Or maybe you have an extra your no longer
It was wonderful to dance and hang on the beach with you last night : )
I lost a favorite hat of mine! It is pink with a hand painted wave on it, I hung it off of the wooden sign post up on the dune/dance floor.
I also lost two loved water bottles. One is a large black one with stickers. There is one of a radicchio and a Sasquatch on it. Then a small kids sized black water bottle with some cool local stickers on it.
If anyone has seen these items will you text me?
Thank you : ) Happy recovery day!
Her name is Monty. Mini dachshund.
She never leaves my side she is everything to me. Please call me asap if you find her.
Thank you!
Thanks to everyone for looking!
If you think you see her, please immediately call or text Anna at 503-807-1287, day or night.
If by chance you come/came across it, let me know.
Much appreciated!
If you’ve realized there’s no place like home “R”
We still have a humble place for you in the marsh grass on the bay off the hwy. Please come home!
No questions asked.
CALL MURPHY AT 503-368-7729
After receiving a call from a member of the community who spotted Luna, we were able to successfully rescue her!
The BBQ came through!
Thank you to the person who spotted her, during the rush of emotion, I couldn’t recall your name, but we are eternally grateful to you.
Good things happen, thank you all!!
Luna went missing around 1 pm yesterday about a mile down Miami Foley from Mohler, just before Foss Rd.
She is a small, tri-color Australian Shepherd mix, about 30 Ibs.
She is hesitant to approach strangers and unfamiliar dogs, and she may be hiding underneath something in an attempt to seek shelter.
If you have any information as to her whereabouts, see her walking down a road, or hiding underneath something, please contact me at 845-616-6954.