Stolen beach bike

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Our blue beach bike was stolen last weekend. We parked it just like the picture in our front yard. It has fat tires like the 2nd picture.
I want to bring awareness to our community this kind of theft happens. Please be aware and watch out for your properties.

Hat and Water bottles Lost!

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Hello Community!

It was wonderful to dance and hang on the beach with you last night : )

I lost a favorite hat of mine! It is pink with a hand painted wave on it, I hung it off of the wooden sign post up on the dune/dance floor.

I also lost two loved water bottles. One is a large black one with stickers. There is one of a radicchio and a Sasquatch on it. Then a small kids sized black water bottle with some cool local stickers on it.

If anyone has seen these items will you text me?



Thank you : ) Happy recovery day!

LOST DOG! Underhill Road Saturday 6/24

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LOST DOG! please help. “Annie” is a 10# Italian Greyhound, missing as of 5pm June 24, last seen in area around Alder Creek Farm at Underhill Rd and Hwy 101, between Nehalem and Bayside Gardens. Please call/text 503/805-7747 if you have any info, sightings, etc.
Or email
Thank you for your help!

Lost Cat, Dorcas and Division in Manzanita

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Please keep your eyes peeled for Yoshi, a small 2-yr old kitty, who has gone missing from her home at Dorcus and Division in Manzanita — we think she may have snuck out an accidentally open door while with the catsitters. Yoshi is indoor-only and likely very scared.

If you think you see her, please immediately call or text Anna at 503-807-1287, day or night.

Lost Elderly Chuiaua

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Our 14yr elder dog got out & dug from under the fence in Bayside Gardens Nehalem. She will be running scared along streets. It’s s race against time as she will not survive the Coyotes in the area. Please help if you can keep a watchful eye!
We rescued her 13 years ago in Portugal & she’s our heart.

Missing cat off Tohl road

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Nimki was last seen Sunday morning on Mar Sea lane. He was spooked I think by the Rottweiler that has been coming into my yard. Please contact me if you’ve seen him! My girls are very sad, and just lost their grandpa. Help us find Nimki!!
He is very sweet and if he lost his collar somehow I could see someone wanting to keep him. But he has a loving home and is very missed. If you’ve seen him around please
Call us!

Missing Painting

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I am missing a painting that I had in the Art for the Heart show at NCRD. If you mistakenly took this please return it to me. I have this painting in my art inventory and it’s also on my website.
I will be contacting NCRD but they weren’t open today.


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Missing “R”
Has anyone seen Wheeler’s “R” ?
Hard to miss- large, white, looks like an upper case “D” with 2 legs.
May have taken off with some teens or decided to get a facelift in someone’s workshop.
I heard rumors it was hoping for an ocean view and wanted to take over the “A”
joining the letters in “ManzanitR” and has been in contact with the “G” on the hill in Garibaldi.

If you’ve realized there’s no place like home “R”
We still have a humble place for you in the marsh grass on the bay off the hwy. Please come home!
No questions asked.


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Dear Wheeler Neighbors,
My beloved 7-year-old large Siamese cat named Bugsy has been missing for several days now! He’s an indoor/outdoor cat that lives up on 3rd street off of Gregory, up behind Wheeler post office. Wheeler neighbors plz, plz check your sheds, etc in case he accidentally got locked in somewhere. I am still hoping for the best, he’s very large, handsome and smart Siamese cat.
Thanks, Nan

LOST wool hat – blue/green with white sheep – in Manzanita on Monday

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LOST WOOL HAT IN MANZANITA – A friend just returned from a trip visiting family and her birthplace in Great Britain and purchased a wool hat that is very precious to her. We were walking on Monday in Manzanita near her home and believe it was dropped near 4th Street and Treasure Cove Lane. The hat is black fleece lined wool with blue/green background and white sheep. If anyone has seen it or happened to picked it up, please let us know. Thank you! Kirby (and Jane, that hats owner)

Losd dog found!!

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Hello all!

After receiving a call from a member of the community who spotted Luna, we were able to successfully rescue her!

The BBQ came through!

Thank you to the person who spotted her, during the rush of emotion, I couldn’t recall your name, but we are eternally grateful to you.

Good things happen, thank you all!!

Lost Dog around Miami Foley: Luna

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Hey neighbors,

Luna went missing around 1 pm yesterday about a mile down Miami Foley from Mohler, just before Foss Rd.

She is a small, tri-color Australian Shepherd mix, about 30 Ibs.
She is hesitant to approach strangers and unfamiliar dogs, and she may be hiding underneath something in an attempt to seek shelter.

If you have any information as to her whereabouts, see her walking down a road, or hiding underneath something, please contact me at 845-616-6954.