Category: Received
DOBERMAN attack on Manzanita Beach
Dog owners should know their dog’s behavior and be responsible. There is already sentiment here that leashes be required on the beach. However leashes ARE required in the state park yet I see many off-leash anyway. While dogs I’ve seen off-leash in the state park have been friendly, my experience on the beach has been different – my Corgi has been attacked many times on the beach and sadly most of the owners didn’t give a damn.
At least this Doberman has a muzzle. But any dog that aggressively gets into other dogs’ business should be on a leash. I have made a point of loudly calling out irresponsible dog owners in the past, and will continue to do so.
Bed found!!
The community spirit of the North Coast people is mind- blowing. Thank you all and blessed holidays to all!
Thank you Donna!
I would like to THANK Donna from Wheeler who made a cover for my art stool! She is amazing and did this free of charge. I am so grateful and blessed by her generosity.
Happy Holidays to ALL!

RECEIVED Toaster Oven
That didn’t take long, just got a sweet phone call from someone with a toaster oven for Crog-
And nearby…
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Looking for work
Space Heater – FOUND
Space heater has been found.
No longer want canning jars
Jan Fisher
August 6 Voter Rules Post
Help needed to transport items to transfer station
Recommendation Wanted & Free Clean Cardboard Boxes
Plus, the boxes have found a new home.
Thank you to those who responded and thank you to Northcoast BBQ for the service you provide.
Foster found for kittens
Bamboo and many warnings