Zoom Test

Submitted By: seo4.softrix@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Zoom test Test: What It Is And How It Works?
Are you unable to download a single PDF document due to weak internet signals? Or is your installation of apps from the play store taking a lot of time? Or maybe your connection to your online class is dropping continuously.

There is only one cause, “slow internet speed,” whatever the scenario is. Although you paid for a high MBs package and according to your ISP, your internet must not have weak or dropping signals. But, it is not working properly.

So, in such cases, troubleshooting the problems is necessary to know whether the router device is the problem, internet speed is the issue or connection trouble with the devices.

And this is exactly where the Zoom internet speed test jumps in and shows its magic. So, if you want to know the basic concept and role of the Zoom internet speed test in our internet connections, give this article a thorough read till the end.

What Is Zoom Internet Speed Test?
Whether you have a zoom broadband internet connection or any other ISP’s connection, getting a regular internet speed test is mandatory. To know the amount of internet MBs you are getting from your ISPs and the cause behind your slow internet speed test.

The Zoom internet speed test tools provide various tests that affect your internet speed, like download internet speed, upload internet speed, jitter, and Ping. Let’s move forward and see how does Zoom internet speed test takes place.

How Is The Internet Speed Tested With Zoom Internet Speed Tool?
Zoom is one of the leading and most powerful internet broadband connections among users. It provides great internet speed for live-streaming games, online classes, interviews, fast installing the apps from the play store, and chatting with your loved ones.

But, if the internet is slow due to device problems or weak signals, a speed test can help you determine the real cause and fix it. Let’s see how this Zoom broadband internet speed test tool works!

Let’s deal with the two major internet speed test components: download and upload internet tests.

Download Internet Speed Test
When you click on the “Go” button, the internet speed test starts with connecting your device to the nearest server available in your location.

Then, the device downloads small data files from the server to the device. Meanwhile, the speed tool calculates the speed of the files documented and the time required for the download.

After a few seconds, the Zoom broadband internet speed test results show the measurements in seconds.

Upload Internet Speed Test
The upload internet speed test is similar to the downloading internet test, but the only difference is uploading the files from the device to the server. It started with connecting to the server nearer to your device’s location.

After connecting successfully, the device uploads small files to the server. Meanwhile, the tool calculates the time to upload the files, the same as the download speed test.

The uploading internet speed test comes with the download internet speed test.

How To Take a Zoom Broadband Internet Speed Test For Your Internet Connection – A Step By Step Guide
So, without any further ado, let’s jump straight to the guide to testing your zoom broadband internet speed, so you can easily get a test, troubleshoot your connectivity problem, and fix it.

Step: 01: Open a new tab and go to the URL of the Zoom broadband speed test tool. You can also get to the tool directly by clicking here.

Step:02: After loading the page, click on the “Go” button.

Step: 03: After running the test, wait for a few seconds until the test is completely loaded and the results are shown.

Step: 04: Now, after loading, you can view the ping speed and Jitter speed, download the internet speed test and upload the internet speed test with the help of the Zoom broadband internet speed test tool.

How To Get The Correct Internet Speed Test Measurements?
Using a tool to test your internet speed test doesn’t ensure you correct speed measurements unless you take certain steps regarding your laptop, computer, phone, tablets, other devices, and your internet connectivity device (router).

So, below are some of the tips and tricks that can help you in getting the accurate Zoom broadband internet speed test:

If you have multiple devices connected to your Wireless or Wired connection, disconnect all of them except the device you are using for the internet speed test.
If you are using an online application in the background of your device, close it and reopen it after taking the test.
Restart the device on which you are taking the speed test. The accuracy of the downloading and uploading internet speed has a lot to do with the devices’ hardware.
Whether it is the first time you are taking the internet speed test or testing multiple times in a row, clear the browser’s cache history. You won’t get accurate calculations if the files exist on your device due to previous downloading and uploading tests.
If you have a wired connection or using wireless internet, restart the router in both cases to have the router in fully-functioning condition.
Don’t take the internet speed test at the wrong time of the day. On Saturday nights and Sunday evenings, when every person is watching youtube or live-streaming games, your internet is supposed to be slow due to heavy traffic. And, of course, your ISP is not responsible for the internet traffic.
Don’t test your Zoom broadband internet speed while using the VPN. It can slow your internet and show your incorrect calculation, except you specifically want to see how fast VPN internet is working.
Wrapping Up
Getting a Zoom broadband internet speed test has become easy and quick using the speed testing tool. It is simple to run and gives accurate results if you follow the steps correctly and take all the necessary measures before taking the speed test.

So, click and get a zoom internet speed test for your connection to know the reason behind slow internet. And instantly fix it up to enjoy fast and uninterrupted internet.

New businesses and Parking on Laneda

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Dear Folks,

Below is a letter I shared with Leila Aman, City Manager. Karen Reddick-Yurka, Planning Commission, Linda Kozlowski, Council President for the City of Manzanita. This is all about a new building on Laneda Avenue in Manzanita, Oregon. You may want to consult the Planning Commission Rules while you read this. A change in building rules as it pertains to parking spaces, or vice versa has allowed this to happen. I am not sure who instigated changing these rules, but I would like to find out. I am one person, and one person is not going to get in the way of this building. You all need to get in touch with the above people working for the City of Manzanita to make a dent in making the City of Manzanita hear us. Are we too late with regards to the Harder Holding Coastal, LLC building? I honestly don’t know. Please send your letter or call the City of Manzanita to make your views known. As Wheeler, Nehalem, Mohler, all shop and work in Manzanita, I hope you all chime in. That said, please read below.

I am writing this letter in protest of the Manzanita Planning Commission approving Harder Holdings Coastal, LLC, also known as Steeplejack Brewing proposal for their building on Laneda Avenue. This concerns the restaurant and mini hotel. As most of you know I do not live within the City Limits of Manzanita. My sister and I own a commercial office space in Manzanita. I owned and personally ran a business in Manzanita for almost 30 years.

In Exhibit A, 1., Background it states the parcel size is 5,000 square feet. If you will please reference page 6 in the Applicant’s Design Review application I am wondering how Harding Holdings Coastal, LLC got away with so few parking spaces. As I have nothing to lose here, I am going to be very honest with the Planning Commission, the Council, and the City Manager and say Harder Holdings Coastal pulled one on you and if this parking plan goes through then the City of Manzanita’s parking plan is just full of baloney sandwiches!

To continue the parking situation, I’ll refer to page 5 of the application where applicants have figured out how many parking spaces they will need. Here again we find more than one baloney sandwich. 3,198 square feet for the restaurant space, 2,167 square feet for the retail space seems to me to equal 5,365 square feet. Also, in reference to parking it is my understanding a designated handicapped parking space can only be used by someone with a handicapped sticker.

I am sure everyone in the room knows of Manzanita’s parking problem both during the summer and on busy weekends. Laneda is clogged with traffic as are 1st. and 2 nd. Streets. You can barely get up and down these two streets off Laneda. Big trucks parked on the corners of Laneda create a site problem when pulling on to Laneda. A comment I hear from a lot of people is they don’t come into downtown Manzanita anymore due to the traffic/parking problems. Locating another business of this size on Laneda just isn’t fair to the businesses already there. How much parking do other street-facing retail businesses spaces need to have? You are talking about a 960 square foot retail space or a 5,365 square foot retail space. Is this space for the beer, or just what? I am reading that the square foot retail space has a small rooftop top garden and seating space. Is this area 960 square feet also? And just where is the arcade going? Upstairs, downstairs? We used to have an ocean here where kids played.

Below please find information from pages 6 and 7 of the application:

D. Section 4.150 identifies the purpose of the design review process: “The purpose of Sections 4.150 through 4.158 is to provide design standards for commercial and mixed-use development in Manzanita’s commercial zones and in the High Density Residential/Limited Commercial zone. Design review provides aesthetic judgment over development projects in order to maintain the unique character of the community by keeping buildings to human scale and reflecting the natural beauty of the city’s setting, to encourage the traditional style of the Pacific Northwest, and to protect the viability of the commercial zones. The standards provide for originality, flexibility and innovation in site planning and development and encourage development where structures, use areas, artistic expression and site elements are integrated in a manner that is harmonious within the site and with adjacent properties. Design review criteria shall be applicable to all new construction, alteration of site improvements, or exterior alteration of commercial and mixed-use development in the C-1, LC, and R-4 zones.” F

You are not protecting the viability of our commercial zone by allowing this project to go through. I’m frankly sick of the bologna sandwiches and bet you are too, so let’s not go there again.

I know many of you reading this are residents of Manzanita. I also know many of you are not residents, but you come to Manzanita to support our eateries, to support our retail shops, and you put overflowing guests in our motels. I encourage all of you, especially Manzanita citizens, to make your voices heard. I am not upset about what this plan is for, would be good in Seaside, Cannon Beach, or Rockaway Beach. What I am concerned about is parking in Manzanita. I simply want the Manzanita Planning Commission to rework these crazy rules we have for building and parking on Laneda before we allow any more commercial development. Not sure if you know it but having shoppers park in your lot and going shopping elsewhere or going to the beach for 3 hours causes a lot of bad blood. Most shop owners are just too polite to say anything.

What is being planned for lot 3-as I understand this information is only for lot 4?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wouldn’t have written it if I didn’t think it was very important and most critical for living in Manzanita. I know I shouldn’t do this, but since I put my number down, let me give you the number for Manzanita City Hall, 503-368-5343. Please contact the Manzanita City Hall to let them know what you think of this development.

Sincerely and thank you,
Patty Rinehart

Money,money, money, aint it funny, what the Dems will do

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The kicker refund is 1,737 per Oregon taxpayer next year. The state has $6 billion dollars in cash reserves they can spend on anything they want, BUT the Oregon Dems want your kicker anyway. What do you think of that!!!
The terrible Dem ten just can’t get enough money. Economists are still projecting short term growth in tax monies coming into the state. In fact, they are projecting that monies coming into the state for the current two-year biennium will be an incredible $4.97 billion ahead of what they thought they would get when they wrote the current budgets back in 2021. But the Oregon Dems want your kicker anyway.
Republican state senator Lynn Findley defended the kicker and reminded the committee that the bar was super high to suspend it (2/3 vote of both the House and Senate), and that trying to “monkey” with the kicker was not the right path. But they want your kicker anyway.

Here is the article by the tax payers association of Oregon – oregoncatalyst.com/63869-revenue-update-hints-stealing-kicker-refund.html

The following article was written in 2019 before the Dems tried to pass a bill taking 1/2 your kicker money. To pass a bill – a certain number of legislators must be present to vote on such a bill, and when the Republicans became ABSENT for the vote, the bill could not be passed. Therefore in 2019 the Republicans saved the kicker tax refund for YOU dear fellow Oregonian. Today the same situation might occur again. Tina Kotek, soon to be governor, wants your kicker tax again. BUT because so many voted against the very people who saved your kicker last time, (measure 113)* a bill about THOSE who became ABSENT. “legislators who are ABSENT more than so many days cannot run for office again “, was put on the ballot as measure 113. That measure was directed at the Republicans who saved your kicker. (’cause the terrible ten Dems really want your kicker) What do you think of that – what a way to treat the people who saved your dough. In this regard measure 113 was really a measure for dummies and most of you stepped up to the plate! Do you think they will walk out for you again?


Sweet Family Shepard good with other animal companions

Submitted By: cbbcalm@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
frustrated here for not being able to understand how to put photos !!
Louka is a 3 years old Shepard ,family dog loving with other dogs and pet ..He came from a family going through tough times who dropped him off at a friend’s house & never came back
He is posted on Angels For Sara Facebook . This beautiful , sweet Shepard would be so happy on our beaches !
you can also contact me ,

Colonel Mustard says….

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Colonel Mustard says Everyone make sure you get your ballot in by Tuesday November 8th! There is a Drop Off Box outside across from Manzanita Police Station (167 S. 5th street). Located behind Manzanita News and Espresso, by the city parking lot.

Colonel Mustard says ‘Vote for Brad, he’s rad, and my dad!’

Mayerle for Manzanita: The Cows are in the Barn

Submitted By: mayerleformanzanita@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I hope you woke up this morning and noticed fewer signs on our streets. I decided to take my campaign signs down, not out of lack of commitment, but out of respect. The signs have been up for two months, and I am sure they are an eyesore. They have done their work, as have I!

Another reason I took them down is that this past week, someone has been removing and discarding my signs—about 1/3 of them went missing. I’m afraid the signs will end up as litter in our forests, waterways, or our parks (which is where some of the stolen ones have shown up). I don’t believe another two days of looking at them is going to change anyone’s mind when it comes to voting for Manzanita City Council. So, as they say, “The cows are in the barn.”

If I happened to miss one of the signs and you still have one in your yard, please text or call 503-260-4105 and I will swing by to pick it up.

It’s time for the campaigning keyboards to quiet, the airwaves to calm, and the signs to be gone. It’s time to move forward, to vote, and to get to work for Manzanita.

If you want to know more about me, go to my website: bit.ly/MayerleforManz or my blog: bit.ly/bradsdailyblog

With Gratitude,
Brad Mayerle

Our Vote for Karen Matthews

Submitted By: margie.neilson@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello Wheeler!
Jim and I appreciate all the great candidates running for city council. It wasn’t that long ago when city representatives went door to door searching for live bodies to serve as candidates. We know them all from different walks of life and all are good people with Wheeler’s best interest at heart. That being said, Karen Matthews will get our vote for one of the city council positions. We’ve known Karen for many years, as a customer, club affiliate, teammate, and friend. I know her to be honest, fair, passionate, direct – maybe a little too direct. We also know Karen is not against development if rules and regulations are followed. Regardless of the many issues that confront our town, Karen will work tirelessly for the benefit of Wheeler.
Jim and Margie Neilson

Manzanita Candidate Forum at Pine Grove on November 19. Audio link here

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
On Saturday November 19, the Manzanita council candidates, Linda Kozlowski, Mark Kuestner and Brad Mayerle, presented their perspectives at a forum moderated by the Oregon League of Women Voters. I’m glad I was able to leave work early that day to attend. The audio recording is now available:
Please enter in browser if necessary

Don’t forget to VOTE!

Mayerle for Manzanita: Recapping My Run

Submitted By: mayerleformanzanita@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I’m Brad Mayerle, and I’m running for Manzanita City Council.

If you are still pondering Manzanita City Council choices, this is for you. I thought a quick recap of my campaign activities would help you understand why I’m the right choice.

I announced my candidacy in May. Since then, I’ve hit the ground running—taking the pulse of our community with an open mind by meeting with residents and genuinely listening.

Here’s a recap of my efforts on the campaign trail:

In my campaign announcement, I immediately discussed the great need for a clear vision for our future and better planning…with a sense of urgency. I’ve heard your concerns about livability, the ongoing city hall project, closing trails to access the beach, dune grading, loss of wildlife habitat, and construction and light noise. I’ve understood your hope for a diverse and vibrant community that welcomes visitors but, first and foremost, meets the needs of the people who call Manzanita home. And I believe there are solutions and that we can find common ground if we work together earnestly and respectfully.

I’ve provided complete transparency. I told you who I am and what I do. While I have no prior government experience, I do have 30 years of experience as a medical professional, working with teams to evaluate, diagnose, and treat complex problems. This experience is what I have to contribute, and I’ll use it as my starting point to bring about a positive change in our community. The problems we face are complex but not unsolvable.

Continuing the spirit of transparency, I created a blog that tracks my daily activities—whom I’ve met with, what I’ve learned from them, what I’m reading, what I’m attending, and what I’m thinking, along with stories about my personal life. Check it out: bit.ly/bradsdailyblog

I also invite you to read all of my posts on North Coast BBQ bit.ly/Brad_BBQ . If you combine this writing effort with what’s chronicled on my blog, you will see that I’ve done the work.

My campaign has been creative, respectful, and dedicated to meeting residents face-to-face—not a bombardment on social media. Instead, I’ve focused on building the case of why my experience matters. We all have our own styles, our own history, and our own ways of learning and making decisions—everyone needs a seat at the table, and I’m determined to provide one for you.

Our democracy allows you to decide which leaders will help move us forward. To this end, I have done my best to earn your vote.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, and I welcome your feedback. You can contact me at MayerleforManzanita@gmail.com. Feel free to visit my website: bit.ly/MayerleforManz And while you’re there, check out the unsolicited endorsements from voters I have met along the way: bit.ly/votingforbrad


Stand against negative campaigning

Submitted By: Constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
To my Tillamook community. Are you sick of negative campaign mailings coming to your mailbox? You can fight back today, with your vote! One of the latest mailings suggests Logan Laity as having no life experience, lives at home and recently graduated from High School. What it fails to mention is Logan Laity is self employed, is very close to receiving a political science degree and has been active with the TillCoDems since he was 18, 18! What young person does this? And then he throws himself into running for HD32 so he can represent us? Yes, Logan is young, fresh and available to work full time, more than that, he has the moral character we want to send to our State Capitol. Take the opportunity to Stand against negative campaigning, VOTE FOR Logan Laity, HD32.


Submitted By: birkowitz119@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
My name is Jim King, and I am currently City Council President in Wheeler Oregon. I am not on the ballot, and my term ends in December.
From this point forward I will be writing as a private citizen.

Over the past five years on Council I have had the opportunity to observe three Mayors, five City
Managers and a plethora of City Councilors. While to a person they were all good people, they did not not all have the necessary global view of their responsibility to Wheeler.

A global view simply means that as mayor or counselor you cannot focus only on one aspect of the city that you serve. Beautification? Yes. Nuisance abatement? Yes. Water system upgrade? Absolutely, yes! But, in my Opinion, the over arching necessity is our city’s financial strength. And just so you can’t say you didn’t know, we are on a track to lose our City charter unless there is an immediate change. In my educated guess, we have less than a year.

There are those currently running for Council who will loudly declare that “Wheeler is being sued by the developer of a portion of our waterfront, and that is the reason Wheeler is in trouble.” There is truth in their claims. But further truth will show that many of these same people, some now running for office, have done all they could to stop the project, rather than trying to help the landowner fit his project into our Vison, and zoning ordinances. That is what we are legally required to do. So, attacked at every point, the developer did what he had a right to do. He sued.

My vision, not Wheeler’s, is to focus 100% on major funding projects. Our Mayor, Doug
Honeycutt, is a good man. I call on him to take the current and future Council to task to seek a solution. He must not be sidetracked, or intimidated by those who helped put us is this situation.

Last, yes, I accept some of the blame for Wheeler’s current challenge. But, if you look at my voting record on Council, you will see that
I have been one of the lone supporters of what could have been , or still could be, our financial salvation.

Thanks for reading.
Jim King
Private Citizen


Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Yesterday I was watching KGW TV news. It showed some Oregonians checking out their county clerks voting program and vote counting computers. There were some concerns about the machines being connected to the internet.These citizens were assured, over and over again – no connection to the internet.

HOWEVER – Recently, in court, Oregon Secretary of State, Ellen Rosenblum admitted voting machines are hackable. Which means they have a chip in the motherboard that connects to the internet.
52% of voters say it is likely that cheating affected the 2020 election and 32% say that it is very likely that cheating affected the 2020 election. I read that sending your ballot in on the last day helps prevent a fraudulent count – so that is what I am doing.
Do I have faith in Oregon’s election system? NO. Am I voting? Yes! I am hoping for honesty and exposing the corruption in our legislature with a balance of political parties. In a Democracy – all voices must be heard.
In 2020 and 2021 approximately more than 600 pieces of legislation were passed each year – Do you have any idea what they were? Who picks the ones (only 4?) that we get to vote for?
I read that Governor Brown only puts things on the ballot that she is sure will pass. Bills 111 thru 114 are for Dummies. Gov Brown thinks you are Dummies, and will pass these Dummy bills.

Measure 111. Change the constitution so it will read that health care should be available to all Oregonians. Umm!! just ask the price because you will be paying for it in a world of high inflation, and higher taxes, and you will not get what you pay for! The Chlidrens Health Defense has an article about this – It is quite scary, because it removes freedom and choice in medical care. and former Governor Kitzhaber says Do not vote for this. It will not get Oregon where it needs to go.

I posted Gov. Kitzhaber’s opinion on Oct 30, and Children’s Health Defense Article on Oct. 31.

Measure 112 – Change Oregon constituion to remove words like slavery and involuntary servitude. Measure 112 fixes something that is not broken. In 1994, Oregonians passed an amendment that made clear that absent medical issues, all inmates had to either work or go to school. Will this be the impetus for activists to push for inmates to be paid minimum wage? How will this effect the current system? The state unfortunately says it’s “indeterminate.” So vote NO

Measure 113 says that if a legislator has too many absences they cannot run for office again – DON’T BE FOOLED BY THIS. Has there been legislators that have had too many absences?
The last couple of years Republicans have stopped the passing of certain legislation by walking out. Before Republicans walked out they asked Gov. Brown to put this legislation before the voters, so the voters could exercise their choice. She refused – Then they walked out. NO on 113

Measure 114 – Sounds good – I would vote for it but I wised up since SB110 in 2020 turned out to be a terrible mistake. Here is the catch to 114 – The police will NOT be putting on any classes on gun safety the near or late future. They are under funded and short staffed and can’t do it. So no permits will be issued.
Please Vote!

Theft in Manzanita

Submitted By: ben.killen.rosenberg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg. loretta.kim.rosenberg@gmail.com

Theft in Manzanita

Someone, or maybe more than one someone, in our community stole several campaign signs for two of the candidates for council. They were discovered in Nehalem. I don’t know who found them but they’ve made their way to city hall for the candidates to pick up.

This is all kinds of wrong, people. First off, it’s theft and second of all, it involved criminal trespass. Plain and simple. Stealing is stealing and trespassing is trespassing. Whoever did this thought it was fine to go onto someone’s property without permission to take something that didn’t belong to them.

Those signs aren’t free. The candidates paid for them. People put these signs in their yards to support the candidate of their choice. When the thief took the signs (and let’s be clear, that person is a thief), they were also taking away free speech and silencing ideas they don’t agree with.

What kind of person steals campaign signs? Someone who doesn’t support the candidates and I’d also say someone who doesn’t support democracy. Someone with the ethics of a spoiled child. Someone afraid that their candidate will lose and so are unwilling to play fair.

I doubt this was a Halloween prank by kids—and let’s be honest, there are only a few kids in town and fewer still who’d be interested in stealing campaign signs.

To steal from these candidates is disrespectful of the time and work they’ve put in. And it’s chilling for our community’s future. People who do stuff like this aren’t interested in fairness and justice and working together.

If we want a healthy democracy where people feel like their opinions are listened to and valued, we need people to be involved. If we can’t even have a sign for a candidate in our yard for fear some random a-hole is going to trespass on our property to steal it—then we’re in deep doo doo in more ways than one.

If you have information about these thefts, including RING or other surveillance footage, please contact the non-emergency police number at 503-368-7229.

Kim Rosenberg

Wheeler City Council Endorsement; Elect Karen Matthews

Submitted By: barbaraandchuck@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
I first met Karen Matthews in 1991 when she and her husband Mike purchased a lot next door and began building their home in Wheeler. In the early years, they were part timers coming to the beach on a regular basis to fish, crab, and enjoy the great outdoors. They moved here as full time residents in 2004 and I recognized Karen’s leadership skills and volunteerism early on. Our small communities run on volunteers and committed citizens and I know how instrumental she was at the Alder Creek Farm and Lower Nehalem Community Trust, both of which I heartily support.

Karen has been a steady steward of our fragile coastal environment, a contributor to the education of our local youth in natural systems, served as a city Councilor, and as an active volunteer with the Nehalem Bay Garden Club; giving much of her time and talent for organizing and willingly sharing her knowledge with others. Her leadership in planting and nurturing over 500 tomatoes helped create one of the Garden Club’s most successful annual plant sales last May.

Over the last 30 years I have had the pleasure of working with Karen on a variety of projects and programs in the community.

She is hard working, dedicated to her community and follows the rule of law. Karen would have my vote if I still lived in Wheeler.

Barbara McLaughlin

Childrens Health Defense and ballot measure 111

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Combined with the plans of the Oregon Task force on Universal Health Care (created by the passage of SB 770 in 2019), Oregonians would come under total government control of their health care. The plan is to outlaw private health care, depriving citizens of choice. If you didn’t like your health care, there would be no place else to go.

The measure says the state must provide “cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care.” Who will decide what is “clinically appropriate?” The state, not you or your doctor. To get paid and to keep their licenses, doctors will have to comply with whatever the government tells them. They will be effectively working for the state, not their patients. Do we want the government that deprived COVID patients of effective treatments and threatened the licenses of doctors who prescribed them given even more power to control all health care in Oregon?

The implementation of state control over health care would mean not only loss of doctors’ freedom to practice as they see fit, but it’s reasonable to assume that vaccine mandates would return and expand to other vaccines, because unvaccinated people would theoretically cost the state more. Patients who refused to take mandated treatments might lose their health care altogether or be punished in other ways. The COVID pandemic taught us that the public health authorities have no hesitation about mandating experimental vaccines and depriving people of their jobs if they don’t comply, and there’s no reason to believe it would be different under universal health care.

For all the problems with private insurance, universal health care would only magnify those problems, and there would be no remedy. Patients would get what the state decides, and nothing else.

The state would control hospitals as well. We saw this with CMS (the Center for Medicare Services) and COVID. CMS pays the majority of hospital bills. When CMS banned ivermectin and ordered treatment with Remdesivir and ventilators that killed most patients, the hospitals obeyed, because CMS paid large bonuses for compliance and threatened to withhold payments for noncompliance. Many people died from these “treatments,” and there was no remedy. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Do we want to expand that kind of control to the entire health care system in Oregon?

There’s also no guarantee that we would have access to alternative practitioners under universal health care, and even if we did, those practitioners would be controlled by the state. They would have to practice as required by the state. We would have to battle for the kind of practitioners we wanted covered and their freedom to practice as they think best. They would be constantly under threat of losing their licenses or income if they went outside the lines, so to speak. But isn’t that why patients want alternative practitioners? Because they think and practice in creative ways?

Do citizens want the Oregon Health Authority, which implemented vaccine mandates and still maintains them on health care workers, which made permanent mask mandate rules and to this day mandates masks in all health care settings, running all of our health care? Do we really want to give them more power?

Exhausted by the vaccine mandate battles? Universal health care would only increase the politicization of health care. Under universal health care, we could expect more politics and more censorship of dissenting views. California just passed a law stripping doctors of their licenses if they don’t follow the government narrative on how to treat COVID. The same and worse could happen here, and they wouldn’t have to pass a law to do it. If the state pays, it makes the rules.

Other possible unintended consequences: universal health care could cause the best doctors to move to freer states where they could practice their profession without interference, and wealthy people would likely also leave to avoid the onerous taxes. (The 15% additional income tax to pay for it is likely a floor, not a ceiling.) Oregon would become poorer and poorer as those with means moved away and taxes increased to make up the loss, while the only doctors left would be those willing to function as mere technicians following approved algorithms. The high level “practice” of medicine where doctors use clinical judgement and skill, already under threat in the current regulatory environment, would be snuffed out for good.

Furthermore, what reason is there to believe that Oregon could tackle such a massive overhaul? The logistics of such a change are breathtaking, and if they failed, the consequences would be dire. Yet Oregon couldn’t even build a state health care exchange website. To this day, it uses the federal one. This is also the state that couldn’t get unemployment checks out during COVID, runs a DMV that is still dysfunctional, and it’s hard to get anyone to even answer the phone.

The measure says that the state must balance between the right to healthcare and funding other essential public services. What does that mean? It’s not defined. If Measure 111 passes, health care will become a right enshrined in the Oregon Constitution, but public safety and education will not. So it’s conceivable that the money to fund health care would take precedence over public safety and education and every other need in the state. In addition, the state’s track record on spending money suggests a lot of waste is to be expected, as well as costs that will run far above projections.

Given the assaults on the practice of medicine we have recently witnessed, we ask that you seriously consider your vote on Measure 111 with an eye to the likely increased governmental and pharmaceutical invasion of the doctor patient relationship among other unintended consequences that would likely result. This is one “gift horse” that deserves careful inspection before you decide whether to buy.

Gov. Kitzhaber argument against Oregon measure 111

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Kitzhaber, to be sure, wants all Oregonians to have access to health care. But he says reforms need to curb the waste in the system, not just ensure the costs of that wasteful system are covered by the Oregon budget. He also said Oregonians need to understand the difference between access to the health care system and overall health, including the social determinants like affordable housing, nutritious food and safe neighborhoods.

On Oct. 18, Kitzhaber laid out his case for why the ballot measure doesn’t get Oregon to where it needs to be in an op-ed published in the Portland Business Journal. He went into more detail in an interview with The Lund Report.

Kitzhaber pointed to the soaring health care costs for the nation and Oregon, even as health statistics are “embarrassingly poor” compared to other industrialized nations.

“We somehow have to change the focus and the focus to me really needs to be health, not health care,” Kitzhaber said in the interview.

For example, investments in nutrition can help Oregonians prevent chronic health problems like high blood pressure and obesity, Kitzhaber said.

The state needs to focus on those upstream issues that can impact health, which the ballot measure doesn’t do, Kitzhaber said.

“I actually think you should be able to include adequate food as part of the coverage piece,” Kitzhaber said.

Kitzhaber said that the ballot measure doesn’t address the health care delivery system, which continues to grow in cost and be the problem.

“The system itself is unsustainable,” Kitzhaber said. “We need to rethink the financial incentives within the system.”’

Passed by the Legislature in 2021 as Senate Joint Resolution 12, the ballot measure followed years of debate. The late Rep. Mitch Greenlick, a longtime Democratic lawmaker and former chair of the House Health Care Committee, for more than a decade tried to get a similar measure passed before he died in 2020.

The measure continues to be supported by prominent lawmakers, including Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, D-NW Portland/Beaverton, a physician who sponsored the 2021 legislation, and Rep. Rob Nosse, D-Portland, chair of the Interim House Health Care Committee. The Oregon Nurses Association and a range of health care providers also support the ballot measure.

Kitzhaber said Greenlick was a “dear friend” and they agreed that everyone should receive coverage. At the same time, he said, “we would go around and around on this about coverage,” which isn’t the same as health.

In his op-ed, he wrote: “It seems counterintuitive to create a constitutional right to access a medical system within which the economic incentives are aligned to a maximize revenue, rather than health, and which, by even the most conservative estimates, wastes at least 25% of each dollar is spends on low value care, over treatment, poor care coordination and over-pricing.”

Rather than simply a right to access the system, Kitzhaber wrote: “If we are going to amend the constitution, it would make more sense to create, as a fundamental right, ‘an equitable opportunity to be healthy.’ This would imply that every Oregonian has the right to access some basic, defined level of affordable, effective, quality medical care — but also to affordable housing, nutrition, a clean environment, a safe neighborhood, a good education, and a living wage job. Making access to medical care a fundamental right, without effectively addressing equity and opportunity in accessing the social determinants of health, will undermine, rather than enhance the health of our society.”

You can reach Ben Botkin at ben@thelundreport.org or via Twitter @BenBotkin1.

Oct 20 2022

Wheeler City Council oh my

Submitted By: constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Hello community, I do not live in Wheeler so why would I care about who is elected to the Wheeler City Council? Mainly because I drive through the town regularly and I do not want to see Wheeler lose its charm or uniqueness. The City Council has the power to alter that.
There are several people I know who are running and some I don’t. Walt Porter; forever North County resident, good person, what I respect most about Walt, he keeps throwing himself into local community politics/service. We should all be a Walt! Dave Bell; long term resident, good person and I believe he may bring cohesion to the council. Mary Leverette; newish to the area, mega Portland experience, good person and may bring a ‘bigger picture’ view to the council for sourcing new revenue. Karen Matthew; friend, long term resident, good person and is the most vocal and passionate for keeping the quaintness of Wheeler alive and intact. Because I know Karen more than the others, I know her as an excellent communicator, engaged in the community, organized, fair and has Wheeler Council experience. I would like to see Karen & Mary voted in, they are both strong women, loud, passionate and willing to put their butts on the court. When they put their differences aside, I believe Wheeler will benefit greatly from having them both on the Council, as we all watch from the stands.
Wheeler residents it’s up to you, please vote!

Mayerle for Manzanita: Gratitude from the Campaign Trail

Submitted By: mayerleformanzanita@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I’m Brad Mayerle, and I’m running for Manzanita City Council.

As election night nears and the campaigning starts to wind down, I’ve been reflecting on this wild ride I hopped on this past May. They call it the campaign “trail” for a reason. Parts are straight and narrow, some wide open, and other parts are twisted and circuitous…and there are many forks in the road. It’s been a journey for sure, and one that has mostly brought me pleasure—for a multitude of reasons.

First and foremost are the people I met along the way. I instigated numerous meetings with a variety of people—from residents, property owners, businesses, city officials (past and present), experts, volunteers, and, yes, even my opponents and some of their supporters.
I want to thank each and every one of them for “taking my call” and taking the time out to tell me their stories and perspectives, educate me about all the nuances, and, most of all, encourage me. I’ve received unexpected support from some of the most surprising places. “Surprising” because some have labeled me “the outsider” (even though I’ve had a home here for 22 years). I think I get this label because I’m not the status quo, and I don’t have an established reputation—good or bad—around town. However, I feel this represents many of us who live more quiet lives and don’t feel the need for exposure about how we participate and contribute to the community in our own subtle but impactful ways.

Secondly, I’m inspired by the folks who genuinely care about our community but have felt like their voices have not been heard and are finding new venues to rise above the noise of common communication channels, like social media or speaking up at public events—places where many of the loudest voices reign. Through the campaigning process, I’ve discovered that groups are forming, made up of like-minded people banding together to create louder and more informed voices about the concerns of many. This is democracy at its finest. As a city councilor, this is what I hope to facilitate in the future—creating venues and opportunities for everyone to be heard and encouraging people to formulate their ideas and find their voice so we can bring this community together.

Lastly, and more selfishly, is what I’ve learned about myself. The past several months have been a time of tremendous growth and discovery for me. I’ve learned you can teach an old dog new tricks (i.e., running for office). And that your past can play a tremendous role in what you can contribute to the future. The years I spent as a dentist are paying back in spades in ways I never imagined. I rediscovered how much I love talking with people and hearing about their lives and ideas. I’ve realized how the lessons I’ve learned in my personal and professional life have set me up for the potential to make thoughtful policy decisions that take a number of variables into consideration. And I’ve discovered, once again, a genuine sense of community—an amalgamation of varying knowledge, viewpoints, ambitions and aspirations.

I could go on and on about my experiences along the way, but I think you get the gist. My blog, which chronicles my daily campaign activities, thoughts, and personal stories, can help you fill in the blanks. Please take a look: bit.ly/bradsdailyblog And to read the unsolicited endorsements from people I’ve met on the campaign trail, go to: bit.ly/votingforbrad


Brad Mayerle

Hemingway at the Beach: Writers Read Celebration Asks What He Would Say

Submitted By: nmccarthy1276@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Suppose novelist Ernest Hemingway arrived at Oregon’s North Coast and wanted to write about his experience in a maximum of 600 words. What would he write?
This year’s Writers Read Celebration, sponsored by the Cannon Beach Library, asks that question with the theme, “Hemingway at the beach: What Would He Say?”
Writers of all ages are invited to consider how or what Hemingway would say while at the beach. All written formats will be considered (essay, story, poetry, haiku, script, etc.) Authors are limited to three
entries with a 600-word maximum per entry. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 20.
A panel of volunteer judges will select 10 to 12 works to be read by their authors either in person or online during the celebration March 10 in the library.
Hemingway wrote about his experiences using as few words as possible, and his novels and short stories have become classics. The Writers Read Celebration offers an opportunity to have fun with this writing style in any form; the piece can be serious, whimsical, tongue-in-cheek or thoughtful.
Submissions will be accepted by email (info@cannonbeachlibrary.org) or by mail (P.O. Box 486
Cannon Beach, OR 97110), though email is preferred.
Submissions should be in Word or PDF format and include a cover letter with the writer’s name, email
and phone number. Please do not include the author’s name or contact information on the entry
document so authors remain anonymous during the judging process.
The NW Authors Series Committee sponsors monthly author presentations and other events at the
Cannon Beach Library. This is the fifth year of the Writers Read Celebration. Previous themes were:
“Life on the North Coast,” “The View from the North Coast,” “Pandemic” and “Recovery?.” Writers Read Celebrations on Zoom from 2022 and 2021 are available for viewing on Cannon Beach Library’s website.

I need your Support

Submitted By: clif@home-sellers.com – Click to email about this post
I need your Support!
Hi, it’s Clif Kemp, City Councilor in Wheeler. As the vote deadline approaches, I just wanted to reach out to anyone that has not cast their ballot, to please consider my re-election for the 2 year seat. It’s been a great honor to serve you on the Planning Commission and City Council for these past 25-30 months.
I have several projects underway for new revenue potential to the city with long term parking fees, boat ramp fees and waterfront park seasonal vendors fees. Mary Johnson has copies of my initial proposals, which is a complicated issue with several land owners involved: ODOT, Tillamook RR, ODFW, and city of Wheeler, and considerations for merchants and adjacent businesses. I am the Council rep to Port of Nehalem, where we are looking for some dredging help, most of which is on DSL leases (again complicated). I was honored to be chosen by the Council to be lead Councilor for waterfront development, blight conforming issues in residential and commercial areas, and Council rep to TSP for 10 year strategy for waterfront development, trails, walkways, and safety for Wheeler.
I’ll need help on fresh ideas, from non-conflicted councilors, and chose to support Karen Mathews and Deanne Ragnell, who have worked tirelessly for improving the city over the years that I have here. I don’t think sending individuals with openly expressed relationships of interest with this particular developer will serve the best interest of the city to attain some logical development done with Botts Marsh, LLC, or any other Developer. If you have followed any of the city affairs recently, you are aware I have a strong background of developing and building in retail, real estate, property management, and business startups. I’m not here to pick on anyone, just to be the voice of reason. Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting, together we can get this done.

And Life Goes Forward

Submitted By: gardencoachkaren@gmail.com – Click to email about this post

Tomorrow, I leave for an international trip planned months ago and will not have internet access or know the outcome of the election until several days after results are announced.

Before I leave, I want you to know that I will work hard for our city regardless of the outcome of the election. I want to assure you that I have successfully worked alongside people with differing opinions in the past and will continue doing so going forward.

It is my most heart felt hope to come back to serve on the council where the representatives of this town work together for the best solutions under the law.

With Respect,

Karen Matthews


Submitted By: kyrasin1@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Getting ready to start snuggling in for the winter? I am here to help you!

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Thank you so much for all your support everyone!!!!