Leaving it to Leverette.

Submitted By: leveretteforwheeler@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Leaving it to Leverette.

After hearing her name numerous times over the past four years, I had the opportunity to spend some time with City Council candidate, Mary Leverette. I was already impressed with her work on emergency preparedness and the city clean up. Mary has taken on these initiatives with vigor. Acting in the role of everyday citizen, Mary helped to move these important projects forward and they are now staples in our community.

We chatted for a while and Mary proved to be very knowledgeable about numerous city issues. She understands the complexities, the challenges, and most importantly, the possibilities facing our community. Wheeler will be better with Mary’s participation. I will be voting for Mary Leverette for Wheeler City Council this election, and I encourage all Wheeler voters to do the same.

With respect,

Former Wheeler Mayor Stevie Stephens Burden

Ballots dropped on the 15th.

Submitted By: moovoter@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Ballots dropped on October 15th and many of us will have them in our mail boxes today.

If your city didn’t hold a forum, or you didn’t have the ability to get to one of the live forums, you can learn a lot about many of the candidates and measures on MooVoter.

MooVoter is a resource for Tillamook County voters that can be found on Facebook. We show who is running for what, and who they are running against. We also show measures that are specific to Tillamook County, and have links to the filings so that you can learn more.

Members ask questions, or offer comments or reactions. Candidates are welcome to answer those questions. All candidates are sent an email to let them know that they are represented in the forum. They are also tagged within a post if possible. Some candidates respond, some don’t. We consider that their answer.

The page is color coded to make it easy to find what matters to you.
Manzanita – Red Background
Water Measure
Unopposed Mayor
2 unopposed Council seats
Nehalem – Orange Background
Psilocybin Measure
Unopposed Mayor
3 people running for 1 Council seat
2 people running for a second Council seat
Wheeler – Yellow Background
2 people running for Mayor
4 people running for 3 Council seats
Rockaway – Green Background
3 people running for Mayor
1 unopposed Council seat
4 Council seat races of two people each
Garibaldi – Blue Background
Unopposed Mayor
3 people running for 1 Council seat
Bay City – Purple Background
Unopposed Mayor
3 unopposed Council seats
Tillamook – Violet Background
2 people running for 1 council seat
3 unopposed Council seats
County – Light Grey with agency logo
Emergency Radio Equipment Measure
Unopposed Sheriff
Unopposed County Clerk
3 people running for a seat on TPUD
2 people running for a 2nd seat on TPUD
House District 32 – White with Dark Blue Detail
2 people running for 1 seat

MooVoter offers no opinions, just information and the chance to ask questions. Please join in: Question. Endorse. Oppose. Observe. Be Kind.


Get some answers and get those ballots in!

Concerns about lies in the Oregon Voter Pamphlet

Submitted By: barbaraandchuck@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Perusing the Oregon Voter’s Pamphlet I came across something that concerns and disturbs me regarding the Arguments in Opposition for Measure 117, which would give voters the option to rank candidates when voting.

Here is a quote from the Explanatory Statement (pg 61 of the Voter’s Pamphlet):
“With ranked choice voting, voters MAY rank candidates for office in order of preference. Voters MAY choose to rank multiple candidate or ONLY ONE CANDIDATE for each office, as well as write-in candidate(s).” Capitals are my emphasis.

I counted 11 Arguments in Opposition that stated a voter must rank all candidates, which according to the above quote is obviously not true.

Since the Explanatory Statement is very clear, I have to believe that the authors deliberately lied. And if they lied about something so obvious, what else might they be lying about?

I for one have had ENOUGH of lying; of people saying anything they want, repeatedly, to get you to believe their lies. It’s a page out of Hitler’s play book.

Please read the Voter’s Pamphlet CAREFULLY and VOTE.

Full disclosure—I haven’t decided yet how I will vote on Measure 117. In theory it sounds good and that it would give independent candidates a better chance of winning which I support. I do have some concerns about this particular process—it is only for some candidates, it is confusing and it will probably be costly monetarily.

Here are quotes from those in opposition.
“RCV (ranked choice voting) disenfranchises voters. Voters must rank ALL candidates” Karen Schmidlin page 79. Capitals are hers.

“The voters want to make their choices and not be forced into ranking or voting for ALL candidates, including the people they do NOT want to vote for.” John F Woods pages 80-81. Capitals are his.

“RCV lays the foundation for ballots to NOT be counted. RCV requires every candidate to be ranked. If a voter fails to rank a candidate the entire ballot is discarded.” Suni B Danforth page 81. Capital are theirs. “Every” and “entire ballot is discarded” were underlined.

“RCV will: Force you to select candidates you don’t support.” Mary Chalkiopoulos page 82 (in bold and underlined.)

“It can be confusing when voters must rank multiple candidates instead of just choosing the one they want.” Elaine M Woods pages 82 and 83.

“If there is a slate of five candidates, you must rank them 1 to 5. If you want to only vote for one of the candidates and, consequently, not rank the other four, you ballot will be thrown out.” Lynn K Harris page 83

“RCV forces you to rank all candidates even if you do not want to vote for them.” Jennifer Adishian pages 84 and 85.

“Measure 117 makes it HARDER to VOTE. First, it will take longer to fill out a ballot because every candidate in a race must be ranked—you cannot just pick your favorite candidate and move on. Second, because each candidate must be ranked, from most favorite to least favorite, many more mistakes can be made.” Eric W Reschke, Werner For Oregon pages 86 and 87. Capitals are his.

“The biggest problem with RCV is that is FORCES you to rank ALL candidates, including the people you do NOT want to vote for.” Kim Rice. Page 89. Capitals are theirs.

“With RCV, you need to rank everyone running for each race.” Patty DeBois page 89.

“In rank choice voting, voters rank candidates for an office from first to last.” Darlene Karner page 90.

“RCV requires voters to rank candidates in order of preference.” Mary Loseke page 93

Barbara McLaughlin


Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
There are important votes coming up locally for Manzanita voters this November: Two city council positions and the position of mayor of Manzanita. In addition to these three, there is a referendum on the ballot asking us to vote YES on monthly water billing (Measure 29-179)

Measure 29-179 will only impact when we get billed for water–if it passes we’ll be billed monthly, if it fails we’ll be billed quarterly. The $ amount that we are charged for water we use will not change regardless of the vote.

Tom Campbell and Jerry Spegman are running unopposed for [their current] open city council positions. Kathryn Stock is running unopposed for [her current] position of Mayor.

All three of these candidates are excellent choices as our representatives. They have proven their value by representing us ably, with wisdom, humor and hard work. We are lucky to have such high-caliber volunteers. Integrity matters.

Please vote:

YES on Measure 29-179

And big YESSES:

Tom Campbell
Jerry Spegman
Kathryn Stock

Join us for the 2024 GREAT SHAKEOUT EXERCISE on Thursday October 17 10:17 AM

Submitted By: info@evcnb.org – Click to email about this post
Great Oregon ShakeOut!


You are invited to join thousands of fellow Oregonians participating on October 17th at 10:17 a.m. in the 2024 Great Oregon ShakeOut!

Click the link above and scroll down to find links with details specific to your community.

Michael Maginnis Update

Submitted By: telaskinner@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Michael Thomas Maginnis passed away on October 10, 2024 in his Neahkahnie home. He passed peacefully surrounded by loved ones.

Michael’s surviving relatives include his wife Tela Skinner, his sons Jaya and Taurin Skinner-Maginnis, his daughters-in-love, Whitney Handrich and Susa Lynne, his sister-in-law Shirley Murray; nephews Bill Maginnis and family, Chris Murray and family; nieces Jennifer Hooley and family, MaryAnne Gates and family. Michael’s parents (Charles and Thelma Maginnis) and both brothers (James Murray and David Maginnis) preceded him in death. Michael’s extended family also included in-laws Rosemary and Roger Wolfin of Michigan, and Carolyn and Mike Stevens of Arizona.

Michael also wished to acknowledge his many friends, who are too numerous to list. He and Tela were blessed by their inclusion in the community of Manzanita and surrounding area and by their many friends from the Portland area and beyond.

Prior to moving to the Manzanita area full-time in 2008, Michael and Tela raised their sons in West Linn, Oregon. Michael worked in wholesale lumber for most of his career, retiring in January of 2008.

With the help of Tela’s design skills, Michael was able to build a home near the golf course in Manzanita which they moved into immediately after his retirement. A few years later, when a beautiful lot became available in Neahkahnie, they were again able to team up and build their “final resting place” overlooking the ocean.

Michael played many rounds of golf with the local gang of regulars at the Manzanita Links. Two highlights from his years of hacking away: visiting Scotland for a golf junket with both brothers and other relatives and friends, and a hole-in-one on Manzanita’s hole number three.

After retiring, Michael discovered a new passion in music, fostered by a class at NCRD called Playing Well With Others, where he met new friends in the area. Playing guitar and singing became a fun outlet for him and he played in a few local bands: Rhythm Method, The Ferrets, and Stay Tuned.

Michael also became involved with several local non-profits including the Lower Nehalem Community Trust, the Hoffman Center for the Arts, and served on the board and as president at both CARTM and the Pine Grove Community Center.

Michael and Tela were able to travel a bit over the years with Kauai being a favored vacation spot. They also enjoyed visiting Victoria, BC, and other local driving destinations.

The love Michael received from Tela, Jaya and his partner Whitney Handrich, and Taurin and his wife Susa Lynne, was a special blessing to him.

To Michael, the listing of the “facts” of his life were not as important to him as were the elements of his character as he moved through life. By nature introverted and introspective, he often reflected on how his conduct impacted others. He strove to improve and grow spiritually and to show kindness to all. He felt blessed with an abundance of love from family and community.

He also had a lively sense of humor and enjoyed a good laugh with friends.

In lieu of flowers, any contributions to the Pine Grove Community Center in Manzanita would make Michael happy. A celebration of his life will be announced later.

manzanita Water Rates Fact Check Time

Submitted By: rkinor@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The September 11 Council Workshop on proposed Quarterly Water Rates provides further evidence as to why residents should have a healthy level of skepticism in what our City officials are telling us.

Page 4 of the presented Study claimed that Resolution 23-19 enacted monthly water billings. A review of the July 5th meeting minutes confirms that just prior to the vote to approve this Resolution, citizens were told that “Billing will remain quarterly”.

Minutes from a later February 14, 2024 Workshop showed a different explanation of what we had been told 7 months earlier stating that when the July Resolution was passed, “the City also switched to monthly water billing”. This directly contradicts the July 5th statement.

The Council refuses to acknowledge and take responsibility that it violated its own Ordinance regarding when water bills are to be submitted to customers for payment. The City collected monthly water fees with the new tier charges for 7 months before finally passing the Ordinance that authorized both reading meters monthly and billing customers monthly rather than quarterly as the City promised when they passed Resolution 23-19.

In a March 2023 Workshop, the City Manager produced a document on City Hall financing that stated in part “Overnight visitors who pay TLT (Transient Lodging Tax) pay for pretty much all of the City’s Services… AND infrastructure.” The City Manager even emphasized her statement to convince citizens that TLT revenues are used to fund water Infrastructure.

When asked at the September Workshop if TLT revenue in the General Fund had been considered as a funding option in the quarterly rate analysis, the City Manager responded “we didn’t even consider that”. She then confused the issue even further by suggesting that using TLT revenue would not be responsible budgeting, could raise red flags with the Auditors or even jeopardize the Water Operating Fund’s status as an Enterprise Fund.

Confirmation that the City Manager’s comments were misleading is confirmed by the following: “There are no restrictions on moving money between the General Fund and an Enterprise Fund under local Budget Law” Scott Smith, Operations and Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Revenue.

A year ago the City told us that visitors through TLT revenue pay for water infrastructure. When given the opportunity to make good on that claim and transfer a small portion of those funds from the General Fund to help pay for the costs to continue to provide residents with 4,000 gallons of water each month and keep rates affordable for families and seniors of modest means in our community, we are told that such use is now beyond consideration.

The tens of thousands of visitors that come to Manzanita each year are a substantial class of water customers that far exceeds our resident water customer population. The main difference is that residents get a monthly water bill to pay for water system operation, maintenance and infrastructure improvements. The City collects TLT revenue from visitor water customers and despite being told it is used to fund water Infrastructure, not a single dollar gets transferred out of the General Fund for this purpose.

Residents under the new monthly billing schedule are told that we must conserve water so visitors do not have to be bothered with such matters. If you are a resident using 4,000 gallons of water a month in the summer and the STR next door uses 7,000 gallons, the City wants you to be satisfied that the extra $30 water bill paid by the STR owner for each of those 4 summer months is a fair contribution by those visitors.

The City Budget confirms that Annual Water Utility Billing costs for the City two years ago under quarterly billing were $14,762. This year under proposed monthly billing those same costs are now $50,000. These costs do not include the additional staff time to now process monthly billings. The City admits that it takes more staff time to process monthly billings but will not tell us just how much this costs. Was the consultant given the opportunity to consider these increased billing and staff costs required by monthly billing in his quarterly rate analysis?

I am confident that both part time and full time residents would support the use of TLT revenue to assist the Water Utility Fund as a simple solution to secure meaningful financial support from visitors for their usage, provide residents with the means to obtain 4,000 gallons of water per month as a base allotment and deliver needed funding for water infrastructure projects.

Now that the reasons not to use TLT revenue to benefit residents in this matter have been eliminated, what new explanations will the City come up with? Why is our Council and City Manager so opposed to this solution that they will not even allow their consultant to provide us with this as an option for community discussion?

This process has been marked by mistakes, misleading statements, ignoring requirements in a City Ordinance and lack of interest in crafting a solution that works best for residents. The Council will resume their discussion on this matter this Wednesday at 2 pm in a workshop session.

Manzanita voters are being solicited by Mayor Stock and Councilors Spegman and Campbell to return them to Council for another term. I would encourage voters to carefully evaluate the positions of each of these individuals on this decision and ask yourself if they are representing your best interests and have earned your vote on November 5th.
Randy Kugler

Why i support Mary Leverette

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
This is a post to Wheeler voters:

Even though I live in Nehalem in terms of where my house is and for whom I can vote, I went to the Wheeler Candidates Forum at NCRD because I consider that I live in the entire Nehalem Bay community, which includes all three towns of Wheeler, Nehalem and Manzanita. I listened carefully to what each candidate had to say.

Mary Leverette’s work history includes an almost 30-year career in government service for the State of Oregon and the City of Portland. I believe she understands the mechanics of city government, and will bring experience to the Wheeler City Council.

I find her to be a person who is a fair-minded voice of reason. I believe she is devoted to serving her community, wants to help find solutions that will serve Wheeler long term, and is committed to Wheeler’s future.

She has been an organizer for the community of Wheeler, having worked in emergency preparedness and in coordinating the Wheeler Clean-Up Day for three years. She has attended nearly every Wheeler city council session for the past two years. This shows a keen interest in Wheeler’s well-being.

She tells us she is organized, fair-minded and practical. I believe her.

While it is not a specific qualification for being a city councilor, it speaks to me that she was a hospice volunteer for over fourteen years. Clearly, she is a caring person.

If I lived in Wheeler, Mary Leverette would get my vote. I believe she will be an effective city councilor.

om peace namaste

lucy brook

Davis vs Goliath

Submitted By: dmccalltillamook@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
My mailbox has been filled with mailers, most of them telling me how bad a certain opponent is, with a few telling me how hard a candidate is going to fight for me. Nice, slick mailers – the kind that would make me feel guilty for using them as firestarters, since they may have a slick plastic lining on them, and are probably so soaked in ink that they wouldn’t burn well anyway. 
The other day I was going through my mail, filling my recycling bin, when I stopped to check the balance of those mailers and fliers. I found a flier that the Davis campaign left when they knocked on my door, providing some history of who he is, and why he would work hard to represent me. I think every other item had come from the Javadi campaign, either directly or an organization supporting him. Note, most of them weren’t telling me what a great representative he has been, but rather scaring me with all the bad things his opponent would do. Negative campaigning at its best.
So I got out my virtual shovel and dug myself a rabbit hole, spending time checking out financial filings with the Secretary of State’s Office, where all candidates are required to report all contributions. This system is supposed to provide transparency to the voters. What I found is a true Davis vs Goliath story. 
Simply stated, Javadi is outspending Davis a ratio of more than 14 to 1: in this election cycle alone, Davis has expended just under $40,000, while the Javadi campaign has burned through over $570,000! 
So I wondered: Where is all that money coming from? I found that over $200,000 of the cash influx into Javadi’s campaign (just this year!) has come from a single source: the Bring Balance to Salem PAC. This PAC, formed in November 2021 in Portland by Greg Walden, now resides on a skip in Scappoose. This new PAC has invested an impressive $1.5 million in this year’s election cycle, but it also sits on over $4 million in the bank! Talk about a quick growth business model!
Having a little more time to kill, I dug further. In the past three years, Eugene’s own Pape and a few timber giants in Oregon (Roseburg, Freres, Murphy) and California (Sierra Pacific) have each contributed at least half a million dollars, but the grand prize goes to Phil Knight, who has contributed $2 million each year for three years straight! Yes, Mr. Nike gave six million dollars just to this one PAC, ensuring it will have plenty of money in the future, when campaign financing limits (finally) kick in. 
One would think that with all that money, and backed by an individual who got rich with the slogan Just Do It!, they would be able to run a positive campaign, and paint a positive picture of their candidate. 
Does it matter? I think so. 
Rather than listening to the negativity, I’m watching for Andy’s slingshot. 

Manzanita water billing — who knew?

Submitted By: judysugg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Who knew that water bills in Manzanita would be so controversial? The complaints were just complaints in the beginning. Now that a referendum is going forward, it costs substantial time and money. And really, for what purpose?
The city approved a new rate structure in July to catch up on nine years of inflation. The plan also rewarded water conservation, and we went to monthly billing.

Complaints about this needed adjustment seem oddly centered on monthly vs. quarterly billing without focusing on the required catch-up from nine years of no increases. And very little has been mentioned about conservation.

The city, with the help of numerous experts and the active participation of the community, meticulously crafted a new rate structure. This was not a hasty decision. It was a well-researched and considered change. However, due to the referendum, the water rate study was redone, incurring a cost of $8500, not to mention the additional time and more attorney fees. The city has already spent over $20,000 on attorney fees. This doesn’t include staff time.

A Yes vote keeps us on monthly billing. From Yachats to Astoria not one city is on quarterly billing. Monthly billing helps identify leaks quicker, awareness on usage and conservation, better financial planning and works with our City’s current billing and meter reading technology. Worried about paper bills? Go Paperless. The City charges NO fees for automatic payment. If you are charged a fee it is from your bank – ask why.

All of this confusion—for what? We needed a rate that covers the costs and a rate structure that encourages water conservation. This is what the city did.

Ultimately, the genuine cost is wasted time and dissension. We have a limited city staff and an unpaid city council. Their time is finite – and significant projects like the comprehensive plan are waiting.

No Virginia, the President Cannot…………….

Submitted By: dixiegainer@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
……..Get Rid Of Medicare!! Only the congress can do that!! As far as The View is concerned, I rate it maybe a quarter of a star for truth in politics. And that would be by accident!!
I am worried about medicare and social security however because as a country we are going broke – and as I listen to financial experts (?) I hear that if our (USA) debt gets any bigger it is not sustainable – and I think that is the goal of the DNC. This party has been chosen by the 1% to carry out the New World Order plans in this country. I will write more about that later. I have to say that everyone in my immediate family – me, my kids and my grandkids are all Democrats, except that I turned Independent when I realized where the Democratic party is leading us. In Oregon the Independent Party is now equal or larger in size to either the Dems Or Republican Party.

The 1% who own 99% of everything in the world have won the game of monopoly on this planet and have chosen whoever they can buy – which is 99% of the population, to put their plans in place. For the last couple of years the WEF (the World Economic Forum thru the United Nations) has been telling you what their plans are for you – yes you but probably you were not paying attention. You might find them on you tube – if you can, try watching in chronological order.

Our elections! “The Supreme Court made a critical decision in protecting the American right to vote. Non-citizens, illegal immigrants, and foreign nationals do not have the right to vote in this country or determine the integrity of our elections. Americans deserve confidence in knowing that only legal citizens are casting their vote in the United States of America.”

Yet! – the Oregon Democratic majority legislature has found that over over twelve hundred non documented persons are registered to vote in Oregon. OMG they say – we had no idea – Oh they sure do.! I am an elections denier and for good reason as you can see. Also Oregon’s Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum told the public a year or so ago that our election computers were not hackable but when testifying in court she said they were hackable! No confidence in that Oregon official!!!.

I decided the problem is the political parties which very very effectively divide us from being able to even think without bias. For example – I suggested to a neighbor that she join Taxpayers of Oregon, a group that watches how our tax dollars are being spent. She said – “ NO – there might be a Republican in that group!! I was so astonished at that reply.

The opposite party are LEPERS I guess, but you can see how crippled our thinking has become.

I am in the process of moving to a state in which in order to vote you have to go to your precinct and show them your ID before you can cast a vote. That is the ONLY WAY I feel to have verifiable election results. And which party wants that?! I ask you. Why not try to bring this type of voting back to Oregon?

Andy Davis, Oregon House Representative District 32

Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Oregon Voters’ Pamphlets are here!

Please vote for Democrat, Andy Davis for our State House Representative, Oregon District 32!

I’ve met Andy, he is experienced, knowledgeable and understands the needs of North Oregon coastal residents. His work with the Oregon Health Authority, in city government, and in volunteer organizations means he knows the issues we care about, and why we care about them:

Affordable Housing
Good Jobs
Health Care for All
Legislating Rural Issues in Salem

Endorsed by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, the Teamsters, Planned Parenthood, (and many other groups), Andy is the real deal.
Unlike his opponent who co-sponsored the punitive Anti-Abortion SB1536, Andy affirms that a woman and her doctor should make her healthcare decisions, no one else.

Please vote: Andy Davis, Oregon House District 32!


Who do you want to lead our country for the next 4 years?

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
hi y’all in BBQ-land,

I received an email from Bre Maxwell, Rural Coalitions Director, DNC, with commentary and links to an interview with VP Kamala Harris on The View.

I have never watched The View because I don’t watch mainstream TV. I googled information and learned that it is “a venue for lively, informed debates on current events, especially politics.” Originated by Barbara Walters and currently led by longtime host, Whoopi Goldberg, five women with very different outlooks on politics, Hollywood and its stars, and current events discuss these and other divisive topics of the day.

In addition, The View also conducts interviews with prominent figures, such as celebrities and politicians. Thus, the interview with VP Kamala Harris.

I also learned that it’s viewed by more than 2,000,000 viewers. Wowza! That’s a lot of folks watching The View.

I have copied and pasted below an excerpt from that commentary sent to me.

This is part of the reason why I am voting for Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States.

Respectfully submitted,

Om peace namaste

Lucy Brook
Nehalem resident

• The Vice President’s plans to lower care costs for millions of Americans stand in stark contrast to Trump and his Project 2025 agenda.
o As president, Trump tried to cut Medicare and Medicaid in every single one of his budgets, has called for raising the retirement age to 70, and said privatizing Medicare would create a “stronger system.”
o He denied millions of families the full child tax credit and tried to cut federal child care funding by nearly $100 million.
o His Project 2025 agenda will actually raise costs on families by $4,000 a year.

Unfortunately, the chart in the message i received won’t post on BBQ. You know, it’s the “wrong format.” Aargh! Technology!

So I have copied the two sides of the chart in the narrative below.

“Kamala Harris wants to expand Medicare to cover home care for seniors for the first time ever.
Donald Trump wants to make devastating cuts to Medicare.

Kamala Harris wants to cut average child care costs in half.
Donald Trump, when he was President, tried to cut funding for federal child care and youth services by nearly $100 million.

Kamala Harris wants to expand access to good child care options.
Donald Trump will raise costs on hardworking families by nearly $4,000 a year.”

Having read this, are you surprised that I’ll be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for President and Vice President of our country?

Never accept blame, flood the zone with lies, big lies

Submitted By: bill.brayman@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
Many of us are baffled why anyone would vote for Trump. Could Trump supporters simply be deceived and manipulated?

WHAT! How ridiculous to suggest half the US voting population is deceived and manipulated.

Read the article and see if it doesn’t ring some bells. I’ve included a few excerpts from the article here to give you the gist of the argument.

Letters from an American
OCT 06, 2024

I’m a history professor interested in the contrast between image and reality in American politics. I believe in American democracy, despite its frequent failures.

Some excerpts from this Oct 6 article:

“Trump’s lies are not errors. They are part of a well-documented strategy to overturn democracy by using modern media to create a false political world.”

“The Democrats don’t matter,” Bannon told a reporter in 2018. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with sh*t.” Keeping listeners constantly trying to defend what is real from what is not destroys their ability to make sense of the world.”

“Many people turn to a strongman who promises to create order. Others will get so exhausted they simply give up. As scholar of totalitarianism Hannah Arendt noted, authoritarians use this technique to destabilize a population.”

“This system made sense in former Soviet republics, where it enabled leaders to avoid the censorship that voters would recoil from by instead creating a firehose of news until people became overwhelmed by the task of trying to figure out what was real and simply tuned out.”

“In his autobiography Mein Kampf, or “My Struggle,” Adolf Hitler wrote that people were more likely to believe a giant lie than a little one because they were willing to tell small lies in their own lives but “would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.” Since they could not conceive of telling “colossal untruths…they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

“The U.S. Office of Strategic Services had picked up on Hitler’s manipulation of his followers when it described Hitler’s psychological profile.”

“It said, “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

“Bunch points out that MAGA Republicans insist on the right to lie, considering any fact-checking “censorship,”

Jerry Spegman Seeks Re-election to Manzanita City Council

Submitted By: jerryspegman@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I am running for re-election to a second term on Manzanita’s city council, and I would greatly appreciate your support.

During my first term I served with eight different councilors and three different mayors. After having one city manager from 1996 to 2016, Manzanita has had three since. And through all this turnover, the work of the city continued. Challenges were met, and progress was made.

As a councilor, I’m one of about thirty volunteers that make our citizen-driven local government work. We serve on the Planning Commission, Budget Committee, STR Committee, Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, and City Council. We have a variety of backgrounds and represent a diversity of perspectives. We attend a whole lot of meetings, read a load of reports, and do plenty of independent research on behalf of the residents of Manzanita, as well as its many non-voter stakeholders.

We collaborate with our outstanding city staff to address an array of issues, not just for today but often with impacts well into the future. We are constantly building on the work of our predecessors, and planning for the work of our successors.

Manzanita is in the early stages of revising its Comprehensive Plan, and we need to reach a workable consensus on what kind of community we want to be. We have far more houses than residents, and with that come more complexities to address than in a typical town of 600. We need our revised plan to reflect how we see ourselves now, and moving forward. Our revised plan will drive policy decisions in the years ahead impacting our finances, housing stock, environment, commercial development, demographics and more.

Local governments can at times be short-sighted or reactive, but I see little risk of that here, particularly under the leadership of an exemplary mayor and an extraordinary city manager. It’s an honor to serve with them, and with the other volunteers and staff that make our city work. From where I sit, we are blessed to have so many committed people offering their talent and effort to enhance our community. I appreciate the calm, deliberative, and measured approach regularly on display at both the volunteer and staff levels, and I believe Manzanita voters can support the current team with confidence.

Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D Starts October 15

Submitted By: qulwater@msn.com – Click to email about this post
Medicare beneficiaries are able to switch their Part D drug coverage annually. The open enrollment period runs fromOctober 15th and runs through December 7th.

In regard to prescription drug coverage you may either:

Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage).
Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan or from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare.
Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare drug plan if you’re in Original Medicare.

Medications seniors take can change quite often and it is worth taking a look at which plan you are currently on to see if it is the most cost effective.

Medicare offers an easy to use Part D plan calculator to help you determine the best plan for you. You enter each medication you currently take and the calculator will determine your costs for both premiums and drug cost as well as compare all Part D plans available in our region.

This is the link to the calculator:


If you need any assistance with the calculator or have any other questions regarding your Part D coverage feel free to reach out to me via email at

In health,

Richard Silverman

Singing to Heal & Open the Way

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
North Coast Oregon Threshold Choir.

We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community.
We train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.
Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy; your resounding spirit; your soothing voice.

We gather in person twice per month on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45pm at St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon.
We encourage singers to come as early as 5:30 for self-guided social & warm-up.

2nd Tuesdays: Intro & Healing Space – Practice giving/receiving healing through song.
Hosted by Ann & Ali
October 8th this month

4th Tuesdays: Core Songs Practice – Nuts & Bolts
Hosted by Kim & Jennifer
October 22nd this month

For those who wish to stay later to sing with the St. Catherine’s Community Song Circle, they begin at 7pm – also both 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, and all are welcome.

Let us Sing!
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6-8pm
St. Catherine’s Church in Nehalem, Oregon

Come as early as 5:30 for self-guided social & warm-up

May you be well.

Need TLC? RSVP for Song Bath

Submitted By: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Song Bath Healing Invitation


Song Bath Receivers need to RSVP oquinnhomestead@gmail.com or text:503-440-7861

• 5:30-6:00 Singers arrive/social/set-up

• 6:00-6:15 Singers warm up while Song Bath Receivers (who have RSVP’d) quietly arrive and be seated on pews

• 6:15-6:45 Singers invite Receivers to sit in the zero-gravity chairs to receive song for whatever needs to be held tenderly

• 10/8/24
• 11/12/24
• 12/10/24

North Coast Oregon Threshold Choir (NCOTC)
We gather and sing to heal ourselves and our community…we train to sing for those at the thresholds of life and death.
Whatever level you feel called to participate, we welcome your quiet energy…your resounding spirit…your soothing voice.

For more information:
• Email: oquinnhomestead@gmail.com
• Text/call: 503-440-7861

Threshold Choir International (TCI):

Weather Permitting Friends Bulb Sale

Submitted By: pattyrinehart@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD)will be setting up-weather permitting-their Fall Planted/Spring Blooming Bulb Sale Saturday, October 5 at the Little Apple in Downtown Manzanita from 10 AM to Noon. Pictures of the flowers and order forms are also available at North County Recreation District Monday-Friday. We also have Amaryllis and Nir Paperwhites available. We take checks, cash, and use Venmo for payment. Thanks to our great community for supporting our flower sales this summer!

Readers for Hurrican Helene victims

Submitted By: heidiangelaparker@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I would like to gather new and used “readers” (or even glasses) to send to a donations center in an affected area of Hurricane Helene.

We are far away, but we can help. Light weight readers can be shipped and used by donations centers fairly inexpensively. Can you imagine filling out required paperwork without them?

Anyone want to help or join in? I can come pick up and ship. Prescription readers are inexpensive and lightweight and we can get several there quickly. I can pick up Sunday afternoon. Perhaps meet up at different spots?

There will be an influx of supplies for younger people, but how about our other vulnerable populations?

Thanks in advance,

Check out all the events and trainings on offer by the EVCNB!

Submitted By: info@evcnb.org – Click to email about this post
Click the links to find out more details.

Join us as we partner with the Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue team for an open house at Station 13 in Nehalem on Saturday 10/14, 10AM-3PM for a day of fun and learning!

Do you need a GoBag or GoBag supplies? Purchase supplies on the website and pick up items at the Pop-Up Shop.

Pick up October 12, from 1:00-1:30 PM at the Manzanita Police Station

Great Oregon ShakeOut!


You are invited to join thousands of fellow Oregonians participating on October 17th at 10:17 a.m. in the 2024 Great Oregon ShakeOut!

Click the link above and scroll down to find links with details specific to your community.