Current Listing


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6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Join Katie and Shannon for this special event that brings together the healing and transformative worlds of yoga, sound, and live music. In this unique class, gentle restorative postures are complemented by the soothing sounds of a live violin performance. Gentle movement and breath work will lead us into restorative postures that are long held with the support of props that encourage relaxation of the body, mind, and nervous system. The live violin performance with synthesizer enhances the experience with resonant and ambient tones that are carefully integrated into the rhythm of the class, promoting a meditative state and heightening a sense of inner calm. 

All levels welcome.
Investment: $75

To register please email 

Katie Crosman is a co-owner of Yoga Roots Studio. With over a decade of experience as an E-RYT yoga teacher, she also has a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy and is a certified International Association Yoga Therapist.

Shannon Steele is a talented violinist, vocalist and lifelong musician. Her band, Typhoon, has  toured nationally and internationally, has had music featured in film and television, and has appeared on NPR’s Tiny Desk series as well as The Late Show with David Letterman. Shannon teaches violin locally and loves to share her love of music with her students. It is her aim to help guide people toward a lifelong appreciation and personal practice of music.

Yoga with veterans and with Molly and with Janet

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Hey everybody.

Come and have a good time. Start it with Yoga! It’s fun, it’s free and it will make you healthy.
Come join us. Everyone is welcome. Mark it on your calendar.

There will be no Yoga with Veterans with Molly on Monday. Monday March 31st is the next one.

Next there will still be Yoga with Janet.

Day – Wednesday
Time – 10:30 PST
Place – NCRD in Nehalem

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

See you there.


United Paws’ Kittens of the Week: Neko& Kuro

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United Paws’ Kittens of the Week
Meet Neko & Kuro, two sweet kittens currently being foster by United Paws.
You can learn more about these cuties, as well as other cats and kittens available for adoption, at, where you can also complete an application. If you would like to schedule a “Meet & Greet”, please email or call United Paws at 503-842-5663.

Hearing Practice

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What: An inclusive and diverse Men’s Group

Where: 34610 Lodgepole Drive in Pine Ridge neighborhood

When: Second and Fourth Sunday of every month
Next : Sunday, March 23rd, 3:00pm

Why: It is beneficial to experience a diverse circle of men – all ages – all walks of life – all points of view – let’s expand the possibilities

How: A few of us have been meeting for over ten years, others are new to the process. Each man adds to the gathering. We all have connection to a vast knowledge. The group intelligence is more expansive than the individual awareness. There is a great release and power in sharing our wisdom and vulnerabilities.

We are confidential.
We are inclusive.
We are diverse.
New men are always welcome in this circle.
Bring yourself.
Be yourself.
Add yourself to the mix – see what happens.

If you need directions or have questions call Michael at 503-616-6538

We have been dormant for a few years and are moving towards becoming active together again.

Appeal to Demonstrators

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This is a general appeal to all organizers and participants of local public demonstrations.

Please consider the potential liability to others when choosing a specific location to demonstrate.

My sad story.
I rear-ended a vehicle at the flashing light in Nehalem last Saturday. I am 70-years-old and it is the first accident I have ever had. My car is two months old. The repair estimate is more than $4,000.

Some context.
I was headed south on Highway 101. I am very familiar with the flashing-light intersection in Nehalem and the right turn permitted without stopping. I was several car lengths behind the car in front of me that had indicated it was turning right. I took my eyes off the road for just a moment to see what the demonstration was about and did not realize the car in front of me had come to a dead stop.

Here’s the point I want to make.
If I hadn’t been distracted by the group of sign-waving demonstrators lined up on the on the sidewalk very close to the intersection, I have to believe this accident would not have happened. The driver of the other vehicle admitted that she and her passengers were also looking at the demonstrators and were like-wise distracted — hence the full stop.

Please consider the potential liability of holding a demonstration so close to a busy intersection such as the one in Nehalem.
Situating your group a bit further down the sidewalk away from the intersection would lessen the chance of driver distraction without affecting the impact of your demonstration.

Thank you for your consideration.
Martha Schechtel


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A Nehalem couple is taking a job on big island and leaving their loyal 6 yrs Lab behind .Boomer is his given name for now
I would take him but have 4 rescue already
He met my 4 and no issues at all.
Now he is wondering what he did wrong to be abandoned
Maria from the Tillamook animal shelter sent me some photos I will send you
Also who ever adopts him can count on me for a stay over for last minute situation as I want to help the ones who helps the animals in dire situations.
PLEASE pass this on to others
Corinna and Daniel
Tillamook animal shelter 503 812 01 05

FREE Women’s Self-Defense Clinic

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Saturday, March 29 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast, Rockaway Beach
Safe communities start with education and prevention. Join us for an entry-level women’s self-defense clinic! Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast welcomes women ages 11+ to come and learn valuable information about how to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations, and techniques to leverage larger attackers.
This is a safe and welcoming community space to ask questions and learn valuable, potentially life-saving skills. Brand new students with no martial arts background are welcome to join and of course, we always welcome past participants who want to build on their foundation. Self-defense is a lifelong journey, and we are excited to welcome you to the start of yours!
How to prepare:
* Wear comfortable active wear (Please, no jewelry or clothing with metal buttons or zippers! These can injure others, and damage the mats) *Bring water and snacks as needed for a two-hour session *Have any questions ready so we have time to work on the answers in real time
Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast is pleased to offer our women’s self-defense clinics free of charge. Donations are always appreciated, or you can buy an academy t-shirt to show your support!
For questions, contact Coach Ronin, Shihan at 503-332-1274

Reply to B’ McLoughlins post’

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Reply to B’ McLoughlins post’ – social security not hacked. . THE CHECKS ARE BEING CASHED!! This video with Sen. John Kennedy and his bill should have had a date on it. But the current act is set to expire in 2026. The name of the bill is “Ending Improper Payments to Deceased People Act”— the video was put out by Forbes magazine, a prominent business magazine! Forbes also has a news channel that you can watch on you tube if you get tired of slanted news. It focuses on the economy and business. Kennedy and Carper have now introduced new legislation—the Ending Improper Payments to Deceased People Act—to make the measure permanent. No one will know if anyone is hacking your deceased family members social security. How would you? You send in the death notices and that is the end of it. No more social security checks arrive in your mail!! That is all you know. When my mother died, I had to get lots of death notices to send out to the required people, SS, banks, insurance, and I can’t remember all. When my husband died, I had to do the same. 69 million people receive social security checks every month! There are 3 million deaths on average reported to SS every year. I am sure most of these death benefits are not hacked. But I do not believe that Senator John Kennedy would go to the work of introducing a bill, If there were no reason for it. And he has data! Watch the video? Do you think he is making that up? Why would a senator do that? It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to produce a measure for the Senate to consider.
If I were a new or even old director of an agency I would also deny that social security fraud was happening. The most likely truth is that there is always some fraud in every agency that pays out money.
There are and will be problems with the DOGE audit. I do not feel positive with the shutting down of some SS centers around the United States, and it is true that the elderly, which definitely includes me, have problems with using the internet. I rely on my kids for help. I just tested out a web site that was supposed to show social security offices around the country, wondering if the one in Warrenton is targeted for closurel Probably too soon to tell! This web site wanted you to PAY for the information – 5 bucks – and has a place where you needed to put in your credit card info!! That is so frustrating! Of course I would not pay for that info, it should be free. I am definitely sure that site was not a SS web page. Despite problems and the accompaning hysteria about DOGE. I am all for it – I want a DOGE for Oregon!! It is good for citizens to keep their governments honest!

Dance with Us on Sunday!

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Neahkahnie Spirit Dance invites you to get up off the couch and move your body with us!

The Vernal Equinox is a cosmic event of the balance of light and dark. Come explore, play, and be in community as we dance through the portals and gateways of the turning of the wheel.

When: Sunday, March 23rd
11:30am – 1pm
Where: White Clover Grange

$10-$20 cash check or venmo @nknspiritdance
(kids are welcome to dance for free)
**no one turned away for lack of funds**

*All are welcome – Family friendly events – Come as you are.
*Dance connections are an option, be clear with your yes or no, verbal or nonverbal.
*Flow toys are welcome!
*Bring a water bottle and layers.
*Bring kindness and respect for yourself and others and your willingness to explore mind, body and spirit through movement.

Dance Etiquette/Tips:

*No outside shoes on the dance floor if possible (dirty floors aren’t fun to roll around on)
*Please no strong scents, including body odor.
*Incense, we’ll keep it in the foyer.
*We ask that you limit talking during the dance set. Set up, break time, and the foyer area are great places to have longer conversations to limit distractions for others.
*We are encouraging everyone to be mindful of each other’s safety and health and stay home if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone sick. Follow your own judgment on whether to wear a mask or not.

Operatic Performance at the North Tillamook Library in Manzanita!

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Join us at the North Tillamook Library in Manzanita tomorrow, March 22nd, for an operatic performance by Andrew Chukwuka Egbuchiem at 3pm! He is the winner of the Utah Philharmonics Orchestra Concerto 2025 Competition and came first place as the countertenor in the Kings Peak International Music Competition in 2021, among many other awards! For more information, you can visit his website here:

Vintage wood bi-plane. Replica of WWll aircraft.

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I bought this last year a a wood fooorong salvage center. It was sitting curiously on top of a 20’ high stack of reclaimed wood in their warehouse. I didn’t get wood flooring but I walked out with this plane. I thought it would be fun for the art studio. Ends up, not so much really. I found two pretty much exactly the same up in the 300$(give or take) range but I know I paid 150$ so I’m happy to let it go for 100$ leaving some room for retail resale if that’s your goal. It’s heavy duty, probably like 25 lbs or more. Solid wood & metal. Rubber on the wheels and a steel prop that spins. Awesome little dude inside manning the aircraft. Original paint & patina as far as I know. Located in cannon beaches north end.

Antique Oak Dining Chairs

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Four antique English Arts and Crafts oak dining chairs (ca 1905). Purchased at The Antique Company in Port Hadlock, WA in 2005. Seat pads were recovered in black leather by Gabel’s in Seattle in 2015.

Full disclosure: These will require structural restoration to tighten up the frames.

$100 firm.

Location: Manzanita
Text: 206-399-9624

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Thursday, the 27th from 6pm-8pm here at buttercup!
Live music by local artist Daniel Manuszak, Pinball After Dark at North Coast Pins, The Bayway will be serving drinks and local shopping specials up and down 101
We were quite humbled and frankly overwhelmed by all of those that came out to support us last month so we’re calling in backup and we’ll be ready. Hope to see you there!!


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A couple decades ago, when I was bartending in New Mexico, I met a Lakota guy from one of the small rezs In South Dakota. We struck up an acquaintance and over the next few weeks drank a bit in the bars around town. His mother had died the previous year, and there was a funeral ceremony for her that would be happening near his family’s home at Crow Creek. He had a headstone made for his mother in Albuquerque, and asked if I wanted to drive him and the headstone to the rez. I said yes. While we were driving across the rolling hills of SD under a full-moon sky, he informed me there was to be a peyote ceremony with one of the last medicine men and I was invited. After the ceremony – round after round of peyote in the teepee, tatanka grazing nearby, me the only white guy, everyone else family – when I was coming down off the peyote and feeling very emotional (long story there), the only comfort I could find was with a flock of chickadees flirting about high in the cottonwoods along a creek.

I like birds. A lot. I like birds more than just about every human I’ve met. I’ve rehabbed or brought to rehabbers lots of birds. I wrote a book about the life of a hawk in the Pacific Northwest. I wrote Headlight Herald editorials in support of the snowy plover program on the Nehalem Spit, the program that is mentioned in the Tillamook Country Pioneer on this site below. As a life-long birdwatcher, I am an outstanding hunter of ducks/geese/pigeons, and I LOVE eating them, even cooking down the bones. My point with all of this is that I LOOK UP AT THE SKY A LOT.

And I have grown quite sick of the Indigo pilots and the DOD’s geoengineering programs. In our part of the country, the planes fly out of Seattle. They spray over us and over Portland when conditions suit them. When they are working, look up and you will see the plumes being laid down by them and then expanding and drifting with the prevailing winds; generally drifting toward the Willamette Valley. When you see them spraying, check one of the FlightTracker apps and you will see that they originate in Seattle, fly around the coast and/or Portland, then return to Seattle.

These pilots are the highest paid of all pilots. The DOD chooses pilots that HAVE NO FAMILY and show themselves to be hardened or sociopathic. Our county commissioners should be investigating this, as well as The Johnson Near Space Center in Tillamook, headquartered at the Tillamook airport. They do high-altitude testing of various types. The county commissioners should be investigating their work.

Someone FINALLY put together a VERY SHORT piece about these pilots and the program. IF YOU LIVE HERE, PLEASE WATCH THIS:

And here is Nicole Shanahan on the DOD’s program. (Billionaire Nicole was married to Google-founder Sergei, they had an autistic kid – 1 in 32 kids here in Amerikkka now – was 1 in twenty-thousand 15 (?) years ago – and she concluded it was government-mandated vaccines that most-likely destroyed her sons life. That woke her up to all sort of government abuse, like the DOD’s geoengineering programs:

And here is super-creep Obama’s CIA director and CNN contributor John Brennan discussing the chemtrail (SAI) program at a CFR event years ago:

And the DOD’s geoengineering programs now use satellites and electromagnetic weapons for weather control, this from LBJ in 1962:

Oregon Democrats should be asking our Senators about the stuff being sprayed over our heads at these useless anti-Trump town halls, but they never will, because Democrats are entirely void of political self-introspection and rational political thought.

And, apparently, Democrats never look up.


Deep dive, an outstanding film from an associate:

3/25 North Parking Lots Closure at NCRD

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March 25, 2025- The North Parking lot at NCRD located off B street will be closed for a large portion of the day, while some work is done in anticipation of the upcoming asphalt and striping project. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience this may cause. We are anxious to have these projects finished and hopeful that it will help to alleviate the parking situation at NCRD.
Please do your part in being a good neighbor and be courteous of neighborhood parking.
Please do not block driveways, or roads.

enough already with the SS checks hoax

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As some here have pointed out, this thing about SS checks is absurd. This “controversy” is a good example of a disinformation factory playing us all for fools.

Associated Press Headline from 2/19/2025:
New Social Security chief contradicts claims that millions of dead people are getting payouts

Excerpts from the article linked above:

Lee Dudek, the new acting SSA commissioner who was placed in the role by President Donald Trump, gave the clarification after Trump and billionaire Elon Musk falsely claimed on social media and in news briefings that people who are 100, 200 and even 300 years old are improperly and routinely getting benefits.

So are tens of millions of people over 100 years old receiving benefits?

Part of the confusion comes from Social Security’s software system based on the COBOL programming language, which has a lack of date type. This means that some entries with missing or incomplete birthdates will default to a reference point of more than 150 years ago. The news organization WIRED first reported on the use of COBOL programming language at the Social Security Administration.

Reports from the Social Security Administration’s inspector general in March 2023 and July 2024 state that the agency has not established a new system to properly annotate death information in its database, which included roughly 18.9 million Social Security numbers of people born in 1920 or earlier but were not marked as deceased. This does not mean, however, that these individuals were receiving benefits.

The agency decided not to update the database because the cost would run upward of $9 million.

A July 2023 Social Security OIG report states that “almost none of the numberholders discussed in the report currently receive SSA payments.” As of September 2015, the agency automatically stops payments to people who are older than 115 years old.

Important Info. about dictators.

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Neil and I found this Youtube post very informative no matter your leanings. We felt it so important that we are sharing it with the community. So here it is. A History professor answering question from the internet about dictators. I hope you will give it a listen. Audene and Neil

Looking for Assistant for Yoga Studio in Nehalem – Trade

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Sea Dream yoga & movement studio in Nehalem is looking for someone to help clean up the studio space 1x per week in exchange for access to our weekly classes. If you’re looking for access to yoga, Pilates or other movement but don’t have the budget this could be a good trade for you.

*Laundry – must have access to a laundry machine. We need someone to bring home the used towels from the studio and wash them, then fold and return them
*Sweep/mop/dust the whole space. It’s a relatively small space.

That’s it!

Please let us know if you are interested in this trade.