of the new year.

The appointment process moved from the Mayor to a select committee but there were some flaws in the wording. That happens in technical and legal writing quite often because words are tricky beasts. Over the summer the select committee did the work as it was spelled out in the August Rules of Procedure.

The select committee was to present a slate of candidates “to the mayor for consideration” (my italics from August Rules and Procedures).

There is no mandatory language giving clear guidance for what would happen if a mayor rejected a slate of candidates in the August Rules of Procedure. So I read the Manzanita City Charter.

It reads, “The Mayor shall appoint a committee provided for under the rules of the Council.” The Rules from August just say the Mayor gets a list of candidates for consideration not what the mayor can do if they don’t like the list.

In the August Rules it also says that, “all appointed persons may be removed by the Mayor or a majority of city council” but it doesn’t say what happens if the Mayor and the majority of Council disagree. Awkward.

Using the new process for the first time to appoint three new Planning Commissioners with new and newish council members and a new mayor at the first Council Meeting of the year, the new Mayor did end up rejecting the slate. No matter what she was going to do people on one side or the other were going to be mad.

So after the January meeting, Council began tweaking the appointment process further.

The Rules of Procedure are easier to amend and update than is the Charter. The Charter can only be changed by a citywide vote and it takes time, resources and a whole lot of cash money to do it. Our Charter is a hot mess. I’ve read it a bunch of times. It wouldn’t be an easy in and out kind of revision to do the whole deal.

On February 8, 2023 Council amended the August rules. Here’s what’s changed:

The Mayor and Council will appoint two Councilors instead of one for the select committee.

Those two Councilors will choose a third member of the select committee from the committee that has the opening(s).

The City Manager will be a non-voting member.

Applications will be posted on the City’s website.

All qualified applicants will be interviewed.

A select committee member will present a slate to the Mayor with a ranked list of all qualified candidates.

So no one is left hanging again, the mayor or someone from the select committee will contact the applicants and give them a heads up before the appointment takes place at the next City Council meeting.

As for the actual appointing, the amended rules now read, “The Mayor shall make appointment (s) based on the selection committee’s recommendation or elect to appoint candidates from the qualified list.”

The use of the mandatory shall means that the mayor has to use the select committee’s recommendation or appoint from the qualified list. So there’s that. But…

What the amended rules don’t say is what happens, if the Mayor doesn’t like the slate but there’s not an extra list of qualified candidates to choose from? Also, when choosing from the qualified list, does the Mayor have to go by the ranking in appointing candidates? If the Mayor doesn’t have to use ranking to choose, why is there ranking of candidates to begin with?

The select committee’s slate of recommendations will be part of the record

The last change is in removals. It now says that “all appointed persons may be removed by a majority vote of City Council” not just the Mayor.

One thing Council learned recently is that appointments for the Budget Committee are different and we’ve been doing them wrong for a long time. ORS 294.414 requires the entire Council to vote to appoint Budget Committee members. That’s Oregon State Law. It will be interesting to see how this will all work at the next meeting. Council agreed to use part of the process from the Appointment Rules–all the way down to where the appointment is made when the Council will vote.

We’ll also get a chance to see how the regular appointment process works for a new vacancy on the Planning Commission. Some of the changes Council has made already (like posting the applications for the community to see) make sense to me. I didn’t think it was such a good idea before they did it, but now I see that it lets people know more about the background and experience of the people chosen to fill important committees and commissions.

Maybe you knew more than one of the people applying for the Planning Commission and you wondered why some people were interviewed and some were not, or maybe you didn’t know any of the applicants and wondered about their backgrounds and how they were chosen. Maybe you had questions about the make up of the select committee.

I think Council is trying to clean the windows to let us see inside. And, kids? We might need more Windex.

Kim Rosenberg loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

A sad announcement

Submitted By: aqualineocean@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Mike Stanley, owner of Mike’s Bike Shop for many years in Cannon Beach has passed at age 75.

He suffered a stroke and passed from complications Saturday, Feb 25th. He will be sorely missed, as well as his infectious energy and enthusiasm for life. Anyone who knew Mike and Christina Stanley and would like to reach out to her, please email for her contact info.

Mike and Christina spent the last several years living in Corvallis, Or, where they spent time at the Wildlife refuge photographing birds and hiking on the many trails Corvallis has.

Mike was active, cycling around Corvallis solo or with groups, he was part of a Celtic music group and was always practicing his flute and concertina. He loved sailing his small sailboat The Ursa Minor.

If Mike touched your life in some way, you have a story or just wish to communicate your condolences, please do not hesitate to send me an email.

Thank you,
Megan Lucas

Choir Forming: Sing for Selfcare and/or as a Ministry

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
To start, we will gather monthly in Nehalem as a healing circle of singers to learn songs written for the purpose of bringing comfort to those at important thresholds of life (including end of life).

Although these songs were written with this intention, singing as a ministry is not required. We invite you to bring your voice and let your soul be nourished.

Please email to indicate interest, and we will share more about this newly forming Threshold Choir chapter.

5,800 kicker tax

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
SB 990 would change state practice around what is colloquially called the “Kicker”. Meaning, that money that is returned to taxpayers if revenue collected exceeds 102% of what was budgeted. If you’ve been an Oregonian for awhile like me, you remember getting kicker checks during the good years. A number of years ago, the law was changed to make it so that, instead of receiving a kicker check, taxpayers would receive the money as a tax credit on the following year’s taxes. That might have been all fine and good when we were talking about $100 kicker checks, but now we’re talking about an average of $5,800 per person! That’s more than a full month’s salary for a lot of people in rural Oregon. The government shouldn’t be holding onto that money for a year for convenience. That money belongs to the taxpayers and it should be returned ASAP. Unfortunately, SB 990 hasn’t been scheduled for a hearing. I encourage you to contact Senator Mark Meek, the chair of the Committee on Finance and Revenue in the Senate and ask him to schedule a public hearing and a work session ASAP.

Sen .MarkMeek@oregonlegislature.gov

Interior Design- Full Services for Air bnb, Commercial, Home

Submitted By: Unearth.co@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
We are a new, Full Service Interior Design Firm creating modern, design-forward spaces on the North Coast area and beyond.

Increase the value of your rental property or restaurant, or let us help you re-imagine your kitchen.

Our team can design, source, rennovate, install, and outfit.

Ready to begin? We are offering a FREE in-person consult ($280) value.

Book below or contact us at unearth.co@gmail.com


Within 7 days…………..

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
X4 Health is going to be given $121,000 by Tillamook County to aid in a “coordinated homeless response.” Who is X4 health? And what will they do? They ambigously work to bridge communications between “clinicians and patients,” mostly in repsonse to COVID-19 As always follow the money. . .
X4 Health www.communityrockit.org/contact
Morris Singer Foundation
Morris Singer takes in a lot of funding from various groups, universities, hospitals, the Global Development ($500,000) and the Health Initiative (500,000).
Does Tillamook County want international organizations involved in our homeless issues?
Contact your commissioners with questions or “written protest” within 7 days of today if you have concerns.

I think we may have to physically write the commissioners. Here is that information:

Tillamook County Courthouse 201 Laurel Avenue Tillamook, Oregon 97141
Attn: Tillamook County Commissioners Public Comment

Please write the commissioners in protest if you are concerned. If We the People of Tillamook County make a coordinated effort I can let you all know.
My personal feeling on this is that the county commissioners should hold a hearing on this matter before entering into a contract with anyone.

below is a document sent out by the county commissioners
Notice of Intent
to Award a Contract for the
Coordinated Homeless Response:

An apology for a small error

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
A friend notified me last night that my post of the meeting today Feb 22,2023 – that I posted, was an error on my part. Yes there is a meeting – what it is about (thats the error) I will find out when I watch it. So I looked for the information that I had which started my comment on the subject of homelessness and providing shelter. So far going back through my e-mails I cannot find the information but I am still looking. So again my apologies.

As I researched causes of homelessness the first information I found stated that homelessness is caused in large part by government regulation – that was unexpected – but as I read further I can see how that plays a big part in causing homelessness.

Everything else I posted was true and my true feelings on the subject. And yes this homeless problem will be addressed in this county soon.

I would also like to say that one of the regulations that Coastalwhistleblower@gmail.com mentioned on his post Feb 19 is one of the regulations that helps create homelessness –
Here is an example: After my husband passed away I had to look for “handyman” postings to get things fixed. It was not hard to find help by looking at ads in the Headlight Herald. Over the following few years I hired handymen to do many things. Then this license or fee – I am trying to remember which it was – was made a law in this county. The ads in the paper disappeared. No more small job handymen. Do you call a construction company to fix a door that in hanging from a broken hinge? If you do – your job is so small it always get put on the bottom of their list and never gets done. It was really hard for me to keep things fixed up after this bill was passed. Those people supplementing their incomes by doing handy man repair and painting work were gone because the license fee was too much for them to pay, and I talked to some of them and they said you have to pay, I think it was one thousand dollars and attend a 2 day school which was all about how to pay your taxes correctly from your work as a handyman. Here is a sad story -I found a painter – I don’t remember how -probably from an ad on the BBQ. So I called him and he came over. I showed him what I wanted to be painted. He told me that he had painted a building in the city of Nehalem and as he was finishing the job an inspector came by and asked to see his license. He didn’t have one so the inspector told him that if he ever caught him again he would fine him big bucks and he would never work again in this county. So I said, well, he can’t see you working from my place and so he did a lot of work for me. This guy had a family with kids and they were just hanging on financially. After he got through painting – and I learned a lot about painting from him, I must say – He fixed a bunch of small things for me that needed fixing. He was great.

I never had a problem. And yes – you can have a problem hiring someone who has a license to do work. For instance hiring a contractor and then finding out much later that the stuff they installed – like insulation – was not what they promised and charged you for – that happened to me – but by the time you find out – years have passed. My niece told me that they had had their house roofed about 5 years ago and now the tiles are curling up – the roof is leaking but the licensed contractor has moved on. Lots of stories like that. Even if you try to hire a person that has a license – they do not want to do little jobs – and I understand that because they have to make money, but do the little guys! The economy we are in is punishing for the people just hanging on trying to take care of their families.
AND one last word about the fee (tax) on small businesses, (ordinance 80?88?) who have barely survived the Covid restrictions – A US congressional hearing showed these restrictions had NO benefit on slowing the case numbers or flattening the curve for Covid. etc. BUT these restrictions put lots of small businesses out of work. So tax small businesses that barely survived? What happened to those people? You can see how government policies effect peoples lives.

Quilts and Wool Blankets. Cutters ok!

Submitted By: ddozbaba@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Looking for quilts and wool blankets and cotton feedsacks. Stains, rips and holes are ok! Looking to repurpose them into clothes to wear so they don’t need to be perfect. Please let me know if you have any you’d like to give away or sell, I am happy to pick up wherever on the north coast! Thank you 🙂 Danielle


Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
n LA last year they spent 5 billion on providing shelter for the homeless. This year so far the total is 6 billion. An 18% increase!
Homeless fixes not working in California. And they won’t work here either.


This is how I see it. Oregon, Washington and California are passing similar bills making it easier to have and sell illegal drugs. SB 110 in Oregon has increased crime and drug availability. This bill talked of rehabilitation but in the end it doesn’t provide any money for this. Defund the police ?- This policy deeply curtails police action when drug action has increased. Black Lives Matter? – Now police are afraid to enforce the law on people of color. They could lose their job or be suspended or ????? So crime and murder are greatly increasing in these states that are following the same um.. solutions?
Come to Oregon – If you buy, sell, take , drugs of any kind we will house you and the police will leave you alone – guaranteed.

Building shelters for homeless drug addicts without requiring them to get treatment is insane.

Build it and they will come

I am not against providing low income or just plain free shelter for people…….But this plan that they are planning in this county says that if you are an addict -or ? dealer? don’t worry – we will not require anything from you to have shelter which will be paid for by the taxpayers of Tillamook County
The meeting is tomorrow – This agency is the one that recently tried to pass a tax, a “fee” on to local small businesses in rural Tillamook County and but could not explain why, with a badly worded piece of legislation. It was defeated There is a Tillamook County Economic Development Meeting on Wednesday, on homelessness – February 22nd 2023 at 12:30pm. The meeting will take place at 4506 3rd street, Room #107, Tillamook, OR 97141.

This meeting is open to the public.

You can also join the meeting via Zoom by clicking on this link: us02web.zoom.us/j/85216020803

meeting ID: 852 1602 0803

Riverbend Players Recall Its Humble Beginnings and Launch 2023 Season

Submitted By: frank@wandascafe.com – Click to email about this post
Another Opening, Another Show: Riverbend Players Recall Its Humble Beginnings and Launch 2023 Season

By Ellis E. Conklin

Sometimes it is judicious to look back on something, ponder its modest roots, and celebrate the upward journey, before moving forward.

Riverbend Players Community Theater began over scones and coffee some 20 years ago at Jane Knapp’s dining-room table in Wheeler and next month will spread its wings when the curtain rises at the North County Recreation District’s Performing Arts Center for Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs.

As the iconic marketing message for Virginia Slims cigarettes once enthused: “You’ve come a long way, baby!”

“I remember long ago that Ron Cohen, a fitness club member, asked if we couldn’t do a play or have a reading group – anything,” recounts Knapp, who, for the past 17 years has served as activities director at NCRD.

The name Riverbend Players, adds Knapp, came courtesy of Phyllis Sanderson, a New York actress and a one-time mainstay at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, who had moved to the area to teach.

The very first performances, remembers Linda Makohon, a Friends of NCRD and Riverbend Players board member, were held inside the current Fireside Room, previously known as the Riverbend Room.

In essence, Riverbend Players began as Readers Theater, where a rag-tag assemblage of actors performed without props or costumes, often sans stage or set!

The very first show, Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters, was a collection of short free-verse poems, many composed in 1915, that shatter the myth that small-town America is a vast depository of virtue.

Spoon River’s director was Ms. Sanderson, and Jane Knapp, her memories of early Riverbend Players lore deeply engraved, can still recall the wondrous Readers Theater performances of actress Jaye O’Neal, a ginger-haired spitfire.

Knapp says 40 chairs were arranged in the Fireside Room to accommodate the earliest
theatergoers. Sometimes the room was crammed with as many as 75 to 80 chairs. “We were over fire code at times,” she says with a chuckle. “We did Robert Service poems, Dorothy Parker readings, and Mr. Barry’s Etchings.”

THE PRESENT-DAY 193-seat theater, marvels Knapp, once served as the old auditorium for the rambunctious kids at Nehalem Elementary School. “When we started [Riverbend Players] it was still a theater, but it had become a junk room. Truck after truck had to come to remove the stuff. We borrowed lights from Coaster Theatre, and the curtain was a hand-me-down.”

It was Tom Cocklin, current board president of Riverbend Players, who in 2016 “encouraged us to organize ourselves as a non-profit,” says Makohon.

After nearly $200,000 worth of work: new lighting, padded seats, railing, and a remodeled stage, the theater now has a classic, regal feel. “It went from a really uncomfortable place to becoming a fantastic venue,” says Cocklin.

Riverbend Players’ inaugural production at the revamped theater, in 2016, was Neil Simon’s comedic classic, The Odd Couple.

With nearly a decade of stage productions under its belt and a fully remodeled facility at the recreation center in Nehalem, Riverbend Players has hit its stride.

Through 2022, the community theater group has staged 48 productions, with 17 different directors. This past year Riverbend Players broke many attendance records including in December with the Frank Squillo-directed It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play.

Its original base of volunteers has surged from five to nearly 40. The group also has a contract with NCRD to house its theater troupe, and patrons now have the ability to purchase tickets and select their seats online at their website.

Without question, Riverbend Players is taking the Tillamook County community theater scene by storm and is proud to announce its performance lineup for 2023.

BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS (March 18 – April 2) By Neil Simon
Directed by Vicki Haker

Set in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn, New York in September 1937 during The Great Depression, this coming-of-age comedy focuses on Eugene Morris Jerome, a Polish-Jewish American teenager who experiences puberty, sexual awakening, and a search for identity as he tries to deal with his family, including his older brother Stanley, his parents Kate and Jack, Kate’s sister Blanche, and her two daughters.

Brighton Beach Memoirs, the first play in Neil Simon’s autobiographical series, portrays an extended family crowded together by circumstances that still exist today. Unemployment, war, and prejudice depress the adults, while the young people dream about their futures.

12 ANGRY JURORS (June 2 – June 18)
By Reginald Rose
Directed by Frank Squillo

12 Angry Jurors is a courtroom drama based in New York City that gives the audience an inside look at how jury deliberations occur during a murder trial. 12 Angry Men was initially broadcast as a television play in 1954 and proved so popular that it was adapted for the stage. The acclaimed Hollywood director Sidney Lumet later directed a screen adaptation of 12 Angry Men starring Henry Fonda in 1957.

A 19-year-old man has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of his father. “He doesn’t stand a chance,” mutters the guard as the 12 jurors are taken into the bleak jury room. It looks like an open-and-shut case – until one of the jurors begins opening the others’ eyes to the facts. Tempers flare, arguments grow heated, and the jurors become 12 angry jurors!

The juror’s final verdict and how they reach it, intense scenes that electrify audiences and keep them on the edge of their seats, add up to a fine, mature piece of dramatic literature.

Adapted by Philip Grecian
Directed by Julee Ward

Remember the good old days of radio when people had to use their imagination? When the mind was a stage? Those days are back – only better!

This smart and well-crafted adaptation remains very true to Mary Shelley’s classic novel.

Captain Walton is on an Arctic expedition when he finds and rescues Victor Frankenstein from the harsh terrain. Frankenstein had been pursuing the “Creature,” he created and brought to life. Having told the captain his travails before dying, it is now up to Walton to narrate the tale of the monster’s inception and the resulting mayhem as the story comes alive onstage.

This thrilling stage adaptation by award-winning playwright Philip Grecian retains all the dread, anguish, and heart of the original.

A CHRISTMAS STORY (December 1 – 17)
By Philip Grecian
Director: TBD

Humorist Jean Shepherd’s memoir of growing up in the Midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun under the tree for Christmas.
Ralphie pleads his case before his mother, teacher, and even Santa Claus at Higbee’s Department Store. The consistent response: You’ll shoot your eye out!”

All the elements from the beloved motion picture are here, including the family’s temperamental exploding furnace; Scut Farkas, the school bully; the boys’ experiment with a wet tongue on a cold lamppost; the Little Orphan Annie decoder pin; Ralphie’s father winning a lamp shaped like a woman’s leg in a net stocking; Ralphie’s fantasy scenarios, and more!

All shows will be held at the NCRD Performing Arts Center located at 36155 9th St. in Nehalem, OR

Theater patrons can purchase reserved seating for $20 or $25.
Tickets are also available at the door, along with special $5 tickets for K-12 students.

For tickets and details visit www.riverbendplayers.org.

Picture included:
Riverbend Players Community Theater sits empty, awaiting the curtain to rise for Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs. Photo Copyright: Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography.

Art at Manzanita Library

Submitted By: DebMuell503@aol.com – Click to email about this post
The Manzanita Library is having an art showing by my friend, Ginger Matyas. Ginger is a gifted artist whose love of animals, in particular, dogs and cats, has lead her to draw numerous depictions of animals she has lovingly cared for. She translates photos into beautiful drawings, capturing the ‘soul’ of the animal. Many of her drawings are of pets in the local area. You may recognize your own, or someone else’s. Most pieces are for sale, and you can also commission her to make a portrait of your pet. It’s worth a stroll through the library.

Illegal Contractor Information

Submitted By: Coastalwhistleblower@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Did you know you are required to have a license issued by the State of Oregon to perform MOST home improvements?

If you are hiring an unlicensed contractor you are exposing yourself to unnecessary liability AND you are giving up ALL protections from the law as a homeowner.

It is ILLEGAL to advertise for these home improvements without a CCB# posted clearly in the ad. You can verify someones CCB# and also learn of any complaints brought against a contractor.

Do your due diligence and report ILLEGAL contractors.

Experienced Nail tech accepting New Clients!

Submitted By: Jmariesalonspa@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Brandy Sperle is accepting new nail clients at J.Marie Salon+Spa in downtown Nehalem!

She offers full sets – hard gel (NO ODOR)
Manicures, Pedicures and nail art!

She is absolutely fabulous and we are blessed to have her here!!
Book today!
Call or text her at 503-791-1159
36080 7th street

Update on County-Wide Business License (formerly Ordinance #88)

Submitted By: ruraltillamookbiz@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
In December and January, we posted on the BBQ about the rural business license (formerly Ordinance 88), and folks have continued to reach out to us with more information and links. (Thank you!)

The latest? Ordinance #88 is gone and the workgroup to revise it is on “pause”. But in a press release from the BOCC, it seems the idea of a rural business license is still being considered.

The Board of County Commissioners Press Release is uploaded to our website: ruraltillamookbiz.wordpress.com/about/

In our latest blog post, we provide our thoughts in response to the press release: ruraltillamookbiz.wordpress.com/2023/02/12/bocc-press-release-rural-business-license-still-under-consideration/

We continue to update the website with the latest documents: ruraltillamookbiz.wordpress.com/about/

What’s next?
– If you have any information that would be helpful to citizens concerned about this issue, please reach out to: ruraltillamookbiz@gmail.com
– The EDC’s next public meeting is not published. At the January public meeting, they changed their regular meeting from Mondays at 8 am to another day/time. Watch for updates: www.edctc.com/edc-minutes
– The County Commissioner’s next public meeting is also not published: www.co.tillamook.or.us/meetings?field_microsite_tid=431
Check the website for the latest. Written public comments must be submitted 24 hours in advance.

City Hall Y’All

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg. loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com
City Hall Y’All
I haven’t written about the Manzanita City Hall deal because I don’t have much of an opinion about it but just about everyone else I know does. I went to a couple of the Pine Grove presentations and listening sessions but I found myself in groups where folks had already decided what they wanted and there was no room for a conversation or even questions. So, the two most opinionated people at the table took over the discussion and it was their views that were presented to the larger group. That’s pretty common in any group setting. The stakes would’ve had to be higher to get people to speak up. Nobody wants to argue with people they don’t know over site plans for a building that may or may not be built.
Mention city hall and you’ll end up hearing about the sale of the Underhill property and a failed bond measure and theories so convoluted they’ll make your head spin and pretty soon you’re going to wish you’d stuck to talking about the weather.
I am not the person to talk to about whether it’s better to remodel an old building or build new because I have an extremely low bar when it comes to what’s livable. I’m that girl who lived in a pink school bus, a teepee, an off the grid cabin in the Humboldt with no running water or electricity. I lived in two different walk in closets during a rough patch in the late 70’s, a barn’s hayloft one summer and a countless bunch of crappy apartments with holes punched through the sheetrock, black mold, dry rot and no working heaters. I’ve lived on farms where a sagging singlewide mobile home was part of the wages and the smell of cow manure was just the smell of your paycheck.
There are all kinds of ideas about city hall and ways to use the parcel of land at Underhill. Dog parks and a permanent farmer’s market space and workforce housing and an emergency gathering spot have all been discussed along with a bunch of iterations of the city hall building.
Pretty soon the council will vote on how to proceed. We have a mostly new council and this will be a big deal. Maybe the biggest deal this council will ever have to vote on and no matter how they vote, there will be people who won’t agree with their decision.
The councilors volunteer to represent us. We vote for them, or not, and the five folks elected become the people who decide on things like city hall. Five votes, five opinions, five people doing their best to not F things up.
Maybe you felt like me and you didn’t really say what matters most to you about the city hall at the meetings or there wasn’t room on the survey. Maybe you have some thoughts about how we can move forward on something as expensive and divisive as this that nobody’s heard yet.
If that’s the case, I urge you to email your five representatives and tell them what you think before they cast their votes so they can truly be representing.
dsimmons@ci.manzanita.or.us lkozlowski@ci.manzanita.or.us jspegman@ci.manzanita.or.us jedginton@ci.manzanita.or.us bmayerle@ci.manzanita.or.us
Kim Rosenberg. loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com
Collages by Kim Rosenberg

Becoming Chinese

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Recently the Chinese people demonstrated their discontent to the stringent lockdown called for by the CCP, locking people into their apartments to seal in the latest virus which, when a fire began to destroy the building caused the death of many. They demonstrated by holding plain white paper in front of them. How brave of them, how perfect is that? I thought! The blank paper symbolizes that they cannot speak their discontent, they cannot speak about the need for change, they cannot speak about anything except the political slogans of their country. A Communist Country.

Once upon a time we could speak about anything, We had free speech!! Have you forgotten? What happened to our free speech?
The Bill of Rights, an amendment to our constitution: #1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of speech is the right of a person to articulate opinions and ideas without interference or retaliation from the government.

The First Amendment restrains only the government. The Supreme Court has interpreted “speech” and “press” broadly as covering not only talking, writing, and printing, but also broadcasting, using the Internet, and other forms of expression. There are 4 limits to free speech: obscenity, child pornography, defamation, incitement to violence and true threats of violence. Even in those categories, there are tests that have to be met in order for the speech to be illegal.

We are beginning to allow ourselves to become like the Chinese. I am sure you became aware of the FBI censoringTwitter. There is a whole industry in this country devoted to censoring.

See – The Wests Burgeoning Censorship Industry by Mike Benz
Mike Benz, is a former State Department diplomat responsible for formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector. Here is a link to a video on bit chute (because it might be censored) on the censorship industry in the U.S.A!!! www.bitchute.com/video/uXO0bu2IdW4P/. Title of video: Mike Benz on Millions Paid by FBI For Censorship

Corrected Raffle Link

Submitted By: Constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
This link will take you to a full description of the raffle


We all deserve to take a chance on us and who wouldn’t enjoy 2 nights of relaxation & rejuvenation or romance? The lucky ticket will be drawn by next Wednesday 2/15, you really want to take action now…..
Copy, paste, go, purchase…. Good Luck and please forward to anyone you’d also like to give the chance too

Final countdown to purchase your raffle ticket

Submitted By: Constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
We all deserve to take a chance on us and who wouldn’t enjoy 2 nights of relaxation & rejuvenation or romance? The lucky ticket will be drawn by next Wednesday 2/15, you really want to take action now…..
Copy, paste, go, purchase…. Good Luck and please forward to anyone you’d also like to give the chance too!

secure.at blue.com/donate/Tillamook-winter-22

Valentine’s Day Approaches

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
With Valentin’s Day coming up soon you can give a gift to the community by sending check or cash to our local eating places for Seniors and others. You’ll feel really good when you put a note on your check which says, “Happy Valentine’s Day”. All these are non-profits. Let them know you want a receipt for your donation. Thank you for thinking of others.
Meals for Seniors, Inc. PO Box 852 Rockaway Beach, Or. 97136 North County Food Bank PO Box 162 Wheeler, Or. 97147 Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church PO Box 156 Nehalem, Oregon 97131

Drug Issues In Oregon Are The Worst In The Country

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Oregon Secretary of State, Shemia Fagan released the results of an audit of Measure 110, the state’s drug addiction treatment and recovery act. According to WalletHub’s research, Oregon has the highest number of people who need drug treatment but DO NOT GET IT!.

Overdose rates, the frequency of drug use and addiction, and the percentage of individuals aged 12 and above who reported taking drugs in the previous year were all taken into account while ranking the 50 states in the research, which compiled data from a number of different sources.
Oregon worst in country for drug problems, according to a new report t.co/obTdqKi6Cq

According to a similar study published by WalletHub, Oregon ranks third in the US for youth drug use and second for adult drug use.
Although Oregon was not ranked worst overall, it did receive very low grades in all categories. Utah got an 88 on a scale where 0 is the worst and 100 is the best, while Oregon obtained a dismal 43.
Nearly a quarter of all respondents (26%) reported using marijuana in the calendar year prior to the poll. Marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, despite the fact that it has been decriminalized in the state of Oregon. People between the ages of 18 and 25 had the greatest prevalence of marijuana usage (47.28%) of any age group.

The Need For Aid
“There has been a lot of confusion about what Measure 110 would do and what the funding would go towards. Unfortunately, “IT DOES NOT FUND TREATMENT,” said Sommer Wolcott, executive director of the addiction treatment organization OnTrack Rogue Valley.
Is it too soon to tell if Measure 110 is effective or not?
How can it be effective – If it does not fund treatment?
Don’t you think this measure should be canceled since voters were fooled into voting for it?
Recently at the the library I saw a new book out from a western author I used to read – and so I checked it out. This action takes place in Portland, Oregon and the description of Portland in this book? “Most of the traffic signs were defaced by graffiti. So were sides of buildings and fences. Chain link fences mostly ripped down that flanked the highway, piles of trash and crude shelters wherever there was bare ground.Every bank and most businesses were boarded up with plywood. Piles of trash covering the sidewalks and gathered in the corners of bulldings. Homeless people sleeping on sidewalks, some without sleeping bags.
Welcome to Portland, Oregon! Now described this way in novels!! What say you?
This info from The Oregon catalyst and other articles

Fish Leather Tanning Classes

Submitted By: walnutstudiolo@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hi there,
We’re the leathercrafters on Highway 53. We don’t tan leather ourselves, but we wish we had a local source for salmon leather.

Fish skin tanning is a traditional craft that is still practiced, particularly in Iceland and Northern Canada. Natural salmon skin looks particularly beautiful. I’m attaching a photo of what it looks like with our Travel Cribbage Board.

If you’re interested in learning how, Janey Chang in Canada is giving virtual classes on it, including one to benefit the Saturviit Inuit Women’s Association of Nunavit: www.janeychang.ca/shop

(And if you do learn how, let us know, we’d like to buy some!)
Walnut Studiolo
Original Modern Designs / Handcrafted Leather Goods
36005 Highway 53, Nehalem, OR 97131
Phone +1 503-447-6889
Email walnutstudiolo@gmail.com
URL walnutstudiolo.com

Conscious Elders in Service to Community March 30-April 2

Submitted By: vivi@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Cascadia Quest is a wonderful and forward thinking organization in Eugene that is now offering this workshop for elders. Read on:

Traditional cultures look toward, respect, and are guided by the experience and wisdom of their elders. Empowered, often initiated, elders can provide stability, groundedness, perspective and so much more. Unfortunately, our society has been youth-focused for many generations now, seeing seniors as “old people”– less relevant, invisible, or worse.

As part of our mission to plant the seeds of a much more sustainable and healthy culture, we are thrilled to announce one of our responses to this misguided bias. We are providing a nature-based retreat for those in or soon to enter their most valuable years.

Conscious Elders in Service to Community is a dynamic workshop and exploration of the inner work that prepares us to fully embrace our elderhood and become the community members whose wisdom and gifts are so urgently needed in today’s world. It will be led by author and wilderness guide, Ron Pevny, who directs the Center for Conscious Eldering. Ron was one of the most important mentors of our founder and lead guide, Rob Miller, in the creation of Cascadia Quest!

If you are 50 or over, we invite you to join us Thursday, March 30 to Sunday, April 2 at the beautiful Buckhorn Springs Resort outside of Ashland, OR. And if you know someone in that age range, please encourage them to attend.

We have a strong wish that this Conscious Eldering Retreat will serve as a catalyst to more strongly engage our Cascadia Quest elders. May it be so!
Conscious Elders In Service To Community
March 30 – April 2, 2023
Buckhorn Springs Resort, Ashland, OR
Tiered pricing and lodging options available.
Learn More and Register:

Chihuahua wire hair mixed puppies for rehoming

Submitted By: scottsontherun@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello we have some beautiful puppies that we wish to find loving homes for ,two males one female, Chihuahua and wire hair mixed puppies, Wonderful demeanor and attentive,low maintenance and best friend for life. $1000 or best offer.
Please contact Monica about
details @412-860-9492 thank you.