The Oregon Legislature is quietly holding legislation for tax increases

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You are not notified about this and you should be.

Please click on this link to read about a universal health care policy which will exclude all other health care insurance you might have. I read that this will increase your taxes by 15% of your take-home pay.
Dixie Gainer

custom buildings and small construction projects

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CUSTOM HAND-BUILT BUILDINGS, art studios, workshops, cabins, ADU’s, sheds, etc.High quality buildings that you will want to spend time in.
I also do small construction projects. I’m honest, reliable and very responsible.
Call me! 541.288.8735 I’m local to Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler. Thank you! Peter
Peter Hill Contracting Services LLC, licensed, bonded and insured. Oregon CCB# 240622


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Ron Wyden has been in the Oregon Senate since 1996. He served in the United States House of Representatives from 1981 until 1996. 41 years as a representative of Oregon. He has three homes – doesn’t spend much time here. We need a senator that lives in Oregon to represent the people of Oregon.

The scandal: His wife took a PPP – That is the Paycheck Protection Program – loan of 2.7 million dollars to keep the employees of her bookstore on the payroll. She took the 2.7 million dollars and laid off 180 employees. She did not rehire them. The loan was forgiven. Isn’t that slick?

Here is the article


Manzanita’s Financial Priorities

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The City Hall Project Community Listening Session begins on August 29th. Let’s hope that this conversation includes the acknowledgment that the City faces approximately $25 – 28 Million dollars of critical infrastructure projects for water, storm drain, streets and parks/trails in addition to providing our community with a City Hall. What we can afford and what the priority of the aforementioned projects should be needs to be part of this comprehensive community discussion.
Citizens have already confirmed through the Manzanita Listens sessions that the cost of a new City Hall was by far the most important consideration. While the City has avoided any meaningful consideration of a remodel of the Underhill School, recent developments by the City Council in Cannon Beach to remodel their 5,000 sq. ft Elementary School and Quonset Hut has now forced that conversation here. The Underhill and CB Elementary School are essentially the same age, structural design, size and condition. It has been pointed out that the remodel of the CB Elementary School is not currently being planned for critical emergency services that need a class 3 or 4 seismic structural rating. That issue was addressed by the City’s architect in 2018 when asked about enhancing the building’s seismic strength for a City Hall. “the incremental increase to go from risk category 2 to 3 or 4 is an issue to be considered during design development but compared to the other major factors talking about cost it is a relatively minor consideration. “
The City Council’s response in 2021 to a citizen petition to be provided with a comparison of costs and features of a new build versus a remodel was denied with the explanation by the Council President that “when we compare apples to apples for new versus renovation, they are actually pretty close.”
City’s 2021 Project Engineer estimated cost adjusted for a 5,000 sq. ft new build. $3.9 Million CB Elementary School 2020 remodel estimate including tenant improvements. $1.2 Million
Any discussion about the Underhill project must ultimately get to total project cost. The above new build costs do not include funding for the Quonset Hut, parking/landscaping and financing costs. Total expenses to date to acquire the property and years of consultants and other professional services is now in excess of $2.1 Million.
No one disputes that City staff and our public officials need a functional and comfortable space to work and conduct public meetings. I would suggest that this matter is about finding the best solution for a City Hall in light of our community financial priorities and how much more money, debt and controversy do we want to put into coming up with that solution.
Despite the claims that City finances are in good shape, there is no ability to even begin to provide for the construction of needed upgrades to the water system, improve substandard streets for pedestrians and bikers, keep storm water runoff contained in certain neighborhoods and provide park and trail amenities. Unfortunately, the claims of some that have stated that the City can expect to get grant funds to pay for these infrastructure projects, is simply not going to happen. Residents/property owners will be paying for the majority of these project costs through higher water rates, new monthly utility fees and possible increased property taxes for construction bonds.
Please share your financial priorities with the City on August 29th.
Randy Kugler

Famine is the Name of the Game

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“Thomas Malthus predicted that famine was the inevitable byproduct of agriculturally successful populations: A well-fed population would breed faster than the agricultural sector could grow. For him, that was an unavoidable tragedy. Modern leftist governments, though, have a new approach to this: They are forcing Malthusian famines by mandating fertilizer reductions and seizing farmers’ lands. It’s all part of the Great Reset that the New World Order of Klaus Schwab et al have planned for us: You’ll have nothing, including no food, while they live in their castles on the hill, insulated from the Hobbesian terrors they’ve created.”

Watch the Oregon Legislature pass more measures that help push farmers out of business.

We can stop this if we can elect a non-Democratic governor.
You might want to read about regenerative farming. When we had victory gardens we didn’t
have artificial fertilizer, the kind they say puts nitrogen in the air. And nitrogen doesn’t have anything to do with global warming anyway.

Tina Kotek Lawn signs available

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Our Governor’s race is going to be a race AND do you want a 45 supporting Governor, or someone who leaves her party for political gain?

It do you want Tina who is campaigning FOR what she’ll do vs trashing her opponents? Go to Tina for and see her comprehensive plan to responsibly end homelessness!

I have Tina lawn signs and I want North County plastered! Please let me know how many you want and where we can meet so you can get yours.

Thank you for storing a Governor who represents US!

River Community Meditation

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Community and Inspiration

We meet every Wednesday at 6 p.m.

St Catherine’s Sanctuary next to Hope Chest and near the Shell Station…right off 101

What is River Community Meditation?

To enjoy all our gifts, together, in silence…

Witnessing what is arising and passing through us…

the joys and sorrows and inspirations…

Seeing clearly and allowing space for the pain in ourselves…and others.

Developing kindness as the capacity to feel and offer what is needed.

Sharing, to celebrate this one precious life…


Save NES Swim!

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Nehalem Elementary School is planning to significantly cut the historic swim program from weekly lessons throughout the school year, to 10-12 lessons per year. Sign this petition to let administrators and school board members know that you believe it is worth the time and effort to continue this program as it was intended, 90+ years ago.

Voters with several homes

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Regarding the “Voter Rules” post of August 6:
Oregon law is that people with more than one home town may choose between them to exercise their voting rights. Since we may vote only once, the choice of where to exercise that precious right suggests a high level of interest and commitment to the community. Manzanita is fortunate that some people with more than one home choose to invest their one and only vote here. The community is richer for this investment, and this commitment.

Another reason to love the library!

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I lost my keys on the beach yesterday, which included the little key-ring tag that serves as a library card. Whoever found my keys returned them to the library, which identified me from my library card number and then telephoned me.

THANK YOU to the tillamook library system for coming up with the idea of key-ring tags, which of course was for ease of use by the library patron. Luckily for me, it also served as a way to have my keys returned to me.

And of course thank you to the thoughtful soul who brought my keys to the manzanita library.

And, I love our local light-filled manzanita branch library in its own right, for access to books and for its cheerful, excellent service!

om peace namaste
lucy brook
nehalem resident

August 6 Voter Rules Post

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People with more than one home are allowed to register and vote in either of their home towns, but only one. Thus, choosing where to exercise that precious right reflects a high level of interest and commitment, and also a duty to be informed about candidates and issues in the community. Manzanita is fortunate that some people with more than one home choose to invest their one and only vote here. The community is richer for this investment, and this commitment.

FREE Daily News Updates In Your Inbox.

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Today’s top news stories could be in your inbox right now:

Tillamook Police Investigates Assaults on Houseless Community by Group of High School Aged Youth

Update on the Memaloose Point Boat Launch Dredging Project

Severe Thunderstorm Warning

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About a year ago, four retired professionals pulled together to study the significant problems facing our city. Short term rentals (STRs) was only one of several issues studied.

This research group dug deeply into Manzanita’s profile. We mapped out the STRs to understand the density issues and were alarmed to see some neighborhoods reflected a 50% saturation of STR — half a block was transient lodging. We looked into the STR cap for our city (17.5%) and discovered that multiple cities don’t want “caps.” Why, because tourists want to be closest to the attraction of the area. In our case, it’s the ocean.
STRs in Oregon and across our country contribute to a broad spectrum of livability issues directly affecting the area’s economic impact, one example is affordable housing. The STR, because of its investment value, drives up the price of homes and drives out the affordability of the neighborhood – ultimately decreasing the resident population.

The research group made videos ( This Video Link: from ) and wrote articles to educate folks about the problem. We developed a comprehensive, multi-prong solution. This solution included many aspects of necessary balances in our neighborhoods integrating transient visitors as a majority portion of the population. We strove for fairness plus additional and diversified revenue to city coffers. The plan addressed good neighbor courtesies needed to create harmony between residents and tourists around problems such as traffic and parking.

On Aug. 4, our research team’s proposals were presented to the Concerned Citizens of Manzanita and guests. The proposals were understood and were well received by the majority. Residents don’t want a piecemeal plan. They are looking for coordinated, fact-based solutions that enhance the city’s assets — but not at the expense of our neighborhoods.

During the City Council Work Session on Aug. 3, the second STR Work Group appointed by the Council was discussed, and noted that in order to reach a level of significant effectiveness, they must start with a Mission Statement written by the City Council. Once the Council states the objectives that the Work Group needs to achieve, the City Council will ultimately draft policy from those findings. The city manager’s role is to carry out those policies.

Below is the STR Task Force Mission Statement from Cannon Beach:
“In order to maintain the residential character and livability of its neighborhoods and to prevent the adverse effects of the transient occupancy of dwelling units on residential neighborhoods, it is necessary to limit and regulate the transient occupancy of dwelling units by investigating the rental permitting, violations and impacts of the STR program in Cannon Beach.”
Compared to other Oregon Coast cities with proactive leadership such as Waldport, Cannon Beach and Gearhart, Manzanita has dug a very deep hole. Our resident population shrinks to only 14% when all homes are fully occupied. This is a very skewed, unsustainable demographic for any town. Many do not think the status quo is a problem. But for me, our town is like a resort – a commercial enterprise, not a community. Yet we have not the structure or resources of a resort business, but we have all the limitations of a small, one-revenue-source-volunteer-dependent village.

To effect solutions, the committee actually belongs with its select Council Member under the charter of the Planning Commission. Bottom line…. STRs are a Land Use issue.

The Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for the Planning Commission to evaluate the STR Committee’s findings within the purview of the Comprehensive Plan.
The City Council has a broader responsibility which encompasses, in this particular case, revenues. Land use solutions should come before the Council prior to any revenue alterations. The Work Group should not worry about revenue. Land Use is their priority.
If elected Mayor, my intention is to move forward with the findings from the Work Group and also those independently done. Time is of the essence. Citizens want a strong Council leadership that is focused, transparent and takes action.

My Dad was an electrician in Portland. I used to tell my friends that he lit up the city.
He was a hunter, fisherman, pilot, SCUBA diver and a master of logic. He said many times over – ‘You can either complain or you can stand up and do something.’
In Manzanita, I got tired of complaining. We have some solutions that won’t take 5 or 10 years to implement. But before it’s too late, we need to break out of the cycle we’re in and support balanced and healthy neighborhoods in our town.

My name is Deb Simmons and I am a candidate for Mayor of Manzanita. I believe in livability, accountability and sustainability.

Join us and make a difference

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Do you want to make sure progressives win in the mid term elections? Getting out the vote in key states is crucial for success and to protect democracy. Tillamook Democracy Project is hosting a letter writing party August 13, 10-12 at the Tillamook Library. We will be writing [Vote Forward]( letters to potential progressive voters in key states. Vote Forward letters are a proven way to increase the turn out of people who are likely to vote progressive but may not be motivated to vote. Vote Forward’s goal is to send 10 million letters in October. Tillamook Democracy Project has a goal of 20,000 letters. Join us at the library to write letters, be with friends and enjoy homemade cardamom roles, fruit, coffee and tea. [RSVP here](

Saving Seeds from your Garden

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We are just over half way between summer solstice and fall equinox. Gardens are growing and harvesting is happening.

Gardeners, would you be interested in saving seed from the veggies and flowers you are growing and then sharing with fellow gardeners?

A free Seed Exchange has happened in the past at the White Clover Grange where people could take seeds even if they didn’t bring any. The past 2 Covid springs have caused this event to be diminished. Hopefully there will be a full Seed Exchange next March with lots of gardening goodies besides seeds!

When we save our own seeds, we not only save money, we have varieties that we know do well here on the coast and we are contributing to our own food resilience. And if we really got good at it, we could start a seed bank, where we can store the seeds for community use.

Here are some websites about saving seeds:

Hope you will join me in saving seeds.
If you want to stay in the loop about saving seeds and/or a possible Seed Exchange, email me at

How to Urbanize a Village

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How To Urbanize a Village

Step 1: Bulldoze a productive triangle of trees, fruits, and flowers, digging out shore pines, blackberries, fireweed, and salal, thus:
• Eliminating plants that clean and refresh the village’s air every day and night.
• Diminishing a living system which manages water and sequesters carbon.
• Eliminating food and habitat for essential insects and birds.

Step 2: Fill the triangle with big buildings, specifically:
• With the maximum allowable number of buildings, each with the maximum possible square-footage.
• Include large walls and windows which absorb and re-radiate heat rather than cool it.
• Make buildings as tall as legally allowed, higher than any trees they replace, regardless of the height of neighboring roofs and heedless of creating sight barriers for pedestrians and others who live in the area.

This is what cities are like. The three buildings in the triangle bordered by Beach, Pacific, and Carmel Streets in Manzanita are apparently being constructed under a single permit, Number 547-21-000169-DWL, issued on June 28, 2021. I assume this project is perfectly legal under Manzanita’s building codes and City planning ordinances. Is this what we want our so-called village to become?

Manzanita has a Comprehensive Plan, which theoretically underlies such codes, adopted in March 1996. The last amendments to the Plan were adopted in April 2014. According to the Plan, “The planning horizon for this document is the year 2010,” which is 12 years ago.

In a world increasingly aware of human obligations for the quality of life across the planet, the structures at 22 Pacific Lane seem ecologically irresponsible and unneighborly. Is our community ready to think about new guidelines for planning which aim toward ecological resilience and foster a more liveable community in a place we love?

Phyllis Thompson
Manzanita, OR

Voter Rules

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Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Voter Rules

My husband Ben and I moved here full-time in May of 2020. Our house on Edmund Lane was a licensed short-term rental at the time. Like a lot of people we rented it to cover our mortgage and used it as much as we could. When Covid forced Ben to teach on-line and my health worsened we decided to try living here year round.

Manzanita was in the run up to a contentious election then–in fact, our whole country was. I didn’t follow the ballot measures or the candidates here. I figured the people living in Manzanita would know best how to vote for this community. I voted in Portland where our primary residence was and where I’d lived for most of my life.

After a year we decided we loved living here so much we’d make the big step and be full-timers, letting our STR license lapse this year and making a new life here in Manzanita.

In order to determine our residency I looked at ORS.247.035, which gives you a list to figure it all out. It includes where your primary mailing address is, where your driver’s license is issued, where you file your state and federal taxes, where your car is registered, the address from which your utilities are paid. Pretty straight forward, right?

But nothing in legalese is simple to discern because the statute reads in 1. a):

“The person’s residence shall be the place in which habitation is fixed and to which, when the person is absent, the person intends to return.”

Does this mean that a second homeowner could decide to vote in Manzanita? Intention is one of those slippery slope words that means what you decide it means.

But then later on in ORS.247.035 1.c):

“A person shall not be considered to have gained a residence in any location in this state into which the person comes for temporary purposes only, without the intention of making it the person’s home.”

That seems opposite!

I emailed the Oregon Secretary of State’s office about this and they referred me back to the residency requirements. Where does your mail go? Where is your car registered? Where is your license issued?

It takes awhile to get to know a place and Ben and I decided to wait to change our voter’s registration until we made the commitment to stay put. We voted here this May for the primary and are looking forward to voting here this fall.

What I didn’t know about before I lived here full-time was a lot. I didn’t know how polarized the community was about the City Hall, workforce housing, STR’s, where the best clamming is. I didn’t know how short-term rentals effected livability for so many folks or how much revenue the vacation rental industry generates for the city.

All I knew was that if I asked questions about stuff that was controversial I was likely to wish I hadn’t. Especially, on what I like to call Anti-Social Media. The anonymous nature of Facebook etc seems to unleash the inner middle-schooler in too many people. But this isn’t about that.

To me, voting is a sacred duty and democracy a fragile institution that will fail without our civic and civil engagement. Playing fast and loose with the rules or our words isn’t respectful to all those who died for the rights we take for granted.

The next election is bound to be just as intense as the last one but we have choices to make about how we behave. We could, if we wanted to, have discussions instead of debates about the issues we care about. We could refuse to spread gossip and hateful words about those who disagree with us. We could agree to disagree. We could treat each other with respect.

I think the measure of a person isn’t how they treat those they like and agree with but how they treat those with whom they differ. That doesn’t mean we don’t have hard, honest conversations about difficult things with the people we don’t agree with. In fact, that’s where the solutions lie.

Just imagine what we could do if we played well together?

Kim Rosenberg


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The City of Nehalem will have the position of Mayor and all City Council positions on the ballot in the November 8, 2022 General Election. All positions are non-partisan. All positions are volunteer/non-paid. Terms begin January 2023. Although City Council position terms are typically 4 years, due to appointments to fill unexpired terms, some positions are for 2 year terms, as noted below.

Position Currently held by 2022 Election Term
Mayor Bill L. Dillard, Jr. Normal 2-year term
Council Position 1 Hilary Howell Normal 4-year term
Council Position 2 Ruben Bitts Special 2-year term
Council Position 3 Dave Cram Special 2-year term
Council Position 4 Phil Chick Normal 4-year term

Candidates must be a qualified voter and have resided in the City limits for at least one year immediately preceding the election.

Filing forms are available at City Hall or on the city website at

• Filing forms must be brought to Nehalem City Hall for approval before gathering signatures. (Please call ahead for an appointment.)

• Forms must be returned to Nehalem City Hall by August 15, 2022 to allow time for the city to submit the filing to the County Clerk for signature verification before filing closes on August 30, 2022.

For more information, visit or contact the City Elections Officer below:

City of Nehalem
Melissa Thompson-Kiefer, City Manager/Recorder
PO Box 143
Nehalem, OR 97131


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by Deb Simmons

Lately in Manzanita, attention has re-focused on our Comprehensive Plan (CP) as both the Planning Commission and the City Council, made decisions to deny the Manzanita Lofts’ application and appeal. This was a land use decision.

The Comprehensive Plan is our city’s primary land use document, but city officials have often left it on the shelf. Now, thanks to a neighborhood group called the Concerned Citizens of Manzanita (CCOM), the City Council referenced the CP and used it in their decision making.

I am very pleased that the CP was applied to the standard decision process. But, let’s look at what a CP requires of elected officials.

The heart of our CP is that it defines the process of how we manage our land use decisions: what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. Goals are established and arranged in logical order through this process.

The power of the Comprehensive Plan is that it is the key document managing the development of our city. If used properly, it becomes the deciding tool that over-rides any disputes such as zoning or “conflicting or incompatible land use.”

The CP is very clear in respect to residential land use. It clearly states that “the city’s primary asset is our residential character.” (pg. 6). What Manzanita’s CP briefly highlights is an approach in, “establishing land uses which are harmonious with each other and with the natural environment, as well as compatible with existing uses.” (Pg. 6). The interpretation of this document is brought about by the City Council using the Planning Commission as advisors. They are the judges.

All incorporated cities and counties in Oregon, by state law, have a CP. The key purpose in Oregon’s Land Use Bill 100 was to set up for “Existing and proposed land use and their intensity impact on neighborhood’s character.”

Where does Manzanita’s future lie? We want a plan that clearly lays out the desires of its citizens. A clear path for decision makers and city staff to follow when development is proposed throughout the City. All of this requires an update of the old 1995 CP (first est. in 1975) and a corresponding update of the City’s ordinances. The CP states, “it is not to be static.” (Pg. 1)

The core of the current CP is well-written and compassionate. It directs our elected city administrators to make developers preserve our living areas and make sure new land use is “a positive contribution to the quality of life and which are harmonious with the coastal environment.” (Pg. 7)

Manzanita!s current path, as a city, is not sustainable. But, before drafting policies for an updated CP, Manzanita citizens must come together to decide what is important and what we want our city to look like in 10 to 20 years.

We cannot continue to disregard our CP — a factor which has attributed to the gradual decline of our city’s neighborhoods. Not only has our median age increased, but we are losing our youth and work force because, over the years, the administration has ignored a plan to develop and nurture affordable housing. By clearly stating the number of dwellings to be affordable within the city, they could have then developed a plan to reach that number. A piecemeal approach with unstated goals is not a solution.

Three key aspects within the CP reference livability. Stated in objective no. 1, “preserving within residential areas natural places…” Under objective 3 it states, “protect the character and quality of existing residential areas and neighborhoods from incompatible new development.” Finally, in objective 7, “Foster housing and living environments to meet needs of families of different size, income, age, taste and life style.” (Pg. 7).

In respect to density, it is up to the Planning Commission to “review and approve” (Pg. 8. prior to any Council decision. The Council should not be freezing and unfreezing STR caps. These decisions should start with the Planning Commission.

We are at a fork in the road. Either we stay the course, or we elect a proactive administration who will set to work on updating the CP. A proactive administration will address issues such as affordable housing and securing balance and harmony in neighborhoods. A proactive administration will bring back town hall meetings and assure citizens the right to vote on major issues.

There will be numerous ideas and hard choices to sort through, but this conversation and process will put us back on track. Manzanita should be a town for “all ages” in harmony with our neighbors and environment.

I strongly endorse these goals and this type of proactive administrative process.

My name is Deb Simmons, and I am a candidate for Mayor. Email:
Thank you.

Link to Manzanita City Website Comprehensive Plan:

Reply to the chikenlady36 Border Collie rescue , Bend OR.

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response to the Hundreds of dogs caught in the floods of Kentucky , Also check < Herd you needed a home ?> Border Collie rescue in Bend, OR.
At this time because of the economy , many are loosing their homes, and or, surrounding their furry companions . Shelters everywhere are full. . help them please by rescuing a pooch ……Hn

CPA Alert

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This Portland based CPA is threatening lawsuits against all 10 of her clients in our community who engaged her for the 2021 tax year. In an e-mail after she collected thousands of dollars in fees, this CPA claims that all 10 new clients in our community have bullied her while providing bad and/or dishonest information so she unilaterally disengaged her services all together. We are skeptical of the blanket statements, but what we do know is that we either never got our taxes filed, received inaccurate returns while being billed for time she is unable to substantiate. Now she is threatening to sue all 10 of us as we either refused to pay or reversed credit card charges.

If this resonates with you, please e-mail and/or share this posting as we are trying to connect with those under threat so we can be more effective in mitigating this.

E-mail: or and use Clarity Tax in the subject line.

Financial Incentives

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Financial Incentives – definitely

COVID-19 has arguably been the greatest profit maker for Big Pharma of all time, and monkeypox is undoubtedly viewed as a similar future profit maker. The sad reality is, there’s so much liability-free money to be made in pandemic vaccines, they’re not likely to give up on them, and that requires keeping the world in a more or less constant health emergency.

As COVID fatigue is setting in and people are increasingly resisting the shots, monkeypox allows for a brand-new cycle of fear porn to be spun, and for new experimental vaccines to be rolled out. This, I fear, is why Ghebreyesus unilaterally decided to declare monkeypox a global health emergency.

Ghebreyesus may also be trying to push the pandemic treaty forward. Either way, his behavior is a foretaste of what we can expect if that pandemic treaty becomes reality. As noted by Dr. Robert Malone in a July 23, 2022, Substack article:29,30

“Clearly, the WHO committee did not reach the desired decision to declare a PHEIC, and so for some extraordinary reason Tedros stepped in … Tedros’ statements clearly demonstrate that he unilaterally substituted his own opinions for those of the convened panel, raising questions of his objectivity, commitment to process and protocol, and whether he has been unduly influenced by external agents.”

In short, Ghebreyesus is acting like a corrupt dictator, and it’s not difficult to figure out who the beneficiaries might be. In a recent review31 by Pandemics Data Analytics (PANDA), they detail the corruption by the WHO, global leaders and governments around the world during the COVID pandemic. As noted by Malone:32

“This review empowers you with key information to help you assess the WHO’s candidacy as an authoritative global public health organization … It is a must-read by anyone who is interested in public health, the global COVID-19 WHO policies that almost all nations followed, and the full extent of the corruption …”

There’s no doubt the WHO should not be given the sole authority to make medical decisions for the whole world, and Ghebreyesus’ decision to “break the tie” when there really wasn’t one is a perfect example of what can and probably will happen if the WHO is given that power.

Lady Friends

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I moved to the area a year ago and have not spent much time outside of work or nature, and with that, I haven’t made many friends!

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my current days off, soon to be Wednesdays and Thursdays. I’m looking for like minded people to spend some time with!

Doing what you may ask?
Hiking, kayaking, vision board making, eating yummy food, coffee shop visits…

You don’t need to like all of it, just looking to do some things with another human!

I don’t drink or smoke weed, but I promise I am tons of fun! I’ve got two small dogs that accompany me most everywhere, so not being a dog hater is a must!

If you’re a lady looking for friends too, let me know!