Missing Kitty

Submitted By: kkonruff@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Helping a friend whos beloved Kitty has gone Missing.

Moon is our very beloved Kitty. She is a wild child and lives indoor/outdoor. She is a tabby with lots of orange coloring, including a little orange “flame” on her forehead. If you’ve seen her please know she has a home – she is very loved and cared for. Please call or text 503-819-9400 if you have seen her.
She went missing in the Spyglass/ Necarney area of Manzanita.

Lost Eyeglasses

Submitted By: accidentalpress@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I lost my BRAND NEW prescription eyeglasses. Have not seen them since I was at Manzanita Park around 10:15-11:30 am Wednesday July 20th

They were in the case (I think), a bigger plastic Lacoste hard clamshell case. Gold rimmed metal frames. Lord it was nice to see so well for a couple of days— please let me know if you have any leads!

Thank you
Skye Archer
(503) 739-1939

Lost Red Husky on Oregon Coast

Submitted By: soheelee1985@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
‘Lost Red Husky

Name: Uni (Pronounced Oo-knee).

Age: 4 years old.

Gender: Female.

Color: Red and White coat with blue eyes.

Weight: 45lbs. A bit smaller, stockier than average huskies. (Will probably look skinnier now)

Lost in Ecola State Park on June 11th.

Last Seen: Short Sand Beach and NeahKahnie Beach on 7/6/2022.

Note: She was wearing a white biothane buckle collar with a name tag on plus a black e-collar high up on her neck at the time of her missing.

If you spot her, please DO NOT APPROACH OR ATTEMPT TO LURE HER. Keep a distance and call me ASAP 419-787-8331 with as much detail as possible.’

Missing Female Tuxedo Cat

Submitted By: alayawyndham@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello Wheeler Neighbors,

Early this morning, our female tuxedo rescue, Wave, escaped our home. We live on SPRUCE ST. in Wheeler. Wave, just under 2 years old, is skittish and lives indoors, previously being too scared to venture more than a few feet outside of our house, and not without her twin brother Tide being there. It’s highly unusual that she’s gone far enough to go missing, so we are very worried. We have searched extensively on our property, and surrounding natural areas, including up and down Spruce St., and through the neighborhood. Wave is half of a deeply-bonded twin pair, and her brother is distraught about her disappearance.

If you live in Wheeler, and especially on Spruce Street, please keep your eyes peeled and ears open for meowing. If you are up for it, even check out potential hiding spots like bushes and sheds for us, we would be so very appreciative.

If you see her or think you see her, please CALL or TEXT Alaya: 206-618-9705 or Chad: 503-778-0174. We can also be reached by email: alayawyndham@gmail.com and cbash@rinehart.org.

She is micro-chipped. We have also cross posted on Facebook, and Instagram for sharing purposes.

Thank you for your help! Let’s bring Wave home!


Submitted By: andyevansparker@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Yesterday, my cat SQUINTS went missing from our small farm on HWY 53. This is in the event that someone may have possibly found him or picked him up somewhere in the few miles north of MacDonald Road. If you have him or know where he is please call (503) 381-2120. $1000.00 REWARD for him.

Thank you!


Lost silver bracelet

Submitted By: soulargardens@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Lost on Saturday Feb. 26 while walking to park and around neighborhood up 3rd St to ocean and home. Silver round bracelet, no clasp and intermittent bead like design resembling east India. Not valuable but sentimental value as it belonged to my mother who took it off of her arm and gave it to me while she was dying.