Looking for Assistant for Yoga Studio in Nehalem – Trade

Submitted By: seadreamnehalem@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Sea Dream yoga & movement studio in Nehalem is looking for someone to help clean up the studio space 1x per week in exchange for access to our weekly classes. If you’re looking for access to yoga, Pilates or other movement but don’t have the budget this could be a good trade for you.

*Laundry – must have access to a laundry machine. We need someone to bring home the used towels from the studio and wash them, then fold and return them
*Sweep/mop/dust the whole space. It’s a relatively small space.

That’s it!

Please let us know if you are interested in this trade. SeaDreamNehalem@gmail.com

Local family looking for a home (Updated Contact)

Submitted By: ryanjpedersen@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
[Sorry, we posted the wrong Phone Number before]

We are a long time local family of 3 and business owners in Nehalem, currently looking for a home. We are interested in both rental or purchase options anywhere between Nedonna and Arch Cape. We’re quite flexible and open to different options, and are capable of paying first+last or a down payment on the purchase of a home.

If you have any information about potential options we may not have seen, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at ryanjpedersen@gmail.com or 503-887-0332 – as you prefer.

With love,

Ryan, Syd & Baby Maeve

Local family looking for a home

Submitted By: Ryanjpedersen@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
We are a long time local family of 3 and business owners in Nehalem, currently looking for a home. We are interested in both rental or purchase options anywhere between Nedonna and Arch Cape. We’re quite flexible and open to different options, and are capable of paying first+last or a down payment on the purchase of a home.

If you have any information about potential options we may not have seen, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at ryanjpedersen@gmail.com or 5038870333 – as you prefer.

With love,

Ryan, Syd & Baby Maeve

NCRD Performing Arts Center Coordinator

Submitted By: lauras@ncrdnehalem.org – Click to email about this post
POSITION AVAILABLE at North County Recreation District (NCRD) in Nehalem
Coordinator, Performing Arts Center
Part-time (20-30 hours per week)
Hours vary depending on event schedule.
Night and weekends will be required.
Pay Range: $19 – $20. Starting rate is $19.50
The Theatre Coordinator is responsible for theatre events and programs as well as assisting with special events for the facility. This includes the marketing of the space to outside groups, scheduling, and coordination of all productions and events.

Application submission deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025, by 4:00 pm

Submit application materials by mail to NCRD, P.O. Box 207, Nehalem, OR 97131, in-person to NCRD Administration Office at 36155 9th Street, Nehalem, or electronically to pool@ncrdnehalem.org

For full job descriptions please visit www.ncrd.org/about#employment

For more information, please call 855-444-6273, or stop by the NCRD Welcome Center at 36155 9th St. in Nehalem to pick up an application.

Wooden Crates Wanted

Submitted By: greencoastmarket@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Green Coast Market (Downtown Rockaway Beach’s new local food store) is looking for wooden crates to use for displaying items at our shop. If you have vintage milk crates, fruit crates, or other attractive wooden storage boxes of this sort, please reach out. We are willing to purchase or trade for store credit. Thanks and have a lovely day!

Queen Platform Style Bed Frames and Mattresses

Submitted By: schechtel.m@comcast.net – Click to email about this post
I have been working on finding furniture for an apartment my sister and brother-in-law will be renting for 4-months this summer. I have come up with everything but the beds.

I am looking for two light-weight Queen bedframes, preferably platform style, and two gently-used mattresses. Free would be ideal but I’m also willing to pay a nominal amount.

I will donate, or post for free on the BBQ, all this furniture after my family leaves.

I would like to acquire these bed frames and mattresses soon because I am able to store them.
But if I don’t have luck finding what I need with this post, I’ll repost off and on.

Networking appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
Martha Schechtel
503-816-2129 call or text

Moon River Farm is Hiring

Submitted By: farmers@moonriverfarmers.com – Click to email about this post
Job Opening!

Interested in working on a certified organic vegetable farm?
We have two, seasonal farm crew positions open.
Both positions are 2-3 days a week
Start date: May or June

One of the two positions is sponsored by Tillamook Works internship program and is open to students attending any Tillamook County high school or TBCC.

The second position is open to anyone!

If you would like to apply or find out more about the job, please visit our website here: www.moonriverfarmers.com/work-with-us

Getting CLOSER – honey guy + furry accomplices need rental – JUNE start

Submitted By: jwmerc@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Jeff and his two new family members (6 mo old kittens) will need to get the moving process going between June 1 and June 15 as our housing ends on June 30th. Something modest – could be anywhere from Bay City north to Warrenton. For those not knowing I am the guy who sells the raw honey, real Vermont maple syrup etc (who once had a store in Tillamook years ago). Ideas should come in via text to my cell: 208-424-0042 – or e-mail: jwmerc@gmail.com – thanks in advance…jw

3/11 Ride from Nehalem to Portland

Submitted By: vivi@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
I’m looking for a ride that will get me to Southwest Portland around 2 pm on Tuesday 3/11. I could take the bus from Cannon Beach and that would get me there at 11:30am. However, if you are going to town a little later, I’ll give you my bus ticket money to help with gas!
text or email is best
503 739-5581

Live-in Caregiver in Cannon Beach.

Submitted By: nmccarthy1276@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I am looking for a dependable, honest, friendly live-in caregiver to help me with dressing, showering, toileting, some light housekeeping, a little meal preparation and taking me to medical
and other appointments.
I am a 76-year-old female with mobility issues. I use a walker in the house, but need a wheelchair when I leave home and need minimal help with transfers.
Benefits include a rent-free, one-bedroom private apartment. All utilities are paid, including
internet and cable.
The caregiver will work about 30 hours per week at $25 per hour, with schedule to include times in the morning, late afternoon and evening.
Desired qualifications include experience with caregiving, especially for older adults, or
experience or training in a medical facility; good communication skills; a valid driver’s license
and clean driving record; and good organizational skills. Applicants must be able to pass a
background check and to provide three references.
Send work history and references to Phyllis Bernt, phyllis.bernt@gmail.com


Submitted By: sheila.bayside@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I am creating a no dig landscaping area at my house. I need oodles of big card board pieces to put on the ground. Big appliance boxes are great, for example.

I am in Nehalem. I will pickup. Or, if you have a lot, which would require more than one load in my compact Crossover SUV, perhaps, if your vehicle can haul more, I could pay you to drop your cardboard off at my house in Bayside Gardens/Nehalem

Thank you, Sheila Moran
text me at 503-812-2022

Copper Tubing Needed (1/2

Submitted By: nani@naniwaddoups.com – Click to email about this post
Hello All,

Since I had such fabulous success getting recommendations from you on the BBQ for someone to cut my curly hair, I’m going to try again!

I am doing a repair to this fabulous existing handrail, and I need a bunch of straight 1/2″ copper tubing. It’s expensive new, so I fully expect to pay for it, but just thought I’d check here in case anyone has a bunch that’s been lying around waiting for a new life.

I am extending a deck handrail and I need about 120 linear feet of 3′ lengths.

Thanks in advance for any leads or ideas!

Weaving Mentor

Submitted By: waysofbeingco@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Location: Wheeler, Oregon

Experience Level: Beginner

Loom: Woolhouse Loom


I’m a brand new weaver with a Woolhouse loom eager to learn the craft! I’m searching for a patient and experienced mentor to guide me through the basics of weaving. I’m particularly interested in learning about:

Warping my Woolhouse loom
Basic weaving techniques (plain weave, twill, etc.)
Reading weaving drafts
Choosing appropriate yarns and fibers
Troubleshooting common weaving problems

Thank you!

ISO – oral B tooth brush replacements.

Submitted By: Artwithmisskaren@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I’m a big restore, reuse, recycle and refuse to buy new if I don’t have to. I know it sounds silly to some but I just “need to know” in my heart that I’m doing my part.
It seems the replacements heads for this type of oral B tooth brush’s is no longer sold in stores. I have two tooth brush’s bases and chargers from a set I bought in Costco a long time ago and they are still functioning perfectly. So I’m wondering if anyone has these replacement heads stuffed back in the cabinet that are no longer needed.
Just putting it out there and grateful of the checking.

Full-Time Landscape Maintenance for Hire

Submitted By: amberrootzgardenscapes@gmail.com – Click to email about this post

I am looking to hire for a full time landscape maintenance position. Scheduling is flexible, however 5 days a week required. For example can work Tues-Sat or Mon-Tues, Weds off, then Thurs.-Sat; whatever works best for you. No experience required however always a plus; enjoying physical labor and ability to work hard a must. $22/hr to start (in the beginning when you are training learning the clients needs, how to use power tools etc.) $25/hr once you no longer need training and can work independently. Experienced candidates will most likely get bumped up to $25/hr in their first week. Miles reimbursed for driving in between locations for the job.

New set of hands needed ASAP please text or call for interview 773-369-4229

Emma Sutton
Amber Rootz LLC Gardenscapes